Oh guys, this was fun !!! Not only did I get the chance to take pictures behind the scenes of a photo shoot, I was in the photo shoot myself. I love these kind of things but I was never asked as a model. Probably because I haven’t got a face or body according to the golden ratio. Great joy when in December I found the invitation in my mail: “Would you like to participate in a photo shoot for spring fashion in a women’s magazine?” (For the Dutch: the magazine is Margriet.) Of course I would! No problem, just say where and when. The stylist (Inge Holkenborg) who arranged this (in the orange cardigan photo above), had no idea who suggested me to the magazine. When I received all the details I was pleasantly surprised to see that my friend Misja was one of the other models (see Misja’s street style blog). I assumed she had put my name forward but no, she didn’t even know I was going to be there.
The theme for the shoot was: being dressed like your style icon. I chose Victoria Beckham. Although I cannot afford her clothes, they always look fantastic and especially on her. After the shoot I was interviewed by Danique Krol from Margriet.
You can understand that I was really excited. At the shoot I asked everybody’s permission to take photos. One, very nicely dressed woman said no, which is of course her prerogative, but the rest was fine with it. It would have been highy unfair to post these behind the scenes photos before the magazine had published their issue (March 1), which is why I didn’t publish earlier.
Below: The article in the magazine. Title of the article: “50+ and totally happy with my style.”
In chronological order of the day. There will be many photos. Be warned.
Below: Misja was scheduled before me. The guy from the make-up (Bart Brom) and the stylist all fussing over Misja. The stylist took her high heels off which was no surprise to me. A whole day of fetching, changing etc. on high heels…. not good for your back.
Below: Misja’s style icon was Iris Apfel, so they piled on the jewellery.
Below: Misja was totally in love with this fab jacket. Unfortunately it wasn’t for sale yet, the stylist had to bring it back.
Below: Hmmm… is this what we want? (Photographer Marcel van Driel.)
Below: Oh yes, perfect picture.
Below: Checking on the monitor. I often check on my little camera screen and then think my pictures look terrific, only to find out at home that they aren’t sharp enough. And yes, I do enlarge them on my camera but nothing beats a monitor.
Below: It was my turn. Make-up first while Misja took my pictures.
Below: I could get used to this… a man at my feet, painting my toenails. Those strappy sandals were soooo high! I could never walk on them in real life.
Below: The stylist had this oversized outfit in mind for me. She is good. I really liked it a lot, even if I am wearing cropped wide trousers (there will be people laughing reading this, as I am so dead against them).
Below: These are the trousers with just a white shirt. I love the make-up (thank you Bart) and my hair decided to play along too.
Below: And the back of the trousers. I actually liked them so much, I bought them from the stylist (€ 19 in the sale at Zara). Who would have thought! Apparently they crease like hell, as I was not allowed to wear them until the photos were taken “… because they will crease”.
Below: Misja got a good deal as well. Here she is with a pair of trousers she had been looking for, for quite a while. They fit her perfectly and were a snatch.
Below: Nice on the bum as well.
Below: Right… some fiddling as, of course, the girls were hard to fit in the shirt. What’s new?
Below: I was asked to keep the jacket open but with the lapels covering the bosom (which figures). Hands in the pockets, a nonchalant posture.
Below: Hmm… again the tilted heads.
Below: I like this photo best. Haven’t been able to find the long jacket anywhere (yet). The brand is American Vintage.
That was me done.
Below: The next model came in and was puzzled by the coffee machine. Nice dress, nice boots!
Below: The transformation into Kate Moss.
Below: See what the stylist had to do? No wonder she took her shoes off from time to time.
Below: “Kate Moss” was asked to look bad ass…
Below: Which made her laugh.
Below: Very good picture.
Below: Sweet. I am normally not a fan of bags with fringes, but I really liked this one.
Now for some “after shots”
Below: Misja in her own clothes.
Below: Me in my own clothes. Shirt by Ganni, jeans by Denham and boots by EIJK Amsterdam. I tell you, pink boots go with anything.
Below: I really like this photo. Sums up the day.
Hope you liked this post.
What fun! I’m so glad that you linked back to this post today as I hadn’t discovered you yet in 2018 and didn’t see this before.
You should search for “make-over or make-down” too. That was fun.
What an opportunity! I like everyone’s outfits and it’s nice to see you in something a bit different. Iris Apfel was my ultimate favourite. Who was the last style icon btw? I can’t figure it out
The woman in the black jacket? Kate Moss. I am still trying to find the long green jacket/coat as I liked the outfit a lot. As you say, a bit different for me. Wouldn’t mind a stylist dressing me every day haha.
So. Much. Fun! Thanks for sharing.
Carol in VT
Sharing is my privilege Carol. I love to entertain and this is a way I really enjoy.
