The Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam is featuring another great artist, Matisse. My husband Ron thought the exhibition would be a nice background for my outfit photos. The idea appealed to me….would Matisse and Max Mara be a match?
Yes, that was my thought. Not “.. oh fantastic, I am going to see great paintings!!”. No……. none of that. You see, I am a philistine. Always willing to look at nice paintings but not knowing a single thing about them. So don’t expect to read any details about the paintings as I never take notes.
However, there was a problem. The museum is lovely but there is not a lot of light (typical for musea…). And our camera skills are still not up to scratch, especially not for indoor photography. Which resulted (again) in bad photos and bad moods. Really bad moods. We straightened things out again (we always do) but I thought Ron would stop helping me with my blog. Fortunately he still wants to take my pictures but says that I have to make sure the camera settings are right (HELP).
After careful photoshopping a few pictures of me next to a painting passed the bar. All nearly the same… stupid really …..
The photo above is made at home with a tripod. So you can see some details of the trousers and blouse. Both Max Mara, both bought in August 2014 when I visited Dan (The Pretty Cute) in Italy.
Below: details of the trousers. Blue with a green print. Blue suede shoes.Below: in the museum. Of course my eyes were drawn to a piece of clothing.Below: this painting is not by Matisse, but please don’t ask me who the painter is… I just liked the dress.Below: unmistakably Matisse.Below: three more painting of which I cannot tell you a thing.
Below: better light in the lobby, next to the statue of…????… Pulling a strange face.Below: Matisse, the mermaid and the parakeet. Very famous. Don’t look for the parakeet. It is further down the right and not in this picture.Below: and another picture of it, without me blocking the view (Matisse would have been mortified had he known we would use his beautiful work as background….).Below: oh alright, here is the parakeet. It is the blue, carrot-shaped thing above my head.Below: no idea… but it is Matisse.Below: OK mission failed, let’s go home.
I am off to the camera shop for some more guidance and explanation. Sorry guys, no great photos, no fun. Better luck next time.
Enjoyed the exhibit and I really like these pants…the print and the fit is great! Wonderful post!
Thanks Pam, I am still wondering how to style these trousers apart from with this shirt.
Hi Greetje:
I see I am a little late to this thread but you look wonderful in that yellow blouse! Fits great.
Some photo help. You are right, if you are shooting RAW you don’t have to worry about WB in the camera. But I think you are not sure how to adjust it. I’ll give you a pro fashion photographer’s secret that will save you a lot of time and aggravation When working inside in tricky lighting, get yourself a white balance card (link below). Have hubby shoot a photo of you holding the card, pretty close. When you open up the photos in LR, in the Develop module you will see an eyedropper tool. You click that onto the white card in the photo of you holding it. That should give you a new close to perfect white balance. Now synch the white balance only with all the other photos in the series. Make sure you have the exposures correct before doing this.
A white balance card is cheap, weighs nothing, and takes no time at all to do this. In fact, the time you will save in post will more than pay for the extra minute to take the shot. You can even do this outside especially if you are working in ‘blue’ shadows.
Denton, terrific help. Thank you. I even know what you are talking about (so proud of myself haha). The only thing I am not sure about is “make sure you have the exposures correct before doing this”. Have to see what exactly you mean by that, but I am sure I will find it. Thanks again.
hey Greetje,
still following you even though i haven’t commented in a while. I love your colourful posts and styling that is never over the top. I’ve always remembered your blog by the post about your necklaces! Do you remember? A very large collection of them, all statement necklaces you showed on a mannequin. Here goes my request: why don’t you show us how to style them? I’d love to read that! How long does the exhibit still run? Oh wait, I’ll look it up:)
regards from Antwerp,
Oh that was an easy post. You are asking me how to style statement necklaces? That is easy!! Just take any simple solid coloured top or dress and wear one. I have shown a lot of examples. Like the brown one with my pencil skirt styling. A big green one with my little black dress, a few big long ones with my Acne tunic. Etc. So if I wear to do it again, it would be repeating. But I will look into it. The idea is good.
