Many times I have “guided” you through Amsterdam, but my own little town is just as pretty, only smaller. Today I am showing you the market in Haarlem as there are a lot of beautiful historic buildings around the market square. On Saturday there is an actual market where you can buy the usual things like vegetables, cheese (very Dutch) and loads of flowers (also very Dutch). I am going out on a limb here in showing you so many photos and only one outfit. If you disapprove, please let me know.
Ron took the photos again and the market was also his idea. Like a paparazzo he photographed me with a telelens and I felt quite the celebrity (below):But let’s start at the beginning. After we parked the car (… it is a 15 minutes walk from our house to town, but not on high heels, thank you very much….), we went to the centre of town where Ron took a fabulous picture of my buttocks (below). Never had a decent behind, but in this Max Mara skirt (yes…from Italy again) it looks like I have. (The blouse is also Max Mara.)
Below: this little archway leads to the big church on the market square:
Below: the big church (St. Bavo) on the market square
Below: as the church is so big I have to show it to you in parts. There are lots of cafes and restaurants surrounding it. Underneath the green trees you see little windows, some of them with green shutters. They are little stores where they sell icecream, vintage bags, jewellery.
Below: me in front of one of these little shops, as a matter of fact: a barber shop
Below: in the pavement in front of the barber you see this
Below: before we go on with the tour… a close-up of my new shoes (Tommy Hilfiger), suede with a leather toe. Very, very comfortable shoes
Below: Ron said I needed to take a shopping bag with me to the market and handed me a super market bag. What a way to spoil an outfit!! No, this black one is my shopping bag (seriously).
Below: a little peep inside one of those little shops
Below: when we moved on we came across this historic building which used to be the Vleeshal (Meat Market). Now it is a place for exhibits. And again, there is a little shop in the outbuilding at the right side
Below: as that little shop is an antique jeweller, I had to have a little look
Below: onwards to the market. The building on your left is the Vleeshal (Meat Market). The building across the market square looks very close, but there is quite some distance between the two buildings. The green you see are topiary lime trees.
Below: as there are quite a lot of tourists in Haarlem, we sell clogs. This little boy tried on the advertising size. Isn’t he adorable?
Below: we needed cold cuts, strawberries and raspberries. No problem. All biological.
Below: and flowers
Below: lots of flowers
Below: time for a coffee stop on the terrace behind the lime trees. The necklace was made by Anja (The Curly Traveller) from bits and pieces I gave her.
Below: I always enjoy a good cappuccino. As you can see I don’t photoshop wrinkles. Mama is getting older. Period.
Below: the view to the right of the terrace
Below: after having our coffee we went on our way to the hair dresser to have my fringe trimmed. Across the market where I complimented this English speaking lady in the green sweater with her pendant. She told me it was old. About 20 years. I replied that this was not old to me…. Had it been 100 years….. She laughed and said she wasn’t used to this European way of thinking yet.. That had us both lauhing. I have to say I didn’t ask her permission to put her photo on my blog (sorry dear lady). She will not be pleased as she looked a lot nicer in real life than this picture shows.
Below: at the hair dresser (Rob Peetoom, Lange Veerstraat), where Rosa trimmed my fringe. This is the same hair dressing salon where Sylvia of 40+Style, was so pleased about. See her and her hair-do here.
Below: and this is the genius (Inge) who gets my sorry excuse for hair into such good shape (her staff is equally skilled)
Below: a close-up of my little bag which you saw before in this post
Below: now look what a pencil skirt can do…. I dropped my keys from my little bag…
Above and below: a gentleman came to the rescue. Would that have happened if I had been in my jeans?
Below: on my way to the hair dresser I had passed a shop called Lab Women’s Clothing where I saw very interesting things… like the Vivienne Westwood skirts (below right)
Below: ….where I tried this Max Mara belt…
Below: ….and it is in the bag….
Below: now … if you really think I go to the market dressed in a pencil skirt and high heels… you’ve got another thing coming. I am no elegant Daniella of the The Pretty Cute. I am Dutch and this is what I wore when I went back to town later that day, haha:
Tell me honestly… too many pictures? Did you skip through it and sighed?
