Last week you saw me in a dress. This week back again in my trusted skinnies. All photos were taken at the MINI dealer in Heemstede (a village nearby). Hence the title Skinny and Mini (OK, I am probably the only one who thinks that is funny). They have not asked me to do a post about them or their cars. And they don’t pay me to promote them either. Nothing of the sort.
I was there because my husband (Ron) is looking for a new car and he happens to like the MINI Clubman. As the new “MINI 5 doors” had just arrived at the dealer, we went to take a look. Trying to combine things I took the camera with me as I needed blog pictures. You can imagine people stood looking surprised when we were taking these. Even though it was his idea to use the cars as background because of the nice colours, Ron felt totally uncomfortable. He is a good sport and very creative but really not at ease photographing when people are watching. I am quite the opposite: couldn’t care less who sees it or comments on it.Â
We had good fun though. Even the sales manager helped by styling me with MINI bags haha. He is a very nice guy (and no,… I am not saying this to get a discount).
Below: this is the 5 door car we went to see. Not quite your average brilliant (car) photo. Ron was trying to focus on me, but clearly got distracted.Below: I am wearing a dress, hoisted up with a small red belt, to serve as a tunic, brand Darling (rather inexpensive for a change). My Denham skinny jeans in dark blue this time, my blue Marina Rinaldi bag from Italy and red patent leather peeptoe shoes (Unisa), scored in the sales.Â
Below: with a red MINI Convertable in the background and a red MINI bag. We do go well together, don’t we? Sorry MINI fooks, Ron just bought me a new Alpha Romeo car 10 months ago, spoilt brat that I am.
Below: the shoes. Very nice and …they will be very comfortable…. once I have broken them in… Now they still stop my blood from flowing through my vains.
Below: some shots of me in the car… My goodness, it does look like a photoshoot for a MINI brochure, doesn’t it? They get it all for free.
Below: one last shot: Ron ordered me to pretend pushing the car. Which is something you don’t see anymore. All cars have improved so much over the years.
I was very proud of myself, styling this outfit. It is rather uncommon for me to come up with a third colour which is totally different (red) from the rest. Sylvia of 40+Style taught me that.
In case you are wondering what that strange white spot on my finger is …… it is a bandage. Which of course I would have removed, had I thought of it….
PS: linking up with Sacramento (Mis Papelicos), Share in Style: skirt or trousers?
Oh wow you are looking as sleek and fancy as those cars and bags at the background! Seriously loving your top which is so versatile I could myself wearing it with leggings and boots this Fall!
Thanks for the boots tip. I will remember that.
Fantastic photos, Greetje! And the blouse you are wearing is a beauty!!You have had a great idea to wear a mini dress as a blouse with a thin belt! Very inspiring! ( I will try on myself ) You look radiant and, really … wow!!
The mini is a so cute car! I can imagine Ron driving it!!
Ron isn’t driving a MINI. He bought a BMW 114. Same dealer, different brand. More space for Charlie.
And it wasn’t my idea to wear the dress as a tunic with a belt… Again it was the shop assistent who had the good ideas. It was only my idea to combine the colours blue, yellow and red in this way. Which is quite an achievement for me.
(My hair is finally looking nice in these pictures haha.)
Oh, yes! Of course Charly will be more comfortable on a BMW!!
The combination of colours in your outfit is really fantastic! And very photogenic too! 🙂
Love the red shoes, you look fabulous! And I want a Mini too. Have to convince le Monsieur…
The shoes have the potential to be great, but they need a bit of breaking in….
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will find the right arguments to convince Monsieurr. LOL
OK, so………FAVORITE post ever! Love the outfit, adding the red shoe and belt just put it in the styling stratosphere, the blouse is super on you, and the humour factor won me over too. That photo of you “pushing” the car” had me laughing so hard. And i do see, and appreciate that your hubby did clearly focus on the car. funny, too, glad you included that shot!
XX, Elle
So glad you liked this post. I feared you might think it was a bit too much MINI. That it might feel like an advertisement. But no, the comments are very positive. Although I cannot really go by that as you lot always give me nice, positive comments. LOL
I will keep Ron on as my own personal art director.
