An additional post this week. Because I was invited to be part of the Ping Pong Post, which means: an item is sent to several bloggers who have to style it their own way. And then we all post the result. This time The Item is a green feather tunic which belongs to Anna (Anna’s Island Style). She is the one who came up with the Ping Pong Post idea and I am really flattered that she included me this time. As she knows I am not half the dare devil she is.
To tell you the truth, of the five of us, I am the least creative and the most conservative. To add insult to injury: I didn’t give styling this item too much attention. I am so ashamed to say. And why not? I don’t know. Was I in a bad mood that day? I remember it was cold. Or was it (what I always say) because I just have no real talent for styling and gave up (too easily). Nobody wants to believe this and some blogger friends tell me off for saying this, but it is true, I am not that good at styling. OK, I have learned a lot these past four years of blogging. But the creativeness of my fellow Ping Pong bloggers is so obviously greater. Anyway, enough cry baby talk.
I thought the top was rather boxy for me, making me square. So I tried a belt… now that made for a good laugh. So I decided to keep it simple: skinnies, monochrome column underneath the green feathers. Ron took my pictures in the garden (did I say it was cold??) and I asked him whether I could hide from the wind by standing in the “porch” as we call this covered bit next to the shed. Hence all the “props”.
Above: the best photo: flattering angle and hair reasonable.
Below: less flattering from the font and fringe awkward. Wearing a green pendant.
Below: the other side… No it is not getting any more exciting. Sorry.
Below: one, big blooper to make you laugh. Not a flattering pose. Bear hug anyone?
Outfit details apart from Anna’s green feather tunic (H&M): Skinnies: Closed. Booties: Eijk Amsterdam. Shirt: Marco Polo (old). Pendant: through Heleen Tuinman.
And now….. for the other four:
Below: Sheela (Sheela Writes). A fearless lady with enormous creativity. Look at how she picked a belt and made it into a necklace. Then added the other yellow pieces making the outfit lighter. I think it is a crossing between boho and bad ass. Sheela is a warm person who loves the written word and is ever so good at that. And she has the best shoe collection I have ever seen. Follow Sheela on Instagram.
Leather top: StitchFix. Belt worn as necklace: JCrew. Clutch, Booties, Sunnies & Leggings: thrifted. Ring: a gift from her daughter Eve. Yellow Cuff: courtesy of Unearthed.
Below: Samantha of Fake Fabulous. A Scottish woman with a lovely personality. She adores colours and mixing and matching. I love the socks peeping out of those gorgeous boots. The colour of the boots are echoed by the necklace. The teal green suits Samantha. Wearing it like a dress never occurred to me. Follow Samantha on Instagram.
Details: Dress: H&M (Anna’s). Tights: Levante. Boots: Duo (now Ted and Muffy). Cardigan: Urban Outfitters. Polo neck: Redoute. Necklace: Oliver Bonas. Socks: M&S.
Below: Ann of Kremb de la Kremb. At the moment recovering from a hip operation which means sneakers instead of high heels. Which doesn’t stop her from dressing fabulously. Not at all. If there are two solutions to a dressing “problem”, she will come up with the third and fourth. The ones you would never think of. Like with The Item. She just uses it as a scarf. Puts some fab earrings on and some more bling… tada.. styled. Follow Ann on Instagram.
Details: Sunnies:Forever 21. Earrings: Ben from Jardines Bazaar, Hong Kong. Shrug: Anna’s dress. Brooch: Banana Republic. Ring: India. Shirt:Gap. Leather Shorts: Forever 21. Jungle Bag: Louella Odie. Anklets: La Jolla Beach, California. Booties: DIY on an old Forever 21 pair.
Below: last but by no means least: Anna of Anna’s Island Style, the initiator of the Ping Pong Posts and the owner of the green feather tunic. Anna mixes and matches colours and prints in a way that leaves me in awe and admiration. OK they all do.. Pffff, such a good bunch.
As you can see , she didn’t disappoint in the use of colour and mixing/matching. She has more subdued outfits as well and that is where our tastes meet. I admire her for dressing exactly how she feels. For herself and nobody else. From the heart. Follow Anna on Instagram.

We have indeed all styled The Item in the way that is our style. And these styles vary. All those different styles and tastes make this world so colourful and enjoyable. Just imagine the world if we would all love the same thing. It would become a uniform and we’d soon get bored with it.
Next post as normal on Sunday.
Greetje, I love your honest chat!
I too tried a belt and looked ridiculous….like a character from the Muppets. hehehe.
I loved having you with us this month…
Although, I have to give you a row! (A Scottish term for a telling off)
You are fabulously talented when it comes to styling.
The difference is that a dress like this would never even register on your radar, let alone enter the changing room for a try on.
