Marvellous, fun, great, warm… I have many such words to describe the 3040 Blogger Meet in London last Monday. Because I want to share it with you I am publishing this post a bit earlier than usual. Our host was Catherine of Not Dressed as Lamb and sponsor was the brand Hope (Fashion). I finally met bloggers in real life who I have followed for three years, like Catherine herself and Annette (Lady of Style).
Of course it was a bit of a thing what to wear (…), especially as the weather was sort of in between. Turned out to be pretty warm. Fortunately I had this yellow dotted jacket (see above) by Sylver, a young Dutch brand. (I really love this jacket too, but so far my self-control is still working.)
Let me take you through my stay in London.
Sunday afternoon (Whitsun) I went out with Jeanne, a student who follows a Master Course of International Fashion Marketing. She wanted to interview me on the topic of the digital influence of women over 60 on the fashion industry. I very much doubt whether I have much influence haha, but of course I gladly cooperated. It was a fun afternoon/evening as Jeanne turned out to be such a nice person. Her blog is called Jane Curtain. See a picture of her and me just before we had dinner below:Below: details of the pumps I wore and the necklace.
The next morning (Monday the 16th), before going to the 3040 Blogger Meet, I had coffee with Nikki (Midlife Chic), a fabulous writer. She really has a way with words. I follow her blog for at least a year now and she gives such nice insights in her life; very funny too. She turned out even better than I thought she would. See her photo below:
We were joined by Lorraine, who I “know” through blog comments and mails etc. for three years now. It was fun to meet her at last. We went out for dinner too that night after the blogger meet. See pretty Lorraine below:
Nikki, Lorraine and I walked to the venue as my hotel wasn’t that far away.
Below: about 44 women in one room, all talking their heads off….it was very loud hahaha. Of course there was a lot of hugging, photos being taken, calling cards exchanged. It was so nice to finally see so many familiair faces in real life. Let me introduce you to some great women.
Below: Beate of Fashion Adventures At Any Age
Below: Yvonne of FunkyForty:
Below: Lisa of The Sequinist:
Below: Emma of Style Splash:
Below: Josephine of Chic at any age:
Below: Michelle of Retro Chic Mama:
Below: Jacqueline of Petite Silver Vixen:
Below: and of course lovely Annette of Lady of Style:
The getting-to-know-each other, prosecco and canapés, were followed by lunch. Of course we had lunch. We are ladies. Ladies do lunches.
Below: bloggers take lots of pictures… during lunch…during the whole day…
It wasn’t all photos and eating. We also learned a lot as Catherine gave us a talk about “How to Win at Blogging”. Very helpful. Catherine is always very helpful. From the beginning of my blogging days she has advised me on blog design, on photography (she used to teach photography), on how to always keep your photos the same width etc etc. A caring and sharing person.
Below: Catherine of Not Dressed as Lamb:
One of the perks of this blogger meet was the goody bag. Filled with lovely items. I want to highlight one of them: the bracelets which were donated by Lizzy (see her shop) (you will see Lizzy herself a bit further down the post). Below: here are three examples:
Below: Michelle photographed me (thank you.. nice to have proof I was there). I got a black bracelet.Next speaker was the CEO of the brand Hope, who sponsored the event. Not your average man in a suit but a very inspiring and warm woman: Nayna McIntosh. She has a very impressive career in retail and launched many new brands. Now she has launched her own brand (Hope, her mother’s name) to provide the right clothes for women over 40. She has a select team of trusted women (and one man) and most of them are over 40 (or 50). They understand what women over 40 need and provide it. The quality of their clothes is excellent. Nayna is a person whom you can trust. You can believe me, I am pretty good in sussing out people.
Hope doesn’t want brick and mortar shops, they sell online but also show the clothes at private parties. More info about these parties here. They also ship outside the UK, but you have to order by email then. Of course we had our Hope party too. Fashion bloggers and shopping… what better combination is there?
Below: a little demonstration by Nayna (right) and one of her team members:Below: Lizzy of What Lizzy Loves, and the donator of our bracelets, demonstrated one of their high rise skinny trousers. They come in all sizes.