Hi Greetje, for example, the seventh photo down, the one of you next to the orange background painting, is definitely under-exposed. It seems to make the wall too ‘blue’, but in fact it’s the exposure that needs adjusting. So, first adjust the exposures to all match, then fix the white balance.
And I thought the white balance would do that haha. I now know what you mean. Thanks.
I really like the post and the idea of combining art and fashion, two forms of artistic creation. I like the look, especially these so pretty and smart trousers.
If you like that, you might like the post about the yellow skirt in The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. You probably missed it:
I enjoyed the exhibit. The shoes are great, and of course I love yellow hues. Are you allowed to touch the art in your area. Here, in the States, if you came too close a guard would chastise you.
There are metal ropes (calves high) to keep you at a (short) distance of the paintings. And no, you are not allowed to touch them. And yes, a guard will severly tell you off or guide you outside if you are obviously doing it on purpose and are likely to do it again. But guards in The Netherlands are a whole lot softer than in the USA, a whole lot.
Love your yellow/mustard shirt! So vibrant!!
Here’s my love for wearing yellow:
vivalaViv 😉
Yes, that dress you are wearing is perfect. Love the combination of brown with yellow.
You’re not mentioning the shoes! Did you finally find your perfect blue shoes? These look great! I can tell from your face (and your writing) that this was not the most successful photography trip. Photographing indoors is tricky. ISO is key. Bump it up as high as your camera will let you, make sure aperature is high so you can get the fastest shutter speed possible. Although ISO makes the photos a bit more grainy, you can correct that in Lightroom.
Yes, I did find the perfect blue pumps. Finally. I am still stretching the first ones too. But on these suede ones I can actually walk for a longer time!!
We had the ISO high and the A on 3,5 to 4. The photos are now with the camera shop for examination. To find out what we did wrong. One thing was immediately obvious: wrong lens. Ah… amateurs…
You look amazing and I love the combination of you and Monsieur Matisse together. Those trousers are beautiful too!
Great idea, love it xa
“Amazing” would not have been my description of this outfit, but I gracefully accept your praize
You are hilarious. Great post, despite the photography issues.
I love to be hilarious, it is the whole purpose of this blog. But I thought I had failed completely in making you laugh with this post. So I am pleasantly surprised. Even though I don’t understand it. LOL
First off, I love the trousers, the color and fabric look so rich. The fit is perfect, I am glad you took these shots.
Love the Mastisse exhibit ! I have seen his work too, and I , like you, remember very little about him biographically. But these gorgeous works are brilliant backgrounds for your outfit, and the shirt stands out in a way Matisee would have liked, i think!
Love the photo of you next to the statue. a good shot of you and a funny juxtaposition !
I am impressed with you PS work, I will learn soon, I hope!
xx, Elle
What is PS work? Oh… Photoshop?!! I get it. Well, I only have the Lightroom version which can do a lot but is nothing like Photoshop. I learned that when you shoot photos in RAW, tou have to adjust the white balance afterwards. I did that per photo but some came out more pink and others more yellow. Then I discovered the button White Balance… Plus Sylvia of 40+Style had told me about the Synchronising button. With that you can apply a certain correction to multiple photos. That was handy.
It looks like the museum is a fantastic place for the Max Mara clothes… 🙂
And talking of clothes, you have found nice dresses there too…that is what a good fashion blogger does! Beautiful outfit and the colours suit you. By the way, I have been away from the MM outlet for too long now…
Matisse’s pictures are great, of course! :- )
There are a few things in MM winter collection which I think will not be sold out. Maybe I have to retun again end of August?? LOL I have seen a bright fuchsia jacket with red trousers…. Not the sort of thing which sells quickly (like black) so I have good hopes.
But first.. April.
I think you did quite well all things considered. Robert and I visited the Matisse museum in Nice last time I was there. Far too busy to get any photos. Plus I just feel too awkward.
I love the look…but especially the shoes. I envy you can do a full day in heels like that.
Well, a full day on these heels… Not really. From the parking garage to the Stedelijk Museum. You know that is only a couple of meters. Then a short stay at the museum (….). Back to the car. Oh and I walked 4 streets in them. That was it for the day. But they are comfortable. A lot more than you would think when you see them.
