A couple of months ago I asked you whether you still liked my reports on Amsterdam (see tab Amsterdam, top navigation of this blog). Or whether the concept was getting stale. In case you are all fantastic liars… you brought it upon yourselves… I will continue these reports.
One reader (thank you Charlene) replied to my question “what else do you want me to show?”. She said she would love to see how stylish, mature women in other parts of the world are presenting themselves. STREET STYLE women over 40!! Fantastic idea.
So I went ahead, like the Sartorialist (oh…I only wish…) and searched for fabulous women over 40. Only this is where it becomes tricky. You cannot very well approach a well-dressed woman with the question: “Are you over 40????” I mean, we Dutch are blunt, but not that blunt. Besides, I need a positive respons, not a telling-off. I therefore start the conversation with the explanation that I have a blog about what I wear and about Amsterdam and that I am doing a series about well-dressed women who are not young models. That works very well. But…. I have given this series the title: Street Style women over 40; if I ever include a woman who is not yet 40, she might be very cross with me. I am bad at estimating ages: younger and older than 40. For this post I kept on the safe side…. I think.
What surprised me, is the co-operation I am getting. Nine times out of ten, women have no problem with being photographed and put on the internet. I am so grateful to them.
Here it goes… the first series.
Above: this lady was also carrying a plastic shopping bag in the same colour. Brilliant. We both decided that the plastic bag wasn’t pretty enough to be in the picture. Such a happy colourful look.
Below: finished to a tee, I love it. This is totally my style, black and white, lovely slingbacks and a fantastic bag. She told me her age, but I cannot remember whether she said she was 60 or over 60. I have to pay more attention to these things. A good reporter has her facts checked. Won’t happen again, I promise. Below: on one day I spotted several well-dressed ladies. All very different, which is the best. This lady caught my attention because I love her top and her flip-flops. Casual and yet very elegant. Well done. Just goes to show that it doesn’t have to be old T-shirts and shorts when it is warm (which it was that day).
Below: still on the same day, at the market of Lindengracht, I approached the lady on the left and complimented her. She thought it was a good joke and asked me to repeat what I said to her sisters. Which turned into a jolly couple of minutes. Of course they could all join as they all looked good. By the way, I remember they told me they were 62, which surprised me hugely.
Below: I should have made a better picture of this lady in the blue dress. It was hard though, to get some space at the market. People are (of course) walking by all the time. It is a busy market. I liked her as her dress is simple, easy to wear, but still elegant. And she has her grey hair cut in an asymmetrical shape: longer on one side and short on the other. Very nice.
Below: in my own town (Haarlem), sitting in one of the loviest streets, was this lady being elegant. Her daughters whole-heartedly agreed with my assessment of their mother and made room for the camera. Black and white. As you might know, one of my favourite combinations. So classic.
Below: this lady combined blue and white stripes with blue and white flowers. Pattern mixing. Something I love to see, but am not very good at myself.
Below: three more women to go. First you will see two photos of women which you saw before in my post Amsterdam, Leidsestraat. They were the ones who put this request for more street style in Charlene’s mind.
Below: the shoes !!! Fantastic. Actually.. give me the whole look.
Below: last but certainly not least: a colourful woman. This post starts with colour and ends with colour. We (my friends Anja, Sylvia, Suzanne and I, on our bloggers-get-together) spotted this lady at the restaurant Pont 13. Poor thing.. suddenly she found four women swirling around her, all with cameras. She took it very well. She is very much her own woman. I would love to look like her.
You might have noticed that there are quite a number of grey-haired ladies in this post. No idea why. Just chance I suppose. It did remind me of the discussion whether to go grey or not on 40+Style. Gosh that got a lot of comments.
I don’t know when the next Street Style will be, but I have my camera ready.
The woman in the blue dress at the market is more my size so that is my favorite. All the
women look great I just wouldn’t look that good since I am a US size 14. Thanks for the
pictures, I will be checking you out.
Gosh this is an old post. But still good.
It really doesn’t matter much whether you are a size 14. It is crucial to know what suits YOU, what your strong points are and which points you want to play down and how. It takes some time but for instance Sylvia of 40PlusStyle offers fun courses where you can also see the achievements of other women who are in the same boat, on a private Facebook page. You don’t have to join that, but the women in those groups are really supportive. I can imagine that perhaps flowy A-line dresses might be very nice for you. They make me look like a stick. But I am not much of a stylist. I only have a deep interest in anything which can adorn me haha.
The second lady is fabulous. I hope to look like that at that age
One of my readers (Charlene) put my Street Style ladies on her pinboard and this particular lady whom you like, has been repinned sooo many times. She doesn’t know, but her face goes across the world haha.
It is hard though. I either spot fabulous women and haven’t got my camera with me. Or I have my camera and see nobody worth photographing. It is going to be even harder in winter…..
