Rixo London dressTwo weeks ago my pencil skirt with the red and white striped blouse fetched a lot of cheers. But this RIXO London dress does even better. Never did an outfit of mine receive so many compliments. And right so, as I am completely in love with it. It is light as a breeze and fits perfectly. It was Michelle of michelle-tyler.com who put me on to it. On Instagram she mentioned to have seen many lovely things in a shop called The Dressing Room. I curiously hopped over to their IG account. And saw this RIXO London dress. Fell in love head over heels and ordered it at the beginning of October. As it is a very thin summer dress, this meant buying out of season. And I never buy out of season, even though that is the smart thing to do moneywise. It had to wait in my closet until now before I could wear it. 

Michelle ordered another gorgeous dress from RIXO London directly (they sell online). You can swoon over it here. I was very tempted to buy that one too, but didn’t. Too much copying doesn’t make you popular. Also, two months of spending after my credit cards were released from the freezer, means it is time to go on a financial diet again. Which is difficult, especially because I have subscribed to the newsletter of The Dressing Room. To unsubscribe would be a good idea as they sell such tempting stuff.

Anyway back to the dress.

Ron decided we were going to take the photos at the beach “in the golden hours”. Well, “golden” was already turning “bronze” when we finally arrived at 20.30 or so. Needless to say I warned him about my heels (“I do need a head to toe shot WITH the heels”) and about wind blowing my hair to pieces (which indeed it did). In spite of these hurdles the photo shoot went fine.

Below: Ron prefers this dress with red cowboy boots. Although I see the fun in that, boots are really far too hot for me to be wearing in 24 degrees (C) or more. Which is a perfect temperature for this dress.


Rixo London dress

Below: heading towards the beach through the dunes. Again dog Charlie is in the pictures. We couldn’t go to the beach and not take her. She loves it there.

Rixo London dress

Below: another head-to-toe shot before we hit the beach.

Rixo London dress

Below: shoes off. Many people must have thought I was very weird. Coming to the beach in such a dress and on high heels haha.

Rixo London dress

Below: the back of the dress has this fun sash.

Rixo London dress

Below: see how breezy those sleeves are?

Rixo London dress

Below: getting my feet wet. Just.



Rixo London dress

Below: checking the sand on my feet and thinking : “How the xxxx am I going to get my heels on again with such feet?” By now you might have guessed that I am not an outdoorsy person. No camping, no hiking, no sand in my shoes. PLEASE!!

Rixo London dress

Below: close-up of the shoes. As it turned out, these are actually very comfortable to walk on. I only get a blister on my right heel (biggest foot) after walking for a while. So I have to put a plaster on that before I get into my shoes.

Below: a quick cup of coffee on the terrace before going home.

Rixo London dress

Below: the sun was really setting and Ron took some nice pictures.

Rixo London dressNext week I might show you some holiday (outfit) pictures as we just got back from a short vacation in the south of France. Yes I know, we are very lucky people.


No Fear of Fashion


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