Right! Another post on what to wear in Spain. As I said in last week’s post, shopping, sunbathing and eating is what we (6 girlfriends) do on holiday in Spain. And drinking cocktails. This first photo shows you my long blue and white striped tunic. Or is it a dress? I don’t know, could be both I think. Most of my friends were not very thrilled when I tried it on in the shop. The photos they took showed a terrible outfit. And still I could not resist it.
Remember the maxi dress I bought in Spain last year (see below)? That was blue and white too, a bit longer, but totally different. I wore it twice. It just isn’t me. I gave it to Marianne this year who really liked it. My taste is changing. Further down I will show you some more photos of the new blue “nighty”, as I lovingly call it. I am sure more people will think this hahaha.
OK the holiday in Spain…. Last week I introduced you to my 5 friends and showed you their outfits. This week some more.
Now first a laugh.
Marianna had brought facial masks for all of us to put on our sunburned faces. A treat. Then Marijke (below left) and Jilske (below right) decided to stage “a look” for the photo.
Below: they aimed to stage a “trailer trash” picture and succeeded, whahaha.
Let’s concentrate on the outfits again, shall we?
Below: Marijke in a long cream dress. Her hair just washed.
Below: Claudia in another figure hugging dress. With her figure she can.
Below: Marianne in an olive coloured outfit.Â
Below: Jilske in a lavender blue dress, arty and comfortable. Bought on the last day. This photo is a bit strange as it was made with an iPhone. The proportions aren’t quite right.
Below: this was another item I didn’t like on me. Nothing wrong with the top, but it just isn’t me (anymore). It found a good home.
The weather, the beach and the surroundings were gorgeous. Here are a few pictures to illustrate that.
Below: a pre-wedding party (flowers in their hair) at a beach restaurant, with that clear blue sea as background. Postcard perfect.
Below: water bicycles in the shape of cars.
And back to more outfits. Let me show you some more pictures of the “nighty”. Normally I would wear it with my skinny jeans, but I didn’t bring those with me and it would have been too hot for them anyway. Don’t know about the shoes yet. Have to find that out. For Spain I brought a lot of flat shoes.
Below: the colours are a bit funny as the sun was giving a red glow. Wearing a short leather and silver necklace with it.Â
Below: wearing a long suede tassle necklace with it.
Below: wearing it with a big belt. This looks more like everybody’s taste (as it gives an hourglass figure) but it proved to be challenging. There were a lot of photos were the belly area seemed big and bloated because of the belt.
Right, that was the nighty. Over again to my companions. We went shopping in a nearby town.
Below: how I love streets where the top of the trees meet to make an arch.
Below: on either side of this long streets were shops. Mainly clothes, bags and shoes. We went in and out.
Below: Marijke found a nice silky bomber jacket.Â
Below: Claudia found this skirt and these sandals and went boho style.
Below: Marianne in a new green cardigan with matching top.
Below: the wheelchair you saw in the previous picture behind her, is not for show. Marianne has Multiple Sclerosis which never stops her to look ever so elegant. She is a very cheerful person.
Below: Claudia and Marijke goofing around while we had a coffee. Marianne giving instructions.
And the last set of outfits.
Below: Jilske in a dress which was too short so she didn’t buy it as she had no need for another tunic. Shame, as it suited her well.
Below: Marianne, in a summer dress, ready to go to the beach. Watch the cute sandals.
Below: me in a trusted outfit. The green kimono top with grey trousers and a flower necklace, present from Anja (Curly Traveller).
Below: the cocktails were ever so nice.And that, my dear readers, is the end of the series What to wear in Spain.
You guys look like such fun. I hope when I’m your age my friends and I will be like that on a holiday
We do have one picture where we are the spitting image of the Benidorm Bastards hahaha. That one is for the album. My advice to you: keep fit, keep a normal size if you can, be true and loyal to your friends and try to laugh as much as possible. Simple recipe.
Hi Greetje. I read your blog every week. I so enjoy the adventures of you and your friends. And I enjoy seeing the fashion styling of mature women like myself. I’m way over here in the US but as I read I always feel like I’m traveling wherever you are. I love seeing ladies in my age group having fun!
