One freezing Sunday, husband Ron offered to take outfit photos of this cream A-line skirt. He had installed a new app which predicted pretty accurately when it would rain and when the rain would stop. There was a rain-free window between 11.30 and 12.10…..We hurried to the little courtyard with almshouses which he had selected as background. (See more about almshouses in Haarlem.) Rain was a worrying thing but there was also the temperature to deal with. It was only 1 or 2 degrees Celcius (34 Fahrenheit). At least there was no wind in the courtyard.
Below: these are the almshouses, overlooking a communal garden. See that person with the umbrella? That is me just before we were leaving. Ron’s app is indeed very accurate: 12.10 sharp it started to rain.Below: cold or not, photos had to be taken without a coat.
Below: oh dear, oh dear…
Below: not really very elegant…
I have featured this “eye shirt” once before on the blog. It is the same design as the brooch you saw two posts ago.
Below: ready!! Quick, quick… take the pictures.Below: I will show you pictures from all sides. I suffered for it, now you suffer too.
Below: the seams are not exactly on the sides, but a bit more to the back. No idea what that is for, but it is probably for a clever reason.
Below: one last shot. I knotted the shirt to give the outfit a more casual look (I got inspired by Annette (Lady of Style) in this post. Her outfit reminded me of “elegant combined with casual gives a nice balance”. And Annette also showed the knotted shirt a couple of times.
Below: Ron caught a rainbow on our way out. See how dark it was?
Below: the day after I suddenly remembered my polka dot tights. They look great with this outfit.
The outfit details: boots and skirt Max Mara Group, eye shirt: SpijkerSISpijkers.
I am trying to show you a skirt or a dress one week and then trousers the next week.
Lovely coats to see at 40+Style, worn by normal women.
You can see bloggers with faux fur at Not dressed as lamb: iwearwhatilike.
Or see other bloggers at Not dead yet: Visible Monday.
I laughed at your line “I suffered for these, now you have to”. That weather app sounds very useful, especially if you are planning any kind of outdoor activity. I rarely take blog photos outdoors anymore. The “eye” print blouse is very cool!
Crazy what we bloggers do for the shot #bloggerslife. Rain, sleet, hail, no matter, we have an outfit to show 🙂
Such a fun, Quirky top. Here in the states, we call that eye symbol, the evil eye.
The top and boots made the “corporate ” skirt more casual. It’s good to find ways to expand our wardrobe.
The evil eye??? Oh my. I think it is a symbol to ward off evil, isn’t it? Anyway, no harm has come over me yet.
great ensemble!!!
and such cute little houses! thank you for freezing your bum off for us 🙂
It was my pleasure Beate ?
As you know, I LOVE the eye-shirt! The polkadot stockings probably look great with them, as you expect too.
I tried the polka dot tights and indeed, it improves the whole look.
I’ve fallen behind, and so happy to see you in your wonderful candid shots, featuring this unique “eye shirt.” The shirt shines with the addition of your cream skirt and black boots. I love the coat, as well!
What we as bloggers won’t do for the perfect photo! Facing weather changes is an ongoing issue. Ron solves the problem once again with his weather app. What a team the two of you are!
Yes, the pictures have improved a lot on my blog since Ron started to help.
Oh and the boots are brown. I finally managed to get it OUT of my head that brown and black cannot go together. Of course they can. They are both dark colours LOL.
🙂 Found you via the “How I Wear My: Brooch” challenge – yours is really great and the way you wear it. You do have a soft spot for eyes, don’t you?
Well, I’m now following you – I do like your blog. And Amsterdam.
Groetjes uit Venen 🙂
Isn’t this a strange way of meeting haha. I don’t really have a soft spot for eyes, but I discovered the brooch in a shop two weeks after I got the shirt. I was actually wearing the shirt when I found the brooch. And I thought I could make the two work. Which they do.
Hartelijke groetjes terug. Leuk dat je me volgt.
Fantastic outfit! I’m with the others, absolutely love the blouse and like it worn both ways. I would definitely be wearing it with jeans every weekend. And those boots (again) love those boots!
Once again your entertainment is just as fun to read as looking at your outfit. No suffering on our part.
I do believe Par would love that app as well.
The app is called: Buienalarm
Try and download it and see whether it works worldwide haha.
The boots I could wear every day. They are just as good a buy as the cream ones with the strange heel. Love them both to death.
I am surprised everybody loves this blouse so much. I must start wearing it more….