Below: Josephine wore a top and scarf by Hope to the blogger meet.From here on a couple of photos of the fitting, contemplating, asking each other advice, you know the drill…
Below: Jacqueline (left) in a beautiful dress (her own), Catherine and a Hope stylist.Below: Annette checking the photo she took of Yvonne. Yvonne bought this silver Hope top if I recall this right.
Below: Annette (left) and Michelle of The Barefaced Chic
Below: Catherine and Emma
Below: me and Jane (who wants to start blogging to promote her company Pure and me)
Below: Jacqueline and me. Yes… I am tall, no …. Jacqueline didn’t mind at all as she is married to a tall Dutch man and yes…. I bought this Hope sweater. You will see it in a later blogpost in its full glory.
Below: the last photo is a selfie taken by Catherine (left) with me and Annette. Sooo nice.
Can you tell I had fun? Which I did !!!
I will say that Hope kindly donated a beautiful fuchsia (so my colour) knit poncho to all the bloggers at the meet. With no strings attached. I do not “do” anything commercial on my blog, I don’t receive any money and I wouldn’t talk about Hope, poncho or no poncho, if I didn’t think they are good and genuine. But I really like them.
Linking up to another one of Catherine’s (Not Dressed as Lamb) link-ups: I will wear what I like, with light spring clothes.
Hey, there’s Jacqueline! I love your yellow jacket. I wish I could have gone to this event but they haven’t built a bridge yet across the Atlantic and my motorcycle got wet last time I tried to ride to London. 🙂
You should have your motorcycle rebuilt, fit it out with something which will keep it afloat haha.
You’ve captured the whole atmosphere of the day brilliantly, Greetje, as I knew you would. Thank you for sending me some of your photos and I’m chuffed you were able to use a couple of mine too. That is what was so special about the day – the giving, sharing, learning and of course, all the laughter! There was indeed alot of laughter.
It really was very special meeting you and many of the other ladies in real life that I follow.
I’m so glad you bought that jumper. It really did look fabulous on you.
And how wonderful you were interviewed by Jeanne. My you packed alot in on your visit!
Oh I could have packed a lot more Jaqueline, but all of the other bloggers went back home. I had a drink afterwards with Annette and Lorraine. Plus Lorainne kept me company for dinner that day. Otherwise I would have been a bit lost.
And shopping on Tuesday morning….. well shopping I can do on my own or with friends. Doesn’t really matter. I come home with parcels… that is the outcome.
What fun! Greetje, you’re a woman of the world. It was nice seeing so many of the bloggers across the pond. Nayna from Hope looks so pretty. I love the dress she’s wearing.
Nayna is also a very honest and inspiring lady. Beauty inside and out. The dress she is wearing is of course for sale.
Looks like such a fun event with so many ladies that I follow and looks like there are new ones for me to discover too!
It was great fun Alice. The only drawback I can think of, is this means even more blogs to follow. Cannot handle that really.
Great pictures as usual. So many lovely ladies that I have “found” and follow.
And they are in real life who they seem to be on their blog. Sometimes I got a surprise, but a pleasant one.
Ah so many of my favorite women in one location! You’re all so happy and stylish. And your cheery yellow coat is truly a standout! xox
I did think back to our meeting in Vancouver too Patti. Such events are wonderful.
Hey Greetje,
I’ve been following you for a while (we emailed about blogging, remember?) and I’m glad i checked in with you today! The lemon coat and white Bottoms look really fresh. I would imagine the shoes get dirty real quick though. thank you for showing the faces behind the blogs. I hope you’ll read me when i launch my new blog shortly. cheers xxx
Right on Barbara, email me when you start your blog. I cannot promis much as I am swamped but I will certainly try. The shoes are easy to maintain with special stuff which is available at any cobbler.
That wonderful gathering of elegant and stylish women. To some, the I am following, others have not accepted my request for cooperation. I guess enjoyed much of the game, should be very interesting.
I am quite surprised that there are bloggers who do not accept your request for cooperation. They only have to go to your blog to see you are “legit”.
What a great looking group of women! I so enjoy meeting other bloggers in real life, but I’ve never met that many at one time. Looks like a wonderful event.
