A wide blue skirt

A wide blue skirt

Here it is, the wide blue skirt I bought in Newcastle when I was there to meet Nikki of Midlifechic. I adored it the minute I saw it hanging on the rack. It has three layers and an extra frill on the bottom layer. Luckily it fit me like a glove (love my newfound...
Striped cashmere jumper

Striped cashmere jumper

My BVA friends and I were to meet last weekend but poor Marianne was in bed with a lot of back pain, so we had to postpone. Which also meant: no blog pictures. RON TO THE RESCUE (can you imagine him with a cape, flying through the sky  😆 ?). His offer came the evening...
Brocante market in Haarlem with Sylvia

Brocante market in Haarlem with Sylvia

Here you see the whole outfit with the bright blue top which I wore in last week’s post. I wore it again to the brocante market in Haarlem with Sylvia of 40+Style. It is an easy outfit. As I get older, I appreciate ease and comfort more and more. Still wearing...
Red jacket… finally

Red jacket… finally

I have a red jacket!! I have a red jacket!! YAY… Red is totally my colour, it suits me so well. But if it is not in fashion, it is hard to come by. And vintage shops are nowhere near as good in The Netherlands as they are in the USA or Canada. Three weeks ago,...
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