Brown trousers with a pink jumperLiving not that far away from the sea (ten minutes’ drive) means there is wind nearly every day. The day we photographed these brown trousers with a pink jumper, the wind was particularly fierce.

My friend Marjolein was kind enough to be my photographer and the new neighbourhood restaurant was a perfect location. No wind and big windows, letting in a lot of light.

Below: Marjolein sitting in the window of restaurant Zijl82, dressed to the nines again. And yes, this lime leather jacket is from my wardrobe. In my opinion it was too small and the length wasn’t flattering on me. I gave it to Marjolein, who suits it so well.
Since we met (48 years ago…oh my god) we have swapped clothes and shoes we no longer want for ourselves.


Below: The pink jumper (from ME+EM) is a favourite of mine. I use it a lot. Here is the link to the original post with cream trousers.
I still don’t know whether the colour of the trousers is actually brown or whether it is aubergine. The colour changes in the light. The trousers are ever so comfortable with an elastic waistband. (Link to original post with these wide trousers.)

Brown trousers with a pink jumper

Below: Sipping my smoothie. Marjolein immediately said: “I suggest you don’t actually sip. It makes your face look funny.” LOL
The pink boots are from EIJK Amsterdam. (Link to original post with fuchsia top, skinny jeans and a lovely necklace.)

Brown trousers with a pink jumper

Below: Marjolein’s remark made me laugh, which met her approval.

Brown trousers with a pink jumper

Below: Close-up of the earrings by Lara Design. Marjolein took photos of my image in the mirror. Very good.

Burgundy earrings by Lara Design

Below: A view of the restaurant’s front area.

Perfect neighbourhood restaurant: Zijl82

Below: A view of the back of the restaurant. They aim to cater to local customers which means you often meet neighbours which makes the place so cosy.

Perfect neighbourhood restaurant: Zijl82

What happened in my life this week

I have been a naughty girl. I went into town with a specific shop in mind. A nice one (LAB Women’s Clothing). And I spent quite some money there. All in the spirit of “I could have been dead, let’s live it up’. If I keep up this thought, I’ll be bankrupt in no time.

Our friend and neighbour Froukje helped Ron to put loads of plants in our garden.

Below: Starting the work.

Garden to be filled with plants

Below: This is what it looks like after they planted most of it, but you cannot see yet what it is going to be. The plants need time to grow. Froukje and Ron left an area open for easy access to the pond as our gardener still had to fix a leakage in the pond hose, which he did this week.

Garden after planting

Now that the hose is fixed we can switch the waterfall on again. We don’t know whether the salamanders will like running water. We think not and we already have 8 of them. We’ll find out soon enough.
It is still a little too early for pond plants. They are not available yet and they are going to make such a difference.

Below: I wore this that day as I didn’t lift a finger haha. I am not even allowed to do anything in the garden besides picking up fallen leaves as I don’t know the difference between a plant and weed. Last year I saw what I thought were weeds, and I pulled everything out. Turned out to be a plant…Right… (Link to original outfit post with fancy green shoes.)

Pink trousers with green jumper

One  cold day I decided to try and solve some technical stuff, like reconnecting our solar panel app to our Wi-Fi. And I failed. Hopefully the company that installed them can help me (they didn’t pick up the phone…).
After that I called Apple Support to ask how I can get a new passcode for my mum’s iPad. I hate these things as it takes up so much time. When you do get through to someone, it often happens that they cannot help you. You wait and you wait. Bummer. The upside of these chores is that I learn new technical things, which is good.

Thursday we celebrated our King’s birthday (King’s Day) and contrary to the weather forecast we had beautiful weather. Hardly any wind and lots of sunshine though rather cold.

Below: This is what I wore that day. Red, white and blue, the colours of our flag. Almost everybody wears something in these colours or something orange (after the King’s surname).

Outfit King's Day 2023

Below: Everybody is allowed to sell junk from their attic on the street. Are those bedpans??

King's Day 2023

Below: No need to buy anything for children in a store. You can score more than enough kid’s presents for a whole year on King’s Day and it will cost you next to nothing.

King's Day 2023

Below: A lot of food is offered, like these French crêpes (thin pancakes). I had one with caramel and it was delicious.

King's Day 2023

Below: I sang along with this happy man. It was joyful and funny.

King's Day 2023

Below: People wear the weirdest hats, like this man with a hat like a plunger (see the arrow).

King's Day 2023

Below: And the doggies are adorable.

Doggie on King's Day 2023

Below: This one is wearing an orange tie.

Doggie on King's Day 2023

Below: I scored a blue summer skirt at kpa.haarlem. In the spirit of King’s Day, Karlijn sold old stock against bargain prices. I was too lazy to take off my jeans and trainers and just tried the skirt on over my clothes. LOL

Bargain purchase at kpa.haarlem during King's Day 2023

Below: At the end of the afternoon, we arranged to meet neighbours for a drink in the new restaurant (see the beginning of this post). About 30 neighbours turned up. Sooooo nice.
(I pixelated faces that were recognizable as I didn’t ask permission to publish. Nevertheless, the photo still conveys the atmosphere.)

Kings Day at ZIJL82

If you want to see more and fun King’s Day photos, have a look at my post on King’s Day 2014 in Amsterdam. Such a terrific day.

Something to make you laugh, “finding a bathing suit in spring”

To really make you laugh, here is the link to a 2014 post. It is a hilarious story about a woman (of a mature age) trying to find a bathing suit. No idea who wrote the story, but it will kill you laughing. My friend Anja made funny drawings to illustrate the story. Below you see an example of one she drew for another occasion, called Shy Fashionista.


No Fear of Fashion


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