Lovely, and fun, outfit! That cream skirt is tres elegant, no matter the pose! Ha! Seriously you look wonderful.
That is music to my ears Randi. Thanks ever so much. And thanks for taking the time to comment.
“I suffered for it, now you suffer too.” Bwahahaha!
I love the eyes on the blouse and I love your eye brooch too from an earlier post. Great outfit – the boots were definitely worth it. Again, always such interesting photos. I probably wouldn’t have thought of the light-coloured skirt but it looks great. Ron’s rain predictor is amazing!
The skirt was the starting point. It didn’t cross my mind that a black blouse couldn’t go with a light-coloured skirt. I was just looking for something a bit more casual.
Ron’s rain predictor is indeed amazing. Very handy when you want to pop into town and want to know whether to take an umbrello or not. (So you go without as you think you will be back within an hour….. alas….)
Great modern outfit Greetje and that blouse is so good. I hope you wear it often. You suffer for the cold and I suffer for the extreme heat. I’m not sure anymore what’s worse to be honest. At least you get to change clothes each season. I’m getting totally bored with my wardrobe and there is mainly winter clothes in the shops argghhh. I decided to set up my own little photo studio which makes my office currently a mess but I’m learning something new… My first trials are in yesterday’s post…
Oh… a home studio. How chic!
I can imagine you get bored with clothes if you don’t have seasons. I am trying to get you to Italy for more than one reason haha.
And no, I do not wear the eye blouse often enough. It does deserve it. Everybody loves it.
I will have a look at your post first thing in the morning. Have to go to bed now. Long day. Had diner with a friend after work.
I’m fascinated with the idea of almshouses. And these are so old! Fascinating.
Then I had to stop and realize that in America we probably call this “affordable housing”. And – I happen to work for an attorney who specializes in this kind of arrangement. Our client actually is a financial organization/syndicate for wealthy people or organizations who want to set up partnerships to develop affordable (not free!) housing for the poor, retired, disabled, etc.. But I fear most of it is not as charming looking as these little houses. And the partnerships actually get tax breaks out of their donations. So it’s all very complicated. Ha.
Anyway, I always love your photo stories and this is a nice outfit.
These houses were built in the 1600 / 1700. When poor people were really depending on the good will of the very rich. Who built such houses (they are tiny inside) to help, what, 10? 20 ? people (usually widows) and that was it. There must have been a lot more poor people. So I suppose that it was more to show off how nice and charitable they were than actual help. Oh well, better some help than none,
The almshouses are so adorable. They have such a great view too! Your eye print shirt is subtle but whimsical. Love it! :]
// ▲ ▲
Thanks Carmen. We have a lot of these courtyards eith almshouses in the bigger, older cities. They are well preserved.
I like the look, it is beautiful and elegant. The blouse is cute, and the skirt is perfect, balanced, feminine and elegant. I like the outfit with a coat, boots and pretty red scarf, all perfect and in place, very lady. The houses can be seen in the post have a nice architecture, I like. That picture in which you are crouched … LOL
I know, my husband always tries to take pictures when I am not posing. He doesn’t like me posing. And I always like to show photos which make people laugh.
You are suffering for outdoor photos like me right now. It is a bit warmer here…about 5 but still darn cold to be outside without a coat. I feel for you!
This eye blouse it super wild. I love it!
I also like the blouse tied. I often do that. Much easier than tucking it in.
I also like the polkadot hose. A nice detail I didn’t catch in the photos of you.
I think I need that app.
I think the app is Dutch (sorry). The polkadot hose are tights and I wasn’t wearing them in the photos. I just discovered them afterwards and was too lazy to put everything back on and have another photo taken.
I love the eye print blouse. How fun! It goes perfectly with the white skirt which is both a practical and stylish piece to own. Casual skirt looks are fun to wear and a welcome change from jeans and leggings. Ron’s choice of background for your photos is beautiful and the rainbow with the lit house is a gem. I hope he stays motivated to keep on shooting great photos of you. Perhaps he would consider posting tips for other photographers on how and where to pose a fashion shot? I would gladly pass them on to my husband who is a good photographer but doesn’t understand these things.
I am afraid that is something you cannot teach. He has the “eye” (funny haha.. with this eye blouse). He is very creative. I am not. One tip he told me was: “try not to put your biggest item of interest in the middle of the photo; it is much more exciting to divide your photo in 1/3 and 2/3”. I now get what he means. Do you too? But backgrounds and such…. that is really something you see or you don’t.