And I love the blue and white top. I like the way you are wearing it without the belt. I would have worn a shoe with a wedge heel just to give the leg a longer look. But I always wear heels and I’m a tall girl..5’9″
You couldn’t have commented on a better moment. I was just contemplating whether I would continue blogging. Something every blogger does every couple of months. Am I still entertaining? Does this concept get stale? Etc. etc.
And then I read a comment like yours and I am on top of world. So thank you very much.
And yes I wear the blue and white tunic with high heeled black suede strappy sandals. I am 5ft74 and I love heels.
lovely lovely lovely post, it’s so deligthful to see you and your fabulous friends having fun and looking gorgeous in every single outfit!! the best part is all the bright smiles and all the fun!!
I agree, the smiles are the best. I will admit I said “say cheese” every time haha. Just kidding, we did have a lot of fun and I am glad you liked the post.
You have bought a beautiful tunic dress! I bought a similar one but, as I wasn’t wearing it often for the hot temperatures, I decided to shorten the sleeves … not sure it has been a good idea … Yours is perfectly matched to leggings and flat shoes! But … isn’t it too hot in Spain for leggings? In any case you look great!
You and your friends’ hairstyle look perfect … I am envious!! I am not able to keep a tidy hair at the seaside …
I never thought you would like the tunic dress. You keep surprising me (always in a nice way). The capri trousers I was wearing with it, are cotton and they don’t bother me. But it was 25 degrees, not 30. If it gets hotter I couldn’t wear it. Or I could wear the tunic as a dress (with an undergarment of course).
My hair can look a mess in rain, fog.. oh really most of the times. I am just not showing you those photos haha. And don’t you complain about your hair… I’ll trade with you any time.
Your time in Spain looks like a stylishly glorious good time. It seems that you bring joy wherever you go Greetje, and I can see that you have wonderful friends. I love your blue tunic! My favorite color is blue and it looks beautiful with your hair.
I find that my taste has been changing too. The evolution of style is a lifetime process!
Woman… “Style” is looking at you to see what to wear. How about this!
And I don’t know whether I bring joy. But if I do, I get it back too. I have lovely friends.
This looks like so much fun Greetje! You all look great in your outfits and so happy and relaxed.
It was a happy and relaxed week. We really enjoyed ourselves. I know that social media posts and photos do not reflect real life (always just the sunshine side of it). But in this case it was what it seems in this post: fun.
You all look like you are having such fun together, and I like seeing each of your different styles (you are all gorgeous!). I’ve never done a “girls vacation” as I usually travel alone, but seeing your posts about Spain makes me understand how enjoyable it could be.
I can see why you like the “nighty” – sometimes a piece of clothing doesn’t have to be conventionally “flattering” for us to like it. Sometimes it’s the colour, or how the fabric feels against our skin.
I like the “arty” vibe of it. It oozes clean, crisp, different to me. A vacation with other people, whether they are boys or girls, is always tricky. We have a saying in The Netherlands (which ryhmes), saying that guests, like fish, remain fresh for 3 days haha. Even if you have been friends for years, you don’t know how you will be when you “live together” in one house. We just happenened to be lucky.
Man…I gotta go grab myself some sangria and tapas….this post makes me SO wanna be in Spain!
You all look so great….happy and beautiful!
Blue and white has to be the most quintessential colour combination for resort life. You wear the tunic well!
I can tell you that the Piña Coladas and the Mojitos were perfect too. Not to mention the Orgasm (honestly the name of a cocktail). Oh and the smoothies and the icecream. And the artisans in their little stalls on the boulevard at night where we used to stroll, who were selling bracelets, belts, necklaces, scarves… you name it. You can resist one or two stalls, but you are bound to give in at the third. As the prices were really low, it didn’t matter.
Love the blue tunic on you ,especially with the super cool tassel in black. Also love Jilki’s the in lavender dress with the bottom treatment. So many great photos of you pretty ladies having fun!
xx, Elle
How nice to see all of you ladies looking chic and smiling from ear to ear!
