When you are in Spain, near Ibiza, you come across Ibiza type clothes. “And….”, as my neighbour said, as she saw me in this blouse, “….being on holiday you buy things that are less appealing when you are back home”. Clearly she was not a fan of my white boho blouse. Neither is my husband Ron. When I showed him my new treasure he just laughed. And I could see in his eyes what he was thinking…: “from which large window did you yank those curtains?”. Nevertheless he once again took these photos. Bless him.
I don’t care what they say or think. I ADORE it. I might look like a middle aged hippie, I might look ridiculous… I love it. I never had a wedding dress and that left a scar (long story; boring). You can be as honest as you like in your comments.
Below: we went to Amsterdam to the Gerard Doustraat as our daily paper said that this area was upcoming, hip and happening with lots of nice new shops. Time to investigate. The area is lovely anyway, near the Albert Cuyp market. Lively neighbourhood. Below: there were indeed quite a few nice shops but I think I was satiated with clothes (is that possible??? No… just a temporary lapse).
Below: I love it when Ron takes a pictures when I walk. They always turn out nice, although I looks rather arrogant (= my normal look).
Below: as usual bicycles everywhere. Beware of cyclists in The Netherlands. They never watch out.
Below: this charming lady started a conversation by saying she loved my blouse. She told me her life and love story in three minutes. Which I thought was very well done. Quickly to the point. She was nice.
Below: we both agreed that leaving Amsterdam to live somewhere else is a mistake. Though I love where I live, I do miss Amsterdam very much. Of course I handed her my blogcard. Never miss a chance to attract a new reader…
Below: time for cappuccino on a terrace. Ron made close-ups all the time but thought I was too static, so he threw a beermat at my head. That made me laugh but alas those photos weren’t nice.
Below: jewellery: peridot ring and small pendant, matching earrings (see photo above). And my new wedding ring with little black pearls. I might have gained a lot of wrinkles through the years, but fortunately I gained jewellery as well LOL. Compensation fooks.
Below: my pointed black suede ballerina’s with blue bow. Very comfortable and they hold my support soles.
Below: showing the width.
Below: as a I was standing on a corner waiting to cross, this lady in the Volkswagen Beetle stopped.
Below: she opened her window to compliment me, which led to a joyful conversation. Leave it to me to talk to strangers. I love it. Forgot to give her my blogcard. Darned. Missed a chance.
Below: as we were driving home, we saw a little market at Minervaplein. We tried for a bokeh photo. Nearly good. And we found out another mistake we were making with the camera. You live and learn.
Below: a little traveling van with really good cappuccino.
Below: there were nuts, bread, vegetables, fruit, raw food bonbons (don’t ask me what that is, but it tasted nice. Not like chocolate though.)
Below: and there were chickens… from Madame Poulet. She only buys free range chickens who had a good and longer life. Hence they are juicier. Seasoned with her herbs, they are delicious. So much better than normal chickens.
Below: see???? Don’t they look yummy? Guess what we had for dinner that evening…. Right!! Chicken. (The Dutch can Google where to get them.)
After publishing this post, I got an email from blogger Elle (My Daily Costume), saying:
Hello Greetje,
I was wandering around Sag Harbor today and I came across a very expensive store. In the store window was your blouse (I am including a photo). I went inside and inquired and she said it was made for her in Europe. The cost was $420. Also she said (get this), that the editor of Harpers Bazaar was recently seen in the Hamptons wearing this very same blouse.
Tell that to the naysayers!
X Elle
(I thought it was hilarious. I am all of a sudden as trendy as an editor of Harpers Bazaar and I paid € 138.-. “It was made for her in Europe”, my foot. You can get them by the dozen.)
I love this blouse and it looks good on you.
You may not be the boho-type (like I am), but you’re eclectic enough to throw in some (for you) uncommon styles every now and then. Consistency is overrated;-).
Grossly overrated you are right. Never be predictable ?.
Yes the blouse looks good on you and that is because you styled it well and wear it with confidence! If the sleeves are a bit shorter it will be perfect. It looks great on the jeans, but you could try it with black too and how about an all-white look with fabulous shoes as I did earlier? This blouse has enough texture to do that! (your green booties with those fab heels?; haven’t seen those in a while).