The thing is… you cannot talk to very many in depth at such an event. So meeting one on one is probably better. But it was indeed a lovely event.
It was such a fun meet Greetje and I was so pleased to meet you. Everyone was so friendly, I felt right at home! It’s looks as if you had a thoroughly enjoyable visit and I do hope to meet you again and spend some time chatting – maybe with less noise, but plenty of Prosecco 🙂
Michelle xx
Usually I am not much into wine, but as soon as it is sparkling…. it becomes rather nice. And yes we could have done with a little less noise. Put 40 women in one small room and you can’t hear yourself think. It got better as we were trying on the clothes. Just received my sweater through the mail. Still have to open the parcel. Always so exciting these parcels.
And it was a pleasure meeting you too. I saw on your blog that you are rather shy at such occasions.. Never noticed that.
Fabulous shot of some very chic and well dressed women! I had seen a couple of these on instagram! I adore the dotted jaquard coat, you are wearing.
You look like you had a ball. Nice to see Lorraine, too, who I was able to meet recentlt. Thanks so much for sharing this.
I am requesting follow up comments to be sent by email so I know that you re getting these!
xx, Elle
And all is well now… ?. Thank you for your lovely words.
It sounds like a very pleasant day! Beautiful ladies and fashion brands always make a great event!!
I would love to take part in something similar, but I confess I would feel afread of … don’t really know what! Maybe one day I will be able to go…
You really look radiant and happy!!
There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Everybody is cheerful and chatty. Everybody is in a good mood and nothing unpleasant happens. Just like a warm embrase.
Haha! My hair looks mental on that first photo! What a great day…I can’t wait to do it all again!
Emma xxx
Funny how different the way is how we view ourselves and how others view us. I thought your hair looked great.
(Just discovered your comment in my spambox…)
Thank you so much for this great coverage of the bloggers meet up. It looks like a really interesting day. I love that you could finally get to chat to all of those names we are familiar with. Jacqueline looks so petite, and Catherine so very pretty. I can only hope that the next meet up takes place at a better time of year for me to escape from the business (I had an exhibition to open on Thursday so my week was too busy).
I love the jacket you wore Greetje. It’s a great colour for spring/summer and I could easily see myself wearing it too. Your whole ensemble looked sleek and polished for your big day out. Thank you for such a great round up of the day.
Anna x
My pleasure entirely. Thank you for the compliments. It was a brand new jacket which was of course therefore favourite. Had a lovely time in London, very warm, people wise and temperature wise.
What a fun meetup … I would have loved to have been there!
I had the same feeling when a lot of them met at another blogger event earlier this year and bonded. But it was fun this time.
I really enjoyed reading your recap! I’m reading a lot of the bloggers’ blogs you showed above, and it was fun seeing them! I also have a few new blogs to check out…
I’ve been blogging for seven years (but most of that time about healthy living) and have met quite a few bloggers “in real life.” I have to say that almost all of them have been just like I imagined them to be based on their blog.
I love that yellow coat! So bright & cheery!
As I said to Catherine, yes most of the time bloggers are IRL what you imagined. But sometimes you get a surprise.
Greetje this is such a fantastic round up of what was a legendary day! I really wish I didn’t have to leave so early to pick up my children from school. It seems I missed all the fun & games!
I haven’t had the chance to tell you this yet but I always remember you visiting one of my first ever blog posts & leaving a really thoughtful comment.
Since then I have always watched everything you do, admired your sincerity & style. You are bloody awesome Greetje!
Hopefully we’ll have the chance to talk more next time xxx
I am totally amazed Michelle. Indeed I never knew this. I didn’t know it was one of your first ever blog posts I commented on. I just saw this amazing woman thinking: bloody hell, she is built right, looking like a million dollar (grin). As you can see I am still very honest saying it like I see it. Which is a very Dutch thing.
I have been wondering about my blogging and how to continue as I spend far too much time on the computer dealing with virtual life. Real life is more important so I am cutting back on my comments on other blogs. Even though it makes my heart bleed as I so love so many other blogs. The alternative is quiting my own blog and that is what gives me the most pleasure. So if you don’t see my comments on your lovely blog too much, it is not because I don’t like it, but because I am trying to juggle life.
