This post is about the combination of a few of my favourite things: my Acne tunic with skinny jeans and silver boots. The boots are actually silver / gold / bronze. And after the initial painful period of adjusting the right boot to my (half a size bigger) right foot, they are reasonably comfortable. As comfortable as pointy high heeled boots can get.
I was visiting my friend Marianne to exchange birthday gifts as we both got a year older. I asked her to take some photos of this outfit. However, Marianne’s hands are not steady enough to photograph without the camera being on a stand. This due to her illness multiple sclerosis. As she is a very resilient woman she had a solution. She directed me to a bird feeder in her garden and said: “Put the camera in the bird feeder, position it correctly and wedge it behind a post so it cannot fall. I will press the buttons.” But the camera was quite high up in the stand. For which she also had a solution. You see, Marianne makes the world slightly less safe by cruising around in a mobility scooter and this scooter has some handy features. Like… it can rise to adjust to a desired height. Very handy.
Below: here she is. She knows I am publishing this photo but will scream blue murder when she sees that one leg of her trousers is all rolled up.She is great fun to be with and part of a group of 6 women (friends) who all worked at the same place at one time. For 25 years we meet every two or three months and spend the day together from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. This year we are going to celebrate our anniversary by going to Spain for a week. Unfortunately one of us cannot come, but we will send her lots of photos.
Below: although it was early spring, Marianne always has flowers. In the house and in the garden.
Below: I am grinning at her all the time.
Below: the necklace is by Iceberg (bought in the sale). Petrol chaines with golden chains. I have posted my Acne tunic twice before. In spring here and in winter here.
Below: from the other side. The boots by Hoss you have seen a million times like here, here and here. And the skinnies are by Denham. Also seen a hundred times like here.
Below: a close-up of the bag I bought at the outlet in Turin, brand Marina Rinaldi.
Below: two more pictures of Marianne’s garden. As I am longing for spring.
Next week another shopping day with Sabine and Anke in another town. This time Utrecht.
PS linking up with Style Nudge where bloggers show their SHOES.
Ah my favorite tunic. Looks great as usual Greetje and I think the booties look very edgy with it. Great bag to complement the outfit. Necklace looks good too. Nice and big. You are well on your way to become like the style icon Iris!
Whahaha… Never! And I didn’t know this was your favourite tunic.
You look great in this outfit Greetge.your personality shines through in this post. Best wishes from Diane in Australia
i have fond memories of Australian people since Kings Day 2014, when we met an adorable couple in Amsterdam. Bewildered because the town was in such an uproar. Are you perhaps that person? Otherwise, how would you know about my personality? Thanks for the compliment anyway.
So great that you bought that bag in Italy – it’s fantastic. I love how it’s lined in yellow, quite unexpected. Of course it look very good with the tunic and skinnies, and those lovely boots! Hope you let it come shopping with Sabine and Anke 🙂
No when I went out shopping with Sabine and Anke, I took my red shopper from Rome. Also Italian. They do know how to design those Italians…
That necklace makes such a fun statement! And Marianne’s pants are fab—you just needs to say she’s going for the asymmetrical look!!! jodie
That could have been Marianne’s comment as well… “I am going for the asymmetrical look”. You two are alike in your humour. Thanks for the compliment about the necklace.
I will certainly not scream blue murder about that piece of leg peeping out. That is the only sexy part of me in that picture. I was in my I am not going anywhere outfit that day. So that means what you see is what you get in the purest form. The parrots are real tropical ones because my daughter brought them from Brasil . The outfit you are wearing is certainly made with your favourite items, and that is very easy to notice because it showes in the way you behave and smile. They are all real smiles. And I am a big fan of your new handbag. Great purchase.
Love you dearly. Shall I publish a smart photo of you in one of my next posts?
Oh dear that is kind of you but not necessary, it is your blog and I was enjoying myself making the photo’s , so it is not important to me, I am not the one to be rated about my appearance or outfit. But thanks for the offer, love you.
These jeans look really good on you – and it’s perfect with that tunic. I am a fan of tunic on others but they look awful on me.
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
Being tall with good legs, skinnies and tunics are my best items.
I love this tunic – it looks very different depending on what you wear with it. The jeans and those fantastic boots and necklace suit it well, and I’m glad you’re already getting mileage from your new bag! I laughed when I noticed that the two parrots seem to be sitting on your shoulders.