Green booties with fab heels??? Hmmm… I do have some dark green boots but I usually wear them in the autumn or winter. Don’t know if you mean them. And yes I often forget about them. Or do you mean the teal booties with the orange stripe? Of United Nude? (Also autumn/winter by the way.) Nevertheless I have enough footwear haha.
I have taken up the sleeves 5 cm and they look better now.
Yes the teal booties!
It’s impossible to resist to do some local shopping when you are in Spain for a holiday!! I remember I loved those big straw bags so nice in summer!! And I like very much your large, lightweight, white blouse !
I have bought something similar many times but, unfortunately, they made me look so miserable! Not the right shape for me…
As sometimes happens, men and women’s tastes differ…keep on wearing the blouse, it is lovely on you!!
I cannot resist local shopping in Italy either hahaha. And even though I love the blouse and will wear it, I don’t mind at all if somebody thinks differently about it. As you say: tastes differ.
Nothing but BRAVO for your! Brave woman with strong attitude!
I like your blouse very much!!
Kiss, Sily
Well Sily, what a way to start on my little blog. Thank you very much for your enthousiastic comment. Glad you like it.
I love your peridot necklace. I have a few pieces of peridot too…lovely energy.
I really love this romantic tunic. It definitely has a holiday and beachy vibe to it. Maybe it’s not something you’ll wear everyday, but I’ll bet every time you do you’ll have fond memories of your time in Spain with your friends!
No I will not wear the boho blouse every day, but to be honest, I do not wear anything every day. Too much to choose from haha. And peridot is a lovely colour and so transparant.
You just make my day with your optimistic attitude and fun posts. I’m so glad you don’t care what Ron and others think about this blouse because lets be honest, it’s beyond fabulous! Its absolutely beautiful, stunning and I can just tell the material is top notch just by looking at you twirl. It’s my new favorite item ever!
See you soon, my cute friend.
Thank you Trina. I can totally understand why somebody would dislike it. And I don’t mind if they do. But yes, I like it and I will wear it. With panache.
I love your new blouse! I think it’s wonderful that you’re trying new looks and wearing it because YOU feel good in it. Perfect with your jeans and flats. Who could resist your honesty and how you thoroughly embrace life.
You are very kind Judith. Yes, I would have thought you would like the blouse.
That, my friend, is an exquisite top. The sleeves so Shakespearean. The hemline, billowy with wanderlust. Did I not just make it all poignant and romantic?
Very romantic Sheela. I could have joined the Fab 40 in the Lace project haha. Maybe I should start a “Way over 40” group.
Actually, I’ve been meaning to write and talk to you about Project Sister Act 🙂 I shall do that today?
Project Sister Act? Don’t know about it. I know Fab40 (for which I do not quality). But please write to me on: greetje.kamminga@gmail.com
Hello Greetje,
Wow! You have made all of those frills and flounce look chic, elegant and stylish. Great outfit….love your bag!
Samantha XXX
Thanks for all the compliments. Nice of you to take the time and leave a comment.
The bag was a wonderful (inexpensive) purchase in Rome a couple of years back. In a tiny shop, made by a very creative woman.
What a wonderful sense of humor you have….great post!
Such comments like yours give me a real boost. Thank you.
I wish I knew what makes you all laugh because often I don’t know. Never mind, I will just keep on doing what I have done and hopefully I can keep you amused for a long time.
Of course there are different opinions but the one who is actually wearing the garment is the one who needs to be comfortable. From the look of these photos that is the case with you. There is nothing more beautiful than a gorgeous white shirt to wear with your jeans. That is feminine and and exciting and you wear it perfectly.
Accidental Icon
Wow, I am extremely flattered with this praise from you. As your style is very edgy and this top of mine very romantic. I didn’t even think you knew about my blog. So thank you.
And I fully agree with your comment.
Another fabulous day in Holland … you wear white very well!
Glad you like my little reporting of Amsterdam. It is so nice to do. Of course it rains here a lot too, which I never show. Only the bright side of life.