But you can find very useful photographing tips on Catherine’s blog (Not dressed as lamb). She is a photographer by profession and used to teach it. She has some great tips. Here is the link:
I agree with the others….it’s a wonderful outfit and you look positively wonderful! I must admit you are quite the professional to take those pictures in that temperature. I just give up and take the pix inside (we use the term “cream puff”). But at least you found out Ron’s app is correct! jodie
I am notoriously bad in taking pictures indoors. Too little light and not enough space to have enough room between the camera and me (small house).
This January we are getting some private tutoring on this subject. As for being professional haha… anything for the blog.
We suffer for beauty! Sorry you got so cold – but seeing this blouse was a treat for me. I like it knotted, too. Now hurry in for some brandy : >
Glad you like it Patti. And I am warm again don’t worry.?
Wow, what a skirt! The shape is perfect, the color is sublime. I’d give away a motorcycle to look as good as you in this garment. BTW, I’m honoring our dear friend Suzanne on my blog today!
Oh I will come over to your blog immediately to see you honoring Suzanne. As for me looking so good you would give away a motorcycle… that is high praise. Thank you.
We must suffer for our art… I’m talking about the cold, of course. That’s such a fun shirt, makes me think I need a few more shirts, too (I only have a few, most of them linen and for summer).
I acquired a few because Ron came home with them. Or rather: he photographed them with his iPhone, sent them and asked “shall I bring them with me?” He is a gem.
Oh I did buy a few very good ones myself too, from Marlene Birger, a Scandinavian brand. Very nice. A blue one and a cream one with anchors. If you want to see them, here are the two posts
Love the combination of light with dark colours in the dark season. The seams that are not placed on the side can make the back smaller and also prevent the side-seam from curling up. the length of the lovely boots is perfect!!
Thank you for the explanation of the seams. I didn’t know that. You live and learn.
I do love the boots. And this time Marjolein, I put this outfit together all by myself. As I said.. we live and learn haha.
This is a fabulous outfit on you. I am now inspired to pair sheer black tights with a light colored skirt.
I have seen a wide light coloured skirt with opaque black tights as well. On Instagram. See @catoinamsterdam.
Love it, thank you!
Very pretty blouse and I do like it knotted. I love the look but rarely knot my blouses since I feel it’s too casual for a work look and I rarely wear blouses on the weekends.
I love that Ron is so sweet and dedicated to making sure you have great photos for the blog.
Yes Ron is a very good sport. In our office I can wear what I like, so knotted shirts are no problem. As long as I don’t reveal a bare tummy haha.
Such an elegant outfit. What a great idea to knot the blouse.
I had seen the knotted style a couple of times but forgot it every time. Now I finally remembered.
Greetje….this is such a pretty and eye catching outfit….I love it! There is something similar in my closet and I never thought to put them together…..thank you for the idea! Thank your husband for the great pictures!xx stay warm and dry! Katie
Great pun Katie.. “eye catching”. The weather has improved a lot this week. We are back to 13 degrees Celcius (55 F). I am glad I inspire somebody too. I get a lot of inspiration from other bloggers.
Very nice the old Dutch houses. I like the boots you bought in Turin. And your outfit is great. I looked at the fashion show and I think it is a great fashion house. A lot will suit you very well. For instance the long dresses, you have just the perfect figure for them. I think it is time to rob a bank, if you are going to score more of their outfits. The eye was there previous pattern, now it is the beetle. Perhaps buy the brooch to begin with?
It was fun when Ron worked at that shop in Arnhem which is related to the fashion academy. He brought me back a lot of Spijkers & Spijkers stuff. And about that bank robbing??? I pass. Before you know it I am dressed in a striped black and white uniform. And I don’t really like the bugs of this year.
I really like this blouse Greetje and love the sense of fun it gives to the chic and elegant nature of the outfit. The simple skirt is so classic and looks fantastic with your new boots, they’re such a good length. I laughed at you finding your spotty tights after the shoot – I have that happen to me often, and it’s just too much effort to go back and do it all again!
Anna x
Anna’s Island Style
My husband said I couldn’t show that photo of the putfit on the bed. It looks horrible he said. But I ignored that. It made you laugh, so it served a very good purpose.
Great outfit Greetje, the polka dot tights are perfect indeed. I like the blouse from Spijkers&Spijkers! Also together with jeans perhaps.
