This fourth part of my shopping in Amsterdam tour, took us to the Jordaan. A famous area in this city with small and old houses. Â The neighbourhood was formed in 1600. The people who lived there were always renowned for their humor, their poverty and for looking after each other. Humor is the reason why I like Amsterdam so much anyway.Â
Let’s start with the map at the bottom left:My friend Marla accompanied me on this trip and took photos too. Which was lucky for me as a few important photos I made, were ruined.
This is Marla, a classic beauty who has always looked years younger than she actually is:At the beginning of our trip, their were few shops, but lovely stuff to see. Like old buildings:
Below: this house at Bloemgracht (with the red shutters) was renovated under supervision of my husband’s grandfather
Below: lovely flowers hanging from the houses:
It is an area with nice canals….
 ….with plaques on a lot of houses:
….and quaint stuff like these little wedding cake dolls
Below: this  pub is called Café ‘t Smalle at Egelantiersgracht. The terrace in front of it is a perfect place to tie up your boat. Which is a very decadent feeling, I can tell you. We did it a few times, having to say things like: “Excuse me, could you move your foot please, so  I can throw my rope over this pole?” Honoustly… so decadent.
Below: For Suzanne Carillo: a thrift shop at Prinsengracht 201. Well…. it is more a vintage store with remakes and originals. They sell retro dresses, jewellery and handbags.
After a light lunch at At Letting, Prinsenstraat 3, we headed accross the road to Margriet Nannings, Prinsengracht 8. Nice clothes but nothing really tempted us. And you know how easily I am tempted. It doesn’t take much. Still, Â Margriet Nannings is a good brand, so I guess we were unlucky.
Below: I cleaned up this photo as there was stuff in the way, like a calculator and such.
Below: further north at the beginning of Herenstraat, there is this delightful vintage (antique) store with lots of trinkets:
Below: a bit difficult for visitors from abroad to take with them, but don’t you love this vase they sold in the vintage shop?Â
Below: just a little down the road at Herenstraat 21, is Zsiska, a true find. Colourful clothes, although not many. But the ones they do have, will make you feel happy.
Below: Zsiska has very nice jewellery. The shop comes with a very perky, smart, nice and professional shop assistent. You know me… I didn’t stand a chance and walked out with a necklace (which is in the last pictures)
Below: in Herenstraat we ran into this lady. I so fell in love with her coat (Max Mara) that I bought it when I saw it in a shop two months later. She was the one who made me think of wearing green underneath my animal print jacket
There were a few more shops in Herenstraat but nothing was really to our fancy, so we went back to Prinsenstraat and into number 18: Timeless Collection. I have been going here off and on since 1985. Nice feminine clothes and the shop owner (Arianne van Wijk) is a seamstress by profession so she knows quality.
Below: then across the Prinsengracht to the Noordermarkt, where you find the Noorderkerk (finished in 1623). There is a farmer’s market on Saturdays and a huge vintage market (are you reading this Suzanne?) on Mondays
Below: at the entrance of the church is a bronze statue of three women with the title: Unity the strongest chain, commemorating the Jordaan riots in July 1934 (hunger, poverty etc)
Below and above: nice terraces, pubs and buildings as we strolled to … another vintage shop
Below: vintage shop Sterrenstof at 1e Goudsbloemdwarsstraat 10 (try and pronounce that, you readers from abroad), is open on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 11.00 tot 18.00 hours
Below: we liked these three-dimensional brooches at Sterrenstof
Below: on our way back we saw this lady at the bus stop, looking good. So why not take a picture? We got to talk and she was nice. See my blog card in her hand? I never miss a chance. LOL
Below: in the evening, Marla and I did not feel like cooking, so we went out for diner with our husbands.
I had a little bit too much to drink, which never happens (I am not joking. Drinking is not one of my vices.) Give me too much to drink and I am still myself but times ten. A force to be reckoned with. Here I am, killing myself laughing and wearing the necklace I bought at Zsiska earlier that dayBelow: at the wine bar/small restaurant Wijn & Ko, Grote Markt 21 in Haarlem (please visit them, you will not be disappointed). From left to right: my husband Ron in the front with the red sneakers, behind him, our friend Georg. And of course Marla and dopey me.
You are still welcome to join me on a shopping tour through Amsterdam in May or September. Read more about it here and at the top navigation, tab Amsterdam, where you can find my previous tours through Amsterdam.
Next time I will show you lots of vintage (by request of Suzanne) at Haarlemmerstraat.
PS 1… Although a little late, I would like to show you a gathering of shoes at The Citizen Rosebud’s Shoe Shine. Check them out.
