That wasn’t easy.. choosing what to wear to Marianne’s 70th birthday party. Of course I wanted to look my best without outstaging the birthday girl. With the restriction that I had to style an outfit with flat shoes. So I opted for the black sneakers again (like last week) and worked my way up. Chose a pair of 7/8 trousers as I knew I had to show some flesh (not bare, mind you, it was too cold for that; silly fashion these days to wear sneakers with bare feet IN WINTER). Last I pulled this red Sportmax dress out of the closet. Not as flashy as I would have wanted but I liked it enough.
You are about to see photos of my BVA friends at Marianne’s birthday and also some pictures of people you don’t know. I hope I am not boring you to death with that.
Below: The birthday girl, flashing her legs, showing off her fishnet tights.
Below: This is what Marijke wore, very stylish and classic. You should have seen the photo I took a few seconds earlier…. When I said “I want to take a photo of your whole outfit”, she immediately pulled her dress up high. I will keep that photo in my file for future blackmail (as if that would ever scare her haha).
Below: We sat together as BVA friends at one table. Claudia wasn’t there as she was doing exams that day. Marijke won’t like this photo (she was talking again), but it is the only photo I have of “our” table.
Marianne arranged a high tea and her daughter decorated the tables with pink items and flowers. It was a splendid high tea. The food was top notch. As I am gaining weight by not moving at all, I was trying not to eat too much. Failed. It was all so good. Worth sinning.
Below: This is the table of all the women who take care of Marianne, the nurses who help her getting ready in the morning. They have become friends, which is easy to imagine as Marianne is such a sweet and positive person. They sang to her later that afternoon.
Below: Marianne’s beautiful daughter. She is a stylist to the (Dutch) stars and a very good one. Not half bad at home decorating either.
Below: Jilske wearing a big smile and a teal green jumpsuit (you will see more of that later).
Below: Our birthday girl was into champagne.
Below: A lovely picture of Marianna, about the only one I am allowed to show. Such a shy person.
Below: Marianne’s daughter and grandson tried to take a decent head to toe shot of me. But the light was playing funny tricks.
Below: A bit better but the legs have gone.
Below: Then I got distracted by great trousers! Of course I asked her where she got them from: Zara!
Below: Marianne’s grandson is gifted with the stying skills of his mother and showed up in these terrific trousers. Love them.
Below: OK, back to the table. Marijke grinning. In the background the table with family.
Below: Marianne, as I said, liked the champagne.
Below: Marianne’s daughter and son.
Below: I have to think of a more elegant way when posing with Marianne.
Below: To take sharp pictures of Jilke’s jumpsuit, we went outside. I love the colour and the model.
Below: And the back… ooh la la.
Below: She was wearing nice matching earrings.
Below: Blurry picture of Marianne with her sister and…. a glas of champagne. Did I mention she likes champaign? I know what she is going to tell me in her defense: “It was the same glass all the time. Didn’t get a chance to drink it.” Yeah, right.
Below: As we went home I took a last shot of Marijke in her outdoor gear. Classy.
Hope you didn’t mind seeing all these strange faces, although some of them were familiar. Not an aweful lot happening in my life these days. Apart from working really hard from home.
Hi Geetje,
I very much enjoy your posts over the **** years I have been following you. Thank you for showing humor at life’s twists and turns as we age. Seeing you continue to be stylish and positive is inspiring.
Please tell your friends how much we enjoy seeing the occasions you share together. We have our partners but nothing replaces good giggles with gal pals.
BTW, I am in the San Francisco Bay Area and your selected clothes fit my lifestyle here. I am so lucky to have your site to visit.
Lovely to see you with all your friends on such a special occasion… all look great, especially the birthday girl! Are you all going to Spain again this year? Love to meet them xx
Spain? Yes, if my knee allows me. We have booked Sunday the 17th of June to Friday the 22nd. If i can still not walk properly I will not come. I am not heading there in a wheelchair. Or spend my days on the balcony. But if everything goes well and I am there, we will have to arrange to meet.