It looks like such a fun time! Your hair and makeup are really fabulous. And I love that oversized jacket they put on you. I normally don’t wear bomber jackets but I might make an exception for that one with the flamingoes. Misja’s metallic shoes are fabulous too.
It was really swell. I was so glad my hair looked good. Always the thing with me as you know. The bomber jacket Misja wore is by Jutka & Riska. Dutch I am afraid.
Wow you look amazing Greetje! I hope this is the beginning of a great new career for you. Ditch the day job and go for it.
Love n hugs, Aileen xxx
Oh wouldn’t that be nice! But I hear this little voice in my head “Don’t give up your dayjob yet” haha. Thank you very much for your compliment. And for taking the time to comment.
WOW Greetje – how utterly utterly fabulous!! Your outfit is stunning (very VB)… I’m so pleased for you. They did your hair and makeup beautifully. The other ladies look incredible as well – I love how you were asked to channel your fave style icons, what a great idea for a shoot!
Catherine x
Thanks Catherine, you know the thrill of such events. I liked that the magazine did a feature on women over 50. With the angle of being dressed like your style icon they gave it a nice twist. My hair wasn’t really “done” at all, only backcombed a bit more at the top (which I am doing now every day). My hair just decided to cooperate that day. 😂.
I am so excited for you Greetje! This really does look like a magical experience…and to have then been able to share it with Misja much to the surprise of both of you. {I LOVE her boxy bomber jacket…OMG, I think I have to sew something like that!}
You’ve got me thinking. What iconic celebrity would I model myself after for a photo shoot? I will around with this idea for a bit thanks.
You look gorgeous in your photos…the outfit is really YOU and I hope you can get your hands on that long duster coat! I can imagine it going with everything!
The third participant looks lovely too.
It was such a fun experience. I would love to do this more often (dream on baby 😂). Snapping the photos during the shoot an creating this post was equally nice.
It was a bit of a no-brainer after all. I would totally love to model myself after Audrey Hepburn.
I am awaiting your post my dear. You have your own platform to show your Audrey version to the world.
Congratulations on being part of this wonderful photo shoot! You look wonderful in the trousers and olive duster jacket!
The models are very pretty and I also like the sweater dress and fringed bag. So many great photos. Great make up and hair!
Well done and beautiful. Your ratio looks pretty golden to me!
If my ratio looks golden to you, it is because I get more clever every day in working around the imperfections 😉. It was a great day. And yes I like the fringed bag as well. Have searched for it, but not found. The brand is L’Enfant Terrible, but I have only found boots of that brand. Good ones though.
Gah, where did the comment go?? I hope it made it through!
Nope, your comment went AWOL. Don’t you hate it when that happens. You just wrote a lengthy comment and pfffftt… it is gone. Infuriating.
So much fun Greetje! That must have been an amazing experience. And how fun to do it with Misja too. It will be interesting to see how many new fans you get through this.
I will not get any new fans through this, I am sure. The magazine is out since Thursday and nothing, absolutely nothing in Google Analytics. Remember, people read the magazine and then have to go to the internet. They have to know what blogging is (still not something everybody knows) and then they find out it is in English. So no, I don’t think it will give me more readers. But it was such fun to do this!!! I enjoyed it immensely. And yes doing it together with Misja was a big bonus. Making the photos behind the scenes was something I loved doing as well. And creating this post. Everybody seems to like it a lot.
How totally fabulous Greetje!!!
Thanks Jodie. Yes you know about these experiences. You did catwalks!! Shows as professional model. Great stuff.
Hello You!
What fun you had and how great you look! However, (Oh oh!), in truth, I actually prefer you in your own clothes in the last two photos. I can see why you wanted to channel Victoria Beckham because her designs do suit you – and your happy face confirms this, so jolly good for you! As a strictly jeans, tees, sweatshirts and cowboy boots good ol’ gal myself, the only fashion icon I can think of for me to channel is Calamity Jane!
Oh Gee, hahaha.. Calamity Jane! I remember her from the Lucky Luke stories. So funny that you follow my blog when you are a strictly jeans, tees and cowboy boots gal. I wouldn’t imagine my blog is of interest to you. Yet….
And “Yet..” Remember, I once told you that it’s the backgrounds I look at first?! Well, nothing’s changed. I love the Netherlands (and the people aren’t bad either!) and am always interested in small background details of any photo of anywhere so, when I check your latest blog, you and your lovely outfits have to wait while first I lap up what’s behind you! Dear oh dear, second place to a building, a street, a canal (not often enough), a shop window or, Heavens to Betsy, a bicycle! x
Well, I do try to offer more than just boring outfit photos although that will always be a big slice of a post.
I love your blog! You seem so down to earth! Wish you lived down the block from me . We could have so much fun.
