A white shirt, simple yet impactful

A white shirt, simple yet impactful

The number of photos of this outfit with the white shirt, is limited for a change. Loes and I couldn’t think of a very interesting place to do the photo shoot and chose a park. That limited the options. Nevertheless, I hope you will enjoy this post. Below: While...
Monochrome grey

Monochrome grey

It is very rare for me to wear anything monochrome. It is also rare for me to wear grey. And yet, here I am, wearing monochrome grey. When I saw this opening photo, I could only think “Oh good heavens, the “girls” are definitely taking centre stage....
Showing Amsterdam to Daniela

Showing Amsterdam to Daniela

The best thing about blogging is the contact with other women, especially (but not only) bloggers. One of my great fellow bloggers is Daniela, better known as Dan from the blog The Pretty Cute. She is a very elegant Italian lady who invited me to visit her in Italy....
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