Grey boyfriend jacket a la Style Confessions 1

As many of you know, this grey boyfriend jacket is a problem for me, because of the colour and the shape.
I have shown you many outfits with this jacket (part 1, part 2 and part 3).

Then Heather Fonseca of The Style Confessions offered everybody to style an outfit and draw sketches of the desired outfit. Of course I jumped at this opportunity and asked her for help. She is such a good artist and drew two lovely outfit possibilities. Have a look at her sketches. And then compare them with reality. Didn’t she do a good job?

Note: I have new shoes and a new belt. Sylvia of 40+Style wears this belt in her black and white post. And she was kind enough to bring me the same belt on her trip to The Netherlands. She did consult me first whether I still wanted it and what I thought of the price before she purchased it for me.
I think it is extremely kind of her to go through all this trouble (she had to go back to the shop 3 times…) and for letting me copy her.

Grey boyfriend jacket a la Style Confessions 2

[twocol_one]Grey boyfriend jacket a la Style Confessions 5[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]Grey boyfriend jacket a la Style Confessions 4[/twocol_one_last]

And here is the jacket with the white dress, as suggested and sketched by Heather. Including my yellow Coach bag. Heather did quite some homework before she started drawing haha. Knowing what items I possess.

Grey boyfriend jacket a la Style Confessions 9

Grey boyfriend jacket a la Style Confessions 8

Grey boyfriend jacket a la Style Confessions 7

Below: wind swept hair

Grey boyfriend jacket a la Style Confessions 10

Trust me, you will never see this grey boyfriend jacket ever again. Enough is enough.



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