It’s like me trying on a black shift dress and wondering why I can’t make it feel like “me”.
We are so different and that is why I love following you!
Ah sweet Samantha. You are so endearing. You leave me with this big touched smile on my face. Most of my outfits however were styles by shop assistants and friens. Although… I will admit, lately I am getting better. Perseverance against talent ?.
I love the colour of the feather tunic, and the imaginative ways that all of you incorporated it into an outfit. Surprised to see that teal works with so many other colours.
That is the fun thing of looking at other bloggers. You might not always agree with their style or outfits, but they do bring you ideas. Teal goes with lots of colours.
Greetje, you are being way too hard on yourself – you look wonderful, and I love the simple styling! I think you look fabulous. I always enjoy your posts (I read them in my email), and although I don’t always pop in to say “hi!” I’m out here and lovin’ ya!
Ah.. what a wonderful things you say. I didn’t know you were reading my posts. I changed my email system to Mailchimp. I am sure you noticed the glitches I caused. I think I have sussed it out now. As for the styling talent or lack of it, or not.. I might have to stop comparing myself to others. What did Melanie say about that? Comparison is killing creativity? Something like it?
Greetje—I just love how you styled it—and as much as I try to get out of my ruts, I’m more like you! This is probably exactly how I would’ve styled this dress—thus I love it!
But I wouldn’t have bought it. Too dangerous for my bodyshape. I love the colour and the feathers though. It is a fun object.
Thank you so much for agreeing to take part in PPP this month Greetje – you and Sheela really added so much to the proceedings. I love your elegant styling – this cream backdrop is the perfect ploy to show the tunic off to its best. It makes me smile when you say you can’t be creative when this understatment is very creative indeed. I struggle like anything to underplay an outfit, yet it’s so grown up and sophisticated when done right, and that’s what you do. I’m delighted that you chose to wear these, my favourite boots, for this shoot – you know how much I love them!
Thanks again Greetje. Have a lovely week x
Do you think I have hidden talents? Everybody keeps telling me I can style, but it is very hard to convince me of that. As I see how I struggle and fail so many times. But perhaps what I lack in talent, I make up in perseverance?
I agree, you look great. Absolutely love the boots! You made this work for you with the colour and skinny jeans …
Thanks Wendy. Wasn’t so sure myself. The boots are indeed very much loved by me. They also look great under jeans. Even under some skirts although more risky. You have to be careful not to get the “nurse” image then. They are ever so comfortable, such soft leather. You are walking on heels, but it feels as if they are flat.
Love the brand.
I too think you made this fun tunic work for you and that’s exactly the purpose of the ping pong. My friends work on getting me to be a bit more “artsy” in my clothing so I add or subtract some elements but it still has to be me in the end.
I totally agree Jane. I don”t think you can do it any other way. If we did, we would probably get it all wrong. ?
Well done and simple, this is a fun thing to post. I loved seeing how others styled it. What creative bloggers! easier to style than the traveling yellow skirt! I hope these green feathers come my way!
Love the cream skinnies (always so great with those long legs!) and perfectly matched booties! Very Vogue!
xx, Elle
Oh dear I don’t mind being very Vogue! Thank you for that compliment. The green feather tunic will not come your way as the styling of it was limited to this one time. Have you already asked to be on the list for the yellow skirt?
I think you look fab in it, Greetje. ALL of you do, and it looks totally different on all of you. Ping Pong posts are so fun; I love reading these!
I love all the styling too. Closest to how I would wear it is Samantha’s styling. Only it is too short for me, I haven’t got such boots (pity) and I have no cardigans. Which meant I took my skinnies as they are my compensation for not wearing short skirts anymore.
What a fun post! So creative from all of you! I don’t know if I could have styled it well because it’s such a wild piece and so different from anything I would wear. You wore it well. And it’s hard to look bad in those shoes!
Thanks Julia. Yes those shoes are the easiest item to make an outfit modern. And they are sooo comfortable. A heel but because it is shaped the way it is and running further down your foot, you think you are walking on flat shoes. They have a whole range of boots and shoes like this. Designed for women who want to wear modern heels but hate to feel pain.
Remember a while back when I said the main reason why I love reading your posts, Greetje, is because of your raw honesty? That you always speak from the heart, that you always voice your thoughts? Don’t ever change!!! But stop beating yourself up over your personal style aesthetics. I’m such a huge fan, my friend, and judging from the comments here, I’m clearly not the only one 🙂 life would be immensely boring if we dressed the same. A sea of clones, don’t you think? You stand out with your classic taste. Classic with touches of wit and whimsy. Can’t beat that xoxo
Ah you sweet Sheela. Thank you. I might have to start believing this. I had a difficult time styling skirts and dresses in a modern way. Really got it wrong a couple of times last winter. Which did not contribute to my styling confidence. But this year I think I have sussed it out. Styling doesn’t really come naturally, but dedication gets me far. I am sure Sylvia will have rolled her eyes when she read this post. She is always telling me off for putting my styling abilities down haha.
