In one of my previous posts, I wrote that I would try to come up with a new outfit, using the burgundy blouse, which you saw first with the silver pleated skirt. And here I am keeping my promise with this new pink and burgundy combination. The inspiration was given to me by a Dutch Instagram lady, Anita Willemars, whom I follow.
In my extensive wardrobe it wasn’t hard to find a pink item. You have seen this blazer featured on the blog many times. The burgundy boots were a no-brainer as they go so well with the colour of the blouse. The jeans because they are a good combination with a blazer and are long enough for a bit of a heel.
Loes was my photographer.
Below: A magnificent building, which would make a beautiful background. The only thing was that the sun was far too bright.
Below: Because of the harsh sun, I went down a few steps for a good photo.
Below: We moseyed along to another part of the city, with little alleys.
Below: As you can see, people like to put plants in front of their house. Love it.
Below: The full picture of the house. Do I see a bench?
Below: Oh yes, the sitting down pose. Did you spot my dainty little bag?
Below: Close-up of the pink and burgundy bag. It doesn’t hold much, just the essentials. If you don’t count reading glasses as essential LOL.
Below: My brooch made sure the cleavage wasn’t too exposed. It is rose gold with onyx in the middle and a present from Ron, years ago. The earrings are 14 carat gold and in the shape of a star with 7 points; bought it years ago with the money of a Christmas bonus at work.
Below: Just as we were finished and on our way to have coffee, we saw these two beauties. Their owner let them outside for a short while and watched them from her doorway. Apparently, they don’t run away. These cats are expensive and get stolen easily.
Below: Loes in a pretty speckled jumper at the English tearoom, called Bij Babette or Queens, where they have terrific cakes.
What happened in my life this week
On Saturday I started my Mensendieck exercises. It went well although I find it really difficult to keep my back flat to the floor while pulling my shoulders over the floor to my bum. As keeping flat on the floor is really important I can only do a tiny move. Perhaps that is the right move and otherwise it will improve with practice.
Only at the very end of the exercises I got a major dizzy spell. My balance organ went on the blink again. Luckily I had something to hold on to with each arm while my head was spinning as if I was seasick. The crystals in my ear were on the move and the method for getting them back where they belong is by inducing dizziness. Needless to say that is exactly what you are trying to prevent as it makes you nauseous. It has happened to me three times before and usually it solves itself within a couple of days.
To my surprise, I felt fine again that afternoon, well enough to meet Marita (below) for coffee. She was wearing a gorgeous new mohair jumper (sweater). As she lives near the centre of the city too, it is easy for us to meet for a couple of hours.
Below: It was time for a dress again. This lavender piece gets many compliments when I wear it. Sometimes I call this shade lavender and sometimes lilac. They are both pale shades of purple; lilac has a pink tint to it, while lavender has a blue tint. Lavender is the right word then. (Link to original post.)
Sunday I was severely sick again which lasted until two in the afternoon. Didn’t do anything that day besides some laundry which made me feel like a trooper. In the afternoon Ron and I created a little video of us going to bed in our PJ’s and sent it off to Zoë’s mum and dad to be shown at the right time. Zoë loves seeing Grandma and Grandpa on video (over and over again). This video worked like a dream (pun intended)…she wanted to go to sleep too.
Monday and Tuesday I spent most of my time in bed sleeping. I was really sick with the dizziness and headache. Fortunately, I got a medicine for nauseousness on Tuesday afternoon. That helped a bit.
Wednesday I got much better and I was all dressed and groomed again. The electrician came to put the repaired lamp back on the ceiling. They stayed for a chat, like they always do. Great guys.
Thursday I was hunky dory again, which was lovely because it meant I could go with Ron to see Nicky and the grandchildren. At the end of the afternoon I put on my hairpiece and got changed into my orange and sequins outfit to go to a dinner in Amsterdam with 4 of my former colleagues (forgot to take a photo). So glad I didn’t miss this.