Nope! Enjoyed every one. I love this format, but you know that. You really are a beauty, Greetje, and you in your natural environment was a fabulous thing to see! It was a little photographic short story of your day, and I loved every minute of it. It really isn’t always just about the clothes, is it? It’s the woman in them, always, and the clothes are the icing on the cake. (Ron rocks with his camera … you have no Idea how much I envy that!) Speaking of icing … you look sleek and graceful and effortlessly glamorous in your yellow and black … killer heels … divine little mini-bag, and yes, I do imagine that you wear that outfit to shop! I do it all the time! I was crushed at the end to see you in your admittedly darling little tennie-runners. Smarty-pants.
WONDERFUL post. Love it, and anything else you do.
Just called Dan to have him check out your story, and he said he’d love to try something similar! See how you just made my life and blog better!
Okay, how about this … would Ron consider putting together a post on your blog, photography tips for blog-husbands and/or significant others? Perhaps notes on how to handle a model with ideas of her own? Seriously, Dan would appreciate the help!
Big old cyber hugs to my friend in Haarlem!
Oh darling, Ron is only doing this because he wants to make my life as happy as possible. Not because he likes blogging. Not at all. He wouldn’t know how to do that. But I can perhaps help? Ron used his long lense and just photographed away on automatic. If necessary I adjusted the photos in a programme called Lightroom. Although that was not really necessary. You just shoot 225 photos, eliminate all the ones which make you look terrible and with the ones you have left, you create a chronological story, making sure you don’t keep too many. I was a bit worried about that aspect. If you want to know anything else, send me an email and I will answer all your questions.
That is what I call elegance and…a fabulous lady! You would collect many “wow” in Italy!!
yellow is a colour which is sooo perfect on you!
This outfit is your doing. Your influence. So thank you.
I don’t mind the many pics Greet – you look so stylish & sharp!!!
Thanks Rebecca. I will continue then. But only if I can tell a story.
This is a terrific post. Thank you. I enjoyed reading about the market and the historic buildings are beautiful. Future posts showcasing your village would be a treat to read. I look forward to more.
There will be more, for sure. But winter is nearly here which makes photos rather dull. In the meantime you can take a peak at the top of my blog navigation, click on the tab Amsterdam and you will find some nice reports. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting.
No, Greetje, it is no problem to see you in just one outfit! We could follow you through your day, and how fabulous you look, just going about things, as though the camera weren’t there! Everything about the post is a treat for the eyes. I especially love that tiny zebra handbag. Delightful! (As if I could get out the door with such a tiny purse!!) You are truly a woman of STYLE.
Much love from England,
Rose from
The rest of everything I need to carry with me is in the shopper Rose. That lovely bag is just decoration LOL Thanks for all your compliments. Much appreciated,
Great post! And yes Haarlem is a great city, nice to be there. First time on your blog, very nice!!
X Chris
Welcome Chris. Very pleased with your visit and comment. I had a look at your blog too. You are still a spring chicken. And about to be a mother… Congratulations.
What a lovely and very stylish outfit!! What a great way to walk through the, for me, very familiar cente of Haarlem on a very nice sunny day. I like these pictures a lot!
My husband has great ideas for photography. He is very creative. My little blog is hugely profiting from his interest. Or rather his quest to please me. No idea what has gotten into him but I am thoroughly enjoying it. And no, he did not play around LOL.
Stunning town! I am excited to finally visiting Amsterdam again after almost 18 years next week! I checked the weather and its not going to be pretty but since this is the ONLY time off my husband has we are going to make as great as possible! p.s. looking great in yellow by the way 🙂
You might want to check out my Amsterdam posts at the tab in the top navigation? As preparation of your trip to Amsterdam? One advice: visit the Nine Streets (Negen Straatjes). Still a lovely area. Have fun!
Loved it Greetje. Like someone said, one of your best posts with everything coming together. The formula ‘Team Greetje & Ron’ definitely works. I can read into the pictures that he is having a great time too so wouldn’t worry about him leaving you to it. You look so glam and smashing in that pencil skirt with the yellow blouse and high heels. Very nice to see some familiar places and faces. Next visit it will be Haarlem again.
Oh goodie… please include me in your Haarlem plans.
Everybody seems so pleased with this post, it is going to be a hard act to follow.
Hi Greetje,
Found your blog through 40+ from Sylvia. Glad I did!
I like how Ron, your private paparazzo, portrayed you. Candidly following you around.
Plus you introduced me to Haarlem, good! There is indeed more then A’dam.