Good job on the photography by Marianne, who is also absolutely stylish herself. Beautiful garden.
I hadn’t seen the parrots yet haha. You are right, one on each shoulder.
And Marianne is a classic beauty. You see her now without any make-up and not really trying with her clothes. But I have pictures of her… Stunning.
I love your outfits and this one especially grabs me. It is casual but chic at the same time. And how amazing is your friend (even with one trouser leg raised!).
You should see my friend when she puts just a little bit of effort in it, like a bit of make-up and nice clothes. Stunning. She is such a classic beauty.
the photof of you ” grinning all of the time” is your best photo to date ( I think..!)
Love the tunic, the necklace, and the boots, and I do share your pain when breaking in those pointy beauties.
I loved hearing about Marianne, and how she has adapted. What a great idea to put the camera in the birdcage. I have similar nerve related issues, but my mobility is fine now that I am taking my toxic meds!
Fabulous post!
Loved all of the colorful photos, too, and that bag…. where is the heart emoji when you need it!
xx, Elle
Haha, funny commment Elle, I am often looking for the heart emoji as well. Glad you like everything. Marianne is certainly a trooper. Never complaining, always in for a laugh. And she is a good stylist. Her daughter inherited that and is a stylist by profession.
My favourite photo is you sitting on the bench. The gray fence, concrete, and bench create a perfect muted background palette. You look radiant, and the colours of your necklace and purse really pop with vibrancy! Do you see it?
That handbag is a forever tote! I bet it’s the first choice almost everyday. The scale of your tunic is brilliant! It’s large enough that it looks arty, but not so large that it looks frumpy. WIN!
Have a great week Greetje!
Yes, the background is indeed pretty good to let the bag and necklace pop. Pure coincidence. I just seized the moment (the fact I had a willing friend at hand and a good outfit on which had not been on the blog yet).
The handbag gets lots of use but it is not a first choice / every day bag. My black tote is. This blue/yellow/white one doesn’t go with everything. But if it does, it makes a statement.
Yes, the background is indeed pretty good to let the bag and necklace pop. Pure coincidence. I just seized the moment (the fact I had a willing friend at hand and a good outfit on which had not been on the blog yet).
The handbag gets lots of use but it is not a first choice / every day bag. My black tote is. This blue/yellow/white one doesn’t go with everything. But if it does, it makes a statement.
Love this look, really suits you. Boots and statement necklace are fab! xx
Life & Love by Victoria Lagnehag
Victoria Lagnehag on Facebook
Thanks Victoria. I am very pleased with it myself. Sometimes it just all comes together.
I love your outfit Greetje. Especially the boots are fabulous! So nice to see you Marianne! I remember you from Sylvia’s blog. You are looking great! You always look so elegant!
Greetje, I enjoy your blog every week. Keep up the great work!
Kathy Johnston
Kathy!! What a lovely surprise. Never knew you were reading my blog. Thank you very much for all those compliments. Are you still hicking in the mountains? I was very impressed by that.
I LOVE that tunic, it is such a great piece! And, I like how you paired it with the turquoise statement necklace. And, those boots are fabulous with the skinny jeans. Love the whole look. Thank you for linking up with SHOE AND TELL on Style Nudge.
Thank you Cherie, I am very pleased myself with the outfit. It doesn’t always work out so well.
Thank you Cherie, I am very pleased myself with the outfit. It doesn’t always work out so well.
You have proved again that dressing elegant and casual and sexy can go hand in hand. What a difference between the white and jeans skinnies:) Skinny jeans + booties = sexy legs.
yes… the white skinnies should really stay covered a lot. Very difficult white skinnies.
I think it is wonderful that you have been getting together every few months with your group of friends for 25 years! It is so easy to lose touch with people if you are not willing, or able, to put the effort into maintaining connections. Marianne is lovely, and the chair lift is great addition to her mobility scooter.
This outfit has a casual/chic vibe – the necklace and boots are very cool, and that bag is fabulous!
I think the outfit works so well because of the tension between casual and chic. But what do I know?
Our friends group meetings always have the same programme: starting with coffee and cake, then lunch. After lunch we all get in the car and move to the center of town to shop. Back for drinks and dinner. Which is why we all host in turns: different cities and the “burden” of fetching food is shared this way.