I absolutely adore that top!! It looks fantastic!
Another fan of the blouse. So far there seem to be more fans than haters of the blouse. I had thought it would be the other way around. I am pleased.
I think every one of us, at some time in our lives, have fallen in love with an item of clothing that was not in our usual comfort zone. The blouse is just so pretty and feminine, I can see why you like it. The only thing I’m not sold on is the lacy cuffs that hang so far down past your wrists – I would be dragging those through everything and they would be filthy in no time. I think you need to keep the rest of the outfit simple, like you have done, with a blouse like that and make it the star. It’s great that people were stopping you to compliment your outfit!
You are right Shelley. I did try to fix the sleeves (hoist them up a bit), but I failed and I wanted to wear it so badly. But I have to sit down and sew a bit.
We had hoped to be in Amsterdam next month for the Grachtenfestival, but plans changed ; (
Be back soon, I hope!
Give me a shout if you do. We’ll have a coffee.
Would love that – will do!
One of the cutest things yet, Greetje – adorable on you!
Oh thank you Anne. Opinions differ. As I anticipated. Never mind. We all have our own taste. Otherwise earth would be a boring place. Are you planning any trips to Amsterdam?
I LOVE your new BLOUSE!When you get tired of it send it to ME!!!!!!!!
I think YOU looked fantastic in it!Look at all the ladies that stopped to chat with YOU!It was not because of your ballerina flats!!!!!MY husband does not like taking my photo……….so YOU are LUCKY.Why a new wedding ring?And yes we would all like to hear the NO WEDDING DRESS STORY……………we will allow it to be a TWO POST operation!!!
hahaha la contessa. The wedding dress story was simple. My stepdaughter (then 9) could not attend as we were afraid her mother would flip (which she indeed did afterwards). And I said: “if my stepdaughter cannot attend, then I don’t want anybody at my wedding, because I want to be able to defend our actions when she is a teenager and asks why.” I was very right. I needed this when she was sixteen.
And because nobody came to the wedding, it was, even for me, nonsense to spend so much money on a dress which nobody would see.
As for the photography: my husband doesn’t even like taking my pictures but he wants my blog to look good. Sweet isn’t it?
By the way: my relationship with my stepdaughter is excellent. Now. She is almost 30.
I’m not a fan of the blouse (I’m not boho at all although I do remember wearing ‘peasant tops’ in the 70’s, and I just bought one from Target that I like; I was told it was too casual for our ‘office casual’ office, though – hm – I guess they’re right; it’s very lightweight, almost like a nighty – but with a camisole underneath? Oh well….)
I LOVE your shopping posts, though. Just makes me so long to go back and visit Holland again.
Hah, here we have somebody who is NOT a fan. I was wondering whether everybody was being polite. You are not, good on you Lori. This blouse is a hate or love blouse. No way, everybody will love it.
I will just continue wearing it and pull a confident face haha.
I knew you’d disappointed if you got NO dislikes – haha!
Yr a good sport!
I like balance. LOL
I can’t do Boho either but I am often attracted to pieces. I try to resist!
Leaves us with the question: “can I do boho?”LOL
Such a cute post, I love all. You look wonderful.
Thank you Gaby. Not everybody will agree, but we all differ in taste.
Greetje – I love that you are experimenting with different styles and finding that you love it! I think this top looks fun on you but it’s not something I would personally wear. The cut of this top would make me look pregnant with triplets and I would be look really short.
Would love to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
Ah… the benefits of being tall haha. Besides, if they think I am pregnant, I take that as a compliment as that is not possible anymore LOL
At first I thought I was on the wrong blog…Greetje…wearing boho? Not possible. But there it is!
I love the top and can see why you also fell in love with it. I figure though, if you’re willing to go this far boho you need to go all the way! Trade those jeans for a white maxi skirt and you’ll look like an angel just visiting earth.
Hahaha, no Suzanne, all the way with a white skirt would be too much for me. This blouse is as far as I dare to go on boho. Or perhaps the long dress I was wearing on holiday (2 posts ago) is also boho? Ron doesn’t like that either and it gets the same love and hate reactions.