The exhibition opened the day before we went and we were only in a queue for 15 minutes right at opening time. So it was busy but not very. II couldn’t care less whether people watch us photographing or not. You know me. They just kept passing and blocking the view, but of course you cannot say anything about that.
The lighting in the museum did not do the outfit justice! I love the matchy-matchy (yes, I am a fan!) pants and shoes and yellow is a great color on you, Greetje! Well done!
Foiled by technology! Grrr. Too bad. That is a topic I think all partnerships struggle to survive. I’m glad you and Ron did!
I would like to think Matisse would have approved of you using his art as a backdrop. I really love the photo of you in front of the mermaid/parakeet piece. Your outfit is perfect for it. So you may have had a mega-tiff, but you still got some good shots.
I don’t think it matters if you know about the art – what matters is whether you like it or not. The complicated things are not essential. I know an art collector who only sees money when he looks at art. I wish I had that vision with my art too!! Heh.
If that money art collector sees your work, surely he can recognize the potenial? I loved the drawing in your last post (forgot to mention it). The expression on the face was so good. Loads of people would like your work. It is only a matter of some luck. It only takes one lucky break. The work itself and your talent is there.
And I like Matisse because of the happiness in the paintings, the colours. Simple as that.
You really are quite funny Greetje!! You know we read your blog for your fab outfits, not for the artwork, so we don’t mind if you don’t know the artist, etc!!! What’s amazing to me is you spent the day walking around the museum in those heels. Now don’t get me wrong, I am a true lover of heels…but I have my limits!! jodie
I didn’t spend all day at the museum haha. As we had a bit of a tiff ☺️(understatement), we went home very soon. I think we didn’t stay more than 1 1/2 hours… Then I did some errands, walking four streets. And that was it for the heels that day.
But I will admit that they are very comfortable.
These pants are awesome. They are exactly what I am looking for. The pairing with the yellow is great. I like the idea of using the paintings as background, but I am astonished that this time you did not get into trouble with the “photo police” like when you were taking outfit photos in a store. I loved that post too. Keep on the great work.
The musea have rules for photography. You can photograph but you may not use flash. Very understandable. And it is forbidden to exploit the photos for commercial use. Which I don’t. I have to say that “multiplying” and “exhibiting” works of art can be tricky because of author rights.
I love the pants and the heels!
Bout the camera: as I told you before, the camera probably has an option for My Settings or something like that. Let the camerashop guy set three or four settings for you:
1. indoors with TL-lights
2. indoors with normal bulb light
3. outdoors sunny
4. outdoors overcast
In the future, you choose the appropriate pre-set and you are done.
Matisse is great. His paper-cuttings are stunning in shape, color and composition. The sculpture is by the Belgian sculptor Rik Wouters. Another work of him, named Het Zotte Geweld or De Dwaze Maagd is one of my favorites. It is so alive and happy!
You are quite my opposite when it comes to art. I know nothing about it. I am amazed you know the sculpure artist (and a bit ashamed).
The presettings aren’t as easy as that. One flash of light from a door and you need different settings. But I have forwarded all photos to him and we are going to analyze them.
I like Matisse’s work, so I quite enjoyed the photos, especially the Mermaid and the Parakeet. The colour of your blouse looks lovely with the blue pants and shoes – excellent colour mixing!
Thanks Shelley. I still have my doubts about this combination. It is a bit too conservative to my taste. I have to think of something better.
I wouldn’t consider the mission a failure at all. You were able to once again, spend quality fun time with Ron, see a great exhibit and have fun while doing so. You could easily be a model and sales rep for Max Mara, seriously! This is one stylish outfit, I love how you kept it simple and classy, the two items, well, no three counting your incredible pumps speak for themselves and make for one great stylish ensemble.
But, please do share what the camera shop shares with you. I’m absolutely a failure when it comes to indoor photography.
Well…. “Had fun while you were doing it”… not this time Trina. Foul moods, remember? Nevertheless we were good again in the afternoon. I will mail you what the camera shop guy says.
I really enjoy your posts because not only do you look great but I love the stories about your adventures taking photos as a blogger! You always make me laugh and I adore your attitude.
