Last week Ron wanted to shoot two outfits in one afternoon “so he wouldn’t have to go the following week”. Because, contrary to what you probably think, Ron doesn’t really like taking my pictures. He only does it out of love for me. Oohhh this is getting soppy.
Anyway, that is why I had to think fast. I bearly had the time to come up with one outfit, let alone two. Lightbulb moment. The Diane von Fürstenberg jacket!
This jacket isn’t mine. It belongs to Sylvia (40+Style). As it is a fall/winter jacket, Sylvia leaves it in The Netherlands. No use to her in Singapore. And I get to borrow it. A friend with benefits haha. Actually, after I wore it for this shoot, I noticed the jacket was a bit too small across the shoulders and didn’t dare wearing it. I was too scared it might get damaged. See how Sylvia wore her jacket in this earlier post.
Below: I told you last week that the sun was out bright and shiny. This is what you get when you take photos in bright sunlight.Below: much better with a cloud hiding the sun.
Now, the photo above shows me with my hair a bit wild by the wind. Although you know by now what I am like with my hair (ever so obsessed) I don’t mind this.
Below: but I do mind this. Good on the left, stupid on the right. My forehead it too high. Mind you, it can get a lot worse (not showing you this).Below: this is where our little loan car took us: the middle of nowhere. No wonder the wind was blowing.
Below: we went to another location Ron had scouted. One with logs stacked in piles.
Below: The sun was shining like mad at one point. See how I am trying to talk the clouds into helping us? Everybody was enjoying the sun that day and we wanted clouds haha.
Below: then I looked down and saw my boots were dirty. Had to clean that immediately.
Below: Ron shot these tubes and said they formed a mouth in a smile.
Below: have a nice weekend.
Linking up to Sheela Writes, who is showing bloggers with confidence.
And linking to Ann’s Kremb de la Kremb, for Style Stories of other bloggers.
And linking up to Not dressed as Lamb’s I wear what I like.
Brilliant jacket! And what a wonderful photo-shoot too – Ron has mad skills as a photographer (at least with his favorite model : > ). Looking fabulous, you,
I think Ron is now going to get conceited.. so much praise!! Thank you for your compliments. My new post is up, showing you bits of my town Haarlem.
I’m glad to find your blog. Like your style
Carina fr Sweden
Thank you Carina. Nice of you to let me know. Bloggers always love to hear from their readers. True or not?
Ron does pick nice backgrounds for your photo shoots – the stacked logs are very cool! You are very lucky to have your own photographer. That is a wonderful jacket, both because of the shape and the colours. It’s too bad it’s a bit small, as it would be fun to be able to “borrow” it on occasion.
You are dead right Shelley, it is a shame it is too small. And yes I am very lucky with Ron. In more than one way.
It is a beautiful jacket and how nice of Sylvia to share it with you.
You look absolutely wonderful in it!
I like the look, it is perfect.
Such a pity it is a bit too small. Just my luck.
Wow, I definitely need more clothes that are known only by initials. DVF. That’s a great jacket. And I love the pattern of logs in the background too. The stories you tell about your photo shoots are always so entertaining and make me laugh. Yes, like a true blogger you were looking for clouds on a sunny day. Hahaha! But I think that washed-out photo is my fave this time. Smashing, Greetje. Keep on truckin’. Loggin’. Bloggin’…
If there is something you do NOT need, it is clothes known only by initials haha. You don’t “do” that sort of thing. Neither do you need it. Glad I could make you laugh. You do the same for and to me.
You’ve been having a great time with jackets. The red hues really suit you. But still, Ron is a very nice man. My husband also likes to shoot outfits in advance. Especially when he knows his schedule is going to be busy.
I passed your compliment onbto Ron. He grinned….and agrees haha.
I was so happy to see you wearing my jacket and then you say you only did so for the photos because of the fit. Bummer. You look absolutely smashing in it!
I don’t dare to wear it. Because if I bend over, I feel that the jacket is tight across the shoulders. I’d hate it when it would go kkkkrrrraak. On the plus side: it made a good post.
I don’t often covet other people’s clothes but I do covet that jacket! That is a conversation starter, if ever there was one! You look fabulous in it with the jeans and the boots.
All the more a pity it is too small to wear. And Sylvia bought it at a bargain price in the sale.
Oh to have friends like yours! That jacket is sensational, those colours amazing and the fit really doesn’t look too small. The length works great on you and I love the slim trousers and boots combo. My husband works in the forestry industry so you’ve given me an idea for a new location for one of my shoots.
Thank you so much Greetje for adding me to your bloggers list. I do understand about the stresses of time and how difficult it is to keep in touch with all our blogging favourites. I do a bit every evening, but could do so much more if I only had more time. Such is the plight of the modern day working woman!