That Glenda, it one of the down parts of blogging. You meet interesting, sweet, lovely people and they live on the other side of the world. Alas it is what it is. You made me very happy by saying you love my blog.
You are my favorite of all the women’s blogs. Love your spirit, you are real and honest and love the way you dress. Please post a woman on the street fashion show like you did in another blog – so fun to see!
I’ve been to Amsterdam and it was wonderful. So when I see you I think of my trip!
Yes, a Street Style post is long overdue. I will try and do one again as I love that “reporter” kinda vibe it has. But first the temperatures have to go up otherwise it will be nothing but coats (usually black..). Besides I don’t like hitting the streets myself when it is cold. Thank you for all your compliments. If I were to take everything the way it is written I could become quite vain. Fortunately I know I have my shortcomings haha.
Oh thank you Lise, what nice things to say. 😘💋.
This is such a nice blog this time and so special. Nice to see how it works… And the guy who did your nails… So funny!! You looked beautiful all the way Greetje. Love the pink boots.. Have to think have to think have to think..
Hahahaha.. remember, Eijk has good sales offers as well.
First congrats on being featured in Margrit! You rock girl. Interestingly, you have the same style icon as I do. I love Victoria Beckham’s line and looks. Well Kate Moss is on my list too. Thanks for this great post. You look awesome in the pants that you always rejected. Misja made a great Iris. I like Iris bold style, but wouldn’t be able to pull that stunt off. I’m too short.
Nevertheless Nicole you are (very) well proportioned and slim. I see no reason why you couldn’t pull off an Iris. It is just not very handy in every day office work 😉. Victoria’s style is handier.
Blown away, you looks so fab, but you always do.
Ah, so sweet of you to say. You, my readers, are all so generous with your compliments. You will make me vain 😉.
You’re a star! A star, Greetje!! What a great experience. And you nailed it in your Beckam-esque attire. And yes, I love those cropped pants on you too – good buy. Plus, it looks like your photo leads the whole article. Misja looks so good in the Iris interpretation too. I’m glad the magazine chose this topic – it’s time.
Maybe this will lead to more cool opportunities. Who knows, right? And, yes,
Thank you for sharing these candid shots you took behind the scenes. I laughed at the photo of the man at your feet. That’s the life!
Oh yes, I could do with this life haha. Well, you know all about it, being a model yourself. No idea if I will ever get another chance, but at least I have had this experience.
I’ve been bursting to comment since I saw you Misja’s IG feed! You look fantastic. I love everything about it. Let me know if you still want that American Vintage coat. I think I can locate it through a network of stylists here.
You can locate the coat Mieke? Oh yes please. I still want it. I have sent the stylist of the shoot an email too, although I think she will have sent it back. I am looking all over the internet at American Vintage but nowhere. I really like the outfit a lot. And so do a lot of readers on Facebook. Thank you for your compliments.
Mieke, I found the coat by American Vintage which I wore at the Margriet photo shoot. Yay! On their website.
You look fabulous — love the make-up and the clothes, but you also look totally your beautiful self!
Ah that is so sweet of you to say. Thank you. If you ever want to boost your confidence… start blogging haha.
Like it? You must be kidding! It’s a fabulous blogpost of a fantastic experience. That must have been something. Glad you let us join in the fun as well as the glamour. You look absolutley gorgeous in your outfit. I am a huge fan of Victoria Beckham’s style as well and love her fashion credo too: To show the best version of you. Love, Lieske
I was dying to publish this post. I loved everything about it. Being a model with all the fussing over you, being able to take all the pictures. The fact my friend Misja was there as well, made it even nicer. I would love to do more of these type of reports. But they do have to happen. Most of the time it is just office work.
What fun! You and everyone else look fabulous — and I learned quite a bit from you and this stylist. Congratulations to Margriet for a good idea.
You learned quite a bit? Oh my, I am impressed. I never thought of that. I agree with you, it was a fun idea of Margriet.
Wow Greetje! Terrific, a shoot for Margriet, congrats!
You look like a powerwoman. I will buy the Margriet tomorrow!
Haha, am I boosting their sales? It was such fun to experience this. For my job I have photo shoots as well, but it is different when you feature in it. And being able to photograph behind the scenes…. wonderful. I could do this more often.
Wow! you all look fabulous and what a fantastic day you all must have had. LOVE your style. I retired 11 months ago and have to say my daughter (and you) have encouraged me to start my own blog. Would love you to get in touch and maybe chat for tips and advice. Stylishatsixty.wordpress.com
Oh what fun Jill. I hope you love your blog as much as I do. Remember babysteps. You learn all the time. When you search my blog archives (right side of my blog) and you click on the 2012 posts, you will see what I mean. We could Skype or Facetime for chats and tips. Just have to synchronise time etc. Please get in touch with an email.