Accidental Icon
Making people laugh is my first goal with this blog. So I am very glad you told me I succeeded in that. Although for the life of me, I cannot imagine why you had to laugh LOL.
Lovely outfit, Greetje, I love Max Mara (and Matisse)…
I am really surprised that they allow you take photos in the exhibit areas. I guess as long as no flash? which may make taking outfit pictures that much more challenging. BTW, I think you guys did a great job. I love those pants!
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
Indeed, no flash is allowed. Understandable. And you many not use the photos to exhibit or publish them in a commercial way. As my blog is completely non commercial….
Very sophisticated outfit, quality all over, from shoes to top. The colour lemon really becomes you, I can not say that about myself. Like the paintings, but if I can choose between these and the ones in your house I would pick those. For me you are doing a excellent job with your photo’s I am still working on making a photo with my phone, lol.
Ah but you are an artist yourself amarianne. You make lovely paintings.
Hi Greetje, for example, the seventh photo down, the one of you next to the orange background painting, is definitely under-exposed. It seems to make the wall too ‘blue’, but in fact it’s the exposure that needs adjusting. So, first adjust the exposures to all match, then fix the white balance.
And I thought the white balance would do that haha. I now know what you mean. Thanks.
Hi Greetje:
I see I am a little late to this thread but you look wonderful in that yellow blouse! Fits great.
Some photo help. You are right, if you are shooting RAW you don’t have to worry about WB in the camera. But I think you are not sure how to adjust it. I’ll give you a pro fashion photographer’s secret that will save you a lot of time and aggravation When working inside in tricky lighting, get yourself a white balance card (link below). Have hubby shoot a photo of you holding the card, pretty close. When you open up the photos in LR, in the Develop module you will see an eyedropper tool. You click that onto the white card in the photo of you holding it. That should give you a new close to perfect white balance. Now synch the white balance only with all the other photos in the series. Make sure you have the exposures correct before doing this.
A white balance card is cheap, weighs nothing, and takes no time at all to do this. In fact, the time you will save in post will more than pay for the extra minute to take the shot. You can even do this outside especially if you are working in ‘blue’ shadows.
Denton, terrific help. Thank you. I even know what you are talking about (so proud of myself haha). The only thing I am not sure about is “make sure you have the exposures correct before doing this”. Have to see what exactly you mean by that, but I am sure I will find it. Thanks again.
I really like the post and the idea of combining art and fashion, two forms of artistic creation. I like the look, especially these so pretty and smart trousers.
If you like that, you might like the post about the yellow skirt in The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. You probably missed it:
I love the pants and the heels!
Bout the camera: as I told you before, the camera probably has an option for My Settings or something like that. Let the camerashop guy set three or four settings for you:
1. indoors with TL-lights
2. indoors with normal bulb light
3. outdoors sunny
4. outdoors overcast
In the future, you choose the appropriate pre-set and you are done.
Matisse is great. His paper-cuttings are stunning in shape, color and composition. The sculpture is by the Belgian sculptor Rik Wouters. Another work of him, named Het Zotte Geweld or De Dwaze Maagd is one of my favorites. It is so alive and happy!
You are quite my opposite when it comes to art. I know nothing about it. I am amazed you know the sculpure artist (and a bit ashamed).
The presettings aren’t as easy as that. One flash of light from a door and you need different settings. But I have forwarded all photos to him and we are going to analyze them.
Lovely outfit, Greetje, I love Max Mara (and Matisse)…
I like Matisse’s work, so I quite enjoyed the photos, especially the Mermaid and the Parakeet. The colour of your blouse looks lovely with the blue pants and shoes – excellent colour mixing!
Thanks Shelley. I still have my doubts about this combination. It is a bit too conservative to my taste. I have to think of something better.
Very sophisticated outfit, quality all over, from shoes to top. The colour lemon really becomes you, I can not say that about myself. Like the paintings, but if I can choose between these and the ones in your house I would pick those. For me you are doing a excellent job with your photo’s I am still working on making a photo with my phone, lol.
Ah but you are an artist yourself amarianne. You make lovely paintings.