Mind you…when I was ready to go to Amsterdam and started my car, I heard a terrible noise after driving 1 metre. Flat tire as in “it cannot get any flatter than this”. So I had to opt for public transport which went surprisingly well. It took me just as much time as by car.
We dined at restaurant Dauphine, which is situated in a former Renault garage, hence the name Dauphine, Renault’s successful model from the 50s. They have the car standing in front of their restaurant (below).
Friday I arranged for the Roadside Assistance to change the tire and drove to the garage. They are going to fix it and the car will be ready by Monday.
In the afternoon Ron took me downtown for a cappuccino at restaurant Fortuyn (below).
Below: Believe it or not, I was wearing a scarf for a change. I cannot say that this is a flattering photo even though I am wearing my hairpiece…agghhh. Next week I am going back to the salon for some explanation and instructions.
Pink and burgundy is such a good combination – your jewelry is lovely too! Those cats are so gorgeous! Thank you for the pictures of all the buildings and plants, really appreciate that.
Sorry to hear about your recent sickness – I’ve been dealing with intestinal issues for over a week, ugh.
Oh well Sheila, there would be no highs if there wouldn’t be lows.
The burgundy and pink outfit is amazing on you – everything in the ensemble works. I especially like the brooch, it’s unexpected and very elegant. The green and brown is lovely also. I’m so glad you are feeling better.
The brooch was a necessity to make the V-neck less revealing, but I agree that it is a beautiful brooch. And this kind of bright green near my face never fails to flatter.
Love the color combos, keep experimenting! When I was working I would start with one piece then pull others colors, sometimes the one you think won’t work actually works.
For your vertigo look up on YouTube, vertigo maneuver by Dr. Carol Foster, it helps getting the crystals back where they belong. I hope it helps, being dizzy is a horrible feeling.
It is the pulling out items (clothes, shoes, boots, accessories) which is what I hate most. Everything is a chaos and everything has got to go back into wardrobe. Especially the shoes and boots are a pain as I always stuff them with paper.
But thank you for the compliment. I will keep experimenting.
As for the vertigo, that’s gone I am pleased to say. Might stay away for another 5 years.
Hello Greetje, I have been “away” for a while, tending to my husband after his major surgery. (All is mostly back to normal at this time.)
Just wanted to pop back in and say that I think your hair piece is brilliant! My own hair is thinning, and I’ve often wondered what options I may have, as I expect my situation will continue to get worse. Your solution works beautifully.
I love you in the green sweater with the scarf! (And in most everything else you choose.)
I do hope you find a solution to the vertigo. Really dreadful condition, that!!
Cheers and a belated happy New Year to you!
Glad to hear your husband’s health is mostly back to normal.
It is good to hear that sharing my hairpiece story is giving you confidence for the future. You know I am very open about nearly everything in my life. To the point where colleagues sometimes said: “Stop it! Too much information” haha.
The vertigo has gone and will hopefully stay away for a couple of years, as in the past.
Happy New Year to you too Sarah. So nice that you haven’t forgotten about my little blog.
Those colours together are my favourites too but still not the jeans though, I like the slimmer ones. There are many different kinds of vertigo as I ended up in hospital 2 years ago for 3 days ok now though. Still don’t like flying either. Love the cats, and your hair extention too. Burgundy boots are great also. Glad you are better now and it is old age I’m sure.
Ah those barrel jeans knows lovers and haters, so we are on opposite sides on this.
Gosh, even ending up in hospital with vertigo. I know it is possible as a friend of mine had the same; she was also shaking all over, couldn’t stop. She is fine now but gets an attack once so often (Meuniere syndrome). Glad you are OK again.
My vertigo is most likely old age. Just another thing nobody ever told you about. And I am glad they didn’t. No use in worrying before time.
Hi, here in LA and read you every week – really a bright spot! I really like your hair this week – not sure if it is the hair piece or shorter hair or a little different bend in length. You look great.