Thank you. How lovely and kind you are. I will look forward to learning from you ☺☺
Congrats on starting a blog Jill. It’s a great way of expressing yourself while enjoying yourself at the same time. Greetje is great and generous with advice I can tell from pretty recent experience myself. Love, Lieske
Thanks Josephine, I really enjoyed it to the max. Having Misja there too was a bonus and being able to make this blog post… just wonderful. Still hunting down that coat.
WHAT did they DO to your hair???REPEAT!!!!!
I wish I knew what happened to my hair. I think it just decided to cooperate that day. And no wind helps enormously 😎. Making Thank You cards out of that toenail photo would be so good hahaha. But I would need his permission and I wouldn’t dare ask him.
I will pop over to your blog tomorrow.
Sitting here smiling smugly at how marvellous you look in those wide cropped trousers! Kudos to you Greetje xxxxx
I was hoping you would read this post haha. You probably gathered I meant you when I wrote “there will be people laughing reading this”. Another example of never say never. Now I have got to lay my hands on that jacket/coat.
What an exciting day for you Greetje! This is every woman’s dream to have all of that fussing and end up looking like a real fashion model. I totally love your outfit and think this classy style works perfectly on you. I wouldn’t have a clue who I’d have as my style icon – maybe Zandra Rhodes?
Anyhoo, congratulations for making it into print. It’s wonderful to have this to keep forever. I really liked the Kate Moss ensemble too – very sexy!
Anna x
Actually, don’t tell anyone, but I do not have a style icon. But that was the theme of the shoot. So I came up with Victoria as I will admit she is good and I really like her style.
I’m so envious you got to be part of this – it looks like so much fun! The outfit is marvelous on you – you have the height to carry off wide leg trousers and a long jacket like that. I hope you can find the jacket. Nice to see Misja in her Iris Apfel inspired look too.
I never thought I would be in one of these shoots and magazines. Loved it. I often attend photo shoots for my work (advertising department of a bank) but was never featuring in one.
Still trying to find the jacket…
What a fun post! I love the outfit they styled you in. And those pants look great on you. Only someone with your slender height can pull off this look. Your friend look so stylish too. I think that her own clothes are even more stylish than the outfit from the stylist.
Thank you for all the compliments. Much appreciated. And yes Mischa is good at styling herself. But it was fun to see her dressed as Iris. It was a wonderful experience.
Fun Fun Fun, congrats Greetje! You looked perfectly right in your Beckham inspired outfit. The sandals…omg, I would love to have them. I’m glad you experienced this. Well deserved.
You know the thrill of these things Glenda, you have been a model quite a few times now. I thoroughly enjoyed it. And the shoes? Impossible to walk on for me. Perhaps with a bit of practise? There is not a lot to hold on to with these few straps.
Loved this post. Congratulations on the invitation and chance to have a unique experience! I loved that you chose V. Beckham as your icon. The stylist did a fantastic job and those pants are fantastic on you. I loved the coat too. Thanks for sharing this with us.
I thought the stylist would come up with one of those beautiful structured dresses Victoria is famous for as well. But I will admit I really like this outfit. Now I need to find that coat.
Wow! Congratulations! And how fabulous your outfit is! And you stand next to my style icon. Really stunning Greetje!
She is fab, Victoria, isn’t she? What I also like about her, is her perseverance. Designing clothes after being a girl band singer and being the wife of a football player.. I mean, everybody had a negative opinion. “Who does she think she is? Does she think she can design clothes??” But she pulled through. And how! My kind of woman. All I need now, is the money to buy her clothes.
Dear Greetje. I wanted to send you a mail with some more personal good wishes on top of my reply on the blog. Being a woman I changed my mind and just post the message here. I think you totally deserve a chance like this. Your blog is fun, entertaining, original and especially very authentic. I know you have another job and I know you realise you are not the ‘standard’ model. You have once written somewhere that getting where you are now was through consistent persistance. What I think is that you have the so-called GRIT factor, a combination of passion and dedicated action that leads people to reaching their goals where others (who may seem to have more talent or chances) fail. I wish that your exposure in ‘Margriet’ will bring you many more followers. Good job Greetje and keep posting!
Oh that is so sweet of you to say Lieske. I like the GRIT factor and will remember that. It is true I think. Way back when, we embarked on social media with Twitter. And the first thing I realized was that if you are not passionate about a subject, you will never use it. And what was (is) my passion? Right .. clothes, shoes, bags, necklaces etc. This all started with the question of my colleagues to send them a photo through Twitter of my daily outfit. The project has ended and we would hardly see each other in real life from then on. We are now 7 years later…
Wow what a blast! Congratulations!
