Kenzo topFinally I can wear the Kenzo top I bought in Paris (actually it was a present from my husband Ron). I loved the pattern but the sleeves were a bit too short for my liking. Now I am wearing a top underneath it with polka dot sleeves and voilà, problem solved. Well, this problem in any case.

For today’s background Loes and I found the archives of our province or better said, the premises of the archives which is an old and pretty building. (See more photos here.)

Below: We didn’t have enough distance to get the whole building in one shot but it gives you an idea.

Haarlem Noord-Hollands archief

Haarlem Noord-Hollands archief

Below: We started with the statue of Laurens Janszoon Coster, allegedly the inventor of the art of printing. I am wearing my lime duster coat which is great when the weather is fine but a little bit nippy.

Lime duster coat

Below: Loes in front of one of the outbuildings.

Below: Yes please, give me a green door any time. The golden bag is a gift from my friend Marianne. The sequinned sneakers are by Essentiel Antwerp (a few years ago). The blue with white striped trousers are quite old and by Marco Polo, which, I think, is a Dutch brand.

Kenzo top

Below: The green door is part of this building.

Haarlem Noord-Hollands archief

Below: Through the gate we went in search of another location.

Kenzo top

Below: We passed this front door with a beautiful tree of life on it and other ornaments.

tree of life

Below: This house looked very nice and inviting.


Below: As I sat down on the bench, the daughter of the owner arrived and she had no objections to me sitting there. Nice woman.
Can you see that I had just ‘fluffed up my hair’? Bright, big and shiny it is again.

Kenzo top

Below: We turned a corner and were surprised by all this gorgeous green in the street. The photo below shows another ‘problem’ with this top…it is rather short and thus revealing my little bum. Well, I have decided it is what it is, so I better accept it.

Kenzo top

Below: “Take a photo of the front instead” I said to Loes haha.

Kenzo top

Below: And in walked little kitty cat.

Kitty cat

Below: She (or he) was clearly everyone’s friend.

Lime duster coat

Below: As we were taking this shot, an elderly lady stopped and we got talking. She had worked in the fashion industry decades ago for a lot of well-known Dutch designers. I love such unexpected chats.

Lime duster coat

Below: Checking the jewellery. Sometimes I am like a Christmas tree. I know it is not sophisticated to wear too much jewellery, but nah…I don’t care.

Kenzo top

Below: Happy face. The eyebrows with permanent make-up are still very dark. I do hope they will become lighter soon.

Kenzo top

Below: Loes and I on the terrace having a cappuccino.

Loes and me after Kenzo top shoot

Below: This was our view: the big market square. There is a lot more space between the tables now.

Market square Haarlem

Below: And how about this little puppy? So adorable.

cute puppy

What happened in my life this week

Saturday. We went to my mum and took Indonesian food with us. As always, a nice visit.

Sunday. That was a quiet day but I did dress up as we went for a drink at Anja’s to say farewell. (Original post here.) Drank one glass too many. Had a lot of belly ache that night. Found out on Thursday what it was.

Spijkers and Spijkers trousers

Monday: This was supposed to be a jolly day: my last check-up with the piercer and back to wearing my earrings again. Alas…I have to wait another 4 weeks. My earlobes are healing really well, but one of them is still ‘not quite there’. BUMMER.

As I returned from my visit to the piercer in Amsterdam, it had started to rain profusely which was not predicted. I had left my bike at the station and wasn’t wearing a coat. Ron to the rescue!! He picked me up with his car. The sweetheart.
In the afternoon I visited an ex-colleague, a lovely woman who lives not too far from me. Very chatty afternoon. We will do it again.

Tuesday. Ron dropped me off at the station and I got on my bike for some exercise and some shopping. When I got home I got really ill: belly ache, knee ache, back ache, headache and a little bit nauseous, so I went to bed with a pain killer. Felt really bad for a couple of hours and then suddenly everything was gone and I did ironing and sewing, being my old self again. Wore old clothes.

Wednesday. Woke up with the back ache and the belly ache. AAAggghhh, if this is what being retired means, I thank you kindly but no thank you. Thinking it was my back, I had booked a session with my physiotherapist early in the morning.

Then I just took another pain killer and went to meet my friend Katrien in Leiden (you saw this gorgeous town last week). Ron dropped me off at the station and later in the day picked me up again. Katrien took photos of me and I of her, so you will see them next week. She took me shopping and financially that was a bad idea. Came home with very nice items but I need to get a grip on my spending. I know I keep saying this but not putting my money where my mouth is (pun intended). Had the back ache all day.

Thursday. Had such a bad night, pain kept me awake. Saw the doctor in the morning: most likely it is a kidney stone. Oh brother. It was a horrendously painful day. I crawled more than walk. Even had to visit the hospital early evening to get stronger pain killers. Went to bed fearing a similar night as the one before.

Friday. Such a strange experience to wake up after a good night’s sleep and feeling no pain at all. Can you image my relief, my joy? Then my doctor called to ask me how I was doing. He told me that, yes, it could be that the kidney stone was gone, but it could also be that it wasn’t and that the pain would return. Again: oh brother. But let’s be positive though. The rest of the day I took it easy in very loose clothes.


No Fear of Fashion

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