Greetings from a southern Dutch 🙂
Welcome Helga. I already saw you liked my Facebook page. So pleased with every new reader.
As for “there is more than Amsterdam”… I do have to say I am very fond of Amsterdam. If I could move back there, I would. Or at least buy a pied-a-terre to live there for two days a week. Just dreaming. Unless I would win a lot of money this will not come true. At the top of my blog navigation, you will find a Tab called Amsterdam with my trips through Amsterdam.
The candid photos are great, and yellow is one of my favorite colors. I enjoyed the journey through Haarlem and can’t wait to visit. Very enticing.
Europe is calling loudly, isn’t it? LOL Just remember temperatures are different here from Nice.
Hi Judith. When you do, be sure to do it in the summer when I’m there as well. Would love to meet you!
I get what you mean about Amsterdam. For me it’s always a time investment to go to our capital, but I like it there. Perhaps you can appreciate a blog I wrote about contemporary jewellery galleries.
It was written for a friend of mine who had just two days and asked me for some advise. Next time I will include your Amsterdam tab too. Has some great shopping advise. Cheers!
Nice list. I already know some of them, but as a lover of contemporary jewerly, I will have to visit the others too!
You got Sylvia interested haha. She is a great lover of contemporary jewellery. I like it because it doesn’t age as much as antique jewellery. But my heart is still with the old stuff. But I am slowly getting “in transition”. Especially Hans Appenzeller (also on your list) is one of my favourites.
Difficult thing with these shopping tours is, that you want to keep it up to date. No idea how to do that.
In a world of people wearing boring jeans you and your GORGEOUS skirt and splash of yeallow are a breath of fresh air, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
What a deligthful post, my dear friend.It made me want to go to your town inmediately.
Are you free for coffee this morning, lol
Hahaha… no I am not free…. working at the moment. Glad you liked it.
A great post, dear. Fab concept, great ‘candid’ pictures, feminine and pretty outfit. And Haarlem, my hometown, at it’s best. Kudos to you and Ron, your personal paparazzi…hahaha…
Thanks Anja. Nice compliments. Won’t be long now and you can enjoy this lovely city once more.
I have always wanted to do some action photography where I am not looking at the camera but I am so unnatural with the camera. Ron did a great job! I do shop at the market after work in my work attire but the weekend it’s 100% casual for me too. I love how you showed us the casual look too.
Thanks you for sharing these pics!
Having Ron as “my photographer” sure gives me a lot more possibilities. I am keeping my fingers crossed he will continue to help me.
What a gorgeous, entertaining post, Greetje! And so many beautiful photos. May I ask who takes the photos of you? My husband is willing to photograph me, but my website suffers because I hate to ask him to. I always want him to take several photos so I can choose the best, and I suspect he gets bored with the whole business after a time.
You wear that lemon yellow stunningly, by the way.
Thanks for all the time and effort you put into your blog!
The pleasure is all mine Lynette. I finally found a hobby. I love the creation of a post. All aspects of it. And my husband has decided this year that he wants to do his utmost to make me happy. Who am I to stop that? When he takes pictures instead of me and my tripod, the post is a lot more fun. He gets bored with it as well and it is not his favourite job,. Still he offers to take them, so I don’t have to ask just agree. He also knows by now that 100 photos is better than 4 LOL.
Looking good and a fabulous post! I adore these colors on you and your hair is looking quite fine. I do this sometimes, dress nice for daily errands. Makes for a finer day,, more interaction with others in some ways and it feels good. You are a lovely lady!
blue hue wonderland
I actually never do this. Not when I have to walk a lot. But indeed you get a lot of interaction. People like to see a pretty picture and comment on it. (So nice you are still looking at my blog..)
Greetje, the post was incredible. Ron is a fantastic photog. He managed to capture the true essense of Haarlem. It was as if I could hear the sounds that accompanied this outing. The pix of you were indeed very paparazzi. I liked them very much. You appeared natural, but yet you knew you had to look on point. Bravo to you! I bet you were walking as if three men were walking behind you and that is why the gentleman assisted you. You go girl!
Hahaha… the famous three gentlemen behind me… You are so right!!
Mind you.. a lot of photos I have rejected because I was slouching. Which is terrible. You can better be dressed poorly and have a proud posture as the other way around. I am trying to improve my posture for years and unfortunately failed every time.
