It has been a while since we went to Amsterdam to celebrate Queens day or rather Kings day, since the succession of Willem Alexander last year. Today we (my husband Ron and I) wanted to give you an impression of Amsterdam Kings day 2014. For anybody who is not Dutch.. customs are:
1) try and sell any rubish you have lying around in the attic, by spreading it on the pavement in a busy street.
2) try to earn some money in whatever way possible.
3) always wear something orange, the weirder the better. As our king is Willem Alexander van Oranje (=orange).
Right. We have established this. Of course I went for fashionably orange. Hey… I have a duty to fulfil. I will leave “weird” to others. Plenty of that about as you will see.
Ron took a picture of me before we headed off to the centre of town (above), to make sure that there would be at least one decent photo of me. I am wearing my skinny jeans, a new blue silk top, a new found chain necklace (YAY!.. stop the search Dan, unless you can find a fuchsia one) and my soft orange brogues. They are sooooo soft. They are the first pair of shoes on which I can walk for hours with bare feet and not get any blisters. You have seen them once before and I am so going to buy more shoes at Dominio. They are worth every penny. And a special mention for the bag, which is a present from Anja, my friend and part-time neighbour.
Below: we will start with weird. Fun, but weird in my eyes.Below: we have photographed a lot of women in lovely orange clothes or attractive or at least somewhat decent. Here are two fine examples. The first lady in the wide skirt tried to buy my bag (no way Anja, no way).
Below: this is what Amsterdam (or should I say most of The Netherlands) looks like on Kings day.
Below: we headed into Haarlemmerdijk and spotted this antique bath. When I photographed it, the lady in the blue jacket said: “Stop… you have to pay one euro to photograph this bath”… (everybody tries to make a buck on this day).
Below: after which exclamation Ron said: “I will pay you two euros if I can step into the bath together with you…” Her son handed here a life-jacket and in she went. We had a good couple of laughs.
Below: further down the street this lady looked particularly good.
Below: let us not forget the men…
Below: we went to the canals and wandered around. The children are the cutest. Because I got all “ahhh” at a lot of kids, I made collages, in an attempt to keep the number of photos to an acceptable level (did not succeed).
Below: you will also find a few collages with “hats” or better said: anything orange on their heads.
Below: money schemes. They pose themselves as games, like: “try and balance a coin on this orange in a bowl of water. If you succeed, you win 10 x your wager. If you fail, tough…!.” Of course these things are tried at home and you never win.
Below: nevertheless, Ron had a go at one of these schemes. He tried to eat 5 cookies (speculaasjes) in one minute.. Hahaha, failed miserably. (By the way, I don’t like hats on him. He loves them..)
Below: some more children. The one on the left (Rose) made the cup cakes and polishes your nails. Also children playing an instrument (and/or singing) are a big hit at Kings day.
Below: some more “hats”.
Below: some more ladies in orange clothes worth photographing.
Below: and not just the young ones….
Below: three cheers for this inventive lady: our flag colours down her legs.
Below: believe it or not, I did not buy anything. If this little number had been in my size instead of XS, I would have bought it. (Suzanne: it is from the same range as that lovely dress you wore to the butterflies. My heart jumped when I saw it. Alas…)
Below: we went for a coffee in a new place at Rozengracht where they sell macarons. No need to go to Paris for that anymore. We met this nice Australian couple and had a very pleasant chat. (If they do have a look at my blog tomorrow -I gave my card haha-, this photo will be a surprise. LOL)
Below: another man.. imposing as our king.
Below: a shiny queen.
Below: it was so much more quiet than in other years, but still enough people about. We left our dog Charlie at home after her walk. No need to stress her in this crowd.
Below: if you wanted to have your picture taken with the dog (called George) it cost you one euro. Poor soul. The owner assured me that on all other 364 days of the year this dog gets pampered.
Below: there is our former queen Beatrix and her son Willem Alexander on the  housefront.
Below: OK weird again. These suits are apparently very popular for lying on the couch at home. They could not sell any to me.
Below: more “hats”.Â
Below: why not another picture of a canal? There are more than enough of them. And on Kings day a lot of boats are on the canals.
Below: this is what the boat people look like.
Below: nifty little clothes hangers.
Below: more orange.
Below: what a lovely and beautiful family. Their little daughter is in one of the children collages above.
That was it folks. A lovely sunny day with an orange glow. Hope you enjoyed it.