What a fun unique experience. Would you ever have thought in your 60’s you’d be asked to model for a magazine? Just fabulous!
Thanks for sharing this.
Not in a million years Suzanne. I never thought I’d be asked to model. I am now dreaming of a whole new career. Haha.. no, not really. As I say to myself: dream on baby.
Wow you look fabulous, I must admit like another reader the clothes you wore for the shoot were very nice – but I preferred your own clothes ! You are a pro Greetje and looked so comfortable in front of the camera, really enjoyed this post, thank you.
And I loved creating this post. Loved every aspect about it. Would love to do more of these. I like my normal outfit and I really like the magazine outfit. (Still haven’t found the coat.)
After 5 years of posing for a camera for blog photos you get very used to it. When I had my photos taken in the office one day last year, my colleagues said: “Oh look.. she adopts a blog pose! She has a blog pose!” After which they fell over each other laughing. (Remember, we are Dutch, we are like that. I was killing myself laughing as well.)
Wow, you look terrific and so does Misja. What great clothes! And you wear those trousers so well…not surprised you bought them. What a lovely confirmation of your ‘style icon’ status 😄 It looks like you had a great time too! See you are famous!! I’m really glad magazines do photo shoots with inspirational older models. Wish ours were as classy as yours – mostly they seem to make everyone look as if they’re going to a cocktail party. Well – congratulations again 🥂💐🎉
Whahaha .. my style icon status. As if! The Dutch are very practical. very down to earth so showing women as if they are going to a cocktail party, wouldn’t sell many magazines. Blogs for women over 40 had a reason. A lot of those women were fed up with the magazines and created something similar themselves. So an A for magazine Margriet for showing 4 women over 50 in a good way.
What an exciting day for you Greetje! This is every woman’s dream to have all of that fussing and end up looking like a real fashion model. I totally love your outfit and think this classy style works perfectly on you. I wouldn’t have a clue who I’d have as my style icon – maybe Zandra Rhodes?
Anyhoo, congratulations for making it into print. It’s wonderful to have this to keep forever. I really liked the Kate Moss ensemble too – very sexy!
Anna x
Actually, don’t tell anyone, but I do not have a style icon. But that was the theme of the shoot. So I came up with Victoria as I will admit she is good and I really like her style.
I’m so envious you got to be part of this – it looks like so much fun! The outfit is marvelous on you – you have the height to carry off wide leg trousers and a long jacket like that. I hope you can find the jacket. Nice to see Misja in her Iris Apfel inspired look too.
I never thought I would be in one of these shoots and magazines. Loved it. I often attend photo shoots for my work (advertising department of a bank) but was never featuring in one.
Still trying to find the jacket…
What a fun post! I love the outfit they styled you in. And those pants look great on you. Only someone with your slender height can pull off this look. Your friend look so stylish too. I think that her own clothes are even more stylish than the outfit from the stylist.
Thank you for all the compliments. Much appreciated. And yes Mischa is good at styling herself. But it was fun to see her dressed as Iris. It was a wonderful experience.
Sitting here smiling smugly at how marvellous you look in those wide cropped trousers! Kudos to you Greetje xxxxx
I was hoping you would read this post haha. You probably gathered I meant you when I wrote “there will be people laughing reading this”. Another example of never say never. Now I have got to lay my hands on that jacket/coat.
Fun Fun Fun, congrats Greetje! You looked perfectly right in your Beckham inspired outfit. The sandals…omg, I would love to have them. I’m glad you experienced this. Well deserved.
You know the thrill of these things Glenda, you have been a model quite a few times now. I thoroughly enjoyed it. And the shoes? Impossible to walk on for me. Perhaps with a bit of practise? There is not a lot to hold on to with these few straps.
Wow you look amazing Greetje! I hope this is the beginning of a great new career for you. Ditch the day job and go for it.
Love n hugs, Aileen xxx
Oh wouldn’t that be nice! But I hear this little voice in my head “Don’t give up your dayjob yet” haha. Thank you very much for your compliment. And for taking the time to comment.
WOW Greetje – how utterly utterly fabulous!! Your outfit is stunning (very VB)… I’m so pleased for you. They did your hair and makeup beautifully. The other ladies look incredible as well – I love how you were asked to channel your fave style icons, what a great idea for a shoot!
Catherine x
Thanks Catherine, you know the thrill of such events. I liked that the magazine did a feature on women over 50. With the angle of being dressed like your style icon they gave it a nice twist. My hair wasn’t really “done” at all, only backcombed a bit more at the top (which I am doing now every day). My hair just decided to cooperate that day. 😂.
I am so excited for you Greetje! This really does look like a magical experience…and to have then been able to share it with Misja much to the surprise of both of you. {I LOVE her boxy bomber jacket…OMG, I think I have to sew something like that!}
You’ve got me thinking. What iconic celebrity would I model myself after for a photo shoot? I will around with this idea for a bit thanks.
