fuchsia poncho by HopeWhile visiting my friend Pat in Geneva I wore this fuchsia poncho by Hope Fashion UK (UPDATE 2023: sadly they aren’t in business anymore). The “surprise poncho” I call it. Because: 1) the people of Hope gave one to every blogger at the 3040 Blogger Meet which I thought was terribly generous and 2) I really liked it, it looks great on me and it is comfortable. I always imagined ponchos would restrict your movements. This one doesn’t. Perfect for evenings when it gets colder and perfect for days with “in-between-weather”. We have a lot of those in The Netherlands.

Now let me first introduce you to my dear friend Pat, who agreed to her picture being published on my blog. Which is a huge privilege as she doesn’t like any footprint on the internet. And she hates her picture being taken. We have been friends for 37 years now. She is Scottish, very witty (dry humor), very loyal, warm, hospitable, honest and loads of other things. She used to throw the best New Year’s parties… loads of friends, lots of eggnog (mmmm, I can still taste it, yummy). Of course we were still in our twenties back then and single.

Below: this is Patstylish Pat

Pat is a very good stylist. One of these women who can create completely different and gorgeous outfits with 4 items. You know the ones. She told me to confess to you that this particular outfit cost her 12 euros + 12 euros for the shoes. She has “the eye” for finding treasures in the sale, in vintage shops and in charity shops. And when she shops retail, she finds the most wonderful and versatile clothes.

Pat is also a good interior stylist. From the day I met her she is reshuffling the items in her house, painting the walls another colour and making the living room a warm, inviting and friendly place.

She is good.

And she told me while taking the pictures of the poncho I should move on from the “here-I-am-in-another-outfit, head-to-toe”-pictures. She finds them boring. And she is right. Why didn’t you lot tell me that? You can be honest with me, you know. Any constructive criticism is welcome.

I always want a photo showing you the whole outfit, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be like this:

Below: side view.fuchsia poncho by Hope

Below: other side view.fuchsia poncho by Hope

Below: back.fuchsia poncho by Hope

Pat took me to her garden….. oh I have to show you her rhododendrons first.. they were so pretty. See 2 photos below:rhododrendron


OK, where was I? Oh yes, Pat took me to her garden and said: why don’t you sit on that lavender bench…bend one leg…fuchsia poncho by Hope

OK, she said… now ..move a little bit more to the right…Voilá, a lot more interesting photo.Fuchsia poncho by Hope Fashion

Of course she painted all the items lavender herself and put those plants left and right from the bench. Everything was already there, nothing was staged. I could really use her living near me. Gosh that would be lovely. Alas…

Back to the fuchsia poncho. Even though I got it as a present, there were no strings attached. No demands to write about it. As I liked it a lot I decided to do a review anyway. But before I put it on to “do a photo shoot”, I let Pat try it on first. And even though she is not as tall as I am, it looked perfect on her and she loved it. So I said she could keep it and we went on with the photos.

Immediately when I saw the pictures I knew I couldn’t do without it and had to order the poncho from Hope Fashion UK. Which I thought was quite funny. As now I can say I paid for it (it is on its way) and you can believe me when I say that my enthusiasm is genuine. Details fuchsia poncho: 90% merino, 10% cashmere (no itching … that is a novelty) and knitted without seams. I am going to put a great big brooch at the top… Slingbacks: Unisa, Jeans: Denham.

More about Geneva next week.


No Fear of Fashion


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