I think the outfit works so well because of the tension between casual and chic. But what do I know?
Our friends group meetings always have the same programme: starting with coffee and cake, then lunch. After lunch we all get in the car and move to the center of town to shop. Back for drinks and dinner. Which is why we all host in turns: different cities and the “burden” of fetching food is shared this way.
Love. Love the ensemble. I especially love the handbag and tunic. The brilliant blue and multi-color is amazing. Though i’m a small girl, I love big clothes, and that tunic is just the way I like em.
You sitting on the bench is my fave pic. But love them all.
I always make the mistake looking at petite shop assistents and then wanting to buy what they are wearing. As if it will look the same on me (5ft7). Sometimes it works, most of the times it doesn’t.
This outfit is soooo you! The white tunic is very summery and versatile, it can look beautiful in many outfits…I have a similar one in my closet too…
Friendship is a precious thing and you are a lucky woman to have many friends…a hug to you two!!
Nice photos with the two parrots!
My heart can hold many friends. I think friends are the true riches of life. I cherish each and every one.
And yes, this outfit is very me. I want to be elegant, but I suppose I am more casual than I want to know.
I had to laugh at the inventiveness of Marianne. She sure knows how to adapt to her (dis-)abilities. That high wheelchair is hilarious!
So Marianne is coming to Spain with you gals? That’s so fantastic!
Yep, one woman in our group is now a full trained nurse, so we have everything covered.
I really like this simple but artistic look. You look as if you’re going to spend the day shopping for incredible artwork.
Which I didn’t. We have more than enough artwork. But I like the vibe you are feeling with this outfit.
Great look, my friend. I mean this is a really great look, it’s my favorite way you’ve worn this amazing tunic so far and you know how I feel about those booties, but they look so wonderful with your skinnies.
Also great post, any post and message that deals with girl friend time has my undivided attention. What a beauty Marianne is, both on the inside and out. Love her optimistic attitude and love the way you group of women make the effort to continue to get together.
By the way, I was asked to co-host Cherie’s shoe and tell this week so if you get a second, link up those fun booties and this post. It will go live first thing Monday Morning.
Marianne is a classic beauty. She didn’t even wear make-up in this photo or made much effort in dressing, but I can show you photos….. stunning. And indeed also on the inside. She is such a good laugh. And I think I might have already used these booties, but perhaps it was with another shoe link-up.
I love the parrots on your shoulders! : )
What a great scooter your friend has. My Mom sure could have used one that went up and down like that.
Love the booties with these jeans…the fact that they are loose around the ankles doesn’t bother me as much when you wear them with jeans. The colour is fab!
The tunic and the necklace are very artsy. I could see you wearing this exact same outfit and just exchanging out that necklace with your new red one. I could see this would be a great travel outfit.
I’m missing my girlfriend time. Husband is nice and all…but not the same : )
Oh for sure, girlfriend time is só important. Especially for women (scientifically proven).
It is such a pity your relationship with your BFF is over. You will have to make new connections. Not easy, especially when you don’t have lots of colleagues to chose from.
And yes this tunic is like a canvas. Any scarf, necklace, brooch whatever, looks good on it.
For travelling it is not that handy as it creases.
I had to laugh at the inventiveness of Marianne. She sure knows how to adapt to her (dis-)abilities. That high wheelchair is hilarious!
So Marianne is coming to Spain with you gals? That’s so fantastic!
Yep, one woman in our group is now a full trained nurse, so we have everything covered.
Love this look, really suits you. Boots and statement necklace are fab! xx
Life & Love by Victoria Lagnehag
Victoria Lagnehag on Facebook
Thanks Victoria. I am very pleased with it myself. Sometimes it just all comes together.
I love your outfit Greetje. Especially the boots are fabulous! So nice to see you Marianne! I remember you from Sylvia’s blog. You are looking great! You always look so elegant!
Greetje, I enjoy your blog every week. Keep up the great work!
Kathy Johnston
Kathy!! What a lovely surprise. Never knew you were reading my blog. Thank you very much for all those compliments. Are you still hicking in the mountains? I was very impressed by that.
Love. Love the ensemble. I especially love the handbag and tunic. The brilliant blue and multi-color is amazing. Though i’m a small girl, I love big clothes, and that tunic is just the way I like em.
You sitting on the bench is my fave pic. But love them all.