Love your look. So refreshing seeing styles on someone that I COULD wear. Thank you and love the red shoes
I hope to inspire you more often Sandy. Thanks for visiting and commenting. Always rewarding for a blogger.
You were born to show the world your GORGEOUS legs in those skinny jeans or mini or whatever
You are fabulous, my dear Greetjer
Shall I become a professional model then Sacramento? LOL Don’t think I stand a chance, but thank you for the compliments.
I love your style and you look great in jeans. I am a 50+ and just started a fashion blog. Can’t wait to see what you wear next!
Hi Sherry, lovely to read your comment. I post once a week, late Sunday afternoon. Well, Dutch time that is. But if you cannot wait, I have 2 years of outfits on this blog (in archive). You can also browse through Outfit Gallery (and outfit gallery archive) at the top navigation. It doesn’t give you everything yet as I am still filling it.
Well, I totally think this mini dealership needs to give you a huge discount or some promo money, these photo’s would make excellent advertising. They are natural, fun, and yes, color coordinated. Brilliant and fun idea, you creative lady. I will say, I’m more like Ron when it comes to the picture taking, I don’t feel comfortable psoing when others are around, and on the other hand, my husband could care less what others think.
I’ve always had a passion and love for those cute mini’s, but they are quite impractical for my lifestyle and weather here. Did Ron make up his mind yet?
I am not a creative lady. My husband is a creative man. He thought of taking the photos at the dealer, because of all the colours. I am keeping him on permanently as my personal art director. And photographer. And stylist.
Ron did make up his mind and bought a …. BMW 114. Same dealer, they sell both brands.
The BMW has more space for Charlie, as she has to go in the trunk, poor soul. Ron will make her a nice bed there and probably lift the bottom of the trunk so she can look out the window. Or get squashed because the window is angled……
Ha! You are brave putting yourself out there in a car dealership. I’d never do that.
It really does look like an ad. And I LOVE the red shoes and red Mini bag. You look fab here!
I like Minis, but had no idea they were so freakin’ expensive. The BMW dealership is at the Mini dealership and the Minis were more expensive. We had leased a sporty BMW a few years back. Now we drive a sensible Volvo though … getting older! Blah. But it is good for picking up furniture from estate sales, something I could never do in the BMW.
I had to laugh when Lorraine asked you if you’d vetted the post prior to me publishing ; )
No bravery at all, I just have no shame LOL
The photo shoot turned out a lot better than I thought. I was afraid readers would take offence at this “ad”.
And yes, they are not cheap. I had suggested a Volvo stationcar for Ron too. Lots of space for Charlie. Now she has to go in the trunk of the BMW… poor soul.
I had to look the word “vet” up, and thought: “No way!” I would never do that and neither would you asked me to. If I had done that, it would have been a lot less friendly LOL.
ohhhh love the red shoes, you look fabulous!
Thank Véronica, most kind of you. I couldn’t resist those shoes when they were in the sale. Although, Lord knows I don’t need more shoes. LOL
It looks to me that you have a new career as a model for car dealerships. This post is amazing, fun, colorful, dynamic and clearly you and Dan are the perfect team.
I’ve noticed that I have a yearning for red shoes, and if I could find a pair like the beauties that you wear in this post, they would be in my closet ASAP.
Haha, you mixed up two names: Dan is short for Daniela and is my Italian blogging friend.
Ron is my husband and photographer. Both short names, I can understand the mix-up.
As for the shoes, yes they ticked a lot of boxes, so I couldn’t resist them in the sale.
Yes, I did mix up the names. So sorry! A little disorganized in my brain, I see!
Really an adorable outfit, you! You have a way with a tunic and skinnies … but then your figure is meant for it. Looking as sleek as the cars. I admit, I had to fight down all my urges to be jealous while reading this … you look so incredibly pretty in front of the very pretty cars! I love a Mini! I drive the biggest piece of crap on the road … the paint is peeling off in chunks, but it’s fuel efficient and paid for. Some day, when the lottery pays off!
In the mean time, I can enjoy my Dutch buddy in her neat outfits. I can actually say I know someone who drives an Alpha!
Wow I love mini coopers!! This is such an adorable post!
College Cheese | You Only College Once.