Hi Greetje, Greetings from a Canadian fan. This is a really wonderful post that I have already shared with friends. It’s all so interesting…the people, the market, your outfits. I also noticed how fantastic your clothes looked compared with the typical drab weekend wear. It is my current mission to build a non-work wardrobe that is colourful, stylish and flattering, but easy to wear and care for. Thank you for the inspiration.
Another fan… i am so pleased! But you have read, I hope, that I am not really wearing pencil skirts and high heels to the market, didn’t you? You might find some weekend inspiration if you click on the button “Outfit Gallery” at the top navigation of my blog. You will see a lot of outfits plus a link to a second page with outfitfis. When you click on a photo, it will bring you to the post. I haven’t finished this Gallery yet but there are already quite a few of my outfits there.
The only sigh that came from me was seeing the post had ended, it could have gone on and on and I would have thoroughly enjoyed it. Each photo was wonderful, never too many when your sharing such a fun day. What a great time you and Ron seem to be having blogging together. I think it’s wonderful how he’s embracing your hobby. And taking photos while out shopping was a great idea, love how you included your hair dresser.
Love your pencil skirt, so striking in you. And those knew heels, spectacular! I’m a huge fan of those heels, much easier to get around in. You also did a great job of showing us how versatile that beautiful blouse can be, it looks just as nice with your black skinnies and sneakers. By the way, this is how I dress 90% of the time.
90%f the time… in pencil skirts and heels? Or trousers and sneakers? I bet 90% of the time is exaggerated either way.
And I don’t know whether Ron embraces my blogging. I think it is more a case that he has it in his head nowadays to make every effort to make me happy. And how wonderful is that? Glad you liked my post. I was quite taken with it myself haha.
I think this May just be your best post yet. So fun and so cleverly photographed. You look smashing in these clothes too. Just fabulous!
Oh woo-hoo. You just made my day!! Thank you so much. You know your praise means a lot to me as I know you will stay honest with me. I passed your compliments on to Ron.. my accomplice. I even bought a new camera…
Wat enig! Ik heb wat blogs van je doorgelezen en genoten van je leuke foto’s ( op dat front worstel ik nog) ik ben onlangs begonnen met eenblog, alleen al om iets nieuws te doen & te leren en ik krijg steeds meer plezier in het volgen van de diverse 40plus- mode blogs. Tot nut toe nog geen andere Nederlandse dames tegengekomen. Jij schrijft in het Engels, is dat een bewuste keuze?
Ja dat is een hele bewuste keuze. Nederland is te klein vond ik (grootse plannen haha). Dus ik zou jou willen vragen in het Engels comments achter te laten. Kan de rest het ook begrijpen. Alsjeblieft.
En geloof me… alles heeft tijd nodig om te ontwikkelen. Blogs ook. Als je mijn foto’s ziet in 2012… Pfff… Een ander goed blog van een Nederlandse vrouw is
Is heel leuk. Succes met het jouwe. Ik zal mijn best blijven doen om je te entertainen.
No, no, no, definitely not too many photos, especially of this quality. Kudos to Ron; he is becoming quite the accomplished photographer (or maybe always was). Loved seeing the casual street scenes at the market, of people going about their lives, shopping and relaxing. And what a beautiful town you have. I love this post. More like it, please!
Oh, yes, and what an elegant outfit. You carry it off beautifully. My husband glanced at the computer just now and said, “Who is that classy lady?” And I answered, “That is my friend, Greetje,” because that is how I think of you.
Thank you very much Charlene. Are you my biggest fan? (Yeah… do I have a fan? Haha.)
It makes me very proud when I read a comment like yours. It was such fun to make this post. No trouble at all to make more posts like this. Although it does take a lot of time and I have a full-time job. We now have a new camera and we will get soms lessons as well. Especially to learn taking indoor photos (we are both hopeless at that). Because now the weather will keep us indoors I am afraid.
Yes, I am definitely your fan! And your blog just keeps getting better all the time. It is easy to see that you love doing it and really put yourself into it.
Interacting with lovely readers like yourself is another perk of the “job”.
I know that’s one of the best boutiques in nl…totally loved the post and made notes to self for the next time I will be in Haarlem…
They were very helpful and I went back there later that afternoon and bought a leather pair of jogging trousers. Which I was looking for for ages. If you are in Haarlem, let me know. Perhaps we can have a cup of coffee together.