And don’t worry, I will always stay the same in honesty. Would want it any other way. That is me. The whole world knows everything about me. Last thing: a sea of clones? Brrr the thought! Terrifying.
Definitely not the easiest thing to style and I think you did quite well with it. Did you try tucking one side in? That would have given it an asymmetrical look making it less boxy. Those booties looks wonderful with these pants!
These booties are better than darker ones as it elongates my legs (…right?). Never thought of tucking the tunic in at one side. You are right, it could have made a difference. Just as it did with the long dark red one of mine.
What I love about the way you styled the tunic is that the outfit is still very you even though the tunic may not be something you usually wear. I love the column of beige underneath. How fabulous are those boots? And your legs are made for skinnies and to be shown off in general!!! So to me this is not boring but a successful Greetje take on the feathery tunic!
And I had to laugh when you described how cold it was. We have taken plenty of photos when it was quite uncomfortable (most recently a wool cape in quite warm weather), and it is always fun to look at the photos afterward. You can usually detect slight discomfort on my face (but if you don’t know, you may not notice). But then there are always a few photos that show the full agony…
Indeed Andrea, there is much agony when shooting pictures. Just imagine what real models and actrices go through. The other day I read about a model (actress?) who had to go into freezing cold water with hardly anything on. For a long, long time. While the crew was standing ashore dressed in thick parkas. I could never be an actrice or a model. I would have refused (in undesirable language most probably ?). And thank your for your compliments.
OMG. I love this tunic/dress! I have to head over to H&M to see whether they have it in my tiny size! You look awesome! I love how you styled it. So elegant!
I think it was last year’s as Samantha said she saw the dress in the shop when she was Christmas shopping last year. Perhaps on Ebay?
What a cool post and an ever cooler garment. It’s very 60s and Twiggy. I imagine shimmying in a dance club and sky high heels.
For me it would have been better if it had been fitted, but I gave it a go.
What a fun post! So creative from all of you! I don’t know if I could have styled it well because it’s such a wild piece and so different from anything I would wear. You wore it well. And it’s hard to look bad in those shoes!
Thanks Julia. Yes those shoes are the easiest item to make an outfit modern. And they are sooo comfortable. A heel but because it is shaped the way it is and running further down your foot, you think you are walking on flat shoes. They have a whole range of boots and shoes like this. Designed for women who want to wear modern heels but hate to feel pain.
Well done and simple, this is a fun thing to post. I loved seeing how others styled it. What creative bloggers! easier to style than the traveling yellow skirt! I hope these green feathers come my way!
Love the cream skinnies (always so great with those long legs!) and perfectly matched booties! Very Vogue!
xx, Elle
Oh dear I don’t mind being very Vogue! Thank you for that compliment. The green feather tunic will not come your way as the styling of it was limited to this one time. Have you already asked to be on the list for the yellow skirt?
Remember a while back when I said the main reason why I love reading your posts, Greetje, is because of your raw honesty? That you always speak from the heart, that you always voice your thoughts? Don’t ever change!!! But stop beating yourself up over your personal style aesthetics. I’m such a huge fan, my friend, and judging from the comments here, I’m clearly not the only one 🙂 life would be immensely boring if we dressed the same. A sea of clones, don’t you think? You stand out with your classic taste. Classic with touches of wit and whimsy. Can’t beat that xoxo
Ah you sweet Sheela. Thank you. I might have to start believing this. I had a difficult time styling skirts and dresses in a modern way. Really got it wrong a couple of times last winter. Which did not contribute to my styling confidence. But this year I think I have sussed it out. Styling doesn’t really come naturally, but dedication gets me far. I am sure Sylvia will have rolled her eyes when she read this post. She is always telling me off for putting my styling abilities down haha.
And don’t worry, I will always stay the same in honesty. Would want it any other way. That is me. The whole world knows everything about me. Last thing: a sea of clones? Brrr the thought! Terrifying.
I too think you made this fun tunic work for you and that’s exactly the purpose of the ping pong. My friends work on getting me to be a bit more “artsy” in my clothing so I add or subtract some elements but it still has to be me in the end.
I totally agree Jane. I don”t think you can do it any other way. If we did, we would probably get it all wrong. ?
I think you look fab in it, Greetje. ALL of you do, and it looks totally different on all of you. Ping Pong posts are so fun; I love reading these!
I love all the styling too. Closest to how I would wear it is Samantha’s styling. Only it is too short for me, I haven’t got such boots (pity) and I have no cardigans. Which meant I took my skinnies as they are my compensation for not wearing short skirts anymore.