Thanks ever so much for this comment of yours. It made my day and it makes me even more determined to go about blogging my way: in all sincerety.
Greetje this is such a fantastic round up of what was a legendary day! I really wish I didn’t have to leave so early to pick up my children from school. It seems I missed all the fun & games!
I haven’t had the chance to tell you this yet but I always remember you visiting one of my first ever blog posts & leaving a really thoughtful comment.
Since then I have always watched everything you do, admired your sincerity & style. You are bloody awesome Greetje!
Hopefully we’ll have the chance to talk more next time xxx
I am totally amazed Michelle. Indeed I never knew this. I didn’t know it was one of your first ever blog posts I commented on. I just saw this amazing woman thinking: bloody hell, she is built right, looking like a million dollar (grin). As you can see I am still very honest saying it like I see it. Which is a very Dutch thing.
I have been wondering about my blogging and how to continue as I spend far too much time on the computer dealing with virtual life. Real life is more important so I am cutting back on my comments on other blogs. Even though it makes my heart bleed as I so love so many other blogs. The alternative is quiting my own blog and that is what gives me the most pleasure. So if you don’t see my comments on your lovely blog too much, it is not because I don’t like it, but because I am trying to juggle life.
Thanks ever so much for this comment of yours. It made my day and it makes me even more determined to go about blogging my way: in all sincerety.
This sounds like it was so much fun! How nice to meet the people you read and look at their pictures in real life. Digital relationships will never replace the real in-person interactions. Love all the photos of these lovely ladies!
I totally agree with you. Real life before digital life. I have just decided last week that I am going to cut back on my hours spent on blogs etc… Only to comment on three of your posts haha. And yes the blogger meet was great fun.
This sounds like it was so much fun! How nice to meet the people you read and look at their pictures in real life. Digital relationships will never replace the real in-person interactions. Love all the photos of these lovely ladies!
I totally agree with you. Real life before digital life. I have just decided last week that I am going to cut back on my hours spent on blogs etc… Only to comment on three of your posts haha. And yes the blogger meet was great fun.
Hehe Greetje – here’s the secret re the top…My Mum came to visit last me from NZ last Friday and I really bought the top for her – it looks brilliant on her and she seems to be living in it for now – smile. I will add a photo of her in the top when I write up the blogger meet.
Geneva is lovely but next time you have to come and visit me in Zurich 😉
Have a lovely weekend xx
Ah…. I got it. I will look forward to your blogpost.
Hehe Greetje – here’s the secret re the top…My Mum came to visit last me from NZ last Friday and I really bought the top for her – it looks brilliant on her and she seems to be living in it for now – smile. I will add a photo of her in the top when I write up the blogger meet.
Geneva is lovely but next time you have to come and visit me in Zurich 😉
Have a lovely weekend xx
Ah…. I got it. I will look forward to your blogpost.
Dear Greetje,
What a lovely write up of the fabulous day we all had together.
It was sooooo lovely to meet you – you are positively adorable!!!
Thank you so much for mentioning me in your post too – mega kind and I do hope to see you again soon.
The lovely people I have met through blogging has been amazing – a perk I never thought about as I started blogging. I used to think that social media was quite separate from real life but have made some lovely real friends since starting – it has been awesome.
I currently have my Mum visiting from NZ so my post about the event will be published this weekend.
Have a wonderful week and loads of hugs
Yvonne xx
You flatterer haha. You turned out to be one of the surprises. I didn’t really know you or your blog and you were such a lovely person (with such a perfect figure). I still wonder why you bought the bigger size silver (gold?) top. Or didn’t you? Or was it “a look” you were after?
I agree on the amazing people and connections you make through blogging. Never imagined that either. It is a very sharing community. Perhaps that is why they call it social media haha?
I will be in Geneva this weekend, visiting a friend. So I am in your country but still at a distance.
Fabulous shot of some very chic and well dressed women! I had seen a couple of these on instagram! I adore the dotted jaquard coat, you are wearing.
You look like you had a ball. Nice to see Lorraine, too, who I was able to meet recentlt. Thanks so much for sharing this.
