Orange leather pencil skirt

Orange leather pencil skirt

An orange leather pencil skirt is something out of the ordinary. I like that. The colour orange, which I like as well, made me pull the item from the rack and I was amazed how well it fit me. Usually these skirts have room for hips, which are not on my body. This...
Black pointy flats rocking

Black pointy flats rocking

You saw these black pointy flats before in the post with the white shirt. They are very soft and do not give me blisters wearing them with bare feet. In summer all shoes give me blisters, so this is such a happy exception. Last time I styled them in a hurry but I...
Amsterdam Kings day 2014

Amsterdam Kings day 2014

It has been a while since we went to Amsterdam to celebrate Queens day or rather Kings day, since the succession of Willem Alexander last year. Today we (my husband Ron and I) wanted to give you an impression of Amsterdam Kings day 2014. For anybody who is not Dutch.....
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