A special thank you to Sylvia of 40+Style, who encouraged me to shoot photos in “raw” and to use the programme “Lightroom” to correct mistakes in my photos. I am learning this programme bit by bit. And as you can see above, my pictures are improving so much.
This is fascinating, Greetje! It seems like such a fun day out! But why do people try and earn money? Is it for charity? Or just for themselves? I’m loving seeing all this orange everywhere lol.
Your husband is game for a laugh, sitting in the bath with that lady lol!
Suzy xx
We are Dutch my darling… it is for their own gain, without paying taxes.
My husband is always in for a laugh. He makes me laugh nearly every day.
LOL!!!! This made me laugh he he he
Suzy xx
This is why I like to read blogs from around the world. I learn about other cultures. What a wonderful day. Orange is such a happy color and to have everyone sporting orange for the day is a very happy day. The bag you have is great. No wonder the lady wanted to buy it. But the shoes wow did I love those shoe you are wearing.
Hi Sue. This was a very fruitful day for a blogger. So much going on to feature in a post. I love orange as a colour too. Had a perfect velvet orange jacket once. Which got ruined by red wine. It was my husband’s doing and he had had one too many. That rarely happens, but that day it did; he repented and bought me a new jacket. Alas not an orange one. Still pining for that one.
The shoes are hard for me to style. I often find them too masculin. But the other day I bought an olive greenish pair of trousers with vertical stripes at the side, one being orange. Those shoes were perfect with it. Hah. Took two and a half years.
Really nice post! Like your bagg too 🙂
Ps think my dad, with a hat on, looks more funny (in a good way) and younger 🙂
He will appreciate that Nicky. And yes, the bag is a very nice present from Anja.
The event looks like it was s big blast judging from these great happy pictures….thanks for sharing Greet!
Their was this kind of friendly vibe, of togetherness, love and laughter. That made the day.
I love your orange shoes, Greetje! Thanks for sharing this fun day with us, fantastic photos!!
A warm, sunny day sure makes it enjoyable.
♥ carmen
It sure did. Rain can ruin such a fun day completely. Now we enjoyed ourselves so much. Thanks for dropping by.
Hey G,
still following you;…Even if I didn’t leave any comments lately.
would you bring outfits with Dutch designers only? Kind of curious about Dutch designers.
Great to hear from you Barbara. Even better hearing that you still visit my little blog. Can you elaborate a bit more on what you mean with “bringing outfits with Dutch designers”?
wow – what a great post, and wonderful photographs. It looks like a hoot of a day !!!
Thanks Paul. These kind of posts are my favourite ones. So much fun in making them.
Can’t believe a year as already gone by since the first time you introduced me to this ever so fun holiday. Do most of the people have the day off work for this holiday? It actually looks like a lot of fun and just a a carefree day. Love all the ways you captured this day for us. I’m seriously impressed that you’re shooting in raw mode, it’s the most difficult to do and your photo’s look wonderful. I always shoot in manual and then do a bit of editing.
I think your outfit of choice is wise, its casual and just the right amount of fun.
Shooting in raw is just one little menu setting which does not require any skills. When I do reports like these I do not shoot on manual, just automatic. As manual requires too much setting and I need to capture moments. Different kind of photography. Raw just means high quality, which is better if you are going to do editing. At least that is what I think haha. Bear in mind I know very little about photography.
To answer your question: everybody has the day off, it is a public holiday.
I am glad you like this post as I love doing such posts. And yes time flies….you loyal reader from the beginning.
Wow Greetje. What a great report.!!! I love orange color and the photos are so beautiful!!!
Orange is one of my favourite colours too. So I have more than enough items in my closet to choose from each year.
Wow Greetje, what great fun you have on Kings Day. Your photos made me feel like I was in Amsterdam , so well done. So many colourful outfits, loved the feathers and crowns and of course the sweet children. You looked great with your orange touches.
It is such an amazing experience for everybody. Full of friendship and good will. Foreighners who don’t know about this day, don’t know what hits them when they visit haha.
Hey Greetje! What a fun post…Kings Day sounds like a lot of good fun! Who doesn’t love a gigantic garage sale, food, and general good will! I was certain as soon as I saw the dress the orange circles that I wouldn’t like anything else, but I have to say the orange daisy coat is also a cutey! So happy that you had nice weather to enjoy everything! And I hope your husband got at least some enjoyment out of trying to eat several cookies in a short amount of time, 🙂
Haha, no Ron did not enjoy the cookies at all. Too dry. And it is not really a garage sale. It is more like a rubbish sale. Of course you sometimes find gems amongst the rubbish. I once found a hand painted silk kimono (full length) for 1 dollar. Cost me more to dry clean. But it was lovely. Nowadays I don’t really search anymore.
