Long overdue… another Street Style post. See the previous ones here, here, here and here. It was very hard to get pictures for several reasons:
- the weather has been aweful in The Netherlands this summer (some people beg to differ, but for me there were only two months of sunshine)
- I had to work so hard, I hardly had time to blog, let alone go out with my camera to shoot Street Style photos
- Haarlem, where I live, has many women who don’t want to be photographed or appear on a blog. Even if they look ever so nice. Every time somebody says “no” or “I’ll think about it”, I get so disappointed!
Anyway, with a little help of two friends I have 10 women for you to see.
Above: this lovely lady lives in my neighbourhood (I think). And yes she is over 40. I dared to ask. I love that orange line over her sleeve. And the pattern of the top, the skirt and the shoes. I love everything. Down to her bike.
Below: spotted this lady at Heathrow airport while waiting for the connection to Vancouver. Loved the boldness of her dress, her necklace, red lipstick and the cut of her hair. Did I mention the sandals? Below: while in Vancouver we went to a shop of Eileen Fisher. As I entered the store, I saw this lady. I don’t think she bought the jacket even though it looks fabulous on her. Certainly with her jeans and fun sandals. A model for all of us.
Back to Amsterdam. On a shopping day with Sabine we went to Gerard Doustraat. To tell you the truth, the neighbourhood let us down. We couldn’t find anything we would like to purchase (well, we both got a little cardigan, but that doesn’t count). Fortunately I was lucky in finding great women over 40 for my Street Style.
Below: awesome platform purple high heeled shoes with the cute flower dress.Below: this lady had lots of things I admired: her hair, her scarf with that nice T-shirt and jacket. Of course All Stars (you can never go wrong with those sneakers) and the fantastic bag. She is holding my card, so I hope she sees this post.
Below: is she laid-back or what? Effortlessly fashionable I would call this. Everything is good, the distressed jeans, the sneakers, the T-shirt, the cardigan, the bracelet. But above all, her laid-back attitude. You can see she is confident and likes herself. And so do I.
Below: my friend Sabine, just 40 or just over 40 I don’t know. She is one of the most fashionable women I know. A fantastic stylist. And somebody you can laugh with. Loud and long. I forgot to take a photo while she was standing up as this wide structured skirt is the best buy of the season.
Below: another friend, Yvonne. I had to laugh while I was taking these photos. I could not get her to relax. Every time I gave her a tip (like “lean forward a bit”) she overdid it. It wasn’t easy to get a good shot. And she is such a beautiful woman.
Below: I feel so ashamed over this photo. I took it in Haarlem. This lady was prepared to pose and have her picture put on my blog… and I could not make a decent sharp photo. What happened? I had taken my camera to the shop to try and figure something out. They had tried all sorts of things and one of them was putting the lens on MANUAL focus instead of AUTO focus. (And changed the size… sigh.) Of course I should have known when I read the warnings on the display. It just didn’t cross my mind until she was gone. Such a vague photo. Again: sorry. But as she did look good, I didn’t want to leave her out. Of course I like her outfit. It is fun, but again it is her self assuredness that is the best.
Below: as we are heading towards winter, herewith a photo I took of a shop owner in The Hague in December 2014. The shop is called Vlinder. I loved that cardigan she is wearing. As she was selling it, I was very tempted to buy it. But cardigans and me are a difficult match, so I didn’t.
As we have entered the rainy season and as my time is still limited, I am afraid this Street Style will probably be the last one this year. Against 3 in 2014. Such a shame as I love doing them.
But in the meantime, you could always look at Misja Beijers blog. She is a Dutch photographer who does nothing but Street Style. And she is so much better at that than I am.
- if you want to see some great outfits of other bloggers, go to this post of High Latitude Style.
- and linking up to I wear what I like at Catherine’s Not dressed as lamb
- And linkg up to a great get-together at Shoe and Tell
What a wonderful collection of ladies. All so at ease with their style and showing that older women can dress and be confident and put together even with the casual outfits. My favourite is the first lady with her bike. Love it that she cycles in such an outfit.
The Dutch use a bicycle for everything. I love that the bike is in the colour of that stripe on her sleeve. Very matchy matchy haha.
I like this article very much! Hope you nstill wil be continueing it.
These were wonderful! You are so good at asking people to be photographed for your blog.
I’m ga ga over those purple platform shoes.
Yes, indeed, bothering people is my forté LOL.
I love your street style photos. You found so many gorgeous women in your travels. It makes me want to go out and do the same here in Denver. Maybe I will at some point. You have inspired me.
I only photograph women that I (as in me) find appealing. I have to tell you, it is great fun doing this. I have a calling card made so I can show them I am not just telling a bs story. The card helps.