It was Marianne’s idea to show all of them. “After all” she said “we are all over 40, so we qualify.” Smiling wasn’t the hardest part, I just yelled “cheese!!” when I took the photo haha.
Thanks for another great post about your holiday. I must admit, Marijke has a really funky style which I love. That top with her white jeans is adorable and I fancy her colourful handbag too. You all have such very different clothes and all look fab. It must have been such fun to spend a week, eating drinking and shopping – I couldn’t think of anything better! I like the belted version of your nightie, and also loved the green kimono with that flowery necklace as it really suits you so well. Have a great week x
Thank you Anna. Yes they do have different styles. When I throw out clothes or shoes, they always get the first pick. And usually there isn’t anything left haha. So I suppose I embody all their different styles.To tell you a secret, I hired all of them at the company we all used to work for (about 20 years ago) so I think they all represent a part of me.
A fashion show of golden oldies. Meaning me of course. What a variety of tastes. Taste changes. Yours does anyway, which is in our advantage. I am thrilled with your dress. I can not wear figure hugging dresses. First because I lost my figure along the way. Probably in the last century. And sitting in a wheelchair is difficult to choose clothes that are comfortable and still look a little modern. We all dress totally different. We do have however our own style. You are the only one who has found your identity in clothing. I think that has happened through your blogging. You made up your mind how you want to be dressed and feel comfortable in what you wear. I so much enjoyed this spanish sequel, but then again I like all your post. There is a difference of 20 years between the youngest and the oldest, me being the oldest with 68 years, And we get along so very well, so age is of no importance. By the way your nighty is growing on me.
You said that right dear. Completely true. I am glad you liked it. The nighty is still “under construction”.
Your friends didn’t like it really? I love it! Especially belted, fabulous! The green kimono top is divine with those trousers & I think the flower necklace is the Marni for H&M is it? Something I am always sorry I missed. You’ve inspired me to try Ebay for it right now.
See ya xxx
No the flower necklace came from Asia. My friend Anja spotted a designer there and she knew I would love it. Took it home with her as a present for me.
The nighty belted is the most acceptable look, but it proved to be challenging when you sat down. Lots of blotted belly area. I am still working on it.
I like it lose as well, but I appreciate not everybody does.
Thank you Greetje for your Sunday posts of fun. As a relative newcomer to your blog, I now look forward to seeing what Greetje and friends been up to each week.
Your blog injects humour into fashion and what you like and dislike about your outfit choices, although I must admit I too thought blue striped nightie.
Hahaha. I still like the nighty, in spite of the obvious comparison. Well … PJ’s are the trend anyway. ??.
I hope I can keep you entertained every week. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Much appreciated.
Hello women of beautiful bodies, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
What happend?
1.- I thought you weren´t going to post any more, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I was missing you and your posts???
2.- You are in Spain and don´t tell me , ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Do tell.
Much loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I am not going to comment as much as I did on other blogs. That is where I am slowing down. But I will continue with my blog as that has my big love.
I didn’t tell you I was in Spain because last year you told me it was a long way from Malaga.
Shopping, drinking & friends—-definitely a great recipe for fun & good living!!
What a good idea to bring items you don’t wear anymore and give them a better home—you could start a swap vacation!!
As for the striped tunic you bought—I understand the friend’s thoughts—I think what we see is that it’s so voluminous (like you’re hiding another person in there). And the belt adds shape, but when you try to pull in that much material, it can create other pockets of poofiness. Since you like it so much, what do you think about adding in some darts in the front & back—that might give it enough shaping to be more flattering (not that everything has to look flattering–I just couldn’t think of another word!!)
Thanks so much for sharing your girl time with us—-you can see the joy in your faces which makes it so pleasurable!
I nesitate to temper with the nighty. I do see that it gives a less flattering (you were right with that word) shape. But sometimes I just don’t care haha.
I so love your blog! Funny, self forecasting and real. I look forward to it every week.
It is comments like yours Sue, which makes making these blogposts such fun. I don’t really know what the women “out there” think about it, until they comment. Of course I have my fellow bloggers who comment (which I appreciate very much), but a comment from a reader without a blog is precious. So thank you very much and hopefully I can keep you entertained.
