Au secours.. a sequined T-shirtThis sequined T-shirt was displayed in the window of the Essentiel shop (Belgian brand). That shop is located right between my house and the centre of town. Whenever I go to town, which is often, I pass it. It is clearly there to test my willpower. I kid myself I was only taking a picture of this shirt to send to Lisa (The Sequinist) to drool over. Of course it was necessary to go inside and take a closer look at the shirt. You can fill in the rest.

Below: The sequined T-shirt in the shop window of Essentiel. I did not buy the skirt. Tempted yes.

Essentiel shop window

On Wednesday this blogpost wasn’t even born. No photos, nothing. Only an appointment with the oven repair man who was taking up the time otherwise spent on taking photos. Fortunately he finished early and Ron took me to another estate for pretty pictures. We forgot to shoot the estate house etc. That was for a reason. You will find out why if you continue.

Below: We started at a beautiful little gazebo with the casual styling of the shirt. Hold your horses, more pictures of me in skirt are coming up. First the casual styling.

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

Below: As you can see I am wearing my trusted G-Star Raw boyfriend jeans, my Essentiel sequined sneakers and a jacket from All Saints. The Obag is schlepped everywhere and the little bag is by Zara. (Jacket and mini bag seen before in this post.)

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

Below: We found some logs and I hoisted my old body up there.

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

Below: Pretending to push the trunks. See the red roof behind me?

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

Below: That is the roof of this cute little house. No idea what it is or why it is there for.

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

The colours of the jacket and the shirt are wrong for me, but I am hoping the red lipstick and the golden sequins let me get away with it.

Below: On to the next spot. Don’t you just love a park in the fall?

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

Below: The next spot was a large gazebo, more of a bandstand. Built in 1926.

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

If you are wondering how I changed my clothes in the middle of a park… quite simple. I stripped. I have no shame. Ron took pictures. Of course he did. And I am not going to be a spoilsport by not publishing them, but I did censor.

Below: The censored images of getting changed.

Getting changed

Below: Lovely trees, nice shot. Didn’t notice my bag wasn’t fastened.

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

Below: Pretending to be 19 haha. But the white shirt I am wearing underneath the sequined T-shirt, is to cover up my old wrinkled arms. I think, next time I wear this, I will put on a smoother shirt. And yes it is nicer without the white shirt underneath it. On younger arms. Boots are by Fly London. Seen before in this post.

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

Below: Picking up my Obag shopper where I put all my stuff in. This became A Thing. More later.

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

Below: Trying to take pictures in front of the lovely tearoom. Most of the shots failed as the camera refused to click. I know Catherine of Not Dressed as Lamb would have a lot of intelligent things to say about that, but we had no clue why the camera didn’t work. Most likely the settings of course. Stupid thing was, when Ron played stand-in for me and I took the pictures, it was working fine. Probably my light hair and light clothes were causing the malfunction. I need more camera teaching.

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

Below: Here I am, giving instructions. Instructions he already knows by now. See my mouth? That was saying: “You should….”. Result: a very irritated husband.

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

Below: And onwards again to the main house. Again picking up the shopper.

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

Below: A green door as background for my (fake) blond hair, is always nice.

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

Below: As I said, we totally forgot to take pictures of the estate and the big house as we were squabbling all the time. The top of the house is the only shot Ron took haha.

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

Below: As the camera often refused to click, it sometimes took a while before Ron could make the shot. And there is only so much time you can keep a smile on your face. Saying pffffffff…..

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

And we drove home.

In the car the pictures turned out quite well so we arrived home in a much better mood. Only to find out I had left the shopper at the estate with my jacket and sneakers in it. Which meant having to go back. We do not get angry with each other over these kind of things. It can happen, we are only human, we make mistakes. We were just a little worried. Would the bag still be there, 40 minutes later?

Below: Yes it was. Yay. Dinner was late that night but we were in good spirits.

Au secours.. a sequined T-shirt

After publishing this post I found out that the skirt isn’t right: too high and wide in the waist and a bit short. I will replace it with another pencil skirt.


No Fear of Fashion

Linking up with Not Dressed as Lamb’s Saturday Share post





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