Misja, Anja, Sylvia and GreetjeIt is nearly Christmas. Time for family and friends, for spending time together, for cuddling your dog or cat. When I found out that all members of our little group Haarlem bloggers would be in town, I arranged a get-together. Wearing my long green jumper as it was freezing. We are all very different, in character and in dressing. Which is great for variety.

We met at Cleeff, a cosy and homely café. The streets were covered with snow that day boosting the Christmas feeling. It was only a very small layer of snow and gone by the afternoon. But so were we  😆 .

This is going to be a short post as I bet you have many other things to do these days.

Below: Anja on the left (Curly Traveller) and Sylvia (40+Style) came with me by car. Living half her life in Singapore, Anja was feeling very cold. Sylvia who had just arrived from Singapore three days earlier, was fine, wearing a lot of layers.

Below: Anja in festive sequins.


Below: Which she combined with her pink faux fur scarf.


Below: Misja (Misjab) came by foot and arrived a little later.


Below: I was there as well.

Sylvia and Greetje

Below: Misja took this picture of me and made gestures indicating I had to stand with my feet crossed like this. I replied (too loudly): ” Oh the peeing position” and all conversation in the café stopped. Everybody looked at me. Oops…. Fortunately the other customers thought it was funny. Me and my big mouth.

Long green jumper American Vintage

Below: We tried again. Everything I am wearing you have seen before, except the golden bag. Which was a present from Marianne. AGAIN. See further in this post.

Long green jumper American Vintage

Below: As Misja was leaving, I tried to photograph her outfit. She had already put her hairband in place against the cold.


Below: Three musketeers….

Misja, Sylvia and Anja

Below: … with d’Artagnan  😆 Though I am most certainly not the youngest one. Just kidding.

Sylvia, Anja and me stayed a little longer. Of course trying to photograph each other between chatting.

Below: Sylvia, snug in layers of winter whites and grey.


Below: Anja being very stylish and colourful. Very much Anja. Love it.


Below: Anja’s new boots to roam the streets of Paris at the end of this month. Cute, very cute.

Shoes Anja

Below: I am always very curious to see what I shot.

Below: One last shot of the four of us. To celebrate friendship.

Misja, Anja, Sylvia and Greetje

What happened in my life this week

Goofing in the office. This is my colleague Wouter, who had a party till late the night before. That morning he showered, grabbed some clothes and got himself to the office. No gel in his hair, no fancy clothes, he was just happy to make it. And then I ask him: “Would you like to be on my blog?” He was a good sport.

Below: Trying to look serious….(failed).

With colleague Wouter in the office

Below: The photographer had a good idea for a pose…

With colleague Wouter in the office

Golden bag
My friend Marianne surprised me with a message: Santaclause had left a parcel for me at her house. Went over there and she gave me this lovely golden bag, which you saw above (more pictures of it next week). I mean.. what am I to do with this woman? I just cannot stop her from giving me presents. Lovely presents I grant her that. She has impeccable taste and is a good listener. When I rattle on about something I like and cannot find, she files it in her brain and presto, she finds it for me. Spot on, every time.

Exercise gone wrong
Doing exercises for Knee, like cycling and lifting my legs to strengthen the muscles in my upper legs. Last week I got new instructions for the leg lifting. Oh boy, that went wrong. Did my back and side in. Couldn’t live without pain killers for a week and needed physiotherapy. While moaning with pain all the time when I sat down, got up, turned…basically the whole day. I am not a silent sufferer. Poor husband, poor colleagues. Gosh you feel old when something like that happens. Luckily it wears off.

Saw my friend Marjolein in The Hague. You have seen her in this post with the monochrome grey outfit and many times before. Totally forgot to take a photo of the two of us this week. Stupid. We were too busy looking through clothes in a second-hand shop. Left without any purchases which is good for my bank account. A day or an afternoon with Marjolein is always so pleasant. I love my friends.

Did take a picture of Helga and me having dinner at an Indonesian restaurant last Friday. Thoroughly enjoyable as always.

There is a lot of eating this month and last month… Pfff..


No Fear of Fashion


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