When I saw this paisley maxi dress by Boden on the blog of Midlifechic, I fell in love and ordered it.
There was a slight ‘twang’ of insecurity when I tried it on as in “Gosh, that is a lot of dress; isn’t it overwhelming?” I ignored that thought and bought it. Then when I saw the photos Kitty (Kitty Hieltjes Fotografie) had taken, the doubt came back. It went away again and…came back. In short, I am not very sure about this dress. It is comfortable although I need to find a shirt with a deep plunge to wear underneath it as it is bloody cold at the top.
We picked a spot with old buildings and old trains. The trains were great to use as a background as you can see above.
Below: This yellow train is safely locked behind a gate and is not going to run me over. The wind billowed out that skirt somewhat.
As shown in the photo above I used the fabric belt that came with the dress.
Copying Nikki of Midlifechic I am wearing tan ankle boots from kpa.haarlem (last year’s).
Below: I also copied Nikki in using a tan belt (see Nikki in the dress in this post of Midlifechic). However, Nikki has a long torso, unlike mine, so I decided against the tan belt. Another detail in this iPhone photo is the top that I am wearing underneath the dress. It is nice and warm but I find it spoils the shape of the dress, makes it frumpy.
Below: The photo below will shock you as it is really close up. It is my wrinkly chest. I don’t like the look of it and neither will anybody else I think. So I am torn. Covering it and spoiling the cut of the dress? Or showing a cleavage with those horrible wrinkles in sight?
Below: As you have already noticed, I chose for the cleavage. Only, as the photos are taken from some distance, you cannot see the wrinkles heh heh.
Below: Kitty and I wanted a really different photo pose with this ‘thing’. No idea what it is for. A heap of old rust I would call it.
No matter what I tried, I couldn’t think of a different pose, so I got the giggles. The green bag is very old and bought in Rome.
Below: Close-up of the green earrings by Lara Design.
Below: There were chickens. I can do animal sounds quite well and imitated hens. They understood me well and replied.
Below: One of the old trains on the terrain.
Below: I did the ‘Pisa trick’. You know, the classic photo of you holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa. In reality that mast was a couple of metres in front of me.
Below: Behind the window you see books about ‘Sinterklaas’ (Saint Nicholas). The celebration for children on the 5th of December (see this post for further explanation).
What happened in my life this week
With contaminations rocketing sky high and the new mutant virus from South Africa, the government issued a ‘soft lock-down’. I won’t bother to explain. Ron and I decided to stay on the safe side and cancelled a couple of dates. We don’t want to take risks.
It was a big disappointment that I had to cancel my date with Janna of @timelessstyle.nl on Monday. We were going for a high tea in Amsterdam Central Station. Luckily she got a coupon for the money she had paid in advance. Let’s hope we can do it in January 2022, the dullest month of the year. On Friday I had another long-standing date with a friend to go for a lunch in The Hague and I cancelled that too. Bummer. The only thing I dare now is one-on-one meetings at a distance, at my home or their home.
I visited mum and was able to bring her a special ‘cake’ that my friend Antoinette served me last week. Antoinette got it for her after I explained it reminded my mum of her childhood. Antoinette gave it to her brother who lives near me and I picked it up Sunday on my way to mum. Easy peasy.
Below: Mum enjoying the ‘cake’.
(You may think “She wore this blue jumper last week too”, but that is a different one haha.)
Rest of the week was dull. No friends to see, nowhere to go to. I am still well-dressed every day but I am beginning to wonder (like the rest of the world): WHATEVER FOR?? Jogging trousers and a sweater will do. This blog might become totally different, folks.
Below: To cheer myself up (and because I couldn’t resist them), I bought these golden deer for the dark December month. They have a bit of fake fur around their neck to keep them warm.
I am helping Marcella of Lara Design with uploading her earrings onto an online wholesale platform which is quite a lot of work. But I am very happy to do so. It gives me something to do and I can support a friend with a small business.
Walking the dog with Ron is quite an event on a day. Watson doesn’t only like to run like mad, he also likes to play with other dogs.
Below: Cheesy, far too long video of Watson playing. Watson is the brown one.
Another ‘event’ is the gardener coming round to discuss the plants and lay-out of the garden for next year.
Because Ron’s daughter and her husband will be visiting this week, Ron suggested to bring out the Christmas stuff. This is weeks before we would normally do it. As we will be celebrating Christmas at their house, they can have a taste of our Christmassy house too.
Below: Ron said: “Shall I take a photo for your ‘What happened in my life this week‘? How sweet of him. Here am I sweating away. Climbing up and down that ladder, twisting and turning, is the worst thing I can do to my arthrosis knee. It was painful but the tree is lovely. It is in a plant pot in the middle of our room. As four plants died in that spot due to lack of light, we bought a plastic one. When Christmas comes, the plastic plant goes into the shed and the (fake) Christmas tree goes into the plant pot. It is never in the way, it is high up so dog Watson cannot sweep the ornaments to the floor with his tail and it makes our Christmas tree look bigger. Such a good solution. Well…apart from the ladder climbing.
Below: Loes came over for a cup of coffee and to show her new glasses. I think she chose really well.
And on Friday Karlijn of kpa.haarlem sent me a message that her website was live again, filled with all her new clothes. Her newly filled website is in Dutch and meant for the Dutch public, so if any Dutch person is