I love seeing these photos of your friends! The red fishnets Marianne has are so fabulous. I can see that ALL of you are having such a great time. The whole day and the venue looks gezellig af. Given your knee issues I think you are winning the style stakes. You still manage to look very YOU in this outfit, but I’m surprised that you don’t have on a Greetje power necklace 🙂 xx
Some dresses are ruined by adding a necklace. I have bought three Sportmax dresses (retail…) and they all have this. I cannot wear necklaces with them. And yes it was gezellig haha.
what a lovely event! and what fabulous ladies!, I love to see them rocking!
You look gorgeous in red!
Oh yes, red is definitely my colour. And so are high heels haha. But not for now.
Hey Greetje. I am with you regarding sneakers: still feeling a bit unsure wearing them with skirts and dresses. Being small as I am, I also think that by wearing sneakers I do not look that grown-up :-). Yours are fantastic by the way and you can really feel confident about wearing them with many different outfits. You rock girl! With your knee, wearing sneakers and other comfy shoes would even be a ‘must’ I’d say. It will give you time to get used at the idea of wearing them. It’s only your head that says no: your style says wholeheartedly yes, trust me! Love, Lieske
Ah thank you Lieske. As I will be on flat shoes for quite a while i bought myself two pairs of trousers which look good with sneakers. To console me. Oh and a striped top while I was at it 😊.
I’m sorry to hear that the knee is still bothering you. You may have to invest in a couple of pairs of stylish flats while it heals 😉 Marianne looks radiant in your photos! Looks like everyone, including the Birthday Girl, was having a good time. Definitely a very stylish crowd, including you in your red dress. It works very well over pants because of its shape.
I have invested in two pairs of trousers which look good with sneakers / flat shoes. That was my investment as you are right. While the knee is healing I have to stay on flat shoes. For me this period is a styling challenge.
It looks like a wonderful time. I really like those sneakers on you, and you managed to create a fun lively look with the red dress.
Nah… still not really my style but not bad either. Nevertheless thanks for the compliments. I should really accept them gracefully, right?
A very beautiful post! So nice to see someone with M.S. getting along so well. My mother had it, and she did not fair so well. You look great in red. Also, please do wear flat shoes as long as your knee hurts. I wear orthotics in my shoes, and have not been able to wear heels in 20 years. So, there are ways to adapt, although I must tell you I never wear dresses. Hard to dress up nicely when wearing flats!!!
I suppose that MS effects people differently. But also Marianne is a foghter and a positive person. She always makes the best of the situation. I can wear boots up to my knee which are flat. That is not so bad underneath a dress or a skirt. But I do hope to heal. Just not sure if and when.
Oh yes, red is definitely my colour and any colour related to red, like fuchsia and orange. As long as they are bright, saturated colours. Green (with a lot of yellow in it) is good on me too.
This is lovely! I adore seeing the “friends of friends” – since I know you, I consider these people MY friends too! And I know that for me, these pictures are a lasting memory of a wonderful party. Love your red tunic, that green jumpsuit, and I counted FOUR glasses of champagne, birthday girl! ;-P
Hahaha.. haven’t heard any cmments from Marianne on the champagne just that she really liked the post. As for friends.. yes I always use the French version of what you said: Les amies de mes amies sont mes amies. Probably spelled it wrong 😊.
Greetje, as always your post make me smile!
I am so glad they do. Anything for a laugh.
What a wonderful birthday party and I must say you look very beautiful in the red Sportmax dress ! I think you styled it casually, but in a very chic way, and it looks very flattering. I must say I am loving the red fishnets Marianne is wearing .
I also love the Zara pants and Marianne’s son is wearing very cool trousers as well .
Love Jilke’s jumpsuit, especially the back. I am so sorry about your knees! Pain is no fun and not being able to wear beautiful shoes is frustrating. I hope you get better.
70 looks amazing here!!!
It is the casual bit that bothered me as I was aiming for an elegant look, but I have to make do. Oh and the knee… it is indeed most probably busitis and healing might take a year. Oh fun…
Very elegant ladies and with a lot of style, I always say that you have some fantastic friends. I love your red tunic or dress or whatever you want to call him over your pants. I really like the original detail of the belt on one side. I am always fascinated by the elegance and beauty of your friend Marijke, and her classic style.
It is a pity that Marijke doesn’t have a blog. You would follow her. She is indeed very feminine. As well in looks as in style. The red dress is a very good evergreen. It will last me for years. As a dress, as a tunic and as a jacket.