You look gorgeous in your photos…the outfit is really YOU and I hope you can get your hands on that long duster coat! I can imagine it going with everything!
The third participant looks lovely too.
It was such a fun experience. I would love to do this more often (dream on baby 😂). Snapping the photos during the shoot an creating this post was equally nice.
It was a bit of a no-brainer after all. I would totally love to model myself after Audrey Hepburn.
I am awaiting your post my dear. You have your own platform to show your Audrey version to the world.
Congratulations on being part of this wonderful photo shoot! You look wonderful in the trousers and olive duster jacket!
The models are very pretty and I also like the sweater dress and fringed bag. So many great photos. Great make up and hair!
Well done and beautiful. Your ratio looks pretty golden to me!
If my ratio looks golden to you, it is because I get more clever every day in working around the imperfections 😉. It was a great day. And yes I like the fringed bag as well. Have searched for it, but not found. The brand is L’Enfant Terrible, but I have only found boots of that brand. Good ones though.
WHAT did they DO to your hair???REPEAT!!!!!
I wish I knew what happened to my hair. I think it just decided to cooperate that day. And no wind helps enormously 😎. Making Thank You cards out of that toenail photo would be so good hahaha. But I would need his permission and I wouldn’t dare ask him.
I will pop over to your blog tomorrow.
Thanks Josephine, I really enjoyed it to the max. Having Misja there too was a bonus and being able to make this blog post… just wonderful. Still hunting down that coat.
What fun and I love your outfit.
Wow! Congratulations! And how fabulous your outfit is! And you stand next to my style icon. Really stunning Greetje!
She is fab, Victoria, isn’t she? What I also like about her, is her perseverance. Designing clothes after being a girl band singer and being the wife of a football player.. I mean, everybody had a negative opinion. “Who does she think she is? Does she think she can design clothes??” But she pulled through. And how! My kind of woman. All I need now, is the money to buy her clothes.
Loved this post. Congratulations on the invitation and chance to have a unique experience! I loved that you chose V. Beckham as your icon. The stylist did a fantastic job and those pants are fantastic on you. I loved the coat too. Thanks for sharing this with us.
I thought the stylist would come up with one of those beautiful structured dresses Victoria is famous for as well. But I will admit I really like this outfit. Now I need to find that coat.
Wow what a blast! Congratulations!
What a fun unique experience. Would you ever have thought in your 60’s you’d be asked to model for a magazine? Just fabulous!
Thanks for sharing this.
Not in a million years Suzanne. I never thought I’d be asked to model. I am now dreaming of a whole new career. Haha.. no, not really. As I say to myself: dream on baby.
What fun and I love your outfit.
Wow you look fabulous, I must admit like another reader the clothes you wore for the shoot were very nice – but I preferred your own clothes ! You are a pro Greetje and looked so comfortable in front of the camera, really enjoyed this post, thank you.
And I loved creating this post. Loved every aspect about it. Would love to do more of these. I like my normal outfit and I really like the magazine outfit. (Still haven’t found the coat.)
After 5 years of posing for a camera for blog photos you get very used to it. When I had my photos taken in the office one day last year, my colleagues said: “Oh look.. she adopts a blog pose! She has a blog pose!” After which they fell over each other laughing. (Remember, we are Dutch, we are like that. I was killing myself laughing as well.)
Dear Greetje. I wanted to send you a mail with some more personal good wishes on top of my reply on the blog. Being a woman I changed my mind and just post the message here. I think you totally deserve a chance like this. Your blog is fun, entertaining, original and especially very authentic. I know you have another job and I know you realise you are not the ‘standard’ model. You have once written somewhere that getting where you are now was through consistent persistance. What I think is that you have the so-called GRIT factor, a combination of passion and dedicated action that leads people to reaching their goals where others (who may seem to have more talent or chances) fail. I wish that your exposure in ‘Margriet’ will bring you many more followers. Good job Greetje and keep posting!
Oh that is so sweet of you to say Lieske. I like the GRIT factor and will remember that. It is true I think. Way back when, we embarked on social media with Twitter. And the first thing I realized was that if you are not passionate about a subject, you will never use it. And what was (is) my passion? Right .. clothes, shoes, bags, necklaces etc. This all started with the question of my colleagues to send them a photo through Twitter of my daily outfit. The project has ended and we would hardly see each other in real life from then on. We are now 7 years later…
Wow, you look terrific and so does Misja. What great clothes! And you wear those trousers so well…not surprised you bought them. What a lovely confirmation of your ‘style icon’ status 😄 It looks like you had a great time too! See you are famous!! I’m really glad magazines do photo shoots with inspirational older models. Wish ours were as classy as yours – mostly they seem to make everyone look as if they’re going to a cocktail party. Well – congratulations again 🥂💐🎉
Whahaha .. my style icon status. As if! The Dutch are very practical. very down to earth so showing women as if they are going to a cocktail party, wouldn’t sell many magazines. Blogs for women over 40 had a reason. A lot of those women were fed up with the magazines and created something similar themselves. So an A for magazine Margriet for showing 4 women over 50 in a good way.
