Modern brass necklace by Birabiro

Modern brass necklace by Birabiro

You were bound to see another blogpost with a spring shirt but it is freezing this weekend. So I wore a more wintery outfit when my BVA girlfriends came to visit and decided to show you this first. The black top provides a perfect stage for my modern brass necklace by...
Floral tights and a red skirt

Floral tights and a red skirt

All items of this outfit are from my own closet; the only new item are the floral tights. To document it all for you ( 😎 ), my photographer Loes and I went to the Music Building in Amsterdam, called Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ. It is a beautiful building with...
Amsterdam department store

Amsterdam department store

When I showed you the pictures of the IJhallen, I said I would give you a closer look at what I was wearing that day. Well, that was this black jacket (brand Reiss, present from husband Ron), a black top, my trusted skinny jeans by Denham, a gold necklace (present...
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