A lovely and lively international roundup Greetje!
You can’t help but notice the lady in the first photo. Here is a woman that knows her style and is confident about it! It even appears that her bicycle seat coordinates.
Miss Effortless…I also noticed her glasses. Chic!
Sabine…no words…she is stunning. And yes…Yvonne is a beautiful woman too.
I quite like the photo of the Haarlem lady. It might be a little less sharp than the others, but it’s certainly blog worthy! I love her smile!
You make me happy with your appreciation. Thank you very much.
Despite having had a hard time finding these ladies, you did a great job Greetje. Good examples. All so comfortably fashionable.
Thanks Katrien. That makes me happy. I never know whether readers appreciate my Street Style.
Hi Greetje, you did a wonderful job!
Nevertheless thanks for your compliment…
I wouldn’t dare suggesting I am on the same level as you. I do like to take such pictures but the fact I didn’t figure out immediately that my camera was on manual focus instead of auto focus, says enough about my skills….
I do love these photos from the street….It’s so refreshing to see people dressing up and showing off their personalities via their clothing! Thanks for taking the time to do this!! jodie
It is my pleasure entirely. And I mean that.
Greetje, you have such a great eye! I love these street style shots. I noticed SO many truly stylish women in Amsterdam. They aren’t afraid to play with color and proportion.
You did? I sometimes have trouble finding them as they are usually quite a casual bunch. As in jeans with T-shirt. But if they are anywhere in The Netherlands, it will be in Amsterdam.
Yay, another fun street style post. I know these take you forever but they are so much fun to read. I do remember that women at the Eileen Fisher store. It was my first time really getting a glimpse at how you ask women to photograph them. The first photo, I absolutely love this women’s style, so chic and classy. Do women really ride around on their bikes in cute skirts like this? I also love the fifth photo, just like you there’s so much to admire with her outfit, from the wonderful grey converse to that perfect scarf which pulled the entire outfit from ordinary to extraordinary.
Oh, so glad you like it…. I am thrilled. And yes women do ride around on their bikes in lovely skirts. I always prefer to do this when I am wearing high heels (so much easier than walking). And you can find a mother (in a skirt) on a bike with one child behind her and one in front of her. But… the Chinese do this all so much better…
I really like this article. I still hope you wil continue with it!
I am sorry. wrote it twice
After such an encouragement, I will continue with Street Style for sure. It is really fun to do.
I love this series of yours. The women always look so effortless. You are brave to ask them to pose.
For you styling is so easy and effortless. For me this is approaching women and asking them to pose for my blog. It comes naturally. And I am very pleased you like it.
I, too, appreciate your Street Style photos. The ladies in your pictures affirm that ‘real-life” style transcends national boundaries (and continents!). I understand that working a full time job leaves little time for blogging so please know that I enjoy even a small blog and look forward each week to your posting.
There are many times in a blogger’s life that you think “WHY?” Or “shall I just pack it in?” It is comments like yours that keep me going. It confirms that I am still on the right track and that you like these posts. So thank you very much.
Some beautiful looks. Elegant mature women, a large fieldwork. But I like to see your looks … LOL.
You flatter me haha.
You have done a great job Greetje.
We must have had all the heat and sun this summer, and still do. Too much, I tell you.
It is not evenly distributed, that is for sure.
I intended to tell you last week how much I love this street style blog. I will have to pin these and see if anyone of these reaches the number of pins as the Very Attractive Lady Wearing Gray Pants and White Top. Anyway, I love seeing these stylish ladies so beautifully and seemingly effortlessly put together. And please do take your camera to Turin. Love getting to do these vicarious travels with you.
I love the attitude, face and hair of the third lady in particular. I’m not in your age range but if you do decide to photograph younger pedestrians, if you see me around while I’m visiting the Netherlands and ask to snap my outfit, I’m terrible at being in photos but I’ll happily pose for it 😛
Give me an email if you are visitiing The Netherlands and I will bring my camera haha. Oh and every woman I have photographed so far says the same: I am terrible at being in photos. Apparently I can put them at ease as they always look good.
I love this street style post Greetje! I have been tempted to ask stylish women that I see out and about if I could photograph them for the blog, but I have never actually done it. Maybe I will. My favorite is the woman with the distressed boyfriend jeans, long cardigan and sneakers. Your right she exudes effortless, confident chic. It is so obvious when someone is comfortable in their own skin.
On another note, I adore your cream booties. You really have great shoe sense. Your shoes are never your run of the mill shoes and I love that.
