Black skinnies black top 2

Sylvia of 40+Style was over from Singapore visiting my neighbourhood as her parent-in-law live just one street away from me. (What are the odds of that?) 
Together with our mutual friend and my neighbour Anja of Curly Traveller, we went through (a part of) my wardrobe and they styled me. It is good to have friends.
I asked them to give me more possibilities to wear these yellow sandals and this is what they came up with. I like it but I am a bit insecure about this outfit as the jacket is rather short for these skinny trousers.  
The sandals can be worn with or without the flap and were a present from my husband (last year) when we went to Antwerp. The brand is Michel Vivien and were sold at this fabulous shoeshop called Thiron. They sell online. 

We had a great time styling, photographing and laughing that afternoon. The day before we all went out for diner (together with another friend, Saskia) to celebrate Sylvia’s birthday (her treat). And we also wandered through Haarlem, having lunch and coffee. See Sylvia’s fun post.

Black skinnies black top 6

Black skinnies black top 1

Black skinnies black top 3

Black skinnies black top 4

Black skinnies black top 5

Normally I would prefer a longer jacket. After all I am not a teenager anymore. But both ladies insisted that I could still carry this off, even at 59. Hmmm…not so sure about that. What do you think??? Please give me an honest opinion. I don’t need flattering, I need insights and opinions.



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