Great location by the way and Ron is doing well, taking pictures even when you’re not ready! They are, together with your comment, the best!
Yes, Ron doesn’t like the posing very much, which is why he always tries to capture me off guard. There is a link in the post that brings you to a post of this blouse with jeans. Indeed, as you thought very good (in my book).
As you know, I LOVE the eye-shirt! The polkadot stockings probably look great with them, as you expect too.
I tried the polka dot tights and indeed, it improves the whole look.
I laughed at your line “I suffered for these, now you have to”. That weather app sounds very useful, especially if you are planning any kind of outdoor activity. I rarely take blog photos outdoors anymore. The “eye” print blouse is very cool!
Crazy what we bloggers do for the shot #bloggerslife. Rain, sleet, hail, no matter, we have an outfit to show 🙂
Such a fun, Quirky top. Here in the states, we call that eye symbol, the evil eye.
The top and boots made the “corporate ” skirt more casual. It’s good to find ways to expand our wardrobe.
The evil eye??? Oh my. I think it is a symbol to ward off evil, isn’t it? Anyway, no harm has come over me yet.
I’ve fallen behind, and so happy to see you in your wonderful candid shots, featuring this unique “eye shirt.” The shirt shines with the addition of your cream skirt and black boots. I love the coat, as well!
What we as bloggers won’t do for the perfect photo! Facing weather changes is an ongoing issue. Ron solves the problem once again with his weather app. What a team the two of you are!
Yes, the pictures have improved a lot on my blog since Ron started to help.
Oh and the boots are brown. I finally managed to get it OUT of my head that brown and black cannot go together. Of course they can. They are both dark colours LOL.
Lovely, and fun, outfit! That cream skirt is tres elegant, no matter the pose! Ha! Seriously you look wonderful.
That is music to my ears Randi. Thanks ever so much. And thanks for taking the time to comment.
Fantastic outfit! I’m with the others, absolutely love the blouse and like it worn both ways. I would definitely be wearing it with jeans every weekend. And those boots (again) love those boots!
Once again your entertainment is just as fun to read as looking at your outfit. No suffering on our part.
I do believe Par would love that app as well.
The app is called: Buienalarm
Try and download it and see whether it works worldwide haha.
The boots I could wear every day. They are just as good a buy as the cream ones with the strange heel. Love them both to death.
I am surprised everybody loves this blouse so much. I must start wearing it more….
🙂 Found you via the “How I Wear My: Brooch” challenge – yours is really great and the way you wear it. You do have a soft spot for eyes, don’t you?
Well, I’m now following you – I do like your blog. And Amsterdam.
Groetjes uit Venen 🙂
Isn’t this a strange way of meeting haha. I don’t really have a soft spot for eyes, but I discovered the brooch in a shop two weeks after I got the shirt. I was actually wearing the shirt when I found the brooch. And I thought I could make the two work. Which they do.
Hartelijke groetjes terug. Leuk dat je me volgt.
great ensemble!!!
and such cute little houses! thank you for freezing your bum off for us 🙂
It was my pleasure Beate ?
I’m fascinated with the idea of almshouses. And these are so old! Fascinating.
Then I had to stop and realize that in America we probably call this “affordable housing”. And – I happen to work for an attorney who specializes in this kind of arrangement. Our client actually is a financial organization/syndicate for wealthy people or organizations who want to set up partnerships to develop affordable (not free!) housing for the poor, retired, disabled, etc.. But I fear most of it is not as charming looking as these little houses. And the partnerships actually get tax breaks out of their donations. So it’s all very complicated. Ha.
Anyway, I always love your photo stories and this is a nice outfit.
These houses were built in the 1600 / 1700. When poor people were really depending on the good will of the very rich. Who built such houses (they are tiny inside) to help, what, 10? 20 ? people (usually widows) and that was it. There must have been a lot more poor people. So I suppose that it was more to show off how nice and charitable they were than actual help. Oh well, better some help than none,
Great modern outfit Greetje and that blouse is so good. I hope you wear it often. You suffer for the cold and I suffer for the extreme heat. I’m not sure anymore what’s worse to be honest. At least you get to change clothes each season. I’m getting totally bored with my wardrobe and there is mainly winter clothes in the shops argghhh. I decided to set up my own little photo studio which makes my office currently a mess but I’m learning something new… My first trials are in yesterday’s post…
Oh… a home studio. How chic!
I can imagine you get bored with clothes if you don’t have seasons. I am trying to get you to Italy for more than one reason haha.