Ha, this is funny. As my taste in shoes is aweful. When I was in my teens, even my mom commented on that fact. From when I was 21 I tried to stick to pumps (safe). But because of blogging, I am going out of my comfort zone. And liking it. There is hope yet.
The cream booties are my treasure. Everybody compliments me with them. In the street, in the shops. And they are so comfortable. I now have a little contact with the designer of these booties. But no sponsoring. I don’t want that.
There are weeks in which blogging is a hard job! And if the weather is bad taking photos becomes impossible…It would be a good thing to have extra photos in store, but for some reason I never have!
Very nice selection…I always like to see beautiful ladies over 40!
I usually have a photos in store. Photos of Street Style women have to wait anyway until I have enough. But I had to post this before winter started. I will bring my camera with me to Turin. No problem finding elegant women over 40 there.
I always love your street style posts, Greetje – this one is no exception. I especially like how it is a collection of photos from so many places. “Bothering people is your forte” – hahaha. I disagree. Making people laugh is your forte. Yes, it’s a downer when people don’t want their photo taken, but that’s how it goes. I’m glad you persevere!
What I find wonderful in these is how attractive the women in jeans come across. You said it – it’s the attitude, their comfort, that makes them shine. Yvonne and Sabine, beauties. I sympathize with Yvonne – it’s so hard to relax in front of a camera, but you still got a good shot.
And you, my dear, I have seen your photo all over the place lately! That makes me very happy. You often tend to be critical of you styling but, man, you are certainly shining.
My photo all over the place??? What ?? How?? Am I famous at last?
I am shopping in my own closet lately. That makes a change. And I did come up with at least 6 good outfits. Am I finally learning??? Am I? Am I? I do hope so.
I love the look of the first lady and I like your friend.
Your street shoots are very entertaining and fun! Well done, girl!
I always think my Street Style photos aren’t special enough. But perhaps that is what people like sometimes??? Nice that you like my friend, but there are two friends amonst them….
I really enjoyed this post! These women have such great style, and each one is so different!
What these woman have in common is self confidence. I think. Perhaps that is what attrackts me most.
I don’t think that one pic was so bad! I love her boots!!
I always love seeing a little bit of Europe in your posts.
Well, you can still see the lady, what she looks like and what she is wearing, but the quality of the photo is the pits to me. I only like sharp photos.
Great job! I love these photos . This truly is the essence pf style, where every woman is unique and elegant in her own skin! I adored the opening shot, and liked each look very much!
The women here seemsageless , and dress very much up to the moment; a great example to hold up to us as 40+ and 50+ bloggers!
I loved this post !
xx, Elle
Thanks for the compliments Elle. I will continue then.
Fabulous pictures and looks Greetje. These posts are always a treat!
Oh good. I will continue then. The weather has picked up here, so who knows.
Hi Greetje,
I found your blog via Sylvia at 40plusstyle. I love Sylvia’s blog…but my proportions are more similar to yours…so I learn from Sylvia, then I get personal inspiration from you. You ladies rock!
I can just imagine how much time & effort (and diplomacy!) it must take to do a post like this one. But I love these Street Style posts – especially in comparison to the New York City “genre” of street style photos. I mean, they are great, the fashion is of the moment trendy, the women are beautiful, youthful…and very posed, and eventually the photos begin to look very similar.
On the other hand,
These women not only look beautiful, but also they exude a natural ease and confidence that is only acquired through living more than 25 years…and this makes their style choices ever so much more interesting, unexpected, creative.
Plus, getting a glimpse of a regular neighborhood in a large European city is a real treat for someone from the States, like me.
Thank you for taking all of the time and effort to share these photos with us…I really appreciate it.
Such comments like yours make me so happy. I am being appreciated for all the work YEAH. There are so many days that a blogger questions her (or his) reasons for blogging. But it is something like writing a column or a book. There is something in me that wants to share things with the world.
I did a few more Street Style posts. If you haven’t seen them yet, just type in Street Style in the search box.
I loved your street style pictures.
I have not ever dared to ask a person if I can take their picture… I had someone once ask if they could take mine… i wonder what she did with it 😉
I have very little inhibitions LOL. I think when you ask something in a friendly way, most people will comply. As long as you don’t ask something outragious of course. I am glad you liked the photos. Makes my blogging day.
I love the attitude, face and hair of the third lady in particular. I’m not in your age range but if you do decide to photograph younger pedestrians, if you see me around while I’m visiting the Netherlands and ask to snap my outfit, I’m terrible at being in photos but I’ll happily pose for it 😛
Give me an email if you are visitiing The Netherlands and I will bring my camera haha. Oh and every woman I have photographed so far says the same: I am terrible at being in photos. Apparently I can put them at ease as they always look good.