Greetje, this can be your new calling! Your photos are fantastic and so are the women in them. We need more examples of how great women over 40 can look. I’m so glad you took the plunge and did this. I had/have? a street style blog and I know how much positive energy can come out of a few kind words to someone about their styling. Isn’t it awesome? I hope to see more posts like this in the future as well.
I wish this could be my profession. Such fun to do. Of course I will contine. I saw two great women this week and did not have a camera with me…. frustrating.
Hey Mel, Greetje alerted me to your comment, {thanks Greetje} and I’m relieved but at the same time disappointed that you notice the lack of style here. It’s one thing to wear yoga pants because you are on the way to yoga class, but quite another to wear them to the QE for a Broadway performance.
I loved this post. It put a smile on my face which is hard to do this week.
My favs are of the over 60 woman, she is truly elegant, and the one where a woman was wearing a chic and patterned raincoat and white boots.
Makes you point, even when grey, older gals just rock!
You are now the Bill Cunningham of Amesterdam!
XX, Elle
I only wish….. I will continue this series, just need some time. It is very busy in my life right now.
And if this post has put a smile on your face, then I am very pleased.
Hello Greetje- One of the things I first noticed in Amsterdam, years ago, was how interestingly and fashionably the femmes de certain age dressed. Guess that’s one of the reasons (in addition to the fact that I’m quite tall and kind find clothes that fit!) that I love shopping in Amsterdam – can’t wait to return!
This surprises me as I find Dutch women often dressed quite casually. Belgian women are usually better dressed. But yes we are tall so I guess you can find clothes here to fit and suit you.
Fabulous post. Great idea. Looking forward to seeing more. Congratulations.
Yes, that was a good idea of Charlene. I will certainly continue it. Thanks very much for taking the time to comment.
Lovely lady’s in Amsterdam and a great post
Joly Look
Thank you Catherine. I really like this idea and will continue it.
This is a great idea for a post and well done too! It’s fun to see a whole group of women in our age group from your city. I like seeing the variety of styles.
blue hue wonderland
This series has yet to “mature” as this was only the first time I did it. I will have to take more time photographing. For instance to find the right angle. But I will definitely keep choosing real women whi made an effort. Not just rich women or glamourous women. They might be part of it, but not exclusively. It is such fun to do this. I feel like a reporter. I love that you still visit my blog Ann.
Greetje, Just wanted to let you know: I created a pinterest board called Street Style Women Over 40 and pinned the photos of all these stylish, beautiful ladies. I love it!
So take that, all you young thangs! LOL
Great idea Charlene!! We will show them! Just spread the word.
Very beautiful women! Your street style post is a huge success. All of the women look vibrant and happy. Amsterdam must be a great place to live!
Yes, Amsterdam is a perfect city Judith (… she said, being totally biased). I am quite surprised about this success. Didn’t expect that but I am soooo pleased.
What a stylish bunch the over 40s in Amsterdam are. As you said, all dressed so differently but yet so stylishly. Love the fact that most are grey, but have such fab haircuts. Lovely article.
Thanks Annette. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. It motivates me highly to continue.
What beautiful ladies! The triplets look fantastic. I noticed the cropped, white hair. Is that a big trend in your region? It’s very striking.
No it is not a big trend. As I said.. it is just coincidence that ai photographed so many women with short grey hair. Perhaps because it is striking that I noticed them?
It is wonderful to see these mature women looking so happy, relaxed and fashionable. So many different looks and they all work so beautifully for each woman. My favorite piece is the sweater worn by the lady in Haarlem. Thanks for your perspectives Greetje. I am enjoying your blog. This is my first post.
I am so glad with comments like yours. It motivates me to continue as I often ask myself “Why am I doing this?” LOL
It is a very good idea for some posts, and it is interesting to see how women of over 40 can be beautiful and smiling! The sixth lady is really great!I remember we were together when you took the photo…
How about this idea….. you do a similar series about stylish Italian women? We can create a movement haha. Street Style pictures of 40+women all over the world. I do the Netherlands, you do Italy and I have asked Sue (a colourful canvas) to join too.
That sounds great! ( sorry for my late answer! You know…I am very busy at the moment!!)
Wonderful pics of gorgeous ladies…love the three sisters and the woman sitting at cafe, she really has style aplenty
I always feel lucky when my eye catches a well-dressed woman. And I start running after her if she is over 40 (to my knowledge). That is… when I have my camera with me.
Really good idea Charlene! And you have done a really good job Gretje. I like all of these women and her styles!
great post!
I am so glad you like it. Gives me power to continue this series.
Thank you so much! I delighted with the way Greetje put it motion! Everything I had hoped for and more.