I meant fabulous and not five…
Sorry, I am having trouble with my eyes .
I am going to look at this again because these pictures had so much
Humor and life. I wish we had this holiday here in the US!
But I suppose it would not work in the streets of New York!
XX, Elle
Each country (or city) has its own festivities and fun. I am sure New York offers a lot. But you are right, Kings day is a terrific day. Also very friendly, no fighting (well perhaps sometimes a little bit, but given the crowd and the amount of drinks neglectable). Glad you liked my post.
Oh Greetje , these are five photos. I love the premise of this holiday. There’s so much personality and flamboyance in the shots and they are so much fun to look at. I love the photo with the striped bathtubs and the adorable children with the crown and some of those orange outfits are just so funny.
Now to address your outfit, you are looking fabulous. I love these skinny jeans on you and I adore that orange handbag. The brogues are classic in shape but so updated in that color, and they look so comfortable. Too bad I wasn’t shopping with you I would have bought that pretty little extra small dress, it looks perfect for me. Oh well I think I have enough anyway. Thank you so much for sharing this. Great fun to see!
XX, Elle
What a great day to be out and about and people-watching. Thanks for sharing!
We don’t do it every year which is stupid, really. As it is so much fun just watching people.
George is adorable… and so are you in those pants! And for someone who isn’t 100% confident in them, you look 110% confident! (which makes me admire you even more).
I had checked out Suzanne Carillo before… heading over there now, thanks for the reminder!
That poor dog looked so incredibly and thoroughly “over it” – if he could speak, he’d be saying “not again!” Which makes it kind of adorable, in a perverse way.
Your bag is fabulous and I really do like those skinny jeans on you – glad to see them 🙂
And I can see why you would want that dress (?), the print is beautiful!
Thanks again for sharing your exciting life!!
xo ~kim & chloe
I think dog George was still quite OK. It was still early in the morning, and he did not feel nervous or anything. And his owner was a sweet lady. I don’t think she would let him be tortured. Actually I don’t think a lot of people will have paid her to photograph themselves with the dog LOL.
I still am a little conscious of those jeans. Not when I am wearing them with a jacket or with high heels, but with low heels and sweaters…. hmm still not 100% sure.
My exciting life consists of hard work most of the times alas.
As for the pretty print dress, do you know the blog Suzanne Carillo Style Files? She visited a butterfly zoo or something like that the other day and was wearing this lovely similar dress.
What a FUN tradition!! The shots are fantastic Greetje 🙂
Do you have to have a permit to sell your items on the street? That is a law in the States.
Your event reminds me of one my family went to yesterday (Saturday). It’s called the Lemon Festival because the city that hosted was known for its lemon crops. There were 100’s of food items made of lemon – YUM. I even had lemon flavored popcorn 🙂 There are tons of festivals like this…Orange, strawberry, lavender, apple, etc. This is because the state of California is known for its agriculture.
On Kings day you don’t need the permit to sell your items on the street. That day is a free market for everyone and it is known as “flee market”.
I had a lemon cupcake on Kings day, from the lemon ladies haha. Your festival sounds like fun too. There is more than enough food on Kings day, but there is a lot more going on as well.
Brilliant, you made it, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Thank you so much for being part of the creative adventure of Share-in-Style.
hahaha… did you see how the photo appeared on your blog? only a teeny part of it. The rest is black. And I did not do anything. It must have finally gone through from yesterday’s trial.
Thank you for these great and funny impressions, what an amazing atmosphere and I am glad you had nice and sunny weather. It is a shame if the weather ruins the outdoors activities as everybody puts so much effort in the costumes and decoration.
At my workplace I also have very nice Dutch colleagues and they always put up a great party that day!
Annette | Lady of Style
What always surprises me is the kind atmosphere on this day. No fighting, lots of laughs (and lots of food). And yes… everybody is always praying for good weather.
My dear Greetje what a fabulous fun post, and gorgeous necklace.
You are right. I tried to link you from here and wont allow it. it could be because o the amount of photos??
Thank you so much for trying and for sharing
I will try again.
I remember attending this while I visited Amsterdam many moons ago. I love this concept just to bring out people into the streets and hopefully make some new friends or a few dollars.
