We totally forgot how much fun it is, shopping in Amsterdam Utrechtsestraat. We imagined to “do” the street in no time. After all what is one street? “We” in this case are my friends and colleagues Anke, Sabine and myself. We did not make it to all the shops. There were so many places of interest.Â
Let us start with a little map again. As you can see below, it is not a very long street and it shows you lots of canals (which I did not photograph this time).
Sabine had to take her little boy to a party first so she arrived later. Below: Anke and I started with coffee at Rembrandtplein (Rembrandt square).Below: across the Rembrandt square is a lovely art deco café (probably fake but looking nice), called L’Opéra, where we had our coffee.Â
Below:Â Anke wore a beautiful brown leather jacket and complained about a flopping lapel. Haha… to the rescue with needle and thread. Two little stitches and the problem was solved. Hurray for old fashioned skills.
Below: Anke and I started the shopping at Centre Neuf, Utrechtsestraat number 139. My goodness, that was one shop after my heart…. I could lose my salary in there. Just bought two tops which were very reasonably priced. One of them was the blue top I wore at Kings day. In the first photo of this post I am holding a pretty blouse of this shop Centre Neuf, I think by Kenzo. Didn’t buy that but was thinking about it….. hard..
Below: time for another coffee (and for Sabine to join us) at “De Koffiesalon”(the coffee salon), across the road at number 130. A beautiful place where the coffee is magnificent.Â
Below: time for Sabine to arrive. You see her vaguely in the doorway. I took the photo from upstairs.
Below:Â And then… surprise…. they bought me a present for my birthday !!! Yeah. A beautiful scarf. Sorry about the vague pictures. I am just learning how to take better photos indoors. Sabine is teaching me how to fold the scarf.
Below: and on we went, next door as it started to rain slowly. Into Angel Basics at number 132. Another shop to fall in love with. And guess what? I found a necklace similar to my yellow one. This time in orange. Just think.. I sent Aileen on a search party in Rome for such a necklace and now I found out that Angel Basics sold them in all colours….. last year.
Trying on a white jacket but realized in time I have such a jacket in my closet.Below: Anke bought something too, but I cannot remember what it was. I bought the orange necklace and a yellow plastic bracelet. The girl in the shop was so gorgeous, unbelievable (and nice).
Below: not only is their shop window fantastic by itself, their decoration it beautiful as well.
Below: a little bit further down the road at number 120, we found Marc by Marc Jacobs. And Anke found her perfect light blue skinny jeans. Here she is, thrusting out her butt to the camera.Â
 Below: lots of temptations here as well. Sabine looked at new covers for her iPhone and iPad. Or perhaps a little purse?Â
 Below: again, just popping next door to number 118: Maison NL, a lovely shop.Â
Below: horsing around with a candle holder …. but they found some nice tank tops too.
Below: shoe shopping at Zwartjes (number 123), quite a famous Amsterdam address for good shoes. Anke was trying these booties on first, to go with a dress she had yet to find. So she decided not to take the risk and find the dress first. I thought they were great and bought them. But as we all have the same size I did offer the girls they could borrow them any time.
Below: lunchtime… my friends giggled I always find a “brown café” as we call them. Never a normal lunch place. We do have modern places too haha, but I was hungry and this was the first place I saw: Onder de Ooievaar at number 119. Translation: underneath the stork… (I did not make that up).
 Below: again rather vague, but I was there.Â
 Below: more shoes and bags at Daniel Dentici, number 103.  It looks really expensive, but it wasn’t. The bags were great. OK.. the shoes too. We resisted this time.
Below: … mind your posture Greetje!!! I am holding up a tempting dress, well ….tempting for me, the girls didn’t think much of it. Didn’t buy it on account of the very few times I could wear a summer dress in The Netherlands. We only have two months of really warm weather. The shop, called Look out at number 91, is full of beautiful clothes. Expensive, but nice. If you are wondering what that ladder is doing in the shop, it is for taking down clothes that hang up high on a rail as the shop is small with very high ceilings.
Below: Â at number 74 we found Jan, a shop selling all sort of goodies, like sun glasses, jewellery, bags, crockery etc. The first photo of Anke in this post, was taken there as well.
Gosh these girls do know how to shop. We should not be allowed to all go together. LOLBelow: on to Bellerose at number 70-72. Â They also sell children’s clothes, so Sabine’s kids were pleasantly surprised when she got home.