Anna x
The modern day working and blogging woman!! An important addition, that word blogging. The combination of boots, trousers and jackets was logic as I was wearing those trousers with the green sweater. Easy change is necessary when you have to do that in a car.
Greetje, totally love that jacket and amazing colors. You look way cool. Good jacket, good location, nice windy hair 😉 Will be in that beautiful country of yours in just few weeks and cannot wait. <3 Sabina
How about coffee together when you are here?
Would love to if you happen to be somewhere in Zeeland let me know! xxx
Ouch… Zeeland. That is where I was born. That is quite far from Haarlem. I somehow thought you might be visiting Amsterdam haha.
Everyone seems to have been born in that beautiful place ? Amsterdam is where I used to work and love it. But it’s off to the sea this time….anytime you close to Frankfurt let me know! Best Sabina
I think that many husbands are with Ron!! Surely Vincenzo does:he knows that blogging is important for me and so he accepts to take photos . A sign of love probably!!
Beautiful jacket! It’s a pity that (according to what you say, but not visible in photos )it is a bitt too small for you. Its bright colours make it very your style.
I should try to shoot two outfits too, but it sounds a bit complicated…
Shooting two outfits isn’t necessarily complicated. I only had to change boots and change the green MM sweater for the red jumper with the jacket and bingo… another outfit. The black top and trousers are the same. And Vincenzo is the best man a woman could ever wish for.
Yes, he really is…
Your smile matches the tube smile : ) I think you might both be wearing the same lipstick!
That car is so cute it looks like a wind up toy.
If there is anything I am known for it is my loud laugh and my red lipstick.
Wow…that jacket!! I see you wore it with the same color combo that Sylvia did!! Have you tried it with other color combinations? It’s such a stunning piece!
I just saw an article about taking pictures in the sun (since we have so much around here and it doesn’t listen to me when I tell it to get cloudy—ha ha)—it said to stand with your back to the sun (maybe you already knew this—I’m still such a novice at this all. We tried it—and it definitely turned out okay)
Isn’t is nice when our husbands do things to help us out? My husband just went ankle boot shopping with me last night (of course, he was rewarded with a dinner out afterwards!!).
Happy Sunday Greetje! jodie
I think I have exhausted my credits with Ron to go (shoe) shopping. Once on holiday in the south of France he suddenly stopped in the street. When I asked him why he said: “Well, we are passing a shoe shop. I assume you want to go in” hahaha.
No, I haven’t tried anything else with this jacket. I liked the red that Sylvia chose. I would have done the same. Or a top in bright fuchsia. But I had to grab all this in seconds as Ron wanted to shoot two outfits and I hadn’t given it any thought. As I found the jacket to be too tight across the shoulders I haven’t worn it. i don’t want to damage it.
Hahahahaha!!! Ron, you are a magnificent creature!! My husband AND my children do their level best to not let me see shoe stores when we’re out together. Shameless family.
Ron stopped shopping with me.Thank God I have loads of friends to take his place. And I am deadly on my own as well.
I am as well, but mostly online. I’m not a fan of malls and people, and much prefer to shop with my mouse.
It has been very windy here lately, and I have either wild hair or a “pained” look in all my photos…
Ron does a fantastic job taking your photos, and your backgrounds are always fabulous! And how nice of him to take your photos when he doesn’t really enjoy it!
Nice jacket! How fun that Sylvia leaves it with you!
Yes I am very well of with friends and husband ???
Great jacket! That is so good of Ron to do all your photos! L did about 3 of my first blog photos (back in 2008!) and did such a bad job (on purpose, I’m sure) that I have used the timer ever since.
Ron is too proud to fail haha. He took lessons in photography together with me. We learn at the same pace. What I love about your concept, is that you can show so much and you don’t have to bother about backgrounds, going places etc. Much easier and you have a lovely blog with it. I chose a different route. We all do what we wannado.
Wow, Greetje is a really wonderful jacket. I like the look you have prepared, it is perfect.
I wouldn’t have thought you would like this. Just goes to show how much I know.
I’m a little surprised the sun was trying to compete with your radiance Greetje! You wear these brilliant colours so beautifully!
I’ve got some windy hair photos upcoming! It’s funny…I think every single photo will illustrate the unchanging direction of the wind!
And, you do wear your clothing with confidence. I love that about you!
You say the nicest things. There is a poet in you Sue. “My radiance” haha. Must be because I was born on Good Friday… a little shine of a halo????
What a great jacket, so colorful and chic and I love how you have styled it. It suits you really well, and yes it is terrible when the weather does not cooperated with us blogger’s shoots 🙂
We should have blogger’s weather haha. Or indoor places where there is lots of light and all sorts of decors to use… Nah.. Everybody would soon be bored with it and go out to find something unique.