That would be great! Ik zal laat je weten….
Chic…stylish…and I loved every bit of the journey you took us Fabulous pictures!
Thanks Pam. I am really glad you enjoyed it. I did too making this post.
Oh, I forgot to mention…the outfit. Yes! Chic and lovely 🙂
I LOVED this post Greetje! Not only did I look at every photo, but I scrolled back up every now and then to check on details that you had written about! I enjoy seeing your fashion sense, but I also really love getting a closer look at life in The Netherlands! Thanks for sharing!!!
YOU look smashing, and I’m sure there were several market tourists nudging each other trying to determine who the elusive Dutch celebrity was! Great, bold use of colour! Of course, the shoes and small handbag are perfection!
hahaha…did not realize that Sylvia had used the word smashing too…
Compliments like this can be repeated time after time… don’t you worry haha.
Funny you said that about “nudging” because actually the ladies in the shop Lab told me, they had said to each other: now there is a well dressed woman LOL
When I looked at the photos after taking them, I saw the contrast between me in my skirt, heels and bright shirt and the rest of the crowd in black/brown/blue/grey. But as I said, I would never seriously go to the market on a Saturday, dressed like this.
Never too many pictures, Greetje!!! I LOVE your site.
Wijke (a Dutch Canadian)
Oh lovely… Thanks for your compliments Wijke. I will do my utmost to keep you amused.
Not too many pictures at all. I like this post a lot. Wonderfull Max Mara outfit. You are the only woman I know who looks exceptionally good in a pencil skirt. Great shoes too, and your handbag is loveble too, so totally out of the ordinary. I bet a lot of people turned there heads when you were passing by, well done.
Thanks Marianne. I was just thinking this morning you were not looking at my posts anymore. I am a bad girl. I should have more faith. Shame on me.
What a gorgeous, entertaining post, Greetje! And so many beautiful photos. May I ask who takes the photos of you? My husband is willing to photograph me, but my website suffers because I hate to ask him to. I always want him to take several photos so I can choose the best, and I suspect he gets bored with the whole business after a time.
You wear that lemon yellow stunningly, by the way.
Thanks for all the time and effort you put into your blog!
The pleasure is all mine Lynette. I finally found a hobby. I love the creation of a post. All aspects of it. And my husband has decided this year that he wants to do his utmost to make me happy. Who am I to stop that? When he takes pictures instead of me and my tripod, the post is a lot more fun. He gets bored with it as well and it is not his favourite job,. Still he offers to take them, so I don’t have to ask just agree. He also knows by now that 100 photos is better than 4 LOL.
Looking good and a fabulous post! I adore these colors on you and your hair is looking quite fine. I do this sometimes, dress nice for daily errands. Makes for a finer day,, more interaction with others in some ways and it feels good. You are a lovely lady!
blue hue wonderland
I actually never do this. Not when I have to walk a lot. But indeed you get a lot of interaction. People like to see a pretty picture and comment on it. (So nice you are still looking at my blog..)
No, Greetje, it is no problem to see you in just one outfit! We could follow you through your day, and how fabulous you look, just going about things, as though the camera weren’t there! Everything about the post is a treat for the eyes. I especially love that tiny zebra handbag. Delightful! (As if I could get out the door with such a tiny purse!!) You are truly a woman of STYLE.
Much love from England,
Rose from
The rest of everything I need to carry with me is in the shopper Rose. That lovely bag is just decoration LOL Thanks for all your compliments. Much appreciated,
That is what I call elegance and…a fabulous lady! You would collect many “wow” in Italy!!
yellow is a colour which is sooo perfect on you!
This outfit is your doing. Your influence. So thank you.
This is a terrific post. Thank you. I enjoyed reading about the market and the historic buildings are beautiful. Future posts showcasing your village would be a treat to read. I look forward to more.
There will be more, for sure. But winter is nearly here which makes photos rather dull. In the meantime you can take a peak at the top of my blog navigation, click on the tab Amsterdam and you will find some nice reports. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting.