I am requesting follow up comments to be sent by email so I know that you re getting these!
xx, Elle
And all is well now… ?. Thank you for your lovely words.
Dear Greetje,
What a lovely write up of the fabulous day we all had together.
It was sooooo lovely to meet you – you are positively adorable!!!
Thank you so much for mentioning me in your post too – mega kind and I do hope to see you again soon.
The lovely people I have met through blogging has been amazing – a perk I never thought about as I started blogging. I used to think that social media was quite separate from real life but have made some lovely real friends since starting – it has been awesome.
I currently have my Mum visiting from NZ so my post about the event will be published this weekend.
Have a wonderful week and loads of hugs
Yvonne xx
You flatterer haha. You turned out to be one of the surprises. I didn’t really know you or your blog and you were such a lovely person (with such a perfect figure). I still wonder why you bought the bigger size silver (gold?) top. Or didn’t you? Or was it “a look” you were after?
I agree on the amazing people and connections you make through blogging. Never imagined that either. It is a very sharing community. Perhaps that is why they call it social media haha?
I will be in Geneva this weekend, visiting a friend. So I am in your country but still at a distance.
It was such a fun meet Greetje and I was so pleased to meet you. Everyone was so friendly, I felt right at home! It’s looks as if you had a thoroughly enjoyable visit and I do hope to meet you again and spend some time chatting – maybe with less noise, but plenty of Prosecco 🙂
Michelle xx
Usually I am not much into wine, but as soon as it is sparkling…. it becomes rather nice. And yes we could have done with a little less noise. Put 40 women in one small room and you can’t hear yourself think. It got better as we were trying on the clothes. Just received my sweater through the mail. Still have to open the parcel. Always so exciting these parcels.
And it was a pleasure meeting you too. I saw on your blog that you are rather shy at such occasions.. Never noticed that.
What a fun meetup … I would have loved to have been there!
I had the same feeling when a lot of them met at another blogger event earlier this year and bonded. But it was fun this time.
Haha! My hair looks mental on that first photo! What a great day…I can’t wait to do it all again!
Emma xxx
Funny how different the way is how we view ourselves and how others view us. I thought your hair looked great.
(Just discovered your comment in my spambox…)
It sounds like a very pleasant day! Beautiful ladies and fashion brands always make a great event!!
I would love to take part in something similar, but I confess I would feel afread of … don’t really know what! Maybe one day I will be able to go…
You really look radiant and happy!!
There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Everybody is cheerful and chatty. Everybody is in a good mood and nothing unpleasant happens. Just like a warm embrase.
Thank you so much for this great coverage of the bloggers meet up. It looks like a really interesting day. I love that you could finally get to chat to all of those names we are familiar with. Jacqueline looks so petite, and Catherine so very pretty. I can only hope that the next meet up takes place at a better time of year for me to escape from the business (I had an exhibition to open on Thursday so my week was too busy).
I love the jacket you wore Greetje. It’s a great colour for spring/summer and I could easily see myself wearing it too. Your whole ensemble looked sleek and polished for your big day out. Thank you for such a great round up of the day.
Anna x
My pleasure entirely. Thank you for the compliments. It was a brand new jacket which was of course therefore favourite. Had a lovely time in London, very warm, people wise and temperature wise.
What fun! Greetje, you’re a woman of the world. It was nice seeing so many of the bloggers across the pond. Nayna from Hope looks so pretty. I love the dress she’s wearing.
Nayna is also a very honest and inspiring lady. Beauty inside and out. The dress she is wearing is of course for sale.
Looks like such a fun event with so many ladies that I follow and looks like there are new ones for me to discover too!
It was great fun Alice. The only drawback I can think of, is this means even more blogs to follow. Cannot handle that really.
Great pictures as usual. So many lovely ladies that I have “found” and follow.
And they are in real life who they seem to be on their blog. Sometimes I got a surprise, but a pleasant one.
That wonderful gathering of elegant and stylish women. To some, the I am following, others have not accepted my request for cooperation. I guess enjoyed much of the game, should be very interesting.
I am quite surprised that there are bloggers who do not accept your request for cooperation. They only have to go to your blog to see you are “legit”.