And no, I do not wear the eye blouse often enough. It does deserve it. Everybody loves it.
I will have a look at your post first thing in the morning. Have to go to bed now. Long day. Had diner with a friend after work.
One week skirt and the following trousers is a good happy medium, especially in the cold season! This is the worst period for a blogger and taking photos without the coat is soooo hard!! Of course, your outfit deserved some pictures…beautiful!
I love how you styled the skirt! The print of your shirt is very nice indeed…
I am waiting soon for the new collection and a lot of delicious cappuccinos!!
What do you mean Dan? That you are going to see the new spring collection at the outlet?
You are right, the full sentence was:I am waiting for you, since soon we could see together the new collection at the MM outlet and sip a lot of delicious cappuccinos … if you like, of course!
Sometimes I wonder if my bad English will ever improve!
Well actually I thought that was what you meant. But there are no flights by Transavia until April….
One week skirt and the following trousers is a good happy medium, especially in the cold season! This is the worst period for a blogger and taking photos without the coat is soooo hard!! Of course, your outfit deserved some pictures…beautiful!
I love how you styled the skirt! The print of your shirt is very nice indeed…
I am waiting soon for the new collection and a lot of delicious cappuccinos!!
What do you mean Dan? That you are going to see the new spring collection at the outlet?
You are right, the full sentence was:I am waiting for you, since soon we could see together the new collection at the MM outlet and sip a lot of delicious cappuccinos … if you like, of course!
Sometimes I wonder if my bad English will ever improve!
Well actually I thought that was what you meant. But there are no flights by Transavia until April….
“I suffered for it, now you suffer too.” Bwahahaha!
I love the eyes on the blouse and I love your eye brooch too from an earlier post. Great outfit – the boots were definitely worth it. Again, always such interesting photos. I probably wouldn’t have thought of the light-coloured skirt but it looks great. Ron’s rain predictor is amazing!
The skirt was the starting point. It didn’t cross my mind that a black blouse couldn’t go with a light-coloured skirt. I was just looking for something a bit more casual.
Ron’s rain predictor is indeed amazing. Very handy when you want to pop into town and want to know whether to take an umbrello or not. (So you go without as you think you will be back within an hour….. alas….)
The almshouses are so adorable. They have such a great view too! Your eye print shirt is subtle but whimsical. Love it! :]
// ▲ ▲
Thanks Carmen. We have a lot of these courtyards eith almshouses in the bigger, older cities. They are well preserved.
We suffer for beauty! Sorry you got so cold – but seeing this blouse was a treat for me. I like it knotted, too. Now hurry in for some brandy : >
Glad you like it Patti. And I am warm again don’t worry.?
We must suffer for our art… I’m talking about the cold, of course. That’s such a fun shirt, makes me think I need a few more shirts, too (I only have a few, most of them linen and for summer).
I acquired a few because Ron came home with them. Or rather: he photographed them with his iPhone, sent them and asked “shall I bring them with me?” He is a gem.
Oh I did buy a few very good ones myself too, from Marlene Birger, a Scandinavian brand. Very nice. A blue one and a cream one with anchors. If you want to see them, here are the two posts
I love the eye print blouse. How fun! It goes perfectly with the white skirt which is both a practical and stylish piece to own. Casual skirt looks are fun to wear and a welcome change from jeans and leggings. Ron’s choice of background for your photos is beautiful and the rainbow with the lit house is a gem. I hope he stays motivated to keep on shooting great photos of you. Perhaps he would consider posting tips for other photographers on how and where to pose a fashion shot? I would gladly pass them on to my husband who is a good photographer but doesn’t understand these things.
I am afraid that is something you cannot teach. He has the “eye” (funny haha.. with this eye blouse). He is very creative. I am not. One tip he told me was: “try not to put your biggest item of interest in the middle of the photo; it is much more exciting to divide your photo in 1/3 and 2/3”. I now get what he means. Do you too? But backgrounds and such…. that is really something you see or you don’t.
But you can find very useful photographing tips on Catherine’s blog (Not dressed as lamb). She is a photographer by profession and used to teach it. She has some great tips. Here is the link:
Wow, what a skirt! The shape is perfect, the color is sublime. I’d give away a motorcycle to look as good as you in this garment. BTW, I’m honoring our dear friend Suzanne on my blog today!
Oh I will come over to your blog immediately to see you honoring Suzanne. As for me looking so good you would give away a motorcycle… that is high praise. Thank you.