Nope! Enjoyed every one. I love this format, but you know that. You really are a beauty, Greetje, and you in your natural environment was a fabulous thing to see! It was a little photographic short story of your day, and I loved every minute of it. It really isn’t always just about the clothes, is it? It’s the woman in them, always, and the clothes are the icing on the cake. (Ron rocks with his camera … you have no Idea how much I envy that!) Speaking of icing … you look sleek and graceful and effortlessly glamorous in your yellow and black … killer heels … divine little mini-bag, and yes, I do imagine that you wear that outfit to shop! I do it all the time! I was crushed at the end to see you in your admittedly darling little tennie-runners. Smarty-pants.
WONDERFUL post. Love it, and anything else you do.
Just called Dan to have him check out your story, and he said he’d love to try something similar! See how you just made my life and blog better!
Okay, how about this … would Ron consider putting together a post on your blog, photography tips for blog-husbands and/or significant others? Perhaps notes on how to handle a model with ideas of her own? Seriously, Dan would appreciate the help!
Big old cyber hugs to my friend in Haarlem!
Oh darling, Ron is only doing this because he wants to make my life as happy as possible. Not because he likes blogging. Not at all. He wouldn’t know how to do that. But I can perhaps help? Ron used his long lense and just photographed away on automatic. If necessary I adjusted the photos in a programme called Lightroom. Although that was not really necessary. You just shoot 225 photos, eliminate all the ones which make you look terrible and with the ones you have left, you create a chronological story, making sure you don’t keep too many. I was a bit worried about that aspect. If you want to know anything else, send me an email and I will answer all your questions.
I don’t mind the many pics Greet – you look so stylish & sharp!!!
Thanks Rebecca. I will continue then. But only if I can tell a story.
Great post! And yes Haarlem is a great city, nice to be there. First time on your blog, very nice!!
X Chris
Welcome Chris. Very pleased with your visit and comment. I had a look at your blog too. You are still a spring chicken. And about to be a mother… Congratulations.
What a lovely and very stylish outfit!! What a great way to walk through the, for me, very familiar cente of Haarlem on a very nice sunny day. I like these pictures a lot!
My husband has great ideas for photography. He is very creative. My little blog is hugely profiting from his interest. Or rather his quest to please me. No idea what has gotten into him but I am thoroughly enjoying it. And no, he did not play around LOL.
The candid photos are great, and yellow is one of my favorite colors. I enjoyed the journey through Haarlem and can’t wait to visit. Very enticing.
Europe is calling loudly, isn’t it? LOL Just remember temperatures are different here from Nice.
Hi Judith. When you do, be sure to do it in the summer when I’m there as well. Would love to meet you!
I get what you mean about Amsterdam. For me it’s always a time investment to go to our capital, but I like it there. Perhaps you can appreciate a blog I wrote about contemporary jewellery galleries.
It was written for a friend of mine who had just two days and asked me for some advise. Next time I will include your Amsterdam tab too. Has some great shopping advise. Cheers!
Nice list. I already know some of them, but as a lover of contemporary jewerly, I will have to visit the others too!
You got Sylvia interested haha. She is a great lover of contemporary jewellery. I like it because it doesn’t age as much as antique jewellery. But my heart is still with the old stuff. But I am slowly getting “in transition”. Especially Hans Appenzeller (also on your list) is one of my favourites.
Difficult thing with these shopping tours is, that you want to keep it up to date. No idea how to do that.
Hi Greetje,
Found your blog through 40+ from Sylvia. Glad I did!
I like how Ron, your private paparazzo, portrayed you. Candidly following you around.
Plus you introduced me to Haarlem, good! There is indeed more then A’dam.
Greetings from a southern Dutch 🙂
Welcome Helga. I already saw you liked my Facebook page. So pleased with every new reader.
As for “there is more than Amsterdam”… I do have to say I am very fond of Amsterdam. If I could move back there, I would. Or at least buy a pied-a-terre to live there for two days a week. Just dreaming. Unless I would win a lot of money this will not come true. At the top of my blog navigation, you will find a Tab called Amsterdam with my trips through Amsterdam.
To me the Numbers of photos are perfect Gretje i enjoy seeing this kind of post like a film, And I have to say that you are so pretty with that elegant skirt And the yellow shirt works perfect on you!
Thank you Maria (abbreviated LOL). Hope I can come up with more “films” in the future.
Stunning town! I am excited to finally visiting Amsterdam again after almost 18 years next week! I checked the weather and its not going to be pretty but since this is the ONLY time off my husband has we are going to make as great as possible! p.s. looking great in yellow by the way 🙂
You might want to check out my Amsterdam posts at the tab in the top navigation? As preparation of your trip to Amsterdam? One advice: visit the Nine Streets (Negen Straatjes). Still a lovely area. Have fun!