Hey Greetje,
I’ve been following you for a while (we emailed about blogging, remember?) and I’m glad i checked in with you today! The lemon coat and white Bottoms look really fresh. I would imagine the shoes get dirty real quick though. thank you for showing the faces behind the blogs. I hope you’ll read me when i launch my new blog shortly. cheers xxx
Right on Barbara, email me when you start your blog. I cannot promis much as I am swamped but I will certainly try. The shoes are easy to maintain with special stuff which is available at any cobbler.
Hey, there’s Jacqueline! I love your yellow jacket. I wish I could have gone to this event but they haven’t built a bridge yet across the Atlantic and my motorcycle got wet last time I tried to ride to London. 🙂
You should have your motorcycle rebuilt, fit it out with something which will keep it afloat haha.
Ah so many of my favorite women in one location! You’re all so happy and stylish. And your cheery yellow coat is truly a standout! xox
I did think back to our meeting in Vancouver too Patti. Such events are wonderful.
You’ve captured the whole atmosphere of the day brilliantly, Greetje, as I knew you would. Thank you for sending me some of your photos and I’m chuffed you were able to use a couple of mine too. That is what was so special about the day – the giving, sharing, learning and of course, all the laughter! There was indeed alot of laughter.
It really was very special meeting you and many of the other ladies in real life that I follow.
I’m so glad you bought that jumper. It really did look fabulous on you.
And how wonderful you were interviewed by Jeanne. My you packed alot in on your visit!
Oh I could have packed a lot more Jaqueline, but all of the other bloggers went back home. I had a drink afterwards with Annette and Lorraine. Plus Lorainne kept me company for dinner that day. Otherwise I would have been a bit lost.
And shopping on Tuesday morning….. well shopping I can do on my own or with friends. Doesn’t really matter. I come home with parcels… that is the outcome.
What a great looking group of women! I so enjoy meeting other bloggers in real life, but I’ve never met that many at one time. Looks like a wonderful event.
The thing is… you cannot talk to very many in depth at such an event. So meeting one on one is probably better. But it was indeed a lovely event.
I really enjoyed reading your recap! I’m reading a lot of the bloggers’ blogs you showed above, and it was fun seeing them! I also have a few new blogs to check out…
I’ve been blogging for seven years (but most of that time about healthy living) and have met quite a few bloggers “in real life.” I have to say that almost all of them have been just like I imagined them to be based on their blog.
I love that yellow coat! So bright & cheery!
As I said to Catherine, yes most of the time bloggers are IRL what you imagined. But sometimes you get a surprise.
So fun to read and see all these amazing bloggers, thank you so much for this post Greetje!
Glad you like it Caroline. I wonder whether many will like such a post. We will see.
Oh, I can just hear the laughter and chatting when I read your blog, love it. Like the comment that says you were just like she expected from your blogs. That is so true and that is why your blog is so fun to read, it is authentic and reflects your bubbly, honest and fun personality perfectly whit your distinctive laughter coming through loud and clear:) Oh and that coat with the yellow dots is just perfect!
So fun to read and see all these amazing bloggers, thank you so much for this post Greetje!
Glad you like it Caroline. I wonder whether many will like such a post. We will see.
Looks like such a fabulous time and such a perfect opportunity to meet so many people at once.
Thanks for sharing your recap of the events. You always do a brilliant job of that.
Thanks for this compliment Suzanne. I wasn’t sure whether it would also be interesting enough for anyone who wasn’t there.
Oh, I can just hear the laughter and chatting when I read your blog, love it. Like the comment that says you were just like she expected from your blogs. That is so true and that is why your blog is so fun to read, it is authentic and reflects your bubbly, honest and fun personality perfectly whit your distinctive laughter coming through loud and clear:) Oh and that coat with the yellow dots is just perfect!
Looks like such a fabulous time and such a perfect opportunity to meet so many people at once.
Thanks for sharing your recap of the events. You always do a brilliant job of that.
Thanks for this compliment Suzanne. I wasn’t sure whether it would also be interesting enough for anyone who wasn’t there.
What a great post Greetje! It was fantastic to meet you, and long overdue. I knew we would hit it off and that you would be great fun, particularly when you broke into song on the King’s Road!
