You have seen my little black dress with and without a peplum. This time you will see the dress with necklaces and with my limegreen jacket which is a complete failure.

The necklaces are an obvious choice. Such a black background screams for bulky necklaces and I own quite a few pieces. The top one is made by a friend called Ina, who sadly died a couple of years ago.

Ina’s necklace with red beads, 2 jade and 1 copper pendants.

This green necklace is by Angela Caputi (have a look at the website). I bought it in Rome, knowing nothing about the brand. It has two gold-coloured round beads near my neck en flat black beads at the back. It is difficult to show the right colour of the green. The last photo shows it best.

Now for the failure:

Above and below, my failure. Trying to combine the LBD with the lime-green jacket and short booties.
I hate this look. Very unflattering.

Till Friday.

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