I loved your street style pictures.
I have not ever dared to ask a person if I can take their picture… I had someone once ask if they could take mine… i wonder what she did with it 😉
I have very little inhibitions LOL. I think when you ask something in a friendly way, most people will comply. As long as you don’t ask something outragious of course. I am glad you liked the photos. Makes my blogging day.
Hi Greetje,
I found your blog via Sylvia at 40plusstyle. I love Sylvia’s blog…but my proportions are more similar to yours…so I learn from Sylvia, then I get personal inspiration from you. You ladies rock!
I can just imagine how much time & effort (and diplomacy!) it must take to do a post like this one. But I love these Street Style posts – especially in comparison to the New York City “genre” of street style photos. I mean, they are great, the fashion is of the moment trendy, the women are beautiful, youthful…and very posed, and eventually the photos begin to look very similar.
On the other hand,
These women not only look beautiful, but also they exude a natural ease and confidence that is only acquired through living more than 25 years…and this makes their style choices ever so much more interesting, unexpected, creative.
Plus, getting a glimpse of a regular neighborhood in a large European city is a real treat for someone from the States, like me.
Thank you for taking all of the time and effort to share these photos with us…I really appreciate it.
Such comments like yours make me so happy. I am being appreciated for all the work YEAH. There are so many days that a blogger questions her (or his) reasons for blogging. But it is something like writing a column or a book. There is something in me that wants to share things with the world.
I did a few more Street Style posts. If you haven’t seen them yet, just type in Street Style in the search box.
I intended to tell you last week how much I love this street style blog. I will have to pin these and see if anyone of these reaches the number of pins as the Very Attractive Lady Wearing Gray Pants and White Top. Anyway, I love seeing these stylish ladies so beautifully and seemingly effortlessly put together. And please do take your camera to Turin. Love getting to do these vicarious travels with you.
I love the look of the first lady and I like your friend.
Your street shoots are very entertaining and fun! Well done, girl!
I always think my Street Style photos aren’t special enough. But perhaps that is what people like sometimes??? Nice that you like my friend, but there are two friends amonst them….
I love this street style post Greetje! I have been tempted to ask stylish women that I see out and about if I could photograph them for the blog, but I have never actually done it. Maybe I will. My favorite is the woman with the distressed boyfriend jeans, long cardigan and sneakers. Your right she exudes effortless, confident chic. It is so obvious when someone is comfortable in their own skin.
On another note, I adore your cream booties. You really have great shoe sense. Your shoes are never your run of the mill shoes and I love that.
Ha, this is funny. As my taste in shoes is aweful. When I was in my teens, even my mom commented on that fact. From when I was 21 I tried to stick to pumps (safe). But because of blogging, I am going out of my comfort zone. And liking it. There is hope yet.
The cream booties are my treasure. Everybody compliments me with them. In the street, in the shops. And they are so comfortable. I now have a little contact with the designer of these booties. But no sponsoring. I don’t want that.
I always love your street style posts, Greetje – this one is no exception. I especially like how it is a collection of photos from so many places. “Bothering people is your forte” – hahaha. I disagree. Making people laugh is your forte. Yes, it’s a downer when people don’t want their photo taken, but that’s how it goes. I’m glad you persevere!
What I find wonderful in these is how attractive the women in jeans come across. You said it – it’s the attitude, their comfort, that makes them shine. Yvonne and Sabine, beauties. I sympathize with Yvonne – it’s so hard to relax in front of a camera, but you still got a good shot.
And you, my dear, I have seen your photo all over the place lately! That makes me very happy. You often tend to be critical of you styling but, man, you are certainly shining.
My photo all over the place??? What ?? How?? Am I famous at last?
I am shopping in my own closet lately. That makes a change. And I did come up with at least 6 good outfits. Am I finally learning??? Am I? Am I? I do hope so.
I really enjoyed this post! These women have such great style, and each one is so different!
What these woman have in common is self confidence. I think. Perhaps that is what attrackts me most.
There are weeks in which blogging is a hard job! And if the weather is bad taking photos becomes impossible…It would be a good thing to have extra photos in store, but for some reason I never have!
Very nice selection…I always like to see beautiful ladies over 40!
I usually have a photos in store. Photos of Street Style women have to wait anyway until I have enough. But I had to post this before winter started. I will bring my camera with me to Turin. No problem finding elegant women over 40 there.
Fabulous pictures and looks Greetje. These posts are always a treat!
Oh good. I will continue then. The weather has picked up here, so who knows.