HI G! well, at least Ron takes them 🙂
I love the DVF jacket – and I certainly wish I had a friend who had a marvelous jacket I could benefit from!
Now all Sylvia needs to do is grow a size bigger haha. Perhaps I will try it again and be very very very careful?
such a magnificent and colorful jacket, a versatile piece to mix & match!, lovely that you’ve borrowed from a friend!
And glad you’ve enjoyed some sun, even if it’s not best condition when taking pictures!
Besos Senora Allnut, you colour lover. I could have guessed you would like this jacket.
Lovely Greetje, love your DVF jacket. Bright colours certainly suits. I am also a Claudia Strater fan. Keep up the colourful theme.
Oh Theresa… how lovely of you to comment. So nice!! Harry asked me to meet again in Antwerp or Amsterdam but I have been so busy, haven’t got round to arranging it.
And thanks for the compliments.
Hi Greetje,
I do follow your blog regularly. I love all your colourful matching of tops and skirts etc. but wish I have your figure. When you are good and ready I am sure we will get to meet.
How about some pastel colours.
Greetings to Ron and compliment to his professional photography.
I am delighted with your visits to my blog. I will give Ron your compliments. And eh.. pastels? No, not really. I did baby blue once and even Pat commented (on Facebook) that it was not a good colour for me:
Greetje I love that you “look after” Sylvia’s jacket for her – it looks just as awesome on you as I can imagine it does on her…! The colours are lovely and look so good with the extra punch of red underneath.
Oh and I feel your pain with the wind – it’s a blogger’s nightmare!! Our hair is similar now so before I used to be able to put my hair up in a bun or ponytail to cure the hair-blowing-everywhere problem – can’t do that so much any more. We had our first calm weekend wind-wise this weekend, it was such a relief when taking photos!!
have a great week my lovely
Catherine x
Ha, my photo and blog instructor. Nice to hear from you Catherine. I cannot imagine our hair being the same, but… pictures do lie haha.
I put on a hat and dare the wind gods to blow that away.
Great post as always. When you are dressed in colorful clothes, I think everything suits you. Can not imagine you in pastels. I think your second photo’s with the wind blowing in your hair is a great one, and you certainly are a sunglasses type. It is a pitty that sunglasses are so expensive, because I think they are great accessories. Ron must know by now that he is a great photographer after all the compliments we give him. He has to keep up the good work, because we are accustomed to your creative and funny posts.
Yep, when you set the bar higher, you have to jump higher too. Daniela is a typical sunglasses lover. She has at least 10 of them. For me sunglasses are sunglasses. One pair is enough. And you can imagine me in pastels. I wore the baby blue sweater remember? Which I gave away.
What a gorgeous jacket. And lovely top. All those colours really brighten things up. You and Sylvia both have such good taste. It’s a pity the jacket doesn’t fit across the shoulders, as I’m sure it longs to go walkies during the time it is stranded in that closet.? The weather here in the UK is so similar; very changeable and sometimes the sun is so bright it is like a searchlight. Not used to that in the winter! And always so windy. Never mind, Spring is on the way.
Maybe if I sit and stand really straight the whole day, it might be OK to wear it??? So sad to think of that poor jacket who wants to go walkies haha.
Yes! Breathe in, stand up straight, don’t wiggle the shoulders…. I’m sure it’ll fit ?
It is a beautiful jacket and how nice of Sylvia to share it with you!
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
Yes, Sylvia is a lovely friend. And she and I have the same taste in a lot of clothes.
Lovely pictures. We are so blessed with our partners right! A few weeks ago it was raining and I wanted to take a few pictures of the outfit I was wearing. So Gerben said, but it is raining! And I said, I can use an umbrella! Gerben looked at me in a way of….well it not bad that I am going to be wet then??????
Hahahaha.. Rain is also bad for the camera haha. Funny.
That jacket and those colors are FANTASTIC on you!! You wear brights and bold prints so well.
I know what you mean about the light. I’ve found the “good light” for our location, and try to time my photo shoots accordingly. Makes all the difference!!
Here it usually rains. A lot of the time as you know. And it is cold, so in winter getting photos of an outfit is a real challenge. Which is why I try to work ahead and have one or two posts scheduled. Just to avoid panic haha.
What a great jacket! I would wear this in a minute…if she made sizes which fit me…so sad! But, I do love this on you…and you did great with the photos despite the wind!
DvF goes up to size 14 (USA) but I saw that size 14 is usually the first size to be sold out. I don’t get it… It is like The Netherlands. Most women here are not skinny, but the retailers always have smaller sizes than the average Dutch woman in their shops. There was a whole issue of a very popular magazine devoted to this subject last month.