I always make the mistake looking at petite shop assistents and then wanting to buy what they are wearing. As if it will look the same on me (5ft7). Sometimes it works, most of the times it doesn’t.
My favourite photo is you sitting on the bench. The gray fence, concrete, and bench create a perfect muted background palette. You look radiant, and the colours of your necklace and purse really pop with vibrancy! Do you see it?
That handbag is a forever tote! I bet it’s the first choice almost everyday. The scale of your tunic is brilliant! It’s large enough that it looks arty, but not so large that it looks frumpy. WIN!
Have a great week Greetje!
Yes, the background is indeed pretty good to let the bag and necklace pop. Pure coincidence. I just seized the moment (the fact I had a willing friend at hand and a good outfit on which had not been on the blog yet).
The handbag gets lots of use but it is not a first choice / every day bag. My black tote is. This blue/yellow/white one doesn’t go with everything. But if it does, it makes a statement.
I think it is wonderful that you have been getting together every few months with your group of friends for 25 years! It is so easy to lose touch with people if you are not willing, or able, to put the effort into maintaining connections. Marianne is lovely, and the chair lift is great addition to her mobility scooter.
This outfit has a casual/chic vibe – the necklace and boots are very cool, and that bag is fabulous!
I think the outfit works so well because of the tension between casual and chic. But what do I know?
Our friends group meetings always have the same programme: starting with coffee and cake, then lunch. After lunch we all get in the car and move to the center of town to shop. Back for drinks and dinner. Which is why we all host in turns: different cities and the “burden” of fetching food is shared this way.
the photof of you ” grinning all of the time” is your best photo to date ( I think..!)
Love the tunic, the necklace, and the boots, and I do share your pain when breaking in those pointy beauties.
I loved hearing about Marianne, and how she has adapted. What a great idea to put the camera in the birdcage. I have similar nerve related issues, but my mobility is fine now that I am taking my toxic meds!
Fabulous post!
Loved all of the colorful photos, too, and that bag…. where is the heart emoji when you need it!
xx, Elle
Haha, funny commment Elle, I am often looking for the heart emoji as well. Glad you like everything. Marianne is certainly a trooper. Never complaining, always in for a laugh. And she is a good stylist. Her daughter inherited that and is a stylist by profession.
I LOVE that tunic, it is such a great piece! And, I like how you paired it with the turquoise statement necklace. And, those boots are fabulous with the skinny jeans. Love the whole look. Thank you for linking up with SHOE AND TELL on Style Nudge.
Thank you Cherie, I am very pleased myself with the outfit. It doesn’t always work out so well.
You have proved again that dressing elegant and casual and sexy can go hand in hand. What a difference between the white and jeans skinnies:) Skinny jeans + booties = sexy legs.
yes… the white skinnies should really stay covered a lot. Very difficult white skinnies.
This outfit is soooo you! The white tunic is very summery and versatile, it can look beautiful in many outfits…I have a similar one in my closet too…
Friendship is a precious thing and you are a lucky woman to have many friends…a hug to you two!!
Nice photos with the two parrots!
My heart can hold many friends. I think friends are the true riches of life. I cherish each and every one.
And yes, this outfit is very me. I want to be elegant, but I suppose I am more casual than I want to know.
So great that you bought that bag in Italy – it’s fantastic. I love how it’s lined in yellow, quite unexpected. Of course it look very good with the tunic and skinnies, and those lovely boots! Hope you let it come shopping with Sabine and Anke 🙂
No when I went out shopping with Sabine and Anke, I took my red shopper from Rome. Also Italian. They do know how to design those Italians…
That necklace makes such a fun statement! And Marianne’s pants are fab—you just needs to say she’s going for the asymmetrical look!!! jodie
That could have been Marianne’s comment as well… “I am going for the asymmetrical look”. You two are alike in your humour. Thanks for the compliment about the necklace.
You look great in this outfit Greetge.your personality shines through in this post. Best wishes from Diane in Australia
i have fond memories of Australian people since Kings Day 2014, when we met an adorable couple in Amsterdam. Bewildered because the town was in such an uproar. Are you perhaps that person? Otherwise, how would you know about my personality? Thanks for the compliment anyway.