 Below: A shop called We are Labels at number 68. Anke bought a cute blue top (not on record) and we all tried different things.Â
 Below: Sabine does look good in hats. I still have not found my ideal hat yet.Â
Below: a group selfie…Â
Below: and a few drinks in the pub to mark the end of a perfect day. And text home that we won’t be long…
Every woman needs girlfriends. The more the better. Not only for shopping, but for sharing, understanding, supporting and much, much laughter.
Interested in more posts about Amsterdam? There are several stories at the top navigation, tab Amsterdam.
PS linking up to blogger friend Sacramento, who is showing lots of bloggers with the theme “pink” at her Share in Style.
Another lovely post about Amsterdam, Greetje. Loved reading it. You and your girlfriends had a fun day, it seems. expensive, but fun;-).
I adore the scarf they gave you. First: that neon pink. Second: pompoms. I adore pompoms!!!
Your friend indeed looks good in hats. And that green dress sure would look good on you. Great self-control, my friend!
That self-control is a first, isn’t it? Haha
I love going shopping with you in Amsterdam, Greetje. Makes me yearn to visit and share in the fun. Your new scarf is a piece of art and I’m sure it will be treasured. Thanks for taking us along with you and your friends.
My pleasure entirely Judith. Love to make these reports.
Wow that was indeed a blast Greet….thanks again for sharing with us this bonding event!! Love your scarf btw!
Already getting tired of these reports? Should I slow down on them? (Honest answer please, no flattery.)
Happy Birthday Greetje! This looks like such a fun day with a great group of friends. I always like reading these shopping adventures from you since these shops are so different than my local mall where it’s the same stores no matter what mall I go to.
I am always afraid we will head in the direction of malls as well. It is hard for little shops to survive. Already you see that the main shopping streets in big cities is dominated by the same shops whichever city you go to.
Thanks for taking us on a shopping trip in Amsterdam Greetje! Shopping with girlfriends is fun and therapeutic. 🙂 I love Anke’s zebra top, Sabine’s fedora is chic and your scarf is beautiful. I love the group selfie!!
♥ carmen
This was the third shopping trip we did together. One last year (no record of that), one in February (post in top navigation “shopping in Amsterdam Haarlemmerstraat”) and this one. We have to stop ourselves not to do it every week haha.
happy birthay Greetje!!! what a fantastic shopping day! I can’t see all the photos but what I can see is pretty.
kisses darlin!.
Oh oh.. You cannot see all the photos? That is not good. Can you try again? What device are you using? Desktop, iPad, iPhone?
Happy Belated Birthday!
Is there anything better than shopping with girlfriends?
All these shops look so wonderful and very “high end”.
Really looks like you had a blast. I’m glad you took some breaks with coffee and drinks…all that shopping is hard work! LOL
Yes this was a bit of a high end area (we didn’t know in advance). But there were a few good deals there as well. Not all expensive.
Shopping with girlfriends is always with lots of (coffee) breaks…
Greetje, the best part about your shopping in Amsterdam post is being able to see you having girlfriend time and thoroughly enjoying it. That is what life is all about! Taking us with you on this fun outing is a huge bonus for all of us blogging friends. I can’t tell you how much I would love to be there some weekend to experience this right along with you, especially to join you for lunch at a “brown Cafe”. I do love the new ‘gifted’ scarf and especially the fun way you tied it, I’m going to give that a try. (I might need a tutorial). Thanks for this fun, fun post.
So glad you like it, as I so enjoy making these posts. And girl… just hop on a plane as far as I am concerned.
Happy birthday, Greetje! Another interesting post about Amsterdam today… ( Hurray! )
Your scarf is lovable and has very nice colours! I like it on your trench…
You surely had a pleasant day with your friends, frienship is so precious!
I like cafes with tables outdoors…the Opera looks great! Do they make good cappuccino?
I absolutely agree with you, friendship is precious. And yes, they had a decent cappuccino, but the one at the coffee salon was better. I remember the coffee at Zucchero, Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle II in Milano…..that was the very best coffee ever.
It looks like the shopping queens had a great day and a lot of fun together 🙂
Love the green wrap dress by the way!
Annette | Lady of Style
You would not have loved the price of the dress….
I will pass on that title: “shopping queens” haha.
This is such a beautiful post Greetje. You definitely conveyed a wonderful spirit of female bonding. What a great way to spend the day…shopping, dining and coffee, and of course great laughs and memories. Your birthday scarf is beautiful. Happy Birthday!
