Pink and burgundy combinationIn one of my previous posts, I wrote that I would try to come up with a new outfit, using the burgundy blouse, which you saw first with the silver pleated skirt. And here I am keeping my promise with this new pink and burgundy combination. The inspiration was given to me by a Dutch Instagram lady, Anita Willemars, whom I follow.

In my extensive wardrobe it wasn’t hard to find a pink item. You have seen this blazer featured on the blog many times. The burgundy boots were a no-brainer as they go so well with the colour of the blouse. The jeans because they are a good combination with a blazer and are long enough for a bit of a heel.

Loes was my photographer.

Below: A magnificent building, which would make a beautiful background. The only thing was that the sun was far too bright.


Below: Because of the harsh sun, I went down a few steps for a good photo.

Pink and burgundy combination

Below: We moseyed along to another part of the city, with little alleys.


Below: As you can see, people like to put plants in front of their house. Love it.

Pink and burgundy combination

Below: The full picture of the house. Do I see a bench?


Below: Oh yes, the sitting down pose. Did you spot my dainty little bag?

Pink and burgundy combination

Below: Close-up of the pink and burgundy bag. It doesn’t hold much, just the essentials. If you don’t count reading glasses as essential LOL.

pink and burgundy bag

Below: My brooch made sure the cleavage wasn’t too exposed. It is rose gold with onyx in the middle and a present from Ron, years ago. The earrings are 14 carat gold and in the shape of a star with 7 points; bought it years ago with the money of a Christmas bonus at work.

Pink and burgundy combination

Below: Just as we were finished and on our way to have coffee, we saw these two beauties. Their owner let them outside for a short while and watched them from her doorway. Apparently, they don’t run away. These cats are expensive and get stolen easily.

Beautiful cats

Below: Loes in a pretty speckled jumper at the English tearoom, called Bij Babette or Queens, where they have terrific cakes.


What happened in my life this week

On Saturday I started my Mensendieck exercises. It went well although I find it really difficult to keep my back flat to the floor while pulling my shoulders over the floor to my bum. As keeping flat on the floor is really important I can only do a tiny move. Perhaps that is the right move and otherwise it will improve with practice.
Only at the very end of the exercises I got a major dizzy spell. My balance organ went on the blink again. Luckily I had something to hold on to with each arm while my head was spinning as if I was seasick. The crystals in my ear were on the move and the method for getting them back where they belong is by inducing dizziness. Needless to say that is exactly what you are trying to prevent as it makes you nauseous. It has happened to me three times before and usually it solves itself within a couple of days. 

To my surprise, I felt fine again that afternoon, well enough to meet Marita (below) for coffee. She was wearing a gorgeous new mohair jumper (sweater). As she lives near the centre of the city too, it is easy for us to meet for a couple of hours.


Below: It was time for a dress again. This lavender piece gets many compliments when I wear it. Sometimes I call this shade lavender and sometimes lilac. They are both pale shades of purple; lilac has a pink tint to it, while lavender has a blue tint. Lavender is the right word then. (Link to original post.)

Lavender dress with burgundy

Sunday I was severely sick again which lasted until two in the afternoon. Didn’t do anything that day besides some laundry which made me feel like a trooper. In the afternoon Ron and I created a little video of us going to bed in our PJ’s and sent it off to Zoë’s mum and dad to be shown at the right time. Zoë loves seeing Grandma and Grandpa on video (over and over again). This video worked like a dream (pun intended)…she wanted to go to sleep too.

Monday and Tuesday I spent most of my time in bed sleeping. I was really sick with the dizziness and headache. Fortunately, I got a medicine for nauseousness on Tuesday afternoon. That helped a bit.
Wednesday I got much better and I was all dressed and groomed again. The electrician came to put the repaired lamp back on the ceiling. They stayed for a chat, like they always do. Great guys.

Thursday I was hunky dory again, which was lovely because it meant I could go with Ron to see Nicky and the grandchildren. At the end of the afternoon I put on my hairpiece and got changed into my orange and sequins outfit to go to a dinner in Amsterdam with 4 of my former colleagues (forgot to take a photo). So glad I didn’t miss this.

Mind you…when I was ready to go to Amsterdam and started my car, I heard a terrible noise after driving 1 metre. Flat tire as in “it cannot get any flatter than this”. So I had to opt for public transport which went surprisingly well. It took me just as much time as by car.

We dined at restaurant Dauphine, which is situated in a former Renault garage, hence the name Dauphine, Renault’s successful model from the 50s. They have the car standing in front of their restaurant (below).

Renault Dauphine

Friday I arranged for the Roadside Assistance to change the tire and drove to the garage. They are going to fix it and the car will be ready by Monday.
In the afternoon Ron took me downtown for a cappuccino at restaurant Fortuyn (below).

Restaurant Fortuyn

Below: Believe it or not, I was wearing a scarf for a change. I cannot say that this is a flattering photo even though I am wearing my hairpiece…agghhh. Next week I am going back to the salon for some explanation and instructions.

Green jumper with colourful scarf


No Fear of Fashion


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