Ah my favorite tunic. Looks great as usual Greetje and I think the booties look very edgy with it. Great bag to complement the outfit. Necklace looks good too. Nice and big. You are well on your way to become like the style icon Iris!
Whahaha… Never! And I didn’t know this was your favourite tunic.
I will certainly not scream blue murder about that piece of leg peeping out. That is the only sexy part of me in that picture. I was in my I am not going anywhere outfit that day. So that means what you see is what you get in the purest form. The parrots are real tropical ones because my daughter brought them from Brasil . The outfit you are wearing is certainly made with your favourite items, and that is very easy to notice because it showes in the way you behave and smile. They are all real smiles. And I am a big fan of your new handbag. Great purchase.
Love you dearly. Shall I publish a smart photo of you in one of my next posts?
Oh dear that is kind of you but not necessary, it is your blog and I was enjoying myself making the photo’s , so it is not important to me, I am not the one to be rated about my appearance or outfit. But thanks for the offer, love you.
These jeans look really good on you – and it’s perfect with that tunic. I am a fan of tunic on others but they look awful on me.
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
Being tall with good legs, skinnies and tunics are my best items.
I love the parrots on your shoulders! : )
What a great scooter your friend has. My Mom sure could have used one that went up and down like that.
Love the booties with these jeans…the fact that they are loose around the ankles doesn’t bother me as much when you wear them with jeans. The colour is fab!
The tunic and the necklace are very artsy. I could see you wearing this exact same outfit and just exchanging out that necklace with your new red one. I could see this would be a great travel outfit.
I’m missing my girlfriend time. Husband is nice and all…but not the same : )
Oh for sure, girlfriend time is só important. Especially for women (scientifically proven).
It is such a pity your relationship with your BFF is over. You will have to make new connections. Not easy, especially when you don’t have lots of colleagues to chose from.
And yes this tunic is like a canvas. Any scarf, necklace, brooch whatever, looks good on it.
For travelling it is not that handy as it creases.
Great look, my friend. I mean this is a really great look, it’s my favorite way you’ve worn this amazing tunic so far and you know how I feel about those booties, but they look so wonderful with your skinnies.
Also great post, any post and message that deals with girl friend time has my undivided attention. What a beauty Marianne is, both on the inside and out. Love her optimistic attitude and love the way you group of women make the effort to continue to get together.
By the way, I was asked to co-host Cherie’s shoe and tell this week so if you get a second, link up those fun booties and this post. It will go live first thing Monday Morning.
Marianne is a classic beauty. She didn’t even wear make-up in this photo or made much effort in dressing, but I can show you photos….. stunning. And indeed also on the inside. She is such a good laugh. And I think I might have already used these booties, but perhaps it was with another shoe link-up.
I really like this simple but artistic look. You look as if you’re going to spend the day shopping for incredible artwork.
Which I didn’t. We have more than enough artwork. But I like the vibe you are feeling with this outfit.
I love this tunic – it looks very different depending on what you wear with it. The jeans and those fantastic boots and necklace suit it well, and I’m glad you’re already getting mileage from your new bag! I laughed when I noticed that the two parrots seem to be sitting on your shoulders.
Good job on the photography by Marianne, who is also absolutely stylish herself. Beautiful garden.
I hadn’t seen the parrots yet haha. You are right, one on each shoulder.
And Marianne is a classic beauty. You see her now without any make-up and not really trying with her clothes. But I have pictures of her… Stunning.
I love your outfits and this one especially grabs me. It is casual but chic at the same time. And how amazing is your friend (even with one trouser leg raised!).
You should see my friend when she puts just a little bit of effort in it, like a bit of make-up and nice clothes. Stunning. She is such a classic beauty.
I love every thing about this outfit! The pockets on the tunic are great and the accessories just about perfect for me! And your friend is so fabulous…I pinned you both to my over50feelingfabulous board!! I really like this tunic alot!
So do I Pam. This outfit is compiled by accident. I was trying something else, was halfway and looked in the mirror. Fell in love.
(You set the alarm again, didn’t you haha.)
I love every thing about this outfit! The pockets on the tunic are great and the accessories just about perfect for me! And your friend is so fabulous…I pinned you both to my over50feelingfabulous board!! I really like this tunic alot!
So do I Pam. This outfit is compiled by accident. I was trying something else, was halfway and looked in the mirror. Fell in love.
(You set the alarm again, didn’t you haha.)