Thank you Glenda. I hit 60 with this birthday. But who cares if you can have so much fun?
Another interesting tour of Amsterdam, thank you so much. Spending time with our friends, shopping, lunching and laughing, what a wonderful day!
And these post are so much fun to make. I am glad you enjoy it.
Happy Birthday Greetje! I absolutely love your shopping trips in Amsterdam. I get to live vicariously and enjoy all your wonderful finds. What a great city, I have always wanted to
travel there.
I would say.. come on over. The city is waiting for you.
Fabulous post Greetje. Lots of fun pictures. It’s been absolute ages since I have been to the Utrechtse Straat (more than 15 years?) and it looks like it has improved a lot with great shops. One more thing we need to do when I’m in The Netherlands!
Hope you are coming soon. I have a holiday week end of May and two weeks end of June. In the June holiday I am away to Barcelona for three days (19 – 21).
Will be there 22 June and then for 2 months. No more holidays for you in July?
Well at least that is one week in June (if you are not off to your mother of course) and I might get some time off in July as well.
Happy Birthday Greetje! I love your scarf, especially the little pom-poms on it! Oh, it looks like you had such a fabulous time shopping, and visiting, and lunching…and cannot forget the important coffee breaks!
Yes the coffee and lunch breaks and all the talking, laughing and mocking around make such days the best.
Happy BdAY!
Gosh, these are really fun posts, for us foreigners they combine travel and fashion, my fave combo
thx …..These posts help me to draw a fashion route thru A’dam….
i ll keep you posted for my blog, I’m kinda frustrated about my new laptop, i think it works too much like a phone and too little as a real ‘office tool’
Yes, the technical part of blogging is a hard part. I am glad you like these kind of posts, as I love to make them.
Another lovely post about Amsterdam, Greetje. Loved reading it. You and your girlfriends had a fun day, it seems. expensive, but fun;-).
I adore the scarf they gave you. First: that neon pink. Second: pompoms. I adore pompoms!!!
Your friend indeed looks good in hats. And that green dress sure would look good on you. Great self-control, my friend!
That self-control is a first, isn’t it? Haha
It is so lovely to “come along” with you on these posts when you go shopping. And totally agree about girlfriends. So much fun!!!
Rosemary from http://www.foreveronthecatwalkoflife.co.uk
I don’t know whether it is not getting “more of the same” which is killing for a blog. Have to think of new ways I think.
Thank you again! You know I love these so much. You girls looked so in love with life here … perfect shopping in Amsterdam. Who would want to live anywhere else!
Love that Kenzo blouse so much. You should really go back and get it … very you. Actually, it’s very me, but I’d be happy seeing you wear it well!
I have quite a few blouses now, so I think I stop.
Oh, no! Don’t worry … every one of these has a different feel. Just repeat the cycle seasonally and I’ll be happy!
OK.. but I will try and vary. Have to see what goes down best.
It is so lovely to “come along” with you on these posts when you go shopping. And totally agree about girlfriends. So much fun!!!
Rosemary from http://www.foreveronthecatwalkoflife.co.uk
I don’t know whether it is not getting “more of the same” which is killing for a blog. Have to think of new ways I think.
Oh, no! Don’t worry … every one of these has a different feel. Just repeat the cycle seasonally and I’ll be happy!
OK.. but I will try and vary. Have to see what goes down best.
Thank you again! You know I love these so much. You girls looked so in love with life here … perfect shopping in Amsterdam. Who would want to live anywhere else!
Love that Kenzo blouse so much. You should really go back and get it … very you. Actually, it’s very me, but I’d be happy seeing you wear it well!
I have quite a few blouses now, so I think I stop.
Wow that was indeed a blast Greet….thanks again for sharing with us this bonding event!! Love your scarf btw!
Already getting tired of these reports? Should I slow down on them? (Honest answer please, no flattery.)
I love going shopping with you in Amsterdam, Greetje. Makes me yearn to visit and share in the fun. Your new scarf is a piece of art and I’m sure it will be treasured. Thanks for taking us along with you and your friends.
My pleasure entirely Judith. Love to make these reports.
happy birthay Greetje!!! what a fantastic shopping day! I can’t see all the photos but what I can see is pretty.
kisses darlin!.
Oh oh.. You cannot see all the photos? That is not good. Can you try again? What device are you using? Desktop, iPad, iPhone?