To me the Numbers of photos are perfect Gretje i enjoy seeing this kind of post like a film, And I have to say that you are so pretty with that elegant skirt And the yellow shirt works perfect on you!
Thank you Maria (abbreviated LOL). Hope I can come up with more “films” in the future.
Loved it Greetje. Like someone said, one of your best posts with everything coming together. The formula ‘Team Greetje & Ron’ definitely works. I can read into the pictures that he is having a great time too so wouldn’t worry about him leaving you to it. You look so glam and smashing in that pencil skirt with the yellow blouse and high heels. Very nice to see some familiar places and faces. Next visit it will be Haarlem again.
Oh goodie… please include me in your Haarlem plans.
Everybody seems so pleased with this post, it is going to be a hard act to follow.
In a world of people wearing boring jeans you and your GORGEOUS skirt and splash of yeallow are a breath of fresh air, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
What a deligthful post, my dear friend.It made me want to go to your town inmediately.
Are you free for coffee this morning, lol
Hahaha… no I am not free…. working at the moment. Glad you liked it.
A great post, dear. Fab concept, great ‘candid’ pictures, feminine and pretty outfit. And Haarlem, my hometown, at it’s best. Kudos to you and Ron, your personal paparazzi…hahaha…
Thanks Anja. Nice compliments. Won’t be long now and you can enjoy this lovely city once more.
The only sigh that came from me was seeing the post had ended, it could have gone on and on and I would have thoroughly enjoyed it. Each photo was wonderful, never too many when your sharing such a fun day. What a great time you and Ron seem to be having blogging together. I think it’s wonderful how he’s embracing your hobby. And taking photos while out shopping was a great idea, love how you included your hair dresser.
Love your pencil skirt, so striking in you. And those knew heels, spectacular! I’m a huge fan of those heels, much easier to get around in. You also did a great job of showing us how versatile that beautiful blouse can be, it looks just as nice with your black skinnies and sneakers. By the way, this is how I dress 90% of the time.
90%f the time… in pencil skirts and heels? Or trousers and sneakers? I bet 90% of the time is exaggerated either way.
And I don’t know whether Ron embraces my blogging. I think it is more a case that he has it in his head nowadays to make every effort to make me happy. And how wonderful is that? Glad you liked my post. I was quite taken with it myself haha.
I have always wanted to do some action photography where I am not looking at the camera but I am so unnatural with the camera. Ron did a great job! I do shop at the market after work in my work attire but the weekend it’s 100% casual for me too. I love how you showed us the casual look too.
Thanks you for sharing these pics!
Having Ron as “my photographer” sure gives me a lot more possibilities. I am keeping my fingers crossed he will continue to help me.
Hi Greetje, Greetings from a Canadian fan. This is a really wonderful post that I have already shared with friends. It’s all so interesting…the people, the market, your outfits. I also noticed how fantastic your clothes looked compared with the typical drab weekend wear. It is my current mission to build a non-work wardrobe that is colourful, stylish and flattering, but easy to wear and care for. Thank you for the inspiration.
Another fan… i am so pleased! But you have read, I hope, that I am not really wearing pencil skirts and high heels to the market, didn’t you? You might find some weekend inspiration if you click on the button “Outfit Gallery” at the top navigation of my blog. You will see a lot of outfits plus a link to a second page with outfitfis. When you click on a photo, it will bring you to the post. I haven’t finished this Gallery yet but there are already quite a few of my outfits there.
Chic…stylish…and I loved every bit of the journey you took us Fabulous pictures!
Thanks Pam. I am really glad you enjoyed it. I did too making this post.
Oh, I forgot to mention…the outfit. Yes! Chic and lovely 🙂
Greetje, the post was incredible. Ron is a fantastic photog. He managed to capture the true essense of Haarlem. It was as if I could hear the sounds that accompanied this outing. The pix of you were indeed very paparazzi. I liked them very much. You appeared natural, but yet you knew you had to look on point. Bravo to you! I bet you were walking as if three men were walking behind you and that is why the gentleman assisted you. You go girl!
Hahaha… the famous three gentlemen behind me… You are so right!!