Loving this look on you! You are so lucky to have Ron take all your photos, my kids are forced to take mine 🙂 I love that Sylvia leaves her coat for you when she’s in Singapore, lucky lady!
Can Syliva park something fabulous out here in California?
I am sure she wouldn’t park anything in California as it is just as hot in Singapore haha. You luck out here. Too bad Sylvia has a size smaller than me otherwise I would raid her closet. (Not really, I am too civil for that.) And yes I am lucky Ron takes my pictures. He got so fed up with my garden pictures.
I love the fact you and Sylvia have such a great and sharing friendship. The way you chose to style this jacket is fabulous, love your layering of the black and red shirts and smartly worn with your black skinny jeans. Ron is one great finder of backdrop scenery. He truly has quite the artistic eye. And, really, doesn’t he have just a little fun while taking your photos? You’re so entertaining.
He says he doesn’t enjoy it at all. But when he is clicking away, I have the feeling he is enjoying himself. Perhaps I am only believing this to stop myself from feeling too guilty haha.
Hello Greetje, I am Ada. I found you via Ann’s blog. So glad I found your blog. You have incredible style pretty lady.
That DVF Blazer is gorgeous with the oversized lapel. I love it with the bright red tee underneath. And those skinny pants fit you so well.
I would love for us to follow and support one-another. Also, on Thursdays I run a linkup (I just started it). I would love for you to join me below with this pretty outfit or any other recent ones. =) Thank you.
Enjoy the weekend, Ada.
Thank you for your lovely comment Ada. I cannot make any promise for your link-up. I am running out of time as it is. So many other blogs to visit and comment on… so much to do, so little time to do it in.
You look great in the bright bold colors !
Thank you Wendra. I know bright colours love me. Makes you wonder why I still grab black and white so much… Thanks for “stopping by”.
Hi Greetje – I just discovered you on Deborah Boland’s blog, Fabulous After 40. What a fabulous blog you have. You have such a keen eye for style and color. I’m 65 and always looking for blogs of – ahem – older women with good style sense that is not over the top. I have body issues, much like most women, such as bat wing arms so I won’t wear sleeveless or even short sleeves, heavy thighs so I won’t wear shorts, and many of the styles you wear I can see myself wearing. With summertime coming here in the USA, many of the bloggers here will be styling sleeveless tops and shorts and thus, I won’t be paying them much attention. It will be capris and 3/4 sleeves for me as usual. I look forward to seeing what you bring forward in the coming months.
Hi Betsy, how nice of you to leave a comment. And such a nice one. I am very flattered, thank you. The funny thing is… I don’t really have a good eye for styling, just a very, very big love for adorning myself from head to toe. I get lots of help from good shop assistents, my husband (he is better at styling me than I am) and from lots of friends. Only after three years of blogging I am starting to learn a few tricks. Nobody believes that, but it is true. Some people have the gift of styling, but I have to try a lot of things, often without result. The mess in your bedroom afterwards… pfff .. not nice.
I will never wear sleeveless myself (batwing ams and wrinkles), I have to keep my tops a bit higher up than I want to because of all the wrinkles in my cleavage, my skirts are down to my knees. Only one warning, in two weeks time you will see me wearing a short. It was a moment of insanity. I am going to publish it because I think it was funny, but it is definitely not something I feel comfortable in. I love 3/4 length sleeves especially of a very lightweight top.
I hope you will come back. I always publish on a Sunday (17.15 Dutch time).
Greetje, I adore you and Ron. Even if he says he doesn’t like taking the pictures, I kinda think he does. You two always have such fun! Any hints how I can get my own man to embrace the photos…? At prEssential I’m becoming good friends with Remota–that’s what I call my little remote control. She’s nice to me!!
Love the jacket Greetje–anything by the Goddess DVF is a winner!
Thanks for coming over to link up.
Love, Ann from K de la K
I often think he rather enjoys it too, but when I check he still says he really doesn’t. Which makes it even more adorable. I have to tips for you I am afraid, as Ron volunteered. I never asked him. He wants me to improve my blog..
I can’t quite decipher whether I follow your posts thus religiously for your sartorial choices, or for your witty words, Greetje. I do think it’s a close 50/50. This one is no different. As I’m admiring that lovely jacket with the rainbow mod print and envying your endless legs, I’m chuckling at how you must have been frowning at the weather gods above. Chiding them, how dare they allow the sun to shine that day, and permit zephyrs to blow with such gusto hahahahaha!!! I love your sense of humour, so very much, Greetje!! And I think your Ron is quite the gem. Location scouting? Piles of logs? Tubes that form a smile??? Ahhh what a gem 🙂 xoxoxo
Ron also has a very good sense of humor. He makes me laugh so much. I do hope we will get old together (he said: “we already are dear…” hahaha.) Of course in good health.
