You have seen parts of our garden in nearly all photos I have uploaded. Most photos were taken from the end of November onwards. Not the best time for a garden. And to add to the misery you had to look at a torn-down fence. It used to be a lovely fence, painted yellow with frames for plants to get attached to.
As these things go, we had to pay the consequences for neglect. After a couple of years of NOT painting the fence, we heard a strange sound one sunny morning. It was the sound of a plank falling out of the fence. A few days later, two planks fell out at the same time. The right side of our garden looked like an old man with half of his teeth missing. So we took them all down. We could do that as our neighbours have their own fence on the other side of the posts.
This spring we are getting a new shed and a new fence. Hopefully exactly the same and also yellow. We like the sunny charm of it.
Here are some photos of our garden in the good old days and two photos taken this month with the garden covered in snow.
A small garden, but we city folks, like it a lot.
I like your garden because it is so cosy. And it has everything in it, a pond, a lovely gardenhouse your yellow striped awnings. Especially the atmosphere you create.I would like to sit there again in the spring or summer with that nice cup of coffee and the strawberry pastry and I don’t mind that the fence isn’t repaired yet.
Only one thing is not possible anymore…. the baker of the strawberry pastry is retired….
And he didn’t even ask my permission. Bad luck.
Thanks for sharing your so beautibul garden, I love it also under the snow.Your garden has a Nordic atmosphere ( I image that there many houses have a similar pretty garden ). I live in a five floor building with no garden, but in summer I spend my holidays in Liguria in a tiny medieval village called Airole ( I name it because maibe you know it, as many Dutch people bought a house there…)where I can make beautiful walks in the woods.
Hi Dan, no I don’t know the place. We have been going to France a lot and there are places there too with lots and lots of Dutch people having a house.You can have a look a my living room as well. Just search on : Colour in the livingroom
Beautiful just like your home! Marie S x
Thank you Marie. It is a warm home.
What a lovely little garden Greetje! It’s the perfect size. We have nothing more than a walkway edged with bamboo and bougainvillea. Like you we like our fence bright. Ours is turquoise, but in our mild weather doesn’t need painting very often. Thank you for sharing your garden!
And here am I thinking every American has a huge garden…
That beautiful house and beautiful garden. I like to live in a place like this, with this green and these plants. I live in an apartment, overlooking other houses. To see some green, I have to go out walking in the mountains, my other passion. That envy …
Ah you poor dear. I know the feeling. I always wanted to live in a house like this. And I got my wish 17 years ago (when I was 41).Although it is very small, it has very high ceilings, which makes it “grand”. We had to leave Amsterdam because we could not afford such a house in Amsterdam. That is my only regret. The house is super.
Everything is truly lovely! What an inviting spot. I am just sad that I will never get to taste a special strawberry pastry while sitting in your garden.I have really missed you. Life can be hard at times but you are always in my heart and that puts a smile on my face. USASuzanne
I missed you as well. I have grown very fond of you. But as I cannot reach you, I can only hope nothing is wrong in your life.If you are in my garden end of June (..?? why not??)I can still delight you with other pastries. Don’t you worry.
Your garden and home are beautiful. And they are a process, just like our lives. My garden is in need of attention, but it is under snow today, just like yours. Will be looking forward to your new yellow fence!
Having a hick-up with the builder…..
You have a beautiful garden! I’d love to have a small garden like that, ours is just too big and requires a lot of maintenance.
Great idea, I really don’t like gardening. But just mowing the lawn takes one and a half hours….we don’t have any flowerbeds, luckily, we plant all our flowers in big ceramic pots.
We have made this garden LOW maintenance. We both are not that good at gardening.
Thanks for sharing your so beautibul garden, I love it also under the snow.
Your garden has a Nordic atmosphere ( I image that there many houses have a similar pretty garden ).
I live in a five floor building with no garden, but in summer I spend my holidays in Liguria in a tiny medieval village called Airole ( I name it because maibe you know it, as many Dutch people bought a house there…)where I can make beautiful walks in the woods.
Hi Dan, no I don’t know the place. We have been going to France a lot and there are places there too with lots and lots of Dutch people having a house.
You can have a look a my living room as well. Just search on :
Colour in the livingroom
What a lovely little garden Greetje! It’s the perfect size. We have nothing more than a walkway edged with bamboo and bougainvillea. Like you we like our fence bright. Ours is turquoise, but in our mild weather doesn’t need painting very often. Thank you for sharing your garden!
And here am I thinking every American has a huge garden…
Everything is truly lovely! What an inviting spot. I am just sad that I will never get to taste a special strawberry pastry while sitting in your garden.I have really missed you. Life can be hard at times but you are always in my heart and that puts a smile on my face. USASuzanne
I missed you as well. I have grown very fond of you. But as I cannot reach you, I can only hope nothing is wrong in your life.If you are in my garden end of June (..?? why not??)I can still delight you with other pastries. Don’t you worry.
Beautiful just like your home! Marie S x
Thank you Marie. It is a warm home.
I like your garden because it is so cosy. And it has everything in it, a pond, a lovely gardenhouse your yellow striped awnings. Especially the atmosphere you create.I would like to sit there again in the spring or summer with that nice cup of coffee and the strawberry pastry and I don’t mind that the fence isn’t repaired yet.
Only one thing is not possible anymore…. the baker of the strawberry pastry is retired….
And he didn’t even ask my permission. Bad luck.
You have a beautiful garden! I’d love to have a small garden like that, ours is just too big and requires a lot of maintenance.
We have made this garden LOW maintenance. We both are not that good at gardening.
Great idea, I really don’t like gardening. But just mowing the lawn takes one and a half hours….we don’t have any flowerbeds, luckily, we plant all our flowers in big ceramic pots.
Your garden and home are beautiful. And they are a process, just like our lives. My garden is in need of attention, but it is under snow today, just like yours. Will be looking forward to your new yellow fence!
Having a hick-up with the builder…..
That beautiful house and beautiful garden. I like to live in a place like this, with this green and these plants. I live in an apartment, overlooking other houses. To see some green, I have to go out walking in the mountains, my other passion. That envy …
Ah you poor dear. I know the feeling. I always wanted to live in a house like this. And I got my wish 17 years ago (when I was 41).Although it is very small, it has very high ceilings, which makes it “grand”. We had to leave Amsterdam because we could not afford such a house in Amsterdam. That is my only regret. The house is super.