I wouldn’t consider the mission a failure at all. You were able to once again, spend quality fun time with Ron, see a great exhibit and have fun while doing so. You could easily be a model and sales rep for Max Mara, seriously! This is one stylish outfit, I love how you kept it simple and classy, the two items, well, no three counting your incredible pumps speak for themselves and make for one great stylish ensemble.
But, please do share what the camera shop shares with you. I’m absolutely a failure when it comes to indoor photography.
Well…. “Had fun while you were doing it”… not this time Trina. Foul moods, remember? Nevertheless we were good again in the afternoon. I will mail you what the camera shop guy says.
I am really surprised that they allow you take photos in the exhibit areas. I guess as long as no flash? which may make taking outfit pictures that much more challenging. BTW, I think you guys did a great job. I love those pants!
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
Indeed, no flash is allowed. Understandable. And you many not use the photos to exhibit or publish them in a commercial way. As my blog is completely non commercial….
I enjoyed the exhibit. The shoes are great, and of course I love yellow hues. Are you allowed to touch the art in your area. Here, in the States, if you came too close a guard would chastise you.
There are metal ropes (calves high) to keep you at a (short) distance of the paintings. And no, you are not allowed to touch them. And yes, a guard will severly tell you off or guide you outside if you are obviously doing it on purpose and are likely to do it again. But guards in The Netherlands are a whole lot softer than in the USA, a whole lot.
I am really surprised that they allow you take photos in the exhibit areas. I guess as long as no flash? which may make taking outfit pictures that much more challenging. BTW, I think you guys did a great job. I love those pants!
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
I really enjoy your posts because not only do you look great but I love the stories about your adventures taking photos as a blogger! You always make me laugh and I adore your attitude.
Accidental Icon
Making people laugh is my first goal with this blog. So I am very glad you told me I succeeded in that. Although for the life of me, I cannot imagine why you had to laugh LOL.
Love your yellow/mustard shirt! So vibrant!!
Here’s my love for wearing yellow:
vivalaViv 😉
Yes, that dress you are wearing is perfect. Love the combination of brown with yellow.
hey Greetje,
still following you even though i haven’t commented in a while. I love your colourful posts and styling that is never over the top. I’ve always remembered your blog by the post about your necklaces! Do you remember? A very large collection of them, all statement necklaces you showed on a mannequin. Here goes my request: why don’t you show us how to style them? I’d love to read that! How long does the exhibit still run? Oh wait, I’ll look it up:)
regards from Antwerp,
Oh that was an easy post. You are asking me how to style statement necklaces? That is easy!! Just take any simple solid coloured top or dress and wear one. I have shown a lot of examples. Like the brown one with my pencil skirt styling. A big green one with my little black dress, a few big long ones with my Acne tunic. Etc. So if I wear to do it again, it would be repeating. But I will look into it. The idea is good.
First off, I love the trousers, the color and fabric look so rich. The fit is perfect, I am glad you took these shots.
Love the Mastisse exhibit ! I have seen his work too, and I , like you, remember very little about him biographically. But these gorgeous works are brilliant backgrounds for your outfit, and the shirt stands out in a way Matisee would have liked, i think!
Love the photo of you next to the statue. a good shot of you and a funny juxtaposition !
I am impressed with you PS work, I will learn soon, I hope!
xx, Elle
What is PS work? Oh… Photoshop?!! I get it. Well, I only have the Lightroom version which can do a lot but is nothing like Photoshop. I learned that when you shoot photos in RAW, tou have to adjust the white balance afterwards. I did that per photo but some came out more pink and others more yellow. Then I discovered the button White Balance… Plus Sylvia of 40+Style had told me about the Synchronising button. With that you can apply a certain correction to multiple photos. That was handy.
The lighting in the museum did not do the outfit justice! I love the matchy-matchy (yes, I am a fan!) pants and shoes and yellow is a great color on you, Greetje! Well done!
You are hilarious. Great post, despite the photography issues.