So nice to see all of these happy faces Greetje. No matter that we don’t know them, just pleased to see that 70 looks pretty amazing and clearly nothing to worry about! All of those classy ladies dolled up and having fun – don’t say nothing happens in your life – this looks like you all had a great time.
Anna x
Yep, 70 and red fishnet tights with heavy boots… old age isn’t anything to be afraid of anymore. And Marianne’s party was a highlight in a dreary month. Sitting here at home every day all mont and working like mad at my little desk.
Happy Birthday Marianne you gorgeous girl! I’m a big fan of red fishnets too 😉
Greetje these chairs are stunning, actually the venue itself is fab! What a special day you all enjoyed. Of course the ladies all looking equally scrumptious as the decor xx
Marianne is a cheerful sod, isn’t she? And always stylish. Her daughter has her styling genes from her I imagine.
Really enjoyed your post Greetje, as always. It looked like you had a great time at Marianne’s birthday party and it is lovely how you share your life with us and especially seeing such fabulous outfits too. Everyone looked pretty glam and you suited that dress and trouser combo ( sorry if I have said that before….blame my age/hormones ha ha !) Hope you see some improvement with your knee, glad you are embracing ‘flats’ and even gladder to hear you have been shopping !!
As I was getting convinced the knee problem and with that the flat shoe “problem” might take longer than I like to, I anticipated and bought some suitable stuff. Just heard today that it is bursitis and healing might take a year. Oh bummer. Bright side is: not very likely will I be operated on. And thank you for your compliments on the dress/trouser combo. It will have to do haha.
I always love going to parties with you Greetje!! Your the perfect hostess by introducing us to everyone and your funny narrative is delightful!!!
I was a little doubtful as nobody wants to see pictures of people they don’t know. But you do know my BVA friends by now. And it is about outfits.
Friends are so precious, aren’t they? Yes, family first, always and forever, but like you, I cherish my buddies. My best Bestie and I go back 74 years in a few days time! Crikey, how time flies! Belated Happy Birthday to Marianne x
Love your outfit. See, you can still be stylish in flats: looking good, kid! I gather The Knee is still playing up. You take care…
74 years.. wow. Yhat is a friendship you will treasure. And yes the knee is still playing up and I cannot get the orthopedist on the phone. Tuesday I might stand a chance.
So I bought some clothes online. For my troubled soul. 2 pairs of trousers to wear with flat shoes and a striped top. Wonderfully versatile. Oh and I think I found the coat from the photo shoot for the magazine. Ordered it. We will wait and see.
Hi Greetje, lovely, funny post (as always). You and your friends all look so stylish! Excuse me, I may have missed this but what does BVA stand for? Hope the knee is improving.
Nope, knee is not improving. I am trying not to let it get me down. BVA is an abbreviation for Bond van Adverteerders (Advertisers Union). That was the association we all worked for. I hired them all haha.
What a lovely post, and I’m sure a great party, your friend certainly doesn’t look 70. I went to a 70th last Sunday also an Irish Night on the Saturday and ate and ate. Don’t know how I did it but at Weight Watchers on the Thursday I hadn’t gained anything!!
Oh how delightful, eating like mad and not gaining anything. Wish I could say the same, but no. Took me a week to lose the extra kilos. Still not back on my desired weight but getting there. As soon as I can go back to the gym I am sure it will disappear. Might take a while though.
Hello Greetje
I love Marianne’s dress, with its bright floral pattern, was it made of a jersey fabric as it seems to sit very nicely.
It looks like a fun afternoon.
Marianne was cruising from table to table in her motorized chair. I wonder whether she was allowed to drink and drive (haha). She is always very keen on clothes you can wear while sitting in a chair all the time. I have already told her she should design such clothes herself. She will not be the only one struggling with this.
I just love the authenticity your posts always have! I I think a lot of that has to do with the way you so frequently include these joyful gatherings with friends. Always unpredictable with fashion, laughter, hugs, talking and sometimes champagne!!
I LOVE you in red and I notice that many of your galpals are wearing flats too!!
Flats are groovy.
Flats are chique.
Flats are funky.
They are NOT bleak! :-):-):-)
Created just for you my dear Greetje! 🙂
Extra hugs for Marianne in her 70th year!!