Thanks for the compliment Wendy. You are right, MINI Coopers are indeed candy to the eye.
I love this and that the dealership was helping you with styling ideas. My hubby is the same way about taking photographs with people all around. I am like you and would careless since it only takes a few minutes. Minis are so fun – did Ron end up purchasing a car?
I really like this outfit and the creative use of a dress as a tunic. I would never have thought to pair this with red and it works so well.
Ron bought a BMW 114 in the end (more space for the dog), but at the same dealer / sales manager. And I was very proud of myself to come up with the red together with the blue and yellow. Perhaps I might finally “get it”? The creative use of the dress as a tunic has to be credited to the sales assistent in the shop.
I’ve always liked those little cars, and if I had my license and was going to buy a car, I’d like a red one please! I very much like your primary-coloured outfit, particularly the blue and yellow dress belted with a splash of red. Your legs look a mile long!
Thanks Shelley. That is why I am so hooked on skinnies. I can emphasize the one thing I am sure about. Without showing any skin.
You look stunning Greetje ! You carry the outfit off so beautifully. Specially liked red mini bag with your red heels. Followed you.Bookmarked
Very flattering. Thanks. Hope I can keep you amused in future.
What a fun photo shoot! Love your outfit.
Thanks Lisa. I wasn’t quite sure what you all would think about so many MINIs in a post. Luckily everybody likes it.
I love, love, love this look, Greetje!!!
And the pictures are great too; fun, stylish and colorful.
Yes, I love the Mini, but it’ wayyyyy to expensive for me!
Yes it is not a cheap car. They are in a market of want and desire, which ups the price.
Glad you like my look. One of the few ones I have really put together and thought up myself (so proud).
You look fantastic Greetje – and what a great idea to pose with the cars. The last picture ties all the colours together as well as being fun!
I am keeping my husband on as my personal creative director, for sure. He was also very pleased with the last picture. For the same reasons as you say.
He’s a keeper, as they say. By the way, I loved Suzanne’s profile of you. Did you vet it first?
Vet it? Nooooo… I was dreading the post, as I thought she might have found a lot of flaws with me. Instead she gave me this tribute. I got all mushy about it.
Of course I am not as good as that. I had no time to show her my bad sides haha.
I told my husband how Suzanne described you and he doesn’t think I am so bad any more!
Greetje, I absolutely love this photo shoot. It looks as if you pre-planned your attire to coordinate with the cars! You look fantastic. Your husband has great taste both in cars and women 😉
Sheer coincidence Glenda. Thanks for the compliment you payed to my husband and me. LOL
He actually bought a BMW 114, at the same dealer. Because the dog has more space at the back (actually in the trunk… without a cover, don’t worry).
A typical Greetje photo shoot again, fun, colorful, creative and elegant at the same time. Love it and you look great in that outfit. Could see you do a pin up calendar photo shoot in that garage next time demonstrating some nice bathing suits and so…. I’ll by the calendar:)
Whaahahaha. Not on your life baby. Not a calender girl. You were thinking of the cabaret at work I think.
The car dealership is a great location. The red accents work well and are particularly suited to the sporty Mini. Your top makes me googly-eyed, which is the kind of outlook on the world I prefer.
Googly-eyed eh? LOL Glad I could please you.
I am keeping my husband on as my personal creative director. He is doing so well.
Great photos and outfit, Greetje! You look so good in these skinnies with your red heels!
Did you order the car??
Annette | Lady of Style
The red heels were too good to resist, especially because their price was low too. I always think red high heels are sexy. And what it wrong with a bit of sexiness, even though I am 60 haha. Not that there is much point to it, naturewise speaking. LOL (Oops… being embarrassing here.)
And no, Ron did not order the car. He bought a BMW 114 which will please you no doubt.
Same dealer and sales manager though.
What a great outfit and fantastic photoshoot Greetje. The extra color red works so well with this outfit. Love the shoes! The photoshoot is very arty and wether you like it or not I’m sold on the mini now. That would such a great car for the Netherlands!
Why don’t you talk your mother into it? Share the costs and demand that you may use it when you are here. Sooner or later (probably sooner) she will need a new car anyway, don’t you think?