I really like the nighty! It looks crisp and fresh. Oh, how I love that green top! The colour is beautiful and the cute is so flattering. Beautiful necklace too. It looks like you had a lot of fun 🙂
Emma xxx
Thanks Emma. I found that green top in a small shop in Rome, where a young woman was sewing them together. The cut is really simple, but as you say, very flattering. I didn’t know I could use it tucked in trousers until I was wearing it and tried on clothes in a shop. Now it doubles. And yes, we had fun indeed.
Wow, what great outfits and lovely photos of you and all your friends in Spain. It’s great to see such happy times xa
And happy times they were. Lovely to hear from you again.
Love the blue tunic on you ,especially with the super cool tassel in black. Also love Jilki’s the in lavender dress with the bottom treatment. So many great photos of you pretty ladies having fun!
xx, Elle
How nice to see all of you ladies looking chic and smiling from ear to ear!
It was Marianne’s idea to show all of them. “After all” she said “we are all over 40, so we qualify.” Smiling wasn’t the hardest part, I just yelled “cheese!!” when I took the photo haha.
You all look like you are having such fun together, and I like seeing each of your different styles (you are all gorgeous!). I’ve never done a “girls vacation” as I usually travel alone, but seeing your posts about Spain makes me understand how enjoyable it could be.
I can see why you like the “nighty” – sometimes a piece of clothing doesn’t have to be conventionally “flattering” for us to like it. Sometimes it’s the colour, or how the fabric feels against our skin.
I like the “arty” vibe of it. It oozes clean, crisp, different to me. A vacation with other people, whether they are boys or girls, is always tricky. We have a saying in The Netherlands (which ryhmes), saying that guests, like fish, remain fresh for 3 days haha. Even if you have been friends for years, you don’t know how you will be when you “live together” in one house. We just happenened to be lucky.
Man…I gotta go grab myself some sangria and tapas….this post makes me SO wanna be in Spain!
You all look so great….happy and beautiful!
Blue and white has to be the most quintessential colour combination for resort life. You wear the tunic well!
I can tell you that the Piña Coladas and the Mojitos were perfect too. Not to mention the Orgasm (honestly the name of a cocktail). Oh and the smoothies and the icecream. And the artisans in their little stalls on the boulevard at night where we used to stroll, who were selling bracelets, belts, necklaces, scarves… you name it. You can resist one or two stalls, but you are bound to give in at the third. As the prices were really low, it didn’t matter.
Thanks for another great post about your holiday. I must admit, Marijke has a really funky style which I love. That top with her white jeans is adorable and I fancy her colourful handbag too. You all have such very different clothes and all look fab. It must have been such fun to spend a week, eating drinking and shopping – I couldn’t think of anything better! I like the belted version of your nightie, and also loved the green kimono with that flowery necklace as it really suits you so well. Have a great week x
Thank you Anna. Yes they do have different styles. When I throw out clothes or shoes, they always get the first pick. And usually there isn’t anything left haha. So I suppose I embody all their different styles.To tell you a secret, I hired all of them at the company we all used to work for (about 20 years ago) so I think they all represent a part of me.
🙂 This looks like a very fun team of friends.
Great that you plan and go on holidays together.
And I’m in love with your blue and white striped tunic/dress/blouse.
Have a very HAPPY week 🙂
Our week holiday is like an extention of our standard quarterly get-together. Like a movie of a series haha. Glad you liked the “nighty”. Although I could also understand if you didn’t.
🙂 This looks like a very fun team of friends.
Great that you plan and go on holidays together.
And I’m in love with your blue and white striped tunic/dress/blouse.
Have a very HAPPY week 🙂
Our week holiday is like an extention of our standard quarterly get-together. Like a movie of a series haha. Glad you liked the “nighty”. Although I could also understand if you didn’t.
Your time in Spain looks like a stylishly glorious good time. It seems that you bring joy wherever you go Greetje, and I can see that you have wonderful friends. I love your blue tunic! My favorite color is blue and it looks beautiful with your hair.
I find that my taste has been changing too. The evolution of style is a lifetime process!
Woman… “Style” is looking at you to see what to wear. How about this!