PS 2.. Also linking to a bloggers gathering party Très Chic Style Bits at Nanda’s Searching the Inner me, talking about a visit to Paris.
Oh how exciting!!! Vintage in Amsterdam : ) I like the idea of the weekly market. Normally the ones I’ve been to in London and Paris are very good.
I love that woman’s outfit and leather jacket that you took the photo of. You’re very brave aren’t you?
I guess I’ll do okay there as long as I don’t have to pronounce anything. LOL
Already those colourful dresses caught my eye as well as that long coat. Very cool designs.
Your gold necklace looks like something Cleopatra would have worn. Very decadent.
Thanks for doing this for me Greetje : )
The vintage market at Noordermarkt is really pretty good, but much, much smaller than the ones in London and Paris. We have a bigger fleemarket called Waterlooplein but I would indeed call it a flee market.
And no I am not brave. Approaching people is the easiest thing for me, unless I have to sell them something. In this case it is just fun and flattering, so no problem. We all have our strong points. This one is mine.
Forgot to stress the fact that the vintage market Noordermarkt is on a Monday!
Greetje, thankyou for the tour around a city I remember fondly.( visited in 1975, a lifetime ago).
Both you and the other ladies featured look great, love the Max Mara coat.
Glad you enjoyed it. The Max Mara coat you will see on me when spring arrives….
This series on shopping in Amsterdam is one of my favourites. I feel like I’ve been on holiday! The architecture in your lovely city is stunning. You appreciate it too, I can tell! One day I would love to visit and meet you.
And I would love to show you around. Start saving please.
I will admit that these Amsterdam series are my new hobby. If all my readers appreciate it as much as you do, I would be so happy. I will have to look at Google Analysis I guess.
Another fabulous tour Greetje. I’m not sure I know all these places. I hope I can get at least one personalised tour from you as well this year!
Of course you can. See you in April?
Please,please wear them and let me see.
Have a lovely day, dear Greetje
Do you mean the coat?
You have made Amsterdam sparkle with intrigue! Lovely and beautiful post. So much to be inspired by, charming architecture and interesting shopping. What an incredible place to live. Your necklace is a beauty!
blue hue wonderland
I wish I did live there, but after doing so for ten years I moved. Now I live in a smaller town, lovely and beautiful, but I do miss Amsterdam.
It is 9:22 PM here, and I saved this all day so I could read it at my leisure. I just love your tours, Greetje. So personalized, ’cause you show us clothes. And jewels, and architecture and we get to meet some of your friends! I’ve just fallen in love with Amsterdam because of you. More houseboats and barges! It’s such a lovely break from our humdrum life here. You look wonderful, (even if you had, as we say here “a snootful”) and your necklace is wonderful. Such fun.
Thank you so much!
You have no idea how happy your comment makes me. As these tours are my “babies”. Thank you.
A wonderful post, Greetje. The tour of Amsterdam is fantastic, the photos are very good and the city love to see it. That lovely shops, clothes and wonderful objects. I must visit Amsterdam soon! Ladies who’ve photographed are all very smart, you have a very attractive friends, like you. I love your necklace, black dress with colorful polka dots, and look lady waiting for the bus, with that lovely green jacket. And I’m in love with Amsterdam, and your look in the first picture 🙂
Everything is quite relaxed, isn’t it? You are always welcome in Amsterdam. I will be your guide if you want me to. (Or not if you want to explore it by yourself.)
Very nice Greetje, love all the pictures. What a beautiful city! If it weren’t on your blog but just send to me I would think there was a hidden message in it for me ‘where would you rather be than in Amsterdam’:)
Ah my dear, there are more beautiful spots in the world. You have got to do what your heart tells you to do. (I am getting milder haha.)
I loved this post!! The tour…the buildings…the fashion…I really enjoyed it and this is a place I may never see. Thanks so much!
Did you read the other three articles on different areas too? If not, look under the tab Amsterdam in the navigation.
I have never been in Amsterdan and I would like to go urgently! hehehe
great post!
Have you seen the other posts I made on Amsterdam? If not, have a look at the top navigation of my blog under the tab Amsterdam and enjoy.
This is awesome Greetje! I spied one of my favorite spots at the canal.
The one where we moor, haha?? When you come in September, it might still be good enough weather to sit out there.
Oh, how fabulous it looks! It brings back memories of my previous trips to Amsterdam, but when I come later this year, I will get to have a fabulous shopping guide! I see you got a another great necklace! (One can never have too many, can one?)