I sometimes wonder whether I made the right choice to blog in English as it is not my native language. It so much easier to express myself in Dutch. But.. on the other hand, I now have friends all over the globe. And I am so glad you can laugh despite the fact my English must be so so. Making people laugh is my main goal in life.
Well, I for one am very pleased that you chose to write in English since that makes my life so much easier. One loses so much in translation, the essence of it is just not quite there. And I completely understand, English isn’t my mother tongue either but I can’t imagine writing, thinking and breathing in any other language.
Pierluigi says your mother tongue is the one you use to count in because no matter how proficient one is in languages, it’s the one we use to count that represents our mother tongue.
He counts in Italian, I count in English.
What language do you count in, Greetje?
Dutch! I count in Dutch. I hardly speak any English normally. Only on my blog or when I have an English friend visiting (once a year?)
Hi Greetje – I just discovered you on Deborah Boland’s blog, Fabulous After 40. What a fabulous blog you have. You have such a keen eye for style and color. I’m 65 and always looking for blogs of – ahem – older women with good style sense that is not over the top. I have body issues, much like most women, such as bat wing arms so I won’t wear sleeveless or even short sleeves, heavy thighs so I won’t wear shorts, and many of the styles you wear I can see myself wearing. With summertime coming here in the USA, many of the bloggers here will be styling sleeveless tops and shorts and thus, I won’t be paying them much attention. It will be capris and 3/4 sleeves for me as usual. I look forward to seeing what you bring forward in the coming months.
Hi Betsy, how nice of you to leave a comment. And such a nice one. I am very flattered, thank you. The funny thing is… I don’t really have a good eye for styling, just a very, very big love for adorning myself from head to toe. I get lots of help from good shop assistents, my husband (he is better at styling me than I am) and from lots of friends. Only after three years of blogging I am starting to learn a few tricks. Nobody believes that, but it is true. Some people have the gift of styling, but I have to try a lot of things, often without result. The mess in your bedroom afterwards… pfff .. not nice.
I will never wear sleeveless myself (batwing ams and wrinkles), I have to keep my tops a bit higher up than I want to because of all the wrinkles in my cleavage, my skirts are down to my knees. Only one warning, in two weeks time you will see me wearing a short. It was a moment of insanity. I am going to publish it because I think it was funny, but it is definitely not something I feel comfortable in. I love 3/4 length sleeves especially of a very lightweight top.
I hope you will come back. I always publish on a Sunday (17.15 Dutch time).
Greetje, I adore you and Ron. Even if he says he doesn’t like taking the pictures, I kinda think he does. You two always have such fun! Any hints how I can get my own man to embrace the photos…? At prEssential I’m becoming good friends with Remota–that’s what I call my little remote control. She’s nice to me!!
Love the jacket Greetje–anything by the Goddess DVF is a winner!
Thanks for coming over to link up.
Love, Ann from K de la K
I often think he rather enjoys it too, but when I check he still says he really doesn’t. Which makes it even more adorable. I have to tips for you I am afraid, as Ron volunteered. I never asked him. He wants me to improve my blog..
You look great in the bright bold colors !
Thank you Wendra. I know bright colours love me. Makes you wonder why I still grab black and white so much… Thanks for “stopping by”.
I’m glad to find your blog. Like your style
Carina fr Sweden
Thank you Carina. Nice of you to let me know. Bloggers always love to hear from their readers. True or not?
Brilliant jacket! And what a wonderful photo-shoot too – Ron has mad skills as a photographer (at least with his favorite model : > ). Looking fabulous, you,
I think Ron is now going to get conceited.. so much praise!! Thank you for your compliments. My new post is up, showing you bits of my town Haarlem.
Ron does pick nice backgrounds for your photo shoots – the stacked logs are very cool! You are very lucky to have your own photographer. That is a wonderful jacket, both because of the shape and the colours. It’s too bad it’s a bit small, as it would be fun to be able to “borrow” it on occasion.
You are dead right Shelley, it is a shame it is too small. And yes I am very lucky with Ron. In more than one way.
I can’t quite decipher whether I follow your posts thus religiously for your sartorial choices, or for your witty words, Greetje. I do think it’s a close 50/50. This one is no different. As I’m admiring that lovely jacket with the rainbow mod print and envying your endless legs, I’m chuckling at how you must have been frowning at the weather gods above. Chiding them, how dare they allow the sun to shine that day, and permit zephyrs to blow with such gusto hahahahaha!!! I love your sense of humour, so very much, Greetje!! And I think your Ron is quite the gem. Location scouting? Piles of logs? Tubes that form a smile??? Ahhh what a gem 🙂 xoxoxo
Ron also has a very good sense of humor. He makes me laugh so much. I do hope we will get old together (he said: “we already are dear…” hahaha.) Of course in good health.