And I don’t know whether I bring joy. But if I do, I get it back too. I have lovely friends.
Hi Greetje. I read your blog every week. I so enjoy the adventures of you and your friends. And I enjoy seeing the fashion styling of mature women like myself. I’m way over here in the US but as I read I always feel like I’m traveling wherever you are. I love seeing ladies in my age group having fun!
And I love the blue and white top. I like the way you are wearing it without the belt. I would have worn a shoe with a wedge heel just to give the leg a longer look. But I always wear heels and I’m a tall girl..5’9″
You couldn’t have commented on a better moment. I was just contemplating whether I would continue blogging. Something every blogger does every couple of months. Am I still entertaining? Does this concept get stale? Etc. etc.
And then I read a comment like yours and I am on top of world. So thank you very much.
And yes I wear the blue and white tunic with high heeled black suede strappy sandals. I am 5ft74 and I love heels.
You have bought a beautiful tunic dress! I bought a similar one but, as I wasn’t wearing it often for the hot temperatures, I decided to shorten the sleeves … not sure it has been a good idea … Yours is perfectly matched to leggings and flat shoes! But … isn’t it too hot in Spain for leggings? In any case you look great!
You and your friends’ hairstyle look perfect … I am envious!! I am not able to keep a tidy hair at the seaside …
I never thought you would like the tunic dress. You keep surprising me (always in a nice way). The capri trousers I was wearing with it, are cotton and they don’t bother me. But it was 25 degrees, not 30. If it gets hotter I couldn’t wear it. Or I could wear the tunic as a dress (with an undergarment of course).
My hair can look a mess in rain, fog.. oh really most of the times. I am just not showing you those photos haha. And don’t you complain about your hair… I’ll trade with you any time.
lovely lovely lovely post, it’s so deligthful to see you and your fabulous friends having fun and looking gorgeous in every single outfit!! the best part is all the bright smiles and all the fun!!
I agree, the smiles are the best. I will admit I said “say cheese” every time haha. Just kidding, we did have a lot of fun and I am glad you liked the post.
This looks like so much fun Greetje! You all look great in your outfits and so happy and relaxed.
It was a happy and relaxed week. We really enjoyed ourselves. I know that social media posts and photos do not reflect real life (always just the sunshine side of it). But in this case it was what it seems in this post: fun.
You guys look like such fun. I hope when I’m your age my friends and I will be like that on a holiday
We do have one picture where we are the spitting image of the Benidorm Bastards hahaha. That one is for the album. My advice to you: keep fit, keep a normal size if you can, be true and loyal to your friends and try to laugh as much as possible. Simple recipe.
Well it sure looks like you had fun!
Your friends with the face masks killed me! Ha!
I cannot believe how tanned all of you are. I’d stand out like a sore thumb. Reminds me of the old days when I used to manage a tanning salon.
I’m digging that long suede tassel necklace in black. Very cool.
I think my favourite outfit of yours is the last one in the green.
You and Sylvia are morphing into the same personal style.
I was so pleased they let me use the face masks photo. I knew it would be a scream. We all killed ourselves laughing too.
Sylvia and me always had a lot of style in common. But I am not that much into asymmetric although I do like it and I don’t like ruffles. Sylvia doesn’t care for my love of cream booties over trousers or my sometimes wild things. I think. Not sure really. There is still enough difference but you do have a point.
When I see all the suntan I always think of you and your warnings. And I feel a little tweek in my stomach….
Your friends didn’t like it really? I love it! Especially belted, fabulous! The green kimono top is divine with those trousers & I think the flower necklace is the Marni for H&M is it? Something I am always sorry I missed. You’ve inspired me to try Ebay for it right now.
See ya xxx
No the flower necklace came from Asia. My friend Anja spotted a designer there and she knew I would love it. Took it home with her as a present for me.
The nighty belted is the most acceptable look, but it proved to be challenging when you sat down. Lots of blotted belly area. I am still working on it.
I like it lose as well, but I appreciate not everybody does.