You are suffering for outdoor photos like me right now. It is a bit warmer here…about 5 but still darn cold to be outside without a coat. I feel for you!
This eye blouse it super wild. I love it!
I also like the blouse tied. I often do that. Much easier than tucking it in.
I also like the polkadot hose. A nice detail I didn’t catch in the photos of you.
I think I need that app.
I think the app is Dutch (sorry). The polkadot hose are tights and I wasn’t wearing them in the photos. I just discovered them afterwards and was too lazy to put everything back on and have another photo taken.
I agree with the others….it’s a wonderful outfit and you look positively wonderful! I must admit you are quite the professional to take those pictures in that temperature. I just give up and take the pix inside (we use the term “cream puff”). But at least you found out Ron’s app is correct! jodie
I am notoriously bad in taking pictures indoors. Too little light and not enough space to have enough room between the camera and me (small house).
This January we are getting some private tutoring on this subject. As for being professional haha… anything for the blog.
I like the look, it is beautiful and elegant. The blouse is cute, and the skirt is perfect, balanced, feminine and elegant. I like the outfit with a coat, boots and pretty red scarf, all perfect and in place, very lady. The houses can be seen in the post have a nice architecture, I like. That picture in which you are crouched … LOL
I know, my husband always tries to take pictures when I am not posing. He doesn’t like me posing. And I always like to show photos which make people laugh.
Such an elegant outfit. What a great idea to knot the blouse.
I had seen the knotted style a couple of times but forgot it every time. Now I finally remembered.
Very pretty blouse and I do like it knotted. I love the look but rarely knot my blouses since I feel it’s too casual for a work look and I rarely wear blouses on the weekends.
I love that Ron is so sweet and dedicated to making sure you have great photos for the blog.
Yes Ron is a very good sport. In our office I can wear what I like, so knotted shirts are no problem. As long as I don’t reveal a bare tummy haha.
Great outfit Greetje, the polka dot tights are perfect indeed. I like the blouse from Spijkers&Spijkers! Also together with jeans perhaps.
Great location by the way and Ron is doing well, taking pictures even when you’re not ready! They are, together with your comment, the best!
Yes, Ron doesn’t like the posing very much, which is why he always tries to capture me off guard. There is a link in the post that brings you to a post of this blouse with jeans. Indeed, as you thought very good (in my book).
I really like this blouse Greetje and love the sense of fun it gives to the chic and elegant nature of the outfit. The simple skirt is so classic and looks fantastic with your new boots, they’re such a good length. I laughed at you finding your spotty tights after the shoot – I have that happen to me often, and it’s just too much effort to go back and do it all again!
Anna x
Anna’s Island Style
My husband said I couldn’t show that photo of the putfit on the bed. It looks horrible he said. But I ignored that. It made you laugh, so it served a very good purpose.
Very nice the old Dutch houses. I like the boots you bought in Turin. And your outfit is great. I looked at the fashion show and I think it is a great fashion house. A lot will suit you very well. For instance the long dresses, you have just the perfect figure for them. I think it is time to rob a bank, if you are going to score more of their outfits. The eye was there previous pattern, now it is the beetle. Perhaps buy the brooch to begin with?
It was fun when Ron worked at that shop in Arnhem which is related to the fashion academy. He brought me back a lot of Spijkers & Spijkers stuff. And about that bank robbing??? I pass. Before you know it I am dressed in a striped black and white uniform. And I don’t really like the bugs of this year.
Greetje….this is such a pretty and eye catching outfit….I love it! There is something similar in my closet and I never thought to put them together…..thank you for the idea! Thank your husband for the great pictures!xx stay warm and dry! Katie
Great pun Katie.. “eye catching”. The weather has improved a lot this week. We are back to 13 degrees Celcius (55 F). I am glad I inspire somebody too. I get a lot of inspiration from other bloggers.
Love the combination of light with dark colours in the dark season. The seams that are not placed on the side can make the back smaller and also prevent the side-seam from curling up. the length of the lovely boots is perfect!!
Thank you for the explanation of the seams. I didn’t know that. You live and learn.
I do love the boots. And this time Marjolein, I put this outfit together all by myself. As I said.. we live and learn haha.
This is a fabulous outfit on you. I am now inspired to pair sheer black tights with a light colored skirt.
I have seen a wide light coloured skirt with opaque black tights as well. On Instagram. See @catoinamsterdam.
Love it, thank you!