I sometimes wonder whether I made the right choice to blog in English as it is not my native language. It so much easier to express myself in Dutch. But.. on the other hand, I now have friends all over the globe. And I am so glad you can laugh despite the fact my English must be so so. Making people laugh is my main goal in life.
Well, I for one am very pleased that you chose to write in English since that makes my life so much easier. One loses so much in translation, the essence of it is just not quite there. And I completely understand, English isn’t my mother tongue either but I can’t imagine writing, thinking and breathing in any other language.
Pierluigi says your mother tongue is the one you use to count in because no matter how proficient one is in languages, it’s the one we use to count that represents our mother tongue.
He counts in Italian, I count in English.
What language do you count in, Greetje?
Dutch! I count in Dutch. I hardly speak any English normally. Only on my blog or when I have an English friend visiting (once a year?)
It is a beautiful jacket and how nice of Sylvia to share it with you.
You look absolutely wonderful in it!
I like the look, it is perfect.
Such a pity it is a bit too small. Just my luck.
Wow, I definitely need more clothes that are known only by initials. DVF. That’s a great jacket. And I love the pattern of logs in the background too. The stories you tell about your photo shoots are always so entertaining and make me laugh. Yes, like a true blogger you were looking for clouds on a sunny day. Hahaha! But I think that washed-out photo is my fave this time. Smashing, Greetje. Keep on truckin’. Loggin’. Bloggin’…
If there is something you do NOT need, it is clothes known only by initials haha. You don’t “do” that sort of thing. Neither do you need it. Glad I could make you laugh. You do the same for and to me.
I don’t often covet other people’s clothes but I do covet that jacket! That is a conversation starter, if ever there was one! You look fabulous in it with the jeans and the boots.
All the more a pity it is too small to wear. And Sylvia bought it at a bargain price in the sale.
You’ve been having a great time with jackets. The red hues really suit you. But still, Ron is a very nice man. My husband also likes to shoot outfits in advance. Especially when he knows his schedule is going to be busy.
I passed your compliment onbto Ron. He grinned….and agrees haha.
Oh to have friends like yours! That jacket is sensational, those colours amazing and the fit really doesn’t look too small. The length works great on you and I love the slim trousers and boots combo. My husband works in the forestry industry so you’ve given me an idea for a new location for one of my shoots.
Thank you so much Greetje for adding me to your bloggers list. I do understand about the stresses of time and how difficult it is to keep in touch with all our blogging favourites. I do a bit every evening, but could do so much more if I only had more time. Such is the plight of the modern day working woman!
Anna x
The modern day working and blogging woman!! An important addition, that word blogging. The combination of boots, trousers and jackets was logic as I was wearing those trousers with the green sweater. Easy change is necessary when you have to do that in a car.
Greetje, totally love that jacket and amazing colors. You look way cool. Good jacket, good location, nice windy hair 😉 Will be in that beautiful country of yours in just few weeks and cannot wait. <3 Sabina
How about coffee together when you are here?
Would love to if you happen to be somewhere in Zeeland let me know! xxx
Ouch… Zeeland. That is where I was born. That is quite far from Haarlem. I somehow thought you might be visiting Amsterdam haha.
Everyone seems to have been born in that beautiful place ? Amsterdam is where I used to work and love it. But it’s off to the sea this time….anytime you close to Frankfurt let me know! Best Sabina
I was so happy to see you wearing my jacket and then you say you only did so for the photos because of the fit. Bummer. You look absolutely smashing in it!
I don’t dare to wear it. Because if I bend over, I feel that the jacket is tight across the shoulders. I’d hate it when it would go kkkkrrrraak. On the plus side: it made a good post.
I’m a little surprised the sun was trying to compete with your radiance Greetje! You wear these brilliant colours so beautifully!
I’ve got some windy hair photos upcoming! It’s funny…I think every single photo will illustrate the unchanging direction of the wind!
And, you do wear your clothing with confidence. I love that about you!
You say the nicest things. There is a poet in you Sue. “My radiance” haha. Must be because I was born on Good Friday… a little shine of a halo????
What a great jacket, so colorful and chic and I love how you have styled it. It suits you really well, and yes it is terrible when the weather does not cooperated with us blogger’s shoots 🙂
We should have blogger’s weather haha. Or indoor places where there is lots of light and all sorts of decors to use… Nah.. Everybody would soon be bored with it and go out to find something unique.
Lovely Greetje, love your DVF jacket. Bright colours certainly suits. I am also a Claudia Strater fan. Keep up the colourful theme.