A fashion show of golden oldies. Meaning me of course. What a variety of tastes. Taste changes. Yours does anyway, which is in our advantage. I am thrilled with your dress. I can not wear figure hugging dresses. First because I lost my figure along the way. Probably in the last century. And sitting in a wheelchair is difficult to choose clothes that are comfortable and still look a little modern. We all dress totally different. We do have however our own style. You are the only one who has found your identity in clothing. I think that has happened through your blogging. You made up your mind how you want to be dressed and feel comfortable in what you wear. I so much enjoyed this spanish sequel, but then again I like all your post. There is a difference of 20 years between the youngest and the oldest, me being the oldest with 68 years, And we get along so very well, so age is of no importance. By the way your nighty is growing on me.
You said that right dear. Completely true. I am glad you liked it. The nighty is still “under construction”.
Well it sure looks like you had fun!
Your friends with the face masks killed me! Ha!
I cannot believe how tanned all of you are. I’d stand out like a sore thumb. Reminds me of the old days when I used to manage a tanning salon.
I’m digging that long suede tassel necklace in black. Very cool.
I think my favourite outfit of yours is the last one in the green.
You and Sylvia are morphing into the same personal style.
I was so pleased they let me use the face masks photo. I knew it would be a scream. We all killed ourselves laughing too.
Sylvia and me always had a lot of style in common. But I am not that much into asymmetric although I do like it and I don’t like ruffles. Sylvia doesn’t care for my love of cream booties over trousers or my sometimes wild things. I think. Not sure really. There is still enough difference but you do have a point.
When I see all the suntan I always think of you and your warnings. And I feel a little tweek in my stomach….
I so love your blog! Funny, self forecasting and real. I look forward to it every week.
It is comments like yours Sue, which makes making these blogposts such fun. I don’t really know what the women “out there” think about it, until they comment. Of course I have my fellow bloggers who comment (which I appreciate very much), but a comment from a reader without a blog is precious. So thank you very much and hopefully I can keep you entertained.
I really like the nighty! It looks crisp and fresh. Oh, how I love that green top! The colour is beautiful and the cute is so flattering. Beautiful necklace too. It looks like you had a lot of fun 🙂
Emma xxx
Thanks Emma. I found that green top in a small shop in Rome, where a young woman was sewing them together. The cut is really simple, but as you say, very flattering. I didn’t know I could use it tucked in trousers until I was wearing it and tried on clothes in a shop. Now it doubles. And yes, we had fun indeed.
Thank you Greetje for your Sunday posts of fun. As a relative newcomer to your blog, I now look forward to seeing what Greetje and friends been up to each week.
Your blog injects humour into fashion and what you like and dislike about your outfit choices, although I must admit I too thought blue striped nightie.
Hahaha. I still like the nighty, in spite of the obvious comparison. Well … PJ’s are the trend anyway. ??.
I hope I can keep you entertained every week. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Much appreciated.
Hello women of beautiful bodies, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
What happend?
1.- I thought you weren´t going to post any more, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I was missing you and your posts???
2.- You are in Spain and don´t tell me , ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Do tell.
Much loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I am not going to comment as much as I did on other blogs. That is where I am slowing down. But I will continue with my blog as that has my big love.
I didn’t tell you I was in Spain because last year you told me it was a long way from Malaga.
Shopping, drinking & friends—-definitely a great recipe for fun & good living!!
What a good idea to bring items you don’t wear anymore and give them a better home—you could start a swap vacation!!
As for the striped tunic you bought—I understand the friend’s thoughts—I think what we see is that it’s so voluminous (like you’re hiding another person in there). And the belt adds shape, but when you try to pull in that much material, it can create other pockets of poofiness. Since you like it so much, what do you think about adding in some darts in the front & back—that might give it enough shaping to be more flattering (not that everything has to look flattering–I just couldn’t think of another word!!)
Thanks so much for sharing your girl time with us—-you can see the joy in your faces which makes it so pleasurable!
I nesitate to temper with the nighty. I do see that it gives a less flattering (you were right with that word) shape. But sometimes I just don’t care haha.
Wow, what great outfits and lovely photos of you and all your friends in Spain. It’s great to see such happy times xa
And happy times they were. Lovely to hear from you again.