Follow Susan too so like to see her comments on your blog!
Thank you for reading my blog every week. Such loyalty. I am grateful.
And it is the hairpiece that makes me look great haha.
Susan is such a nice woman. One of the great perks of blogging is meeting like-minded women.
I don’t think the green outfit is unflattering! And I’m impressed by your invisible hair piece. What a lovely town you live in, BTW. I guess the Fortuyn cafe has no connection to the politician?
The dizzy spells could mean so many things. In my case, heart arrhythmia but there are lots of other causes. I suppose you aren’t on blood-pressue-lowering medications are you? Sometimes these make people dizzy and faint. But I must stop giving opinions as I’m not a doctor ! I’ll just say how great it is of you to keep up this blog even when you haven’t been well.
I didn’t think the green outfit was unflattering, I just didn’t like my hair in the photo as I know now, it can look sooo good.
The hairpiece is a life saver when doing a photo shoot; a lot less hassle.
My blood pressure is always fab so indeed, no medication.
The dizziness often occurs because of getting older, I learned. Just another thing of aging. Hurray. But I only have had it three or four times since 1992, so not too bad.
And no Fortuyn has no connection to the politician haha. The word is just the old spelling for the Dutch word fortune.
Hi Greetje,glad you are OK hun. I’m loving your lavender dress and boots combo and Marita’s jumper and leather trousers outfit is just divine!!!
Thank you for the inspirations you give me and take care,
Lots of Love, Paula, XXX
I am really pleased I am OK too. Now I have car problems. It takes a lot longer than expected due to sick mechanics (4 of them) and it is going to cost a lot more too. Something broke off, which accounts for the terrible noise I heard.
Showing my friends and their outfits is fun to give variety and more inspiration.
Love your outfit — pink and burgundy go so well together. I really like the jeans you are wearing, too — so flattering.
Vertigo is the worst! I do hope you remain well with no reoccurrence.
You know I would never have thought about combining pink with burgundy if it hadn’t been for Anita Willemars? Great inspiration.
The vertigo is gone now but I bet it will happen again. This was the third or fourth time since 1992. Not too bad.
I had every test known to man for that dizzy/nausea thing.. It gradually stopped happening. The doctors concluded it was a virus. I took an over the counter pill for car sickness and went to bed. Gave up trying to do anything til it passed. I think it’s fairly common.
You are right, it is fairly common. Apparently you can get it (among other things) from getting older. Isn’t that fun? Just another thing to deal with. I got a pil against nausea and that helped. It is gone now.
I love this outfit with the pink blazer with the blouse! Two of my favorite colors! and the jean look great also. One of my favorite outfits on you! I have a hard time getting jackets to fit me. Either its the shoulders are too narrow or the arms are too tight. Ugh! It is driving me crazy. I just ordered 3 more jackets, and I will probably only keep one! I think your hair looks great in all the pictures. The hairpiece looks really nice!
There are more readers who think this is a favourite outfit, which surprises me no end. I never know what you all will like.
Jackets can be difficult to fit. My problem is the fact they have to hold my bosom, largely solved by wearing the jacket open.
I just found an English brand who caters for lady with a well endowed bosom and that is Phase Eight. I found a dress which is structured AND has darts in the right places.
I thought your hair looked wonderful couldn’t tell you had to add something to it – I like the slightly striped shading.
You’re doing really well to get through vertigo …tough I know to have it – they didn’t tell us when we were young about how much attrition there is in the aging process.
My own hair only looked good in the blog posts because I kept backcombing it during the photo shoot. Very tiring for me and the photographer.
So this is more relaxed.
It is a good thing they didn’t tell us about the aging process. We would only have worried and it is inevitable anyway. Better not worry about it.
What a great combination, Greetje. And the scarf looks so good…great colours for you! Creepy that certain cat breeds are stolen.