It was a wonderful day and I met some inspirational women. Catherine did an amazing job of putting it together. Lorraine xx
People do fear me breaking into a song haha. Love to do that. Thanks for the lovely evening we spent as well. It would have been rather lonely if you hadn’t been there. And it gave us the opportunity to get to know each other a bit better. Must have been a long day for you.
Oh Greetje what a wonderful write up!!!! The blog posts about the event are starting to come in thick and fast now, and everyone has been so complimentary and said such kind things, not least yourself!
I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself, I think the group of women that went is what made the event so special… I am STILL buzzing and it’s four days later!! It was absolutely wonderful to meet you after such a long time knowing each other online, I’m just so sorry we didn’t have more time to chat! Next time my lovely, next time.
Thank you again my good friend – and now real-life friend too!
Much love
Catherine x
P.S. I meant to say that you were exactly, exactly as I imagined you would be – isn’t it funny how someone’s personality comes cross in their writing? I just *knew* I’d love you to bits – and I was right!!!!!! x
I hope you will organize something similar next year. Although that is going to be touch as it has to be different from this year but also the same. You know what I mean. Whatever you change, don’t change the plenty of opportunity to chat with each other. You saw (and heard..!) that that was an important part of the day. For me it could have gone on longer but that would mean that people had to stay overnight. Might stretch it a bit.
Anyway, as you know I loved seeing you at last as well. And indeed you were also exactly, really exactly how I imagined you’d be. That is often the case with bloggers but I can tell you from experience that sometimes you get a surprise.
What a wonderful post Greetje!
I feel like I was (almost) there with you.
I would have been so nervous meeting so many “famous” faces….maybe even a little star struck!
I love reading this, and seeing how everyone looked out of their blogging worlds.
It is so interesting to see what people chose to wear too.
I would be like a woman possessed, throwing clothes everywhere, declaring that I had nothing to wear and settling for something old and comforting.
I do hope I can get to the next event and we will meet up so I can see how tall you are in real life!
I am 5ft74 Samantha, so be prepared haha. No need to be nervous for such events. There is an air of kindness as soon as you walk in the door. No bitching at all. Hope to see yo… next year?
Oh, it looks like such a fun time! I’m so envious you were able to meet all of these fabulous women! Love your yellow polka dot coat too.
You would have loved to be there I am sure.
I almost felt like I was there Greetje (without all the noise—but that means without all the laughter too—boo hoo).
And how smart of Catherine to put together not only a meet up, but include some insights into blogging and shopping—how could that not be a success?
And if you want my opinion (probably not, but anyways)–i like the yellow coat you’re wearing better than the one you’re showing restraint on—yellow is so bright & cheery and I bet no one else has one like it!
One of these days hopefully I will get to meet you offline too—then you can hear me laugh in person, since you always succeed in doing it in your posts!! (I do love to laugh…my husband says he married me because I laughed at his jokes—although my good friend remarked that didn’t he realize I laugh at everyone’s jokes?)
Thanks for not making us wait until Sunday to read this!!
You sound like my kind of person. I am the same with laughter. Yes I laugh at all my husband’s jokes (he is very funny) but I laugh a lot at evrybody’s jokes too. Like you. There was not that much laughter in this post but I am glad you enjoyed it anyway. Wasn’t sure if it was also nice for people who hadn’t attended. But now I can lean back, put my thumb in my mouth and suck it happily hahaha. (Kidding.)
What a great summary of a beautiful day, Greetje! I was SO thrilled to meet you, after following you on Instagram for so long. Like you, I was REALLY impressed with Hope as a brand: the quality, the ethos, and the expertise and experience of the team.
That pale aqua sweater looks AMAZING on you. I’m so pleased you got it. I adore that colour; I might need one myself!
Next time you’re in London or I’m in Amsterdam, we need to spend more time together. Unfortunately, this was a crazy weekend for me, which is very unusual.
Gosh you are quick. I would love to spend more time with you, my dear Rockefeller friend ???. So indeed, if you ever are in Amsterdam, do let me know. No idea when I will be in London again.