What an opportunity! I like everyone’s outfits and it’s nice to see you in something a bit different. Iris Apfel was my ultimate favourite. Who was the last style icon btw? I can’t figure it out
The woman in the black jacket? Kate Moss. I am still trying to find the long green jacket/coat as I liked the outfit a lot. As you say, a bit different for me. Wouldn’t mind a stylist dressing me every day haha.
Seems that you never did discover who had suggested you for this photo shoot (?)
It must have been fun to find your friend Misja there too! I love your outfit and your photos so much Greetje. This must have been quite an experience and a well deserved honor !!
I just love that very last photo of you. Great smile!!!
No I never found out who suggested me. And yes it was a bloody nice experience. I am still “after”enjoying it. Being there together with Misja made it even more fun. That last photo does sum it up.
How totally fabulous Greetje!!!
Thanks Jodie. Yes you know about these experiences. You did catwalks!! Shows as professional model. Great stuff.
So much fun Greetje! That must have been an amazing experience. And how fun to do it with Misja too. It will be interesting to see how many new fans you get through this.
I will not get any new fans through this, I am sure. The magazine is out since Thursday and nothing, absolutely nothing in Google Analytics. Remember, people read the magazine and then have to go to the internet. They have to know what blogging is (still not something everybody knows) and then they find out it is in English. So no, I don’t think it will give me more readers. But it was such fun to do this!!! I enjoyed it immensely. And yes doing it together with Misja was a big bonus. Making the photos behind the scenes was something I loved doing as well. And creating this post. Everybody seems to like it a lot.
Seems that you never did discover who had suggested you for this photo shoot (?)
It must have been fun to find your friend Misja there too! I love your outfit and your photos so much Greetje. This must have been quite an experience and a well deserved honor !!
I just love that very last photo of you. Great smile!!!
No I never found out who suggested me. And yes it was a bloody nice experience. I am still “after”enjoying it. Being there together with Misja made it even more fun. That last photo does sum it up.
You are my favorite of all the women’s blogs. Love your spirit, you are real and honest and love the way you dress. Please post a woman on the street fashion show like you did in another blog – so fun to see!
I’ve been to Amsterdam and it was wonderful. So when I see you I think of my trip!
Yes, a Street Style post is long overdue. I will try and do one again as I love that “reporter” kinda vibe it has. But first the temperatures have to go up otherwise it will be nothing but coats (usually black..). Besides I don’t like hitting the streets myself when it is cold. Thank you for all your compliments. If I were to take everything the way it is written I could become quite vain. Fortunately I know I have my shortcomings haha.
I love your blog! You seem so down to earth! Wish you lived down the block from me . We could have so much fun.
That Glenda, it one of the down parts of blogging. You meet interesting, sweet, lovely people and they live on the other side of the world. Alas it is what it is. You made me very happy by saying you love my blog.
Gah, where did the comment go?? I hope it made it through!
Nope, your comment went AWOL. Don’t you hate it when that happens. You just wrote a lengthy comment and pfffftt… it is gone. Infuriating.
Hello You!
What fun you had and how great you look! However, (Oh oh!), in truth, I actually prefer you in your own clothes in the last two photos. I can see why you wanted to channel Victoria Beckham because her designs do suit you – and your happy face confirms this, so jolly good for you! As a strictly jeans, tees, sweatshirts and cowboy boots good ol’ gal myself, the only fashion icon I can think of for me to channel is Calamity Jane!
Oh Gee, hahaha.. Calamity Jane! I remember her from the Lucky Luke stories. So funny that you follow my blog when you are a strictly jeans, tees and cowboy boots gal. I wouldn’t imagine my blog is of interest to you. Yet….
And “Yet..” Remember, I once told you that it’s the backgrounds I look at first?! Well, nothing’s changed. I love the Netherlands (and the people aren’t bad either!) and am always interested in small background details of any photo of anywhere so, when I check your latest blog, you and your lovely outfits have to wait while first I lap up what’s behind you! Dear oh dear, second place to a building, a street, a canal (not often enough), a shop window or, Heavens to Betsy, a bicycle! x
Well, I do try to offer more than just boring outfit photos although that will always be a big slice of a post.
So. Much. Fun! Thanks for sharing.
Carol in VT
Sharing is my privilege Carol. I love to entertain and this is a way I really enjoy.