Mind you.. a lot of photos I have rejected because I was slouching. Which is terrible. You can better be dressed poorly and have a proud posture as the other way around. I am trying to improve my posture for years and unfortunately failed every time.
I know that’s one of the best boutiques in nl…totally loved the post and made notes to self for the next time I will be in Haarlem…
They were very helpful and I went back there later that afternoon and bought a leather pair of jogging trousers. Which I was looking for for ages. If you are in Haarlem, let me know. Perhaps we can have a cup of coffee together.
That would be great! Ik zal laat je weten….
No, no, no, definitely not too many photos, especially of this quality. Kudos to Ron; he is becoming quite the accomplished photographer (or maybe always was). Loved seeing the casual street scenes at the market, of people going about their lives, shopping and relaxing. And what a beautiful town you have. I love this post. More like it, please!
Oh, yes, and what an elegant outfit. You carry it off beautifully. My husband glanced at the computer just now and said, “Who is that classy lady?” And I answered, “That is my friend, Greetje,” because that is how I think of you.
Thank you very much Charlene. Are you my biggest fan? (Yeah… do I have a fan? Haha.)
It makes me very proud when I read a comment like yours. It was such fun to make this post. No trouble at all to make more posts like this. Although it does take a lot of time and I have a full-time job. We now have a new camera and we will get soms lessons as well. Especially to learn taking indoor photos (we are both hopeless at that). Because now the weather will keep us indoors I am afraid.
Yes, I am definitely your fan! And your blog just keeps getting better all the time. It is easy to see that you love doing it and really put yourself into it.
Interacting with lovely readers like yourself is another perk of the “job”.
I LOVED this post Greetje! Not only did I look at every photo, but I scrolled back up every now and then to check on details that you had written about! I enjoy seeing your fashion sense, but I also really love getting a closer look at life in The Netherlands! Thanks for sharing!!!
YOU look smashing, and I’m sure there were several market tourists nudging each other trying to determine who the elusive Dutch celebrity was! Great, bold use of colour! Of course, the shoes and small handbag are perfection!
hahaha…did not realize that Sylvia had used the word smashing too…
Compliments like this can be repeated time after time… don’t you worry haha.
Funny you said that about “nudging” because actually the ladies in the shop Lab told me, they had said to each other: now there is a well dressed woman LOL
When I looked at the photos after taking them, I saw the contrast between me in my skirt, heels and bright shirt and the rest of the crowd in black/brown/blue/grey. But as I said, I would never seriously go to the market on a Saturday, dressed like this.
Not too many pictures at all. I like this post a lot. Wonderfull Max Mara outfit. You are the only woman I know who looks exceptionally good in a pencil skirt. Great shoes too, and your handbag is loveble too, so totally out of the ordinary. I bet a lot of people turned there heads when you were passing by, well done.
Thanks Marianne. I was just thinking this morning you were not looking at my posts anymore. I am a bad girl. I should have more faith. Shame on me.
Wat enig! Ik heb wat blogs van je doorgelezen en genoten van je leuke foto’s ( op dat front worstel ik nog) ik ben onlangs begonnen met eenblog, alleen al om iets nieuws te doen & te leren en ik krijg steeds meer plezier in het volgen van de diverse 40plus- mode blogs. Tot nut toe nog geen andere Nederlandse dames tegengekomen. Jij schrijft in het Engels, is dat een bewuste keuze?
Ja dat is een hele bewuste keuze. Nederland is te klein vond ik (grootse plannen haha). Dus ik zou jou willen vragen in het Engels comments achter te laten. Kan de rest het ook begrijpen. Alsjeblieft.
En geloof me… alles heeft tijd nodig om te ontwikkelen. Blogs ook. Als je mijn foto’s ziet in 2012… Pfff… Een ander goed blog van een Nederlandse vrouw is
Is heel leuk. Succes met het jouwe. Ik zal mijn best blijven doen om je te entertainen.
I think this May just be your best post yet. So fun and so cleverly photographed. You look smashing in these clothes too. Just fabulous!
Oh woo-hoo. You just made my day!! Thank you so much. You know your praise means a lot to me as I know you will stay honest with me. I passed your compliments on to Ron.. my accomplice. I even bought a new camera…
Never too many pictures, Greetje!!! I LOVE your site.
Wijke (a Dutch Canadian)
Oh lovely… Thanks for your compliments Wijke. I will do my utmost to keep you amused.