Thanks for taking us on a shopping trip in Amsterdam Greetje! Shopping with girlfriends is fun and therapeutic. 🙂 I love Anke’s zebra top, Sabine’s fedora is chic and your scarf is beautiful. I love the group selfie!!
♥ carmen
This was the third shopping trip we did together. One last year (no record of that), one in February (post in top navigation “shopping in Amsterdam Haarlemmerstraat”) and this one. We have to stop ourselves not to do it every week haha.
Greetje, the best part about your shopping in Amsterdam post is being able to see you having girlfriend time and thoroughly enjoying it. That is what life is all about! Taking us with you on this fun outing is a huge bonus for all of us blogging friends. I can’t tell you how much I would love to be there some weekend to experience this right along with you, especially to join you for lunch at a “brown Cafe”. I do love the new ‘gifted’ scarf and especially the fun way you tied it, I’m going to give that a try. (I might need a tutorial). Thanks for this fun, fun post.
So glad you like it, as I so enjoy making these posts. And girl… just hop on a plane as far as I am concerned.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Is there anything better than shopping with girlfriends?
All these shops look so wonderful and very “high end”.
Really looks like you had a blast. I’m glad you took some breaks with coffee and drinks…all that shopping is hard work! LOL
Yes this was a bit of a high end area (we didn’t know in advance). But there were a few good deals there as well. Not all expensive.
Shopping with girlfriends is always with lots of (coffee) breaks…
Happy Birthday Greetje! I absolutely love your shopping trips in Amsterdam. I get to live vicariously and enjoy all your wonderful finds. What a great city, I have always wanted to
travel there.
I would say.. come on over. The city is waiting for you.
Happy Birthday Greetje! This looks like such a fun day with a great group of friends. I always like reading these shopping adventures from you since these shops are so different than my local mall where it’s the same stores no matter what mall I go to.
I am always afraid we will head in the direction of malls as well. It is hard for little shops to survive. Already you see that the main shopping streets in big cities is dominated by the same shops whichever city you go to.
Another interesting tour of Amsterdam, thank you so much. Spending time with our friends, shopping, lunching and laughing, what a wonderful day!
And these post are so much fun to make. I am glad you enjoy it.
Happy birthday, Greetje! Another interesting post about Amsterdam today… ( Hurray! )
Your scarf is lovable and has very nice colours! I like it on your trench…
You surely had a pleasant day with your friends, frienship is so precious!
I like cafes with tables outdoors…the Opera looks great! Do they make good cappuccino?
I absolutely agree with you, friendship is precious. And yes, they had a decent cappuccino, but the one at the coffee salon was better. I remember the coffee at Zucchero, Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle II in Milano…..that was the very best coffee ever.
It looks like the shopping queens had a great day and a lot of fun together 🙂
Love the green wrap dress by the way!
Annette | Lady of Style
You would not have loved the price of the dress….
I will pass on that title: “shopping queens” haha.
Fabulous post Greetje. Lots of fun pictures. It’s been absolute ages since I have been to the Utrechtse Straat (more than 15 years?) and it looks like it has improved a lot with great shops. One more thing we need to do when I’m in The Netherlands!
Hope you are coming soon. I have a holiday week end of May and two weeks end of June. In the June holiday I am away to Barcelona for three days (19 – 21).
Will be there 22 June and then for 2 months. No more holidays for you in July?
Well at least that is one week in June (if you are not off to your mother of course) and I might get some time off in July as well.
Happy BdAY!
Gosh, these are really fun posts, for us foreigners they combine travel and fashion, my fave combo
thx …..These posts help me to draw a fashion route thru A’dam….
i ll keep you posted for my blog, I’m kinda frustrated about my new laptop, i think it works too much like a phone and too little as a real ‘office tool’
Yes, the technical part of blogging is a hard part. I am glad you like these kind of posts, as I love to make them.
This is such a beautiful post Greetje. You definitely conveyed a wonderful spirit of female bonding. What a great way to spend the day…shopping, dining and coffee, and of course great laughs and memories. Your birthday scarf is beautiful. Happy Birthday!
Thank you Glenda. I hit 60 with this birthday. But who cares if you can have so much fun?
Happy Birthday Greetje! I love your scarf, especially the little pom-poms on it! Oh, it looks like you had such a fabulous time shopping, and visiting, and lunching…and cannot forget the important coffee breaks!
Yes the coffee and lunch breaks and all the talking, laughing and mocking around make such days the best.