Oh Theresa… how lovely of you to comment. So nice!! Harry asked me to meet again in Antwerp or Amsterdam but I have been so busy, haven’t got round to arranging it.
And thanks for the compliments.
Hi Greetje,
I do follow your blog regularly. I love all your colourful matching of tops and skirts etc. but wish I have your figure. When you are good and ready I am sure we will get to meet.
How about some pastel colours.
Greetings to Ron and compliment to his professional photography.
I am delighted with your visits to my blog. I will give Ron your compliments. And eh.. pastels? No, not really. I did baby blue once and even Pat commented (on Facebook) that it was not a good colour for me:
Great post as always. When you are dressed in colorful clothes, I think everything suits you. Can not imagine you in pastels. I think your second photo’s with the wind blowing in your hair is a great one, and you certainly are a sunglasses type. It is a pitty that sunglasses are so expensive, because I think they are great accessories. Ron must know by now that he is a great photographer after all the compliments we give him. He has to keep up the good work, because we are accustomed to your creative and funny posts.
Yep, when you set the bar higher, you have to jump higher too. Daniela is a typical sunglasses lover. She has at least 10 of them. For me sunglasses are sunglasses. One pair is enough. And you can imagine me in pastels. I wore the baby blue sweater remember? Which I gave away.
HI G! well, at least Ron takes them 🙂
I love the DVF jacket – and I certainly wish I had a friend who had a marvelous jacket I could benefit from!
Now all Sylvia needs to do is grow a size bigger haha. Perhaps I will try it again and be very very very careful?
Greetje I love that you “look after” Sylvia’s jacket for her – it looks just as awesome on you as I can imagine it does on her…! The colours are lovely and look so good with the extra punch of red underneath.
Oh and I feel your pain with the wind – it’s a blogger’s nightmare!! Our hair is similar now so before I used to be able to put my hair up in a bun or ponytail to cure the hair-blowing-everywhere problem – can’t do that so much any more. We had our first calm weekend wind-wise this weekend, it was such a relief when taking photos!!
have a great week my lovely
Catherine x
Ha, my photo and blog instructor. Nice to hear from you Catherine. I cannot imagine our hair being the same, but… pictures do lie haha.
I put on a hat and dare the wind gods to blow that away.
I think that many husbands are with Ron!! Surely Vincenzo does:he knows that blogging is important for me and so he accepts to take photos . A sign of love probably!!
Beautiful jacket! It’s a pity that (according to what you say, but not visible in photos )it is a bitt too small for you. Its bright colours make it very your style.
I should try to shoot two outfits too, but it sounds a bit complicated…
Shooting two outfits isn’t necessarily complicated. I only had to change boots and change the green MM sweater for the red jumper with the jacket and bingo… another outfit. The black top and trousers are the same. And Vincenzo is the best man a woman could ever wish for.
Yes, he really is…
Wow, Greetje is a really wonderful jacket. I like the look you have prepared, it is perfect.
I wouldn’t have thought you would like this. Just goes to show how much I know.
such a magnificent and colorful jacket, a versatile piece to mix & match!, lovely that you’ve borrowed from a friend!
And glad you’ve enjoyed some sun, even if it’s not best condition when taking pictures!
Besos Senora Allnut, you colour lover. I could have guessed you would like this jacket.
What a gorgeous jacket. And lovely top. All those colours really brighten things up. You and Sylvia both have such good taste. It’s a pity the jacket doesn’t fit across the shoulders, as I’m sure it longs to go walkies during the time it is stranded in that closet.? The weather here in the UK is so similar; very changeable and sometimes the sun is so bright it is like a searchlight. Not used to that in the winter! And always so windy. Never mind, Spring is on the way.
Maybe if I sit and stand really straight the whole day, it might be OK to wear it??? So sad to think of that poor jacket who wants to go walkies haha.
Yes! Breathe in, stand up straight, don’t wiggle the shoulders…. I’m sure it’ll fit ?
Lovely pictures. We are so blessed with our partners right! A few weeks ago it was raining and I wanted to take a few pictures of the outfit I was wearing. So Gerben said, but it is raining! And I said, I can use an umbrella! Gerben looked at me in a way of….well it not bad that I am going to be wet then??????
Hahahaha.. Rain is also bad for the camera haha. Funny.
It is a beautiful jacket and how nice of Sylvia to share it with you!
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
Yes, Sylvia is a lovely friend. And she and I have the same taste in a lot of clothes.
I love the fact you and Sylvia have such a great and sharing friendship. The way you chose to style this jacket is fabulous, love your layering of the black and red shirts and smartly worn with your black skinny jeans. Ron is one great finder of backdrop scenery. He truly has quite the artistic eye. And, really, doesn’t he have just a little fun while taking your photos? You’re so entertaining.