Much love from England,
Rose from
A good shopping guide is 100% Amsterdam. I think it comes in all languages. I used it for Rome, Copenhagen, London and Milan. See you in May.
You are the perfect tour guide. A fascinating combination of architecture and fashion. Brava!
When I was 17 that was the profession I chose. Alas … all the travel organizations thought I was too toung. Which I was of course.
No it was the answer to your commet aboutif you would dare to wear tartan and flowers.
Ah… I didn’t dare. Wore the blouse with a burgundy skinny. I will have a look tomorrow to see how it looks.
Another interesting view of Amsterdam! I enjoyed the tour ( and just today I have read that two new daily flights will join soon Torino and Amsterdam! ) .
Your new necklace is a beauty, and you seem to be so happy with your nice friend!!
I love these kind of posts! It would be nice to see some similar ones of the city where you live…
That might be a good idea Dan. So far I thought I’d stick to Amsterdam as it is the most interesting town and there is always a lot happening. I also want to focus. Now… Shall I focus on Amsterdam? Or Holland in general? Have to think about that. Glad there are two new flights. I wished Easyjet would take on Torino. I have tickets for Geneva by Easyjet and I have to change or cancel them.
I feel like I have been on a tour round the town with you and your friends.
Such a jou, ahhhhhhhh. Must visit.
You are looking radiant dear Greetje.
Please do visit!! Glad to have you and show you around.
This was fantastic, thank you SO much! Amsterdam is so high on my list of places to visit!! So although you may have to look at your analytics to see if this post ranks highly, from scrolling through the comments, it looks like you’ve touched people so deeply with your photos, your insights, and, as always, your sense of humor. You would be the perfect tour guide and I do hope one day to make my way there and meet you in person and take you up on this. Truly!!!
xo ~kim
You would be so welcome Kim! The beginning of May I have two ladies coming: Lorraine from the UK. You might know her from 40+Style where she participates a lot. And the other one is Rose, a Canadian lady who lives in the UK. She has a blog called Forever on the catwalk of life (see the blogs that I follow). In September I can greet Dixie of Dixie Beauty.
But if you come on a different date, I will still show you around. No fear. When I did my first post (Boating through Amsterdam), it felt so good that I wanted to continue it. The audience of No Fear of Fashion is my trial audience.
Such a well done tour!!! Loving the visual concept which makes us be there.
Thank you for sharing it.
Thank you so much for linking with Très Chic Style Bits!!!!!
Glad you like the tour Nanda. It is such fun to make such a post.
Thank you soooo much for this fantastic tour of Amsterdam!!
Brings back vivid memories of many years ago!!
♥ carmen
My pleasure entirely.
Greetje, What a wonderful tour! I am in love with those lovely building son the water. The shops look tempting and lovely, all of those glass pieces, jewels and pretty clothes.. I wonder what I I will see on the next post. Ido. Love the green under the leopard, that is a great combo ? Indeed, your friend is very pretty. Thanks again for the virtual tour, it has been cold and gray here , so it was a real treat for me!
XX, Elle
That is why I took a week off of work in September. For 3 days I went into Amsterdam with a friend, each day another friend and another location. Camera at hand. I planned four days, but my friend of the fourth day was occupied for half a day, so we decided not to go to Amsterdam. Which was very welcome as I was worn out after three whole days. The idea was to capture Amsterdam when there was still some sunshine and leaves on the trees. Makes much nicer pictures than winter photos.
The things we do for blogging hey?
Another wonderful post from the best travel guide I have ever known. Believe me, you are definitely the most entertaining tour guide out there. I can see why you would never want to move away from your home town (country). It’s so beautiful and quaint. We do not have any buildings over 100 years old here, in fact most of them are not more than 50 years old. I particular fell in love with the old buildings and streets. Well, and of course the Zsista is calling my name. I can just see you and your friendly, outgoing self talking it up with complete strangers and taking their pictures. I need to see your blog card up close and personal, that’s a fun idea. Thanks again for the incurably fun tour.
So much praise… Be careful, you don’t make me conceited. I will send you my blog card by email.
I love the ambiance of your town Greet….looking forward to a tour from you someday!
And you would get the royal treatment my dear.
I always enjoy these shopping trips with your Greetje! I love that dress with the pretty colors…very eye catching.
I am glad you enjoy the tours as I plan to continue them. I love making them you see.