What a cool post and an ever cooler garment. It’s very 60s and Twiggy. I imagine shimmying in a dance club and sky high heels.
For me it would have been better if it had been fitted, but I gave it a go.
OMG. I love this tunic/dress! I have to head over to H&M to see whether they have it in my tiny size! You look awesome! I love how you styled it. So elegant!
I think it was last year’s as Samantha said she saw the dress in the shop when she was Christmas shopping last year. Perhaps on Ebay?
Definitely not the easiest thing to style and I think you did quite well with it. Did you try tucking one side in? That would have given it an asymmetrical look making it less boxy. Those booties looks wonderful with these pants!
These booties are better than darker ones as it elongates my legs (…right?). Never thought of tucking the tunic in at one side. You are right, it could have made a difference. Just as it did with the long dark red one of mine.
Greetje, you are being way too hard on yourself – you look wonderful, and I love the simple styling! I think you look fabulous. I always enjoy your posts (I read them in my email), and although I don’t always pop in to say “hi!” I’m out here and lovin’ ya!
Ah.. what a wonderful things you say. I didn’t know you were reading my posts. I changed my email system to Mailchimp. I am sure you noticed the glitches I caused. I think I have sussed it out now. As for the styling talent or lack of it, or not.. I might have to stop comparing myself to others. What did Melanie say about that? Comparison is killing creativity? Something like it?
I agree, you look great. Absolutely love the boots! You made this work for you with the colour and skinny jeans …
Thanks Wendy. Wasn’t so sure myself. The boots are indeed very much loved by me. They also look great under jeans. Even under some skirts although more risky. You have to be careful not to get the “nurse” image then. They are ever so comfortable, such soft leather. You are walking on heels, but it feels as if they are flat.
Love the brand.
Thank you. I wouldn’t be able to choose.
Thank you. I wouldn’t be able to choose.
Thank you so much for agreeing to take part in PPP this month Greetje – you and Sheela really added so much to the proceedings. I love your elegant styling – this cream backdrop is the perfect ploy to show the tunic off to its best. It makes me smile when you say you can’t be creative when this understatment is very creative indeed. I struggle like anything to underplay an outfit, yet it’s so grown up and sophisticated when done right, and that’s what you do. I’m delighted that you chose to wear these, my favourite boots, for this shoot – you know how much I love them!
Thanks again Greetje. Have a lovely week x
Do you think I have hidden talents? Everybody keeps telling me I can style, but it is very hard to convince me of that. As I see how I struggle and fail so many times. But perhaps what I lack in talent, I make up in perseverance?
What I love about the way you styled the tunic is that the outfit is still very you even though the tunic may not be something you usually wear. I love the column of beige underneath. How fabulous are those boots? And your legs are made for skinnies and to be shown off in general!!! So to me this is not boring but a successful Greetje take on the feathery tunic!
And I had to laugh when you described how cold it was. We have taken plenty of photos when it was quite uncomfortable (most recently a wool cape in quite warm weather), and it is always fun to look at the photos afterward. You can usually detect slight discomfort on my face (but if you don’t know, you may not notice). But then there are always a few photos that show the full agony…
Indeed Andrea, there is much agony when shooting pictures. Just imagine what real models and actrices go through. The other day I read about a model (actress?) who had to go into freezing cold water with hardly anything on. For a long, long time. While the crew was standing ashore dressed in thick parkas. I could never be an actrice or a model. I would have refused (in undesirable language most probably ?). And thank your for your compliments.
I love the colour of the feather tunic, and the imaginative ways that all of you incorporated it into an outfit. Surprised to see that teal works with so many other colours.
That is the fun thing of looking at other bloggers. You might not always agree with their style or outfits, but they do bring you ideas. Teal goes with lots of colours.
Greetje—I just love how you styled it—and as much as I try to get out of my ruts, I’m more like you! This is probably exactly how I would’ve styled this dress—thus I love it!
But I wouldn’t have bought it. Too dangerous for my bodyshape. I love the colour and the feathers though. It is a fun object.
Greetje, I love your honest chat!
I too tried a belt and looked ridiculous….like a character from the Muppets. hehehe.
I loved having you with us this month…
Although, I have to give you a row! (A Scottish term for a telling off)
You are fabulously talented when it comes to styling.
The difference is that a dress like this would never even register on your radar, let alone enter the changing room for a try on.
It’s like me trying on a black shift dress and wondering why I can’t make it feel like “me”.
We are so different and that is why I love following you!
Ah sweet Samantha. You are so endearing. You leave me with this big touched smile on my face. Most of my outfits however were styles by shop assistants and friens. Although… I will admit, lately I am getting better. Perseverance against talent ?.