Really loving this outfit on you. Yeah for finding another fun link necklace and Anja has great taste – that purse is so fun!
It has become busier and busier after your “many moons ago”. But still friendly and no fighting.
What a great reportage, Greetje!
Oh, how I love Queens/Kings Day in Amsterdam!! One of my favorite days of the year.
Your pictures are beautiful. Kudoos to you for all your studying and all your time and effort. It sure pays off!
And you looked modest and normal, for Kingsday standards, but indeed fashionable. Nice!
As I said… I have a duty to my blog haha. It was lovely to be there again after so many years. What has changed is the starting time. We arrived at 8.30 and left at 12.00. And it really wasn’t that busy. Lots of parking spaces, very few boats in the canals etc. Afterwards we saw the pictures in the papers and realized that the bulk of the people must have arrived after we left. It is like going to the beach. In the old days you had to be there at 8. Nowadays you cannot get any coffee before 10.
NOW we’re talking! It’s becoming totally MY kinda day. Not too crowded, accommodating for latecomers. Cool!
Fun post here! Your necklace looks great with the cool shoes. You are looking stylish for your relaxed day of fun. Your homeland feels like people really know how to have a good time. Interesting to hear about this tradition. I’ve been listening to Queen concerts, Freddie Mercury, on youtube lately. We didn’t listen to much of this music where I grew up. Did you happen to go to any of the concerts? Seems like this group was so popular in Europe back in the day. I think the Europeans have more fun than we do in the US!
blue hue wonderland
Oh I don’t know Ann, different countries different customs different fun. It is just a moment in time. Queen was a very popular band in The Netherlands too. We have the top 2000 records contest at Christmas every year. And they are always number one with Bohemian Rapsody.
Glad you like my post.
Very nice post! ( as you know I love the kind! ) It, in some way, allows me to visit Amsterdam ! Kings day must be a nice occasion to go around and find funny things! All that orange is very joyful, and it seems a warm, spring day!
You have find a cute necklace at last! Orange goes very well with blue and is a very vitaminic colour!
Yes Dan. My search for the necklace is over… unless I can find a fuchsia one too. Then that will be the end of chain necklaces for me. But orange is indeed a very good colour for me.
I so enjoyed making this post. And it pleases me very much that you like it.
Fantastic idea with orange colour 🙂 I would like to be there …..I think it was good day.Greetings.
Yes it was a terrific day. And orange is a good colour for me.
What a blast! Thanks for sharing this. I get to feel as though I was there without having sore feet : )
I truly am surprised you didn’t buy up two of those Winnie the Pooh TV loungers. LOL I could *so* see you in one of those. ; P
What a shame about that dress. So funny you managed to find one from the same line since that Zara stuff comes around once and then is gone forever.
I love your new necklace, bag and shoes! The shoes the shoes the shoes! They are too rich for my blood though. I will just admire yours.
I think the idea behind a citywide garage sale on the street is brilliant. Also the idea of trying to earn money any way possible is funny. Seems very community minded.
hahaha Suzanne, no it is just greed LOL. Besides too much rubish in the attick or the shed. Who knows what fool will buy it.
Thank you very much , I can not leave the house on these days anymore, too crowdy, I have been watching television, seeing the King and family visiting my town, but visiting Amsterdam is just the top and thanks to you I did that by enjoying your photo’s and story.
My pleasure entirely Marianne. It was so much fun to create this post.
Looks like a fun and busy holiday. I thought, associate Holland with orange, was a cliche, but I realize that it is real, you like the orange (me too). People in Amsterdam, at least that day, has no problems with shame, there are some really strange people LOL. I like to meet customs points, so close, yet so far away sometimes. You’re great with your necklace and your orange shoes.
At least I am still normal while others go out of their minds haha. Yes the Dutch can let their hair down so to speak.
Wow Greetje. What a great report. Indeed all the images are smashing. I’m so proud of you for persisting with the programme and your photography!
You gave me some good pushes dear and I am grateful for it.
This blog must indeed be a hobby as I could not wait to upload the photos to my computer, sort them etc. and make a story. Took me hours, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. So that is what hobbies are about, agreed?
What fun you Dutch have. Wish I could have been there. And please tell Ron that I disagree with you–he looks great in hats!
I will most certainly not tell him that LOL… I don’t want to encourage him haha.
yes, and the great thing about this hobby is that you not entertain yourself but others as well!