Well, as I might have to wear flats much longer than I anticipated (knee is not improving) I have bought myself two pairs of very versatile trousers which are really cute with sneakers. Nevertheless, nothing on earth can make my love for high heels go away. I know they are not nice to walk on for a long time and that they are bad for feet and back, but I adore high heels.
So glad you like my posts. I am writing what I am doing, what I have seen and experienced. That is the easiest thing. I don’t have to make anything up, it is there already. I never lie either. Far too complicated and I would have to remember all my lies… pfff too much hard work. Besides, my face is an open book. With index. You can literally read my face. So it is a good thing I never lie.
I have been told the same thing about my face Greetje.
I’m sad to know that you’re not recovering more quickly but I know that knee pain is a very common ailment.
The fact that you’re out there buying flats and garments that look good with flats shows your resiliency and a slow accepting of change. I see a nice pair of 2 inch heels as a reward in your future dear Greetje!! 🙂
Just learned today from the orthopedist that the knee trouble is still very likely to be bursitis and that it might take up to a year to heal. Oh bummer. Well, at least I know it is not very likely that I will be operated on.
What a fun event!
I quite like seeing your friends and their different styles.
Your outfit is very chic.
Did my utmost dear. And yes we certainly have different styles. We shop a lot together which is really not that wise as we all like different things. Advising each other is really more like saying “this is my taste”.
Hi Geetje,
I very much enjoy your posts over the **** years I have been following you. Thank you for showing humor at life’s twists and turns as we age. Seeing you continue to be stylish and positive is inspiring.
Please tell your friends how much we enjoy seeing the occasions you share together. We have our partners but nothing replaces good giggles with gal pals.
BTW, I am in the San Francisco Bay Area and your selected clothes fit my lifestyle here. I am so lucky to have your site to visit.
Lovely to see you with all your friends on such a special occasion… all look great, especially the birthday girl! Are you all going to Spain again this year? Love to meet them xx
Spain? Yes, if my knee allows me. We have booked Sunday the 17th of June to Friday the 22nd. If i can still not walk properly I will not come. I am not heading there in a wheelchair. Or spend my days on the balcony. But if everything goes well and I am there, we will have to arrange to meet.
what a lovely event! and what fabulous ladies!, I love to see them rocking!
You look gorgeous in red!
Oh yes, red is definitely my colour. And so are high heels haha. But not for now.
I’m sorry to hear that the knee is still bothering you. You may have to invest in a couple of pairs of stylish flats while it heals 😉 Marianne looks radiant in your photos! Looks like everyone, including the Birthday Girl, was having a good time. Definitely a very stylish crowd, including you in your red dress. It works very well over pants because of its shape.
I have invested in two pairs of trousers which look good with sneakers / flat shoes. That was my investment as you are right. While the knee is healing I have to stay on flat shoes. For me this period is a styling challenge.
I love seeing these photos of your friends! The red fishnets Marianne has are so fabulous. I can see that ALL of you are having such a great time. The whole day and the venue looks gezellig af. Given your knee issues I think you are winning the style stakes. You still manage to look very YOU in this outfit, but I’m surprised that you don’t have on a Greetje power necklace 🙂 xx
Some dresses are ruined by adding a necklace. I have bought three Sportmax dresses (retail…) and they all have this. I cannot wear necklaces with them. And yes it was gezellig haha.
Hey Greetje. I am with you regarding sneakers: still feeling a bit unsure wearing them with skirts and dresses. Being small as I am, I also think that by wearing sneakers I do not look that grown-up :-). Yours are fantastic by the way and you can really feel confident about wearing them with many different outfits. You rock girl! With your knee, wearing sneakers and other comfy shoes would even be a ‘must’ I’d say. It will give you time to get used at the idea of wearing them. It’s only your head that says no: your style says wholeheartedly yes, trust me! Love, Lieske
Ah thank you Lieske. As I will be on flat shoes for quite a while i bought myself two pairs of trousers which look good with sneakers. To console me. Oh and a striped top while I was at it 😊.
What a wonderful birthday party and I must say you look very beautiful in the red Sportmax dress ! I think you styled it casually, but in a very chic way, and it looks very flattering. I must say I am loving the red fishnets Marianne is wearing .
I also love the Zara pants and Marianne‘s son is wearing very cool trousers as well .