I love to be hilarious, it is the whole purpose of this blog. But I thought I had failed completely in making you laugh with this post. So I am pleasantly surprised. Even though I don’t understand it. LOL
It looks like the museum is a fantastic place for the Max Mara clothes… 🙂
And talking of clothes, you have found nice dresses there too…that is what a good fashion blogger does! Beautiful outfit and the colours suit you. By the way, I have been away from the MM outlet for too long now…
Matisse’s pictures are great, of course! :- )
There are a few things in MM winter collection which I think will not be sold out. Maybe I have to retun again end of August?? LOL I have seen a bright fuchsia jacket with red trousers…. Not the sort of thing which sells quickly (like black) so I have good hopes.
But first.. April.
These pants are awesome. They are exactly what I am looking for. The pairing with the yellow is great. I like the idea of using the paintings as background, but I am astonished that this time you did not get into trouble with the “photo police” like when you were taking outfit photos in a store. I loved that post too. Keep on the great work.
The musea have rules for photography. You can photograph but you may not use flash. Very understandable. And it is forbidden to exploit the photos for commercial use. Which I don’t. I have to say that “multiplying” and “exhibiting” works of art can be tricky because of author rights.
Foiled by technology! Grrr. Too bad. That is a topic I think all partnerships struggle to survive. I’m glad you and Ron did!
I would like to think Matisse would have approved of you using his art as a backdrop. I really love the photo of you in front of the mermaid/parakeet piece. Your outfit is perfect for it. So you may have had a mega-tiff, but you still got some good shots.
I don’t think it matters if you know about the art – what matters is whether you like it or not. The complicated things are not essential. I know an art collector who only sees money when he looks at art. I wish I had that vision with my art too!! Heh.
If that money art collector sees your work, surely he can recognize the potenial? I loved the drawing in your last post (forgot to mention it). The expression on the face was so good. Loads of people would like your work. It is only a matter of some luck. It only takes one lucky break. The work itself and your talent is there.
And I like Matisse because of the happiness in the paintings, the colours. Simple as that.
You really are quite funny Greetje!! You know we read your blog for your fab outfits, not for the artwork, so we don’t mind if you don’t know the artist, etc!!! What’s amazing to me is you spent the day walking around the museum in those heels. Now don’t get me wrong, I am a true lover of heels…but I have my limits!! jodie
I didn’t spend all day at the museum haha. As we had a bit of a tiff ☺️(understatement), we went home very soon. I think we didn’t stay more than 1 1/2 hours… Then I did some errands, walking four streets. And that was it for the heels that day.
But I will admit that they are very comfortable.
I think you did quite well all things considered. Robert and I visited the Matisse museum in Nice last time I was there. Far too busy to get any photos. Plus I just feel too awkward.
I love the look…but especially the shoes. I envy you can do a full day in heels like that.
Well, a full day on these heels… Not really. From the parking garage to the Stedelijk Museum. You know that is only a couple of meters. Then a short stay at the museum (….). Back to the car. Oh and I walked 4 streets in them. That was it for the day. But they are comfortable. A lot more than you would think when you see them.
The exhibition opened the day before we went and we were only in a queue for 15 minutes right at opening time. So it was busy but not very. II couldn’t care less whether people watch us photographing or not. You know me. They just kept passing and blocking the view, but of course you cannot say anything about that.
You’re not mentioning the shoes! Did you finally find your perfect blue shoes? These look great! I can tell from your face (and your writing) that this was not the most successful photography trip. Photographing indoors is tricky. ISO is key. Bump it up as high as your camera will let you, make sure aperature is high so you can get the fastest shutter speed possible. Although ISO makes the photos a bit more grainy, you can correct that in Lightroom.
Yes, I did find the perfect blue pumps. Finally. I am still stretching the first ones too. But on these suede ones I can actually walk for a longer time!!
We had the ISO high and the A on 3,5 to 4. The photos are now with the camera shop for examination. To find out what we did wrong. One thing was immediately obvious: wrong lens. Ah… amateurs…
You look amazing and I love the combination of you and Monsieur Matisse together. Those trousers are beautiful too!
Great idea, love it xa
“Amazing” would not have been my description of this outfit, but I gracefully accept your praize
Enjoyed the exhibit and I really like these pants…the print and the fit is great! Wonderful post!
Thanks Pam, I am still wondering how to style these trousers apart from with this shirt.