Absolutely love this post, I have seriously looked over it countless times. You must have the most outgoing fun personality ever, in order to capture these women so freely. Are you ready to quite your day job? I do believe a new career is in the making. I enjoyed every single woman but I if I had to choose one favorite, it would be the three sisters, because they were all so happy and adorable. Great job, reporter Greetje.
Wouldn’t I love doing this full time Trina haha. You bet ya. It is indeed quite handy to have a character like mine for these endeavours. It only brings me pleasure to approach a fabulous looking woman and ask her to pose. It is such fun.
By the way holiday girl, did you miss my second post about bloggers getting together? You always enjoy those as well.
Love their individual styles! Here in my town I am really missing fashionable ladies…
Annette | Lady of Style
Big toen cities do give more choice of fashionable ladies I suppose. But perhaps if you start looking for them, you might be surprised?
I love street style posts so much!! That second picture is my favorite of this group! Thanks for sharing and for all of the lovely comments on my blog, Greetje!!
I am glad you like this series Pam. It is fun doing it. And I always appreciate your comments.
Brilliant post Greetje! You’ve really got me thinking about Vancouver street fashion. I am going to pay closer attention to people when I am out in future. I often feel like the only one dressed in anything beyond Lululemon yoga pants or blue jeans, LOL.
I love the three sisters, and the elegant lady in Harlem! \
Well done!
If you have Street Style in the back of your head, you will be surprised how many good ones you spot. Market places in a city on a Saturday are good spots. Terraces outside restaurants. It is as if a window in your head has opened. We call that “selective perception”, although I think that is a funny term. Meaning all of a sudden you will see a certain car, which you are about to buy, everywhere. They were always there, but now you are aware of them.
It would be great if we all had Street Style posts of women over 40. We can become a movement.
Oh, that does make sense Greetje! I will be on the lookout! I rarely carry a camera, must remedy that, and I’m not yet brave enough to approach someone to ask to snap a photo.
Most women are pleasantly surprised and you’ll get great conversations.
After all: who doesn’t like a compliment? And I am sincere. Otherwise I wouldn’t ask of course.
Sue, if you come back here and read this, you are right: you are the only person in Vancouver not dressed in yoga pants or jeans, well, except for me. I had a street style blog here and it ground to a halt. I started having trouble finding people, and if I did they had their noses buried in their phones. If you DO decide to take photos, I’m completely behind you. There are occasionally people, and they almost always are happy to be complimented.
Great photos and comments. I hope you continue this type of post as I really love it!
I will, I will. As I said, I have no problem in becoming the Satorialist of mature women haha.
Oh, Greetje, I loved this post and all of your choices and commentaries. Too, it came at a perfect time for me as I muttered to myself this morning that perhaps I should switch to a wardrobe of simple pants and cardis— I dressed this morning Ina beige pencil skirt, brown and beige Tory tunic and cute mid-heel sandals embellished with olive, aqua and rust. But the views of these beautiful 60ish ladies reconfirmed that I’m doing things right. But, oh, those doubts still rush in occasionally. I’m 60ish with a still cute figure and I’m happiest when I’m age appropriate but wearing some color with a bit of innovation and imagination. Hope this becomes a regular feature on your wonderful blog…though you may become known as the Fashion Stalker of Haarlem… Best to you, Lorna
Most women were photographed in Amsterdam and that is a big city haha. And I recognize your doubts. But I can tell you: never dress how you think you ought te be dressed. Dress how you want to be dressed, how your personality is conveyed best. Because that way you meet people who like your personality, who are kindred souls. So you will have more fun. How about that for a reasoning? LOL
I have taken your words to heart! But my confidence *does* wane at times. In my modest length shorts and a cute gingham blouse, the other day a man my age whispered “you’re working that youth look, Mama.” What the hell did he mean?! I know, I will ask my husband…
In any case, that man liked the way you looked. Not many women get noticed and receive compliments as they get older. I would mark it as “I still rock”.
If you are afraid you look too young in the sense of “desperately”, you will have to ask a good friend. I am always afraid of that as well. But usually, that doesn’t happen to women who are afraid and aware of this.
How brilliant of me to suggest this! LOL! I am going to send this link to all my contacts to prove my point!
I totally adore this (what I hope to be an ongoing series). You have chosen some fantastic models. I love seeing these ladies and their beautiful sense of style. btw: I am older than everyone except God these days (68), hehe, and still love fashion and dressing up as much as I ever did.
And I am still loving your blog, Greetje. Always look forward to it and open it as soon as I see it’s posted.
I am so glad Charlene you like it. Yes it was brilliant of you. And I do listen. Problem is that I should always carry my camera to do catch women like this. Yesterday I saw a very good example and was without camera. She agreed I could come back in two weeks to shoot the photos. She was fun.
That last two are by far my favourites.
It is always fun to see what catches your eye when you are out.
You want them hip and standing out a bit or a lot. I see. I will be on the look-out for the next post. Already saw a woman who will totally fit the bill.