A wide blue skirt

A wide blue skirt

Here it is, the wide blue skirt I bought in Newcastle when I was there to meet Nikki of Midlifechic. I adored it the minute I saw it hanging on the rack. It has three layers and an extra frill on the bottom layer. Luckily it fit me like a glove (love my newfound...
Friends…. salt of the earth

Friends…. salt of the earth

As it is Christmas today, you probably have other things to do than look at my blogpost. Nevertheless, there is a post if you have a few minutes to spare. It is a post about friendship. Honestly, I wouldn’t know how to survive without friends, especially...
A red leather jacket and Project Sister Act

A red leather jacket and Project Sister Act

It never rains but it pours… Well, for my bank account the meaning of this saying is true (bad things happening). As for red jackets this was a good thing. Only one week after I bought my long red jacket, I found this cute red leather jacket. I weighed things up...
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