This was fantastic, thank you SO much! Amsterdam is so high on my list of places to visit!! So although you may have to look at your analytics to see if this post ranks highly, from scrolling through the comments, it looks like you’ve touched people so deeply with your photos, your insights, and, as always, your sense of humor. You would be the perfect tour guide and I do hope one day to make my way there and meet you in person and take you up on this. Truly!!!
xo ~kim
You would be so welcome Kim! The beginning of May I have two ladies coming: Lorraine from the UK. You might know her from 40+Style where she participates a lot. And the other one is Rose, a Canadian lady who lives in the UK. She has a blog called Forever on the catwalk of life (see the blogs that I follow). In September I can greet Dixie of Dixie Beauty.
But if you come on a different date, I will still show you around. No fear. When I did my first post (Boating through Amsterdam), it felt so good that I wanted to continue it. The audience of No Fear of Fashion is my trial audience.
Greetje, What a wonderful tour! I am in love with those lovely building son the water. The shops look tempting and lovely, all of those glass pieces, jewels and pretty clothes.. I wonder what I I will see on the next post. Ido. Love the green under the leopard, that is a great combo ? Indeed, your friend is very pretty. Thanks again for the virtual tour, it has been cold and gray here , so it was a real treat for me!
XX, Elle
That is why I took a week off of work in September. For 3 days I went into Amsterdam with a friend, each day another friend and another location. Camera at hand. I planned four days, but my friend of the fourth day was occupied for half a day, so we decided not to go to Amsterdam. Which was very welcome as I was worn out after three whole days. The idea was to capture Amsterdam when there was still some sunshine and leaves on the trees. Makes much nicer pictures than winter photos.
The things we do for blogging hey?
Such a well done tour!!! Loving the visual concept which makes us be there.
Thank you for sharing it.
Thank you so much for linking with Très Chic Style Bits!!!!!
Glad you like the tour Nanda. It is such fun to make such a post.
I always enjoy these shopping trips with your Greetje! I love that dress with the pretty colors…very eye catching.
I am glad you enjoy the tours as I plan to continue them. I love making them you see.
Thank you soooo much for this fantastic tour of Amsterdam!!
Brings back vivid memories of many years ago!!
♥ carmen
My pleasure entirely.
Thank you soooo much for this fantastic tour of Amsterdam!!
Brings back vivid memories of many years ago!!
♥ carmen
You are the perfect tour guide. A fascinating combination of architecture and fashion. Brava!
When I was 17 that was the profession I chose. Alas … all the travel organizations thought I was too toung. Which I was of course.
I love the ambiance of your town Greet….looking forward to a tour from you someday!
And you would get the royal treatment my dear.
Another wonderful post from the best travel guide I have ever known. Believe me, you are definitely the most entertaining tour guide out there. I can see why you would never want to move away from your home town (country). It’s so beautiful and quaint. We do not have any buildings over 100 years old here, in fact most of them are not more than 50 years old. I particular fell in love with the old buildings and streets. Well, and of course the Zsista is calling my name. I can just see you and your friendly, outgoing self talking it up with complete strangers and taking their pictures. I need to see your blog card up close and personal, that’s a fun idea. Thanks again for the incurably fun tour.
So much praise… Be careful, you don’t make me conceited. I will send you my blog card by email.
Another interesting view of Amsterdam! I enjoyed the tour ( and just today I have read that two new daily flights will join soon Torino and Amsterdam! ) .
Your new necklace is a beauty, and you seem to be so happy with your nice friend!!
I love these kind of posts! It would be nice to see some similar ones of the city where you live…
That might be a good idea Dan. So far I thought I’d stick to Amsterdam as it is the most interesting town and there is always a lot happening. I also want to focus. Now… Shall I focus on Amsterdam? Or Holland in general? Have to think about that. Glad there are two new flights. I wished Easyjet would take on Torino. I have tickets for Geneva by Easyjet and I have to change or cancel them.
Oh, how fabulous it looks! It brings back memories of my previous trips to Amsterdam, but when I come later this year, I will get to have a fabulous shopping guide! I see you got a another great necklace! (One can never have too many, can one?)
Much love from England,
Rose from
A good shopping guide is 100% Amsterdam. I think it comes in all languages. I used it for Rome, Copenhagen, London and Milan. See you in May.
No it was the answer to your commet aboutif you would dare to wear tartan and flowers.
Ah… I didn’t dare. Wore the blouse with a burgundy skinny. I will have a look tomorrow to see how it looks.
Please,please wear them and let me see.
Have a lovely day, dear Greetje
Do you mean the coat?
Another fabulous tour Greetje. I’m not sure I know all these places. I hope I can get at least one personalised tour from you as well this year!
Of course you can. See you in April?