And thanks for the compliments. Isn’t Ron a good art director?
Well, she was going to give up on a car. Does not need it really anymore. But we will certainly persuade her to get another and share (or pay most of) the costs. We will see if it can be a mini… As for Ron as art director. Yes! Perhaps you and him should start thinking about a good photo venue for whem I’m in The Netherlands in December and he can do a shoot on the 2 of us!
Good idea, I will put him right on to it.
This is such a great look for you!! Absolutely love the red!
And I absolutely love red myself. All bright colours really, but red is really favourite.
Looks great, smart idea to belt the dress. Love the red accent and fun idea for pictures. We looked at the Mini’s at the car show this year such a clever and well designed car. Dean thinks I’d look great in one but we get so much snow here. Fearing to small for the amount of ice in the winter but such a desirable car. Love the color of your hair, so good!
blue hue wonderland
Hi Ann, I am so glad you checked my blog. I was curious to hear your opinion on this photo shoot. You being the photo artist.
Glad you like it. Yes the MINI is a great car, but I see your point. With all that ice and snow you want a robust car. Ron bought a BMW 114 in the end haha. Same dealer and sales manager though. He is much more fickle (with cars) than I am.
I love your style and you look great in jeans. I am a 50+ and just started a fashion blog. Can’t wait to see what you wear next!
Hi Sherry, lovely to read your comment. I post once a week, late Sunday afternoon. Well, Dutch time that is. But if you cannot wait, I have 2 years of outfits on this blog (in archive). You can also browse through Outfit Gallery (and outfit gallery archive) at the top navigation. It doesn’t give you everything yet as I am still filling it.
Really an adorable outfit, you! You have a way with a tunic and skinnies … but then your figure is meant for it. Looking as sleek as the cars. I admit, I had to fight down all my urges to be jealous while reading this … you look so incredibly pretty in front of the very pretty cars! I love a Mini! I drive the biggest piece of crap on the road … the paint is peeling off in chunks, but it’s fuel efficient and paid for. Some day, when the lottery pays off!
In the mean time, I can enjoy my Dutch buddy in her neat outfits. I can actually say I know someone who drives an Alpha!
Wow I love mini coopers!! This is such an adorable post!
College Cheese | You Only College Once.
Thanks for the compliment Wendy. You are right, MINI Coopers are indeed candy to the eye.
You look stunning Greetje ! You carry the outfit off so beautifully. Specially liked red mini bag with your red heels. Followed you.Bookmarked
Very flattering. Thanks. Hope I can keep you amused in future.
Oh wow you are looking as sleek and fancy as those cars and bags at the background! Seriously loving your top which is so versatile I could myself wearing it with leggings and boots this Fall!
Thanks for the boots tip. I will remember that.
OK, so………FAVORITE post ever! Love the outfit, adding the red shoe and belt just put it in the styling stratosphere, the blouse is super on you, and the humour factor won me over too. That photo of you “pushing” the car” had me laughing so hard. And i do see, and appreciate that your hubby did clearly focus on the car. funny, too, glad you included that shot!
XX, Elle
So glad you liked this post. I feared you might think it was a bit too much MINI. That it might feel like an advertisement. But no, the comments are very positive. Although I cannot really go by that as you lot always give me nice, positive comments. LOL
I will keep Ron on as my own personal art director.
I love this and that the dealership was helping you with styling ideas. My hubby is the same way about taking photographs with people all around. I am like you and would careless since it only takes a few minutes. Minis are so fun – did Ron end up purchasing a car?
I really like this outfit and the creative use of a dress as a tunic. I would never have thought to pair this with red and it works so well.
Ron bought a BMW 114 in the end (more space for the dog), but at the same dealer / sales manager. And I was very proud of myself to come up with the red together with the blue and yellow. Perhaps I might finally “get it”? The creative use of the dress as a tunic has to be credited to the sales assistent in the shop.
Love your look. So refreshing seeing styles on someone that I COULD wear. Thank you and love the red shoes
I hope to inspire you more often Sandy. Thanks for visiting and commenting. Always rewarding for a blogger.
Fantastic photos, Greetje! And the blouse you are wearing is a beauty!!You have had a great idea to wear a mini dress as a blouse with a thin belt! Very inspiring! ( I will try on myself ) You look radiant and, really … wow!!