Love Jilke’s jumpsuit, especially the back. I am so sorry about your knees! Pain is no fun and not being able to wear beautiful shoes is frustrating. I hope you get better.
70 looks amazing here!!!
It is the casual bit that bothered me as I was aiming for an elegant look, but I have to make do. Oh and the knee… it is indeed most probably busitis and healing might take a year. Oh fun…
So nice to see all of these happy faces Greetje. No matter that we don’t know them, just pleased to see that 70 looks pretty amazing and clearly nothing to worry about! All of those classy ladies dolled up and having fun – don’t say nothing happens in your life – this looks like you all had a great time.
Anna x
Yep, 70 and red fishnet tights with heavy boots… old age isn’t anything to be afraid of anymore. And Marianne’s party was a highlight in a dreary month. Sitting here at home every day all mont and working like mad at my little desk.
Happy Birthday Marianne you gorgeous girl! I’m a big fan of red fishnets too 😉
Greetje these chairs are stunning, actually the venue itself is fab! What a special day you all enjoyed. Of course the ladies all looking equally scrumptious as the decor xx
Marianne is a cheerful sod, isn’t she? And always stylish. Her daughter has her styling genes from her I imagine.
Really enjoyed your post Greetje, as always. It looked like you had a great time at Marianne’s birthday party and it is lovely how you share your life with us and especially seeing such fabulous outfits too. Everyone looked pretty glam and you suited that dress and trouser combo ( sorry if I have said that before….blame my age/hormones ha ha !) Hope you see some improvement with your knee, glad you are embracing ‘flats’ and even gladder to hear you have been shopping !!
As I was getting convinced the knee problem and with that the flat shoe “problem” might take longer than I like to, I anticipated and bought some suitable stuff. Just heard today that it is bursitis and healing might take a year. Oh bummer. Bright side is: not very likely will I be operated on. And thank you for your compliments on the dress/trouser combo. It will have to do haha.
Very elegant ladies and with a lot of style, I always say that you have some fantastic friends. I love your red tunic or dress or whatever you want to call him over your pants. I really like the original detail of the belt on one side. I am always fascinated by the elegance and beauty of your friend Marijke, and her classic style.
It is a pity that Marijke doesn’t have a blog. You would follow her. She is indeed very feminine. As well in looks as in style. The red dress is a very good evergreen. It will last me for years. As a dress, as a tunic and as a jacket.
It looks like a wonderful time. I really like those sneakers on you, and you managed to create a fun lively look with the red dress.
Nah… still not really my style but not bad either. Nevertheless thanks for the compliments. I should really accept them gracefully, right?
Greetje, as always your post make me smile!
I am so glad they do. Anything for a laugh.
A very beautiful post! So nice to see someone with M.S. getting along so well. My mother had it, and she did not fair so well. You look great in red. Also, please do wear flat shoes as long as your knee hurts. I wear orthotics in my shoes, and have not been able to wear heels in 20 years. So, there are ways to adapt, although I must tell you I never wear dresses. Hard to dress up nicely when wearing flats!!!
I suppose that MS effects people differently. But also Marianne is a foghter and a positive person. She always makes the best of the situation. I can wear boots up to my knee which are flat. That is not so bad underneath a dress or a skirt. But I do hope to heal. Just not sure if and when.
This is lovely! I adore seeing the “friends of friends” – since I know you, I consider these people MY friends too! And I know that for me, these pictures are a lasting memory of a wonderful party. Love your red tunic, that green jumpsuit, and I counted FOUR glasses of champagne, birthday girl! ;-P
Hahaha.. haven’t heard any cmments from Marianne on the champagne just that she really liked the post. As for friends.. yes I always use the French version of what you said: Les amies de mes amies sont mes amies. Probably spelled it wrong 😊.
What a lovely post, and I’m sure a great party, your friend certainly doesn’t look 70. I went to a 70th last Sunday also an Irish Night on the Saturday and ate and ate. Don’t know how I did it but at Weight Watchers on the Thursday I hadn’t gained anything!!
Oh how delightful, eating like mad and not gaining anything. Wish I could say the same, but no. Took me a week to lose the extra kilos. Still not back on my desired weight but getting there. As soon as I can go back to the gym I am sure it will disappear. Might take a while though.