It is 9:22 PM here, and I saved this all day so I could read it at my leisure. I just love your tours, Greetje. So personalized, ’cause you show us clothes. And jewels, and architecture and we get to meet some of your friends! I’ve just fallen in love with Amsterdam because of you. More houseboats and barges! It’s such a lovely break from our humdrum life here. You look wonderful, (even if you had, as we say here “a snootful”) and your necklace is wonderful. Such fun.
Thank you so much!
You have no idea how happy your comment makes me. As these tours are my “babies”. Thank you.
This series on shopping in Amsterdam is one of my favourites. I feel like I’ve been on holiday! The architecture in your lovely city is stunning. You appreciate it too, I can tell! One day I would love to visit and meet you.
And I would love to show you around. Start saving please.
I will admit that these Amsterdam series are my new hobby. If all my readers appreciate it as much as you do, I would be so happy. I will have to look at Google Analysis I guess.
You have made Amsterdam sparkle with intrigue! Lovely and beautiful post. So much to be inspired by, charming architecture and interesting shopping. What an incredible place to live. Your necklace is a beauty!
blue hue wonderland
I wish I did live there, but after doing so for ten years I moved. Now I live in a smaller town, lovely and beautiful, but I do miss Amsterdam.
A wonderful post, Greetje. The tour of Amsterdam is fantastic, the photos are very good and the city love to see it. That lovely shops, clothes and wonderful objects. I must visit Amsterdam soon! Ladies who’ve photographed are all very smart, you have a very attractive friends, like you. I love your necklace, black dress with colorful polka dots, and look lady waiting for the bus, with that lovely green jacket. And I’m in love with Amsterdam, and your look in the first picture 🙂
Everything is quite relaxed, isn’t it? You are always welcome in Amsterdam. I will be your guide if you want me to. (Or not if you want to explore it by yourself.)
What a great article Greetje! Love the leopard coat you ‘stole’ LOL! I need to go to that jewellery shop!
OK, that can be the first item on our Amsterdam list in May.
Should I start saving????????????
Oh yes, definitely. Hope you get some money for your birthday haha. Congratulations again.
I have never been in Amsterdan and I would like to go urgently! hehehe
great post!
Have you seen the other posts I made on Amsterdam? If not, have a look at the top navigation of my blog under the tab Amsterdam and enjoy.
What a great article Greetje! Love the leopard coat you ‘stole’ LOL! I need to go to that jewellery shop!
OK, that can be the first item on our Amsterdam list in May.
Should I start saving????????????
Oh yes, definitely. Hope you get some money for your birthday haha. Congratulations again.
Very nice Greetje, love all the pictures. What a beautiful city! If it weren’t on your blog but just send to me I would think there was a hidden message in it for me ‘where would you rather be than in Amsterdam’:)
Ah my dear, there are more beautiful spots in the world. You have got to do what your heart tells you to do. (I am getting milder haha.)
This is awesome Greetje! I spied one of my favorite spots at the canal.
The one where we moor, haha?? When you come in September, it might still be good enough weather to sit out there.
Oh how exciting!!! Vintage in Amsterdam : ) I like the idea of the weekly market. Normally the ones I’ve been to in London and Paris are very good.
I love that woman’s outfit and leather jacket that you took the photo of. You’re very brave aren’t you?
I guess I’ll do okay there as long as I don’t have to pronounce anything. LOL
Already those colourful dresses caught my eye as well as that long coat. Very cool designs.
Your gold necklace looks like something Cleopatra would have worn. Very decadent.
Thanks for doing this for me Greetje : )
The vintage market at Noordermarkt is really pretty good, but much, much smaller than the ones in London and Paris. We have a bigger fleemarket called Waterlooplein but I would indeed call it a flee market.
And no I am not brave. Approaching people is the easiest thing for me, unless I have to sell them something. In this case it is just fun and flattering, so no problem. We all have our strong points. This one is mine.
Forgot to stress the fact that the vintage market Noordermarkt is on a Monday!
Greetje, thankyou for the tour around a city I remember fondly.( visited in 1975, a lifetime ago).
Both you and the other ladies featured look great, love the Max Mara coat.
Glad you enjoyed it. The Max Mara coat you will see on me when spring arrives….
I loved this post!! The tour…the buildings…the fashion…I really enjoyed it and this is a place I may never see. Thanks so much!
Did you read the other three articles on different areas too? If not, look under the tab Amsterdam in the navigation.
I feel like I have been on a tour round the town with you and your friends.
Such a jou, ahhhhhhhh. Must visit.
You are looking radiant dear Greetje.
Please do visit!! Glad to have you and show you around.