The mini is a so cute car! I can imagine Ron driving it!!
Ron isn’t driving a MINI. He bought a BMW 114. Same dealer, different brand. More space for Charlie.
And it wasn’t my idea to wear the dress as a tunic with a belt… Again it was the shop assistent who had the good ideas. It was only my idea to combine the colours blue, yellow and red in this way. Which is quite an achievement for me.
(My hair is finally looking nice in these pictures haha.)
Oh, yes! Of course Charly will be more comfortable on a BMW!!
The combination of colours in your outfit is really fantastic! And very photogenic too! 🙂
You were born to show the world your GORGEOUS legs in those skinny jeans or mini or whatever
You are fabulous, my dear Greetjer
Shall I become a professional model then Sacramento? LOL Don’t think I stand a chance, but thank you for the compliments.
It looks to me that you have a new career as a model for car dealerships. This post is amazing, fun, colorful, dynamic and clearly you and Dan are the perfect team.
I’ve noticed that I have a yearning for red shoes, and if I could find a pair like the beauties that you wear in this post, they would be in my closet ASAP.
Haha, you mixed up two names: Dan is short for Daniela and is my Italian blogging friend.
Ron is my husband and photographer. Both short names, I can understand the mix-up.
As for the shoes, yes they ticked a lot of boxes, so I couldn’t resist them in the sale.
Yes, I did mix up the names. So sorry! A little disorganized in my brain, I see!
ohhhh love the red shoes, you look fabulous!
Thank Véronica, most kind of you. I couldn’t resist those shoes when they were in the sale. Although, Lord knows I don’t need more shoes. LOL
Love the red shoes, you look fabulous! And I want a Mini too. Have to convince le Monsieur…
The shoes have the potential to be great, but they need a bit of breaking in….
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will find the right arguments to convince Monsieurr. LOL
Well, I totally think this mini dealership needs to give you a huge discount or some promo money, these photo’s would make excellent advertising. They are natural, fun, and yes, color coordinated. Brilliant and fun idea, you creative lady. I will say, I’m more like Ron when it comes to the picture taking, I don’t feel comfortable psoing when others are around, and on the other hand, my husband could care less what others think.
I’ve always had a passion and love for those cute mini’s, but they are quite impractical for my lifestyle and weather here. Did Ron make up his mind yet?
I am not a creative lady. My husband is a creative man. He thought of taking the photos at the dealer, because of all the colours. I am keeping him on permanently as my personal art director. And photographer. And stylist.
Ron did make up his mind and bought a …. BMW 114. Same dealer, they sell both brands.
The BMW has more space for Charlie, as she has to go in the trunk, poor soul. Ron will make her a nice bed there and probably lift the bottom of the trunk so she can look out the window. Or get squashed because the window is angled……
Ha! You are brave putting yourself out there in a car dealership. I’d never do that.
It really does look like an ad. And I LOVE the red shoes and red Mini bag. You look fab here!
I like Minis, but had no idea they were so freakin’ expensive. The BMW dealership is at the Mini dealership and the Minis were more expensive. We had leased a sporty BMW a few years back. Now we drive a sensible Volvo though … getting older! Blah. But it is good for picking up furniture from estate sales, something I could never do in the BMW.
I had to laugh when Lorraine asked you if you’d vetted the post prior to me publishing ; )
No bravery at all, I just have no shame LOL
The photo shoot turned out a lot better than I thought. I was afraid readers would take offence at this “ad”.
And yes, they are not cheap. I had suggested a Volvo stationcar for Ron too. Lots of space for Charlie. Now she has to go in the trunk of the BMW… poor soul.
I had to look the word “vet” up, and thought: “No way!” I would never do that and neither would you asked me to. If I had done that, it would have been a lot less friendly LOL.
I’ve always liked those little cars, and if I had my license and was going to buy a car, I’d like a red one please! I very much like your primary-coloured outfit, particularly the blue and yellow dress belted with a splash of red. Your legs look a mile long!
Thanks Shelley. That is why I am so hooked on skinnies. I can emphasize the one thing I am sure about. Without showing any skin.