He says he doesn’t enjoy it at all. But when he is clicking away, I have the feeling he is enjoying himself. Perhaps I am only believing this to stop myself from feeling too guilty haha.
Loving this look on you! You are so lucky to have Ron take all your photos, my kids are forced to take mine 🙂 I love that Sylvia leaves her coat for you when she’s in Singapore, lucky lady!
Can Syliva park something fabulous out here in California?
I am sure she wouldn’t park anything in California as it is just as hot in Singapore haha. You luck out here. Too bad Sylvia has a size smaller than me otherwise I would raid her closet. (Not really, I am too civil for that.) And yes I am lucky Ron takes my pictures. He got so fed up with my garden pictures.
Great jacket! That is so good of Ron to do all your photos! L did about 3 of my first blog photos (back in 2008!) and did such a bad job (on purpose, I’m sure) that I have used the timer ever since.
Ron is too proud to fail haha. He took lessons in photography together with me. We learn at the same pace. What I love about your concept, is that you can show so much and you don’t have to bother about backgrounds, going places etc. Much easier and you have a lovely blog with it. I chose a different route. We all do what we wannado.
Hello Greetje, I am Ada. I found you via Ann’s blog. So glad I found your blog. You have incredible style pretty lady.
That DVF Blazer is gorgeous with the oversized lapel. I love it with the bright red tee underneath. And those skinny pants fit you so well.
I would love for us to follow and support one-another. Also, on Thursdays I run a linkup (I just started it). I would love for you to join me below with this pretty outfit or any other recent ones. =) Thank you.
Enjoy the weekend, Ada.
Thank you for your lovely comment Ada. I cannot make any promise for your link-up. I am running out of time as it is. So many other blogs to visit and comment on… so much to do, so little time to do it in.
Wow…that jacket!! I see you wore it with the same color combo that Sylvia did!! Have you tried it with other color combinations? It’s such a stunning piece!
I just saw an article about taking pictures in the sun (since we have so much around here and it doesn’t listen to me when I tell it to get cloudy—ha ha)—it said to stand with your back to the sun (maybe you already knew this—I’m still such a novice at this all. We tried it—and it definitely turned out okay)
Isn’t is nice when our husbands do things to help us out? My husband just went ankle boot shopping with me last night (of course, he was rewarded with a dinner out afterwards!!).
Happy Sunday Greetje! jodie
I think I have exhausted my credits with Ron to go (shoe) shopping. Once on holiday in the south of France he suddenly stopped in the street. When I asked him why he said: “Well, we are passing a shoe shop. I assume you want to go in” hahaha.
No, I haven’t tried anything else with this jacket. I liked the red that Sylvia chose. I would have done the same. Or a top in bright fuchsia. But I had to grab all this in seconds as Ron wanted to shoot two outfits and I hadn’t given it any thought. As I found the jacket to be too tight across the shoulders I haven’t worn it. i don’t want to damage it.
Hahahahaha!!! Ron, you are a magnificent creature!! My husband AND my children do their level best to not let me see shoe stores when we’re out together. Shameless family.
Ron stopped shopping with me.Thank God I have loads of friends to take his place. And I am deadly on my own as well.
I am as well, but mostly online. I’m not a fan of malls and people, and much prefer to shop with my mouse.
Your smile matches the tube smile : ) I think you might both be wearing the same lipstick!
That car is so cute it looks like a wind up toy.
If there is anything I am known for it is my loud laugh and my red lipstick.
That jacket and those colors are FANTASTIC on you!! You wear brights and bold prints so well.
I know what you mean about the light. I’ve found the “good light” for our location, and try to time my photo shoots accordingly. Makes all the difference!!
Here it usually rains. A lot of the time as you know. And it is cold, so in winter getting photos of an outfit is a real challenge. Which is why I try to work ahead and have one or two posts scheduled. Just to avoid panic haha.
What a great jacket! I would wear this in a minute…if she made sizes which fit me…so sad! But, I do love this on you…and you did great with the photos despite the wind!
DvF goes up to size 14 (USA) but I saw that size 14 is usually the first size to be sold out. I don’t get it… It is like The Netherlands. Most women here are not skinny, but the retailers always have smaller sizes than the average Dutch woman in their shops. There was a whole issue of a very popular magazine devoted to this subject last month.
It has been very windy here lately, and I have either wild hair or a “pained” look in all my photos…
Ron does a fantastic job taking your photos, and your backgrounds are always fabulous! And how nice of him to take your photos when he doesn’t really enjoy it!
Nice jacket! How fun that Sylvia leaves it with you!
Yes I am very well of with friends and husband ???