What a great post Greetje! It was fantastic to meet you, and long overdue. I knew we would hit it off and that you would be great fun, particularly when you broke into song on the King’s Road!
It was a wonderful day and I met some inspirational women. Catherine did an amazing job of putting it together. Lorraine xx
People do fear me breaking into a song haha. Love to do that. Thanks for the lovely evening we spent as well. It would have been rather lonely if you hadn’t been there. And it gave us the opportunity to get to know each other a bit better. Must have been a long day for you.
Oh Greetje what a wonderful write up!!!! The blog posts about the event are starting to come in thick and fast now, and everyone has been so complimentary and said such kind things, not least yourself!
I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself, I think the group of women that went is what made the event so special… I am STILL buzzing and it’s four days later!! It was absolutely wonderful to meet you after such a long time knowing each other online, I’m just so sorry we didn’t have more time to chat! Next time my lovely, next time.
Thank you again my good friend – and now real-life friend too!
Much love
Catherine x
P.S. I meant to say that you were exactly, exactly as I imagined you would be – isn’t it funny how someone’s personality comes cross in their writing? I just *knew* I’d love you to bits – and I was right!!!!!! x
I hope you will organize something similar next year. Although that is going to be touch as it has to be different from this year but also the same. You know what I mean. Whatever you change, don’t change the plenty of opportunity to chat with each other. You saw (and heard..!) that that was an important part of the day. For me it could have gone on longer but that would mean that people had to stay overnight. Might stretch it a bit.
Anyway, as you know I loved seeing you at last as well. And indeed you were also exactly, really exactly how I imagined you’d be. That is often the case with bloggers but I can tell you from experience that sometimes you get a surprise.
What a wonderful post Greetje!
I feel like I was (almost) there with you.
I would have been so nervous meeting so many “famous” faces….maybe even a little star struck!
I love reading this, and seeing how everyone looked out of their blogging worlds.
It is so interesting to see what people chose to wear too.
I would be like a woman possessed, throwing clothes everywhere, declaring that I had nothing to wear and settling for something old and comforting.
I do hope I can get to the next event and we will meet up so I can see how tall you are in real life!
I am 5ft74 Samantha, so be prepared haha. No need to be nervous for such events. There is an air of kindness as soon as you walk in the door. No bitching at all. Hope to see yo… next year?
Oh, it looks like such a fun time! I’m so envious you were able to meet all of these fabulous women! Love your yellow polka dot coat too.
You would have loved to be there I am sure.
I almost felt like I was there Greetje (without all the noise—but that means without all the laughter too—boo hoo).
And how smart of Catherine to put together not only a meet up, but include some insights into blogging and shopping—how could that not be a success?
And if you want my opinion (probably not, but anyways)–i like the yellow coat you’re wearing better than the one you’re showing restraint on—yellow is so bright & cheery and I bet no one else has one like it!
One of these days hopefully I will get to meet you offline too—then you can hear me laugh in person, since you always succeed in doing it in your posts!! (I do love to laugh…my husband says he married me because I laughed at his jokes—although my good friend remarked that didn’t he realize I laugh at everyone’s jokes?)
Thanks for not making us wait until Sunday to read this!!
You sound like my kind of person. I am the same with laughter. Yes I laugh at all my husband’s jokes (he is very funny) but I laugh a lot at evrybody’s jokes too. Like you. There was not that much laughter in this post but I am glad you enjoyed it anyway. Wasn’t sure if it was also nice for people who hadn’t attended. But now I can lean back, put my thumb in my mouth and suck it happily hahaha. (Kidding.)
What a great summary of a beautiful day, Greetje! I was SO thrilled to meet you, after following you on Instagram for so long. Like you, I was REALLY impressed with Hope as a brand: the quality, the ethos, and the expertise and experience of the team.
That pale aqua sweater looks AMAZING on you. I’m so pleased you got it. I adore that colour; I might need one myself!
Next time you’re in London or I’m in Amsterdam, we need to spend more time together. Unfortunately, this was a crazy weekend for me, which is very unusual.
Gosh you are quick. I would love to spend more time with you, my dear Rockefeller friend ???. So indeed, if you ever are in Amsterdam, do let me know. No idea when I will be in London again.