Purple jacket and black and white pencil skirt (2 van 4)I haven’t got any new photos ready (lack of time), so here are some forgotten ones from the past. Hence the strange title of this post: miscellaneous clothes. I couldn’t think of another title.

In these pictures I am still a brunette (sigh). First my purple velvet jacket and black & white pencil skirt. Both by Pauw (Dutch brand). This is a style I am not that keen on anymore. As a matter of fact, I never wear the skirt anymore. Don’t even know whether it still fits me. Any ideas as how to style the skirt in a more modern way… ?? Please share them with me in your comment. The jacket is another item I find very difficult to style.Purple jacket and black and white pencil skirt (3 van 4)

Purple jacket and black and white pencil skirt (4 van 4)Below: then there was this challenge on 40+Style to style a scarf in different ways. This is the same boyfriend jeans as you saw last week, but with only a tight top (cannot do that anymore). And…. with high heels. The colours of the photos are a bit funny: the top is black, the jeans dark blue, the booties deep red with a green sole and a blue heel.Boyfriend jeans with scarves (1 van 4)

Boyfriend jeans with scarves (4 van 4)

Boyfriend jeans with scarves (2 van 4)

Boyfriend jeans with scarves (3 van 4)Below: some old photos to make you laugh. Me in the office, photographed by a colleague December 2013.2012 fun

Hopefully we will have some new photos again next week.


No Fear of Fashion


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