In summer of 2020 I came down with severe dizziness, and nausea followed by “you know what”! Very scary…turns out it was the introduction of Meniere’s Disease. Beta Histine was prescribed to combat the worst of the symptoms. Now a few years on , I have only 20% hearing in one ear…it is a one sided problem… and after a couple of “ wobbles” in summer of 2023 while travelling on my own in Milan 🫤 and onwards to Venice , I am pretty well sorted. Have learned to live with it. Still experiencing vertigo when moving head positions on occasion…and now use a left hearing aid. Aging is wonderful!
Unfortunately, since late December, the prescription cannot be filled due to factory shortages…which is unnerving. I am trying to take only 1/3 regular dose to make what’s left last until early February.🤞Not ideal.
Maybe ask your Dr about Beta Histine ? It maybe helpful with your type of dizziness. It helps with blood flow in ear canal or something like that.
I know I don’t have Meniere’s Disease, a friend of mine has it and it is not funny. You are dealing with it admirably. My kind of dizziness comes from getting older. As you said, “Aging is wonderful” haha. But it is gone now, so don’t worry for me.
I love the pink blazer with the burgundy blouse and the jeans. That was a good pick. It’s nice that you have figured out how to use the blouse.
I also really like the scarf in the last photo. The colors are wonderful and it goes really well with your top.
I hope that the dizziness stays away. That doesn’t sound like fun.
Speaking of fun, the car in front of the restaurant is very cute. It goes with your blouse and boots. Perhaps the owners would let you take it for a spin!
Everybody likes the scarf. It is rare for me to wear a scarf; this one was a present from Ron years ago. It you lay it on the ground, you can see that the pattern is a hamburger LOL.
No way the restaurant owners would let me drive that Dauphine, I don’t even know whether there is still a motor in it. I could have spread myself on the hood and ask someone else to take a photo, but I didn’t.
Love all the colors, and those gorgeous cats. What kind are they?
Sorry to hear about your vertigo. I hope it goes away and stays away. I’ve had it and it’s scary.
Have a good week.
The cats are Persian cats. They cost about € 600 from a recognised breeder and they tend to develop more illnesses than your average street cat. Plus, they get stolen a lot as they are worth money.
The vertigo has gone, thank you for asking.
I love the blazer, I love the color. The bag is so cute, I like it a lot, it’s very elegant. As you can imagine, I love your lavender dress, it looks great on you. I love the scarf you’re wearing in the last photo.
You will be pleased to hear that a lady friend of my friend Maurits inspired me to wear more dresses. I even bought a purple dress yesterday. How about that? I miss dresses and elegancy. When I used to work, I could show all those things at work. Now that I lead a retired life, it is harder to find moments to wear them. But I will try more.
So sorry to hear about your vertigo. Hope it’s now done. But the pink and burgundy is a smashing combo, one of my favorites! (I also love those bright warm colors on you in the scarf photo.)
Wasn’t that a novelty? Me and a scarf? It is a nice one, one that Ron got me years ago. If you show it flat, it is a hamburger haha.
Never thought anyone would call this pink and burgundy outfit smashing, but there you go. You like it and more people.
Vertigo. Ugh. I had it for a few years and it went away on its own. I feel for you as it’s absolute misery. Nice outfits, nice friends, and cute idea about filming going to sleep, to help your granddaughter. Love that!
Fortunately the vertigo has gone now. I hope it will go away in time, but apparently you can get it just by growing older. And I cannot let that go away.
Our granddaughter asks about her grandparents a lot and often her parents show one of our videos. We have created about ten now (I think). Keeps her very happy.
I love this series of photos showing you with big, happy smiles and looking very chic. So sorry about your dizziness and nausea—few things are as disturbing.
Sweet comment Sharon, but I think there are more disturbing things in life. Nevertheless, thank you for your compassion.
As you have witnessed only a few times, my not-smiling face doesn’t cheer anybody up haha. And I want to bring laughter, smiles and lightness with my blog. So I keep on smiling.