Brown trousers with a pink jumper

Brown trousers with a pink jumper

Living not that far away from the sea (ten minutes’ drive) means there is wind nearly every day. The day we photographed these brown trousers with a pink jumper, the wind was particularly fierce. My friend Marjolein was kind enough to be my photographer and the...
Big yellow jumper

Big yellow jumper

What a wonderful day I had with my friend Katrien in Leiden, wearing my big yellow jumper. The sun was shining, I was healthy, my knee was cooperating and the company was great. What more can you want? Katrien said she would gladly take outfit photos for my blog which...
Brown jeans, black jacket and sneakers

Brown jeans, black jacket and sneakers

These brown jeans are proving to be a real treasure. I can wear nearly anything with them. Even my newly acquired lime-green jacket looks very nice on them. Of course I am combining it with black again. Must have listened too long to Amy Winehouse’s Back to...
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