What a fun photo shoot! Love your outfit.
Thanks Lisa. I wasn’t quite sure what you all would think about so many MINIs in a post. Luckily everybody likes it.
A typical Greetje photo shoot again, fun, colorful, creative and elegant at the same time. Love it and you look great in that outfit. Could see you do a pin up calendar photo shoot in that garage next time demonstrating some nice bathing suits and so…. I’ll by the calendar:)
Whaahahaha. Not on your life baby. Not a calender girl. You were thinking of the cabaret at work I think.
Looks great, smart idea to belt the dress. Love the red accent and fun idea for pictures. We looked at the Mini’s at the car show this year such a clever and well designed car. Dean thinks I’d look great in one but we get so much snow here. Fearing to small for the amount of ice in the winter but such a desirable car. Love the color of your hair, so good!
blue hue wonderland
Hi Ann, I am so glad you checked my blog. I was curious to hear your opinion on this photo shoot. You being the photo artist.
Glad you like it. Yes the MINI is a great car, but I see your point. With all that ice and snow you want a robust car. Ron bought a BMW 114 in the end haha. Same dealer and sales manager though. He is much more fickle (with cars) than I am.
Great photos and outfit, Greetje! You look so good in these skinnies with your red heels!
Did you order the car??
Annette | Lady of Style
The red heels were too good to resist, especially because their price was low too. I always think red high heels are sexy. And what it wrong with a bit of sexiness, even though I am 60 haha. Not that there is much point to it, naturewise speaking. LOL (Oops… being embarrassing here.)
And no, Ron did not order the car. He bought a BMW 114 which will please you no doubt.
Same dealer and sales manager though.
What a great outfit and fantastic photoshoot Greetje. The extra color red works so well with this outfit. Love the shoes! The photoshoot is very arty and wether you like it or not I’m sold on the mini now. That would such a great car for the Netherlands!
Why don’t you talk your mother into it? Share the costs and demand that you may use it when you are here. Sooner or later (probably sooner) she will need a new car anyway, don’t you think?
And thanks for the compliments. Isn’t Ron a good art director?
Well, she was going to give up on a car. Does not need it really anymore. But we will certainly persuade her to get another and share (or pay most of) the costs. We will see if it can be a mini… As for Ron as art director. Yes! Perhaps you and him should start thinking about a good photo venue for whem I’m in The Netherlands in December and he can do a shoot on the 2 of us!
Good idea, I will put him right on to it.
I love, love, love this look, Greetje!!!
And the pictures are great too; fun, stylish and colorful.
Yes, I love the Mini, but it’ wayyyyy to expensive for me!
Yes it is not a cheap car. They are in a market of want and desire, which ups the price.
Glad you like my look. One of the few ones I have really put together and thought up myself (so proud).
The car dealership is a great location. The red accents work well and are particularly suited to the sporty Mini. Your top makes me googly-eyed, which is the kind of outlook on the world I prefer.
Googly-eyed eh? LOL Glad I could please you.
I am keeping my husband on as my personal creative director. He is doing so well.
This is such a great look for you!! Absolutely love the red!
And I absolutely love red myself. All bright colours really, but red is really favourite.
Greetje, I absolutely love this photo shoot. It looks as if you pre-planned your attire to coordinate with the cars! You look fantastic. Your husband has great taste both in cars and women 😉
Sheer coincidence Glenda. Thanks for the compliment you payed to my husband and me. LOL
He actually bought a BMW 114, at the same dealer. Because the dog has more space at the back (actually in the trunk… without a cover, don’t worry).
You look fantastic Greetje – and what a great idea to pose with the cars. The last picture ties all the colours together as well as being fun!
I am keeping my husband on as my personal creative director, for sure. He was also very pleased with the last picture. For the same reasons as you say.
He’s a keeper, as they say. By the way, I loved Suzanne’s profile of you. Did you vet it first?
Vet it? Nooooo… I was dreading the post, as I thought she might have found a lot of flaws with me. Instead she gave me this tribute. I got all mushy about it.
Of course I am not as good as that. I had no time to show her my bad sides haha.
I told my husband how Suzanne described you and he doesn’t think I am so bad any more!