Just some photos…. no, just being stupid

To my amazement there are actually people reading my articles on this blog. Not many, anyone over 1 is a surprise for me. So I got inspired to do another post. Yesterday I was shopping with two younger colleagues. And we helped the economy enormously. Also had lots of...
Not changing your style can be dangerous

Not changing your style can be dangerous

I was interviewed for the blog 40plusstyle.com which flattered me enormously. (For those who are interested, here is the link: http://40plusstyle.com/how-to-have-fun-with-fashion-style-lessons-from-greetje/) When I answered the video questions I had to think quickly,...

First try

First and foremost….. I will never be a good blogger. No time. On the other hand… who knows in what situation I might be next year. I only have one hobby and it is an expensive one: making things pretty or prettier from head to toe. From hair to toe nails....
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