I love the top half, not soooo keen on the bottom half!
But who cares whether anyone else likes it or not. YOU love it and that’s what matters. And I think it’s truly wonderful that people stopped and complimented you on it. I’m with Melanie, gorgeous peridot ring. Rotisserie chickens – they do them exactly the same way in France – oooh so so good. And usually with pomme de terres cooking underneath so that the juices of the chicken drip down onto the potates to cook/coat them. Yum!
Hahaha… I say you are not a fan of the blouse either. Your comment is written very sweet, but I get that. Thank you for your compliments on the ring. And yes, you are right. i like the blouse and shall wear it. I knew when I bought it, it would be a love/hate thing.
This blouse is entirely my style. I love how you have paired it with skinny jeans. A really good look.
I tried to compensate the girly/romantic style of the blouse by wearing the jeans. I love a juxtaposition.
I love the top. If you were walking down a Southern California street, you would probably be attacked by fans wanting to know where you got it.
It is a beach style blouse, isn’t it? Well, I live near the sea, so why not?
You also with the boho style? You look wonderful. The blouse is wonderful, gorgeous. It has a great fabric, and a truly spectacular design, with pretty sleeves, lace details, and the wonderful flight on the bottom. A truly romantic and bohemian beau
Oh thank you Josep-Maria. It is my wedding dress substitute. LOL
Your blouse was love at first sight for me. How many times did people stop to say that you were wearing something great in all the post that you made. I’ll bet not as many times as this time. That proves that it is a great boho blouse and is made for you. End of discussion.
Hahaha Marianne. No it is not as easy as that. It is a love or hate blouse. But I can live with that. The same, by the way, for my long dress. Pity is, I myself, am not that sure about the dress. Still.
I think the mistake you make is that you compare the dress with the other clothes you have and wear. But it is a piece on its own and you wear it when you are in the mood for it, feel pretty in it and then feel confident and then you don’t give a ….. what people think of it.
Love you
I adore this top on you! It’s fabulous and I love how you paired it up with denim – perfection! Suzanne
See???? It is a love or hate top. I can live with the fact not everybody likes it. There are enough lovers too. Thanks for your comment Suzanne. I have been neglecting your blog. So sorry.
Ron is a good photographer, and has a sense of humor, but he is clearly mistaken about this stunning blouse. Curtains, indeed! Ha!
This top is pure magic! Love the details and the way it moves, It is frilly, but not overdone. I can see how this might quell the sting of no wedding dress.
Love the shots of you in the street, walking and interacting.
I hope to see this again, soon. Maybe with a colored pair of skinnies and a gorgeous heel.
xx, Elle
I am afraid the top might become a little common with heels. But I will try. Actually I don’t think I have coloured skinnies. Just the grey/green ones.
Such a cute, fun post…I love your outfit. I wear tunics and flats more than once a week!
I am doing so more and more too Pam. So comfortable.
Awesome top! No wonder you love it, and clearly other people love it too by all the attention you got. I admit, when I saw the word “boho” in your title, I thought, is Greetje okay!? She usually wears fitted clothes. Heh. Good thinking to hand out your card. I never do. I should. Actions shots, my favourite, of course. I’m usually static or self-conscious or both. I need someone to throw beer mats at me I guess. And I love your peridot ring! Hurrah for peridot, the little forgotten gem.
Boho is so NOT me. I don’t like fringes that much either. Just could not resist the romance of this top. It is a love or hate top. And “me and fitted” …hmmm… Don’t know. I get told off my my colleague because I wear so many wide tops. She says that fitted clothes look better on me. I guess if you “can” you don’t always “want”.
The blouse has character just like you!!! I might suggest shortening the sleeves a tidge—they look a little overpowering & long!!! jodie
I tried just that, but failed. Have to have another look at it. Thanks for this feedback.
Who needs to wear anything elese apart from that FABULOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS top, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am in love.
Yes I met Sylvia and I do hope to meet you soon
Well, the blouse was bought in Spain in a coast town, so I bet you can get it in Malaga. Fel perfectly free to copy.