Great job! I love these photos . This truly is the essence pf style, where every woman is unique and elegant in her own skin! I adored the opening shot, and liked each look very much!
The women here seemsageless , and dress very much up to the moment; a great example to hold up to us as 40+ and 50+ bloggers!
I loved this post !
xx, Elle
Thanks for the compliments Elle. I will continue then.
What a wonderful collection of ladies. All so at ease with their style and showing that older women can dress and be confident and put together even with the casual outfits. My favourite is the first lady with her bike. Love it that she cycles in such an outfit.
The Dutch use a bicycle for everything. I love that the bike is in the colour of that stripe on her sleeve. Very matchy matchy haha.
I don’t think that one pic was so bad! I love her boots!!
I always love seeing a little bit of Europe in your posts.
Well, you can still see the lady, what she looks like and what she is wearing, but the quality of the photo is the pits to me. I only like sharp photos.
Some beautiful looks. Elegant mature women, a large fieldwork. But I like to see your looks … LOL.
You flatter me haha.
I love your street style photos. You found so many gorgeous women in your travels. It makes me want to go out and do the same here in Denver. Maybe I will at some point. You have inspired me.
I only photograph women that I (as in me) find appealing. I have to tell you, it is great fun doing this. I have a calling card made so I can show them I am not just telling a bs story. The card helps.
I like this article very much! Hope you nstill wil be continueing it.
I really like this article. I still hope you wil continue with it!
I am sorry. wrote it twice
After such an encouragement, I will continue with Street Style for sure. It is really fun to do.
Hi Greetje, you did a wonderful job!
Nevertheless thanks for your compliment…
I wouldn’t dare suggesting I am on the same level as you. I do like to take such pictures but the fact I didn’t figure out immediately that my camera was on manual focus instead of auto focus, says enough about my skills….
I do love these photos from the street….It’s so refreshing to see people dressing up and showing off their personalities via their clothing! Thanks for taking the time to do this!! jodie
It is my pleasure entirely. And I mean that.
I love this series of yours. The women always look so effortless. You are brave to ask them to pose.
For you styling is so easy and effortless. For me this is approaching women and asking them to pose for my blog. It comes naturally. And I am very pleased you like it.
These were wonderful! You are so good at asking people to be photographed for your blog.
I’m ga ga over those purple platform shoes.
Yes, indeed, bothering people is my forté LOL.
Greetje, you have such a great eye! I love these street style shots. I noticed SO many truly stylish women in Amsterdam. They aren’t afraid to play with color and proportion.
You did? I sometimes have trouble finding them as they are usually quite a casual bunch. As in jeans with T-shirt. But if they are anywhere in The Netherlands, it will be in Amsterdam.
Yay, another fun street style post. I know these take you forever but they are so much fun to read. I do remember that women at the Eileen Fisher store. It was my first time really getting a glimpse at how you ask women to photograph them. The first photo, I absolutely love this women’s style, so chic and classy. Do women really ride around on their bikes in cute skirts like this? I also love the fifth photo, just like you there’s so much to admire with her outfit, from the wonderful grey converse to that perfect scarf which pulled the entire outfit from ordinary to extraordinary.
Oh, so glad you like it…. I am thrilled. And yes women do ride around on their bikes in lovely skirts. I always prefer to do this when I am wearing high heels (so much easier than walking). And you can find a mother (in a skirt) on a bike with one child behind her and one in front of her. But… the Chinese do this all so much better…
I, too, appreciate your Street Style photos. The ladies in your pictures affirm that ‘real-life” style transcends national boundaries (and continents!). I understand that working a full time job leaves little time for blogging so please know that I enjoy even a small blog and look forward each week to your posting.
There are many times in a blogger’s life that you think “WHY?” Or “shall I just pack it in?” It is comments like yours that keep me going. It confirms that I am still on the right track and that you like these posts. So thank you very much.
Despite having had a hard time finding these ladies, you did a great job Greetje. Good examples. All so comfortably fashionable.
Thanks Katrien. That makes me happy. I never know whether readers appreciate my Street Style.
A lovely and lively international roundup Greetje!
You can’t help but notice the lady in the first photo. Here is a woman that knows her style and is confident about it! It even appears that her bicycle seat coordinates.
Miss Effortless…I also noticed her glasses. Chic!
Sabine…no words…she is stunning. And yes…Yvonne is a beautiful woman too.
I quite like the photo of the Haarlem lady. It might be a little less sharp than the others, but it’s certainly blog worthy! I love her smile!
You make me happy with your appreciation. Thank you very much.
You have done a great job Greetje.
We must have had all the heat and sun this summer, and still do. Too much, I tell you.
It is not evenly distributed, that is for sure.