Wow Greetje! Terrific, a shoot for Margriet, congrats!
You look like a powerwoman. I will buy the Margriet tomorrow!
Haha, am I boosting their sales? It was such fun to experience this. For my job I have photo shoots as well, but it is different when you feature in it. And being able to photograph behind the scenes…. wonderful. I could do this more often.
First congrats on being featured in Margrit! You rock girl. Interestingly, you have the same style icon as I do. I love Victoria Beckham’s line and looks. Well Kate Moss is on my list too. Thanks for this great post. You look awesome in the pants that you always rejected. Misja made a great Iris. I like Iris bold style, but wouldn’t be able to pull that stunt off. I’m too short.
Nevertheless Nicole you are (very) well proportioned and slim. I see no reason why you couldn’t pull off an Iris. It is just not very handy in every day office work 😉. Victoria’s style is handier.
You’re a star! A star, Greetje!! What a great experience. And you nailed it in your Beckam-esque attire. And yes, I love those cropped pants on you too – good buy. Plus, it looks like your photo leads the whole article. Misja looks so good in the Iris interpretation too. I’m glad the magazine chose this topic – it’s time.
Maybe this will lead to more cool opportunities. Who knows, right? And, yes,
Thank you for sharing these candid shots you took behind the scenes. I laughed at the photo of the man at your feet. That’s the life!
Oh yes, I could do with this life haha. Well, you know all about it, being a model yourself. No idea if I will ever get another chance, but at least I have had this experience.
Blown away, you looks so fab, but you always do.
Ah, so sweet of you to say. You, my readers, are all so generous with your compliments. You will make me vain 😉.
Like it? You must be kidding! It’s a fabulous blogpost of a fantastic experience. That must have been something. Glad you let us join in the fun as well as the glamour. You look absolutley gorgeous in your outfit. I am a huge fan of Victoria Beckham’s style as well and love her fashion credo too: To show the best version of you. Love, Lieske
I was dying to publish this post. I loved everything about it. Being a model with all the fussing over you, being able to take all the pictures. The fact my friend Misja was there as well, made it even nicer. I would love to do more of these type of reports. But they do have to happen. Most of the time it is just office work.
What fun! You and everyone else look fabulous — and I learned quite a bit from you and this stylist. Congratulations to Margriet for a good idea.
You learned quite a bit? Oh my, I am impressed. I never thought of that. I agree with you, it was a fun idea of Margriet.
You look fabulous — love the make-up and the clothes, but you also look totally your beautiful self!
Ah that is so sweet of you to say. Thank you. If you ever want to boost your confidence… start blogging haha.
Wow! you all look fabulous and what a fantastic day you all must have had. LOVE your style. I retired 11 months ago and have to say my daughter (and you) have encouraged me to start my own blog. Would love you to get in touch and maybe chat for tips and advice. Stylishatsixty.wordpress.com
Oh what fun Jill. I hope you love your blog as much as I do. Remember babysteps. You learn all the time. When you search my blog archives (right side of my blog) and you click on the 2012 posts, you will see what I mean. We could Skype or Facetime for chats and tips. Just have to synchronise time etc. Please get in touch with an email.
Congrats on starting a blog Jill. It’s a great way of expressing yourself while enjoying yourself at the same time. Greetje is great and generous with advice I can tell from pretty recent experience myself. Love, Lieske
Thank you. How lovely and kind you are. I will look forward to learning from you ☺☺
You look gorgeous in your own clothes as well as modelling!
Oh thank you Lise, what nice things to say. 😘💋.
This is such a nice blog this time and so special. Nice to see how it works… And the guy who did your nails… So funny!! You looked beautiful all the way Greetje. Love the pink boots.. Have to think have to think have to think..
Hahahaha.. remember, Eijk has good sales offers as well.
I’ve been bursting to comment since I saw you Misja’s IG feed! You look fantastic. I love everything about it. Let me know if you still want that American Vintage coat. I think I can locate it through a network of stylists here.
You can locate the coat Mieke? Oh yes please. I still want it. I have sent the stylist of the shoot an email too, although I think she will have sent it back. I am looking all over the internet at American Vintage but nowhere. I really like the outfit a lot. And so do a lot of readers on Facebook. Thank you for your compliments.
Mieke, I found the coat by American Vintage which I wore at the Margriet photo shoot. Yay! On their website.
It looks like such a fun time! Your hair and makeup are really fabulous. And I love that oversized jacket they put on you. I normally don’t wear bomber jackets but I might make an exception for that one with the flamingoes. Misja’s metallic shoes are fabulous too.
It was really swell. I was so glad my hair looked good. Always the thing with me as you know. The bomber jacket Misja wore is by Jutka & Riska. Dutch I am afraid.