I just love the authenticity your posts always have! I I think a lot of that has to do with the way you so frequently include these joyful gatherings with friends. Always unpredictable with fashion, laughter, hugs, talking and sometimes champagne!!
I LOVE you in red and I notice that many of your galpals are wearing flats too!!
Flats are groovy.
Flats are chique.
Flats are funky.
They are NOT bleak! :-):-):-)
Created just for you my dear Greetje! 🙂
Extra hugs for Marianne in her 70th year!!
Well, as I might have to wear flats much longer than I anticipated (knee is not improving) I have bought myself two pairs of very versatile trousers which are really cute with sneakers. Nevertheless, nothing on earth can make my love for high heels go away. I know they are not nice to walk on for a long time and that they are bad for feet and back, but I adore high heels.
So glad you like my posts. I am writing what I am doing, what I have seen and experienced. That is the easiest thing. I don’t have to make anything up, it is there already. I never lie either. Far too complicated and I would have to remember all my lies… pfff too much hard work. Besides, my face is an open book. With index. You can literally read my face. So it is a good thing I never lie.
I have been told the same thing about my face Greetje.
I’m sad to know that you’re not recovering more quickly but I know that knee pain is a very common ailment.
The fact that you’re out there buying flats and garments that look good with flats shows your resiliency and a slow accepting of change. I see a nice pair of 2 inch heels as a reward in your future dear Greetje!! 🙂
Just learned today from the orthopedist that the knee trouble is still very likely to be bursitis and that it might take up to a year to heal. Oh bummer. Well, at least I know it is not very likely that I will be operated on.
Hi Greetje, lovely, funny post (as always). You and your friends all look so stylish! Excuse me, I may have missed this but what does BVA stand for? Hope the knee is improving.
Nope, knee is not improving. I am trying not to let it get me down. BVA is an abbreviation for Bond van Adverteerders (Advertisers Union). That was the association we all worked for. I hired them all haha.
What a fun event!
I quite like seeing your friends and their different styles.
Your outfit is very chic.
Did my utmost dear. And yes we certainly have different styles. We shop a lot together which is really not that wise as we all like different things. Advising each other is really more like saying “this is my taste”.
Red really suits you! Lise
Oh yes, red is definitely my colour and any colour related to red, like fuchsia and orange. As long as they are bright, saturated colours. Green (with a lot of yellow in it) is good on me too.
Correction: a few days’ time. Sorry to be a diva, but I can’t believe this one got away from me! (And don’t tell me it’s age related!)
I know the feeling. I hate typing and spelling errors. And I know I make many mistakes writing in a language not my own. And I also know it is certainly not (old) age related. Quite the opposite really.
Hello Greetje
I love Marianne’s dress, with its bright floral pattern, was it made of a jersey fabric as it seems to sit very nicely.
It looks like a fun afternoon.
Marianne was cruising from table to table in her motorized chair. I wonder whether she was allowed to drink and drive (haha). She is always very keen on clothes you can wear while sitting in a chair all the time. I have already told her she should design such clothes herself. She will not be the only one struggling with this.
Friends are so precious, aren’t they? Yes, family first, always and forever, but like you, I cherish my buddies. My best Bestie and I go back 74 years in a few days time! Crikey, how time flies! Belated Happy Birthday to Marianne x
Love your outfit. See, you can still be stylish in flats: looking good, kid! I gather The Knee is still playing up. You take care…
74 years.. wow. Yhat is a friendship you will treasure. And yes the knee is still playing up and I cannot get the orthopedist on the phone. Tuesday I might stand a chance.
So I bought some clothes online. For my troubled soul. 2 pairs of trousers to wear with flat shoes and a striped top. Wonderfully versatile. Oh and I think I found the coat from the photo shoot for the magazine. Ordered it. We will wait and see.
I always love going to parties with you Greetje!! Your the perfect hostess by introducing us to everyone and your funny narrative is delightful!!!
I was a little doubtful as nobody wants to see pictures of people they don’t know. But you do know my BVA friends by now. And it is about outfits.
Correction: a few days’ time. Sorry to be a diva, but I can’t believe this one got away from me! (And don’t tell me it’s age related!)
I know the feeling. I hate typing and spelling errors. And I know I make many mistakes writing in a language not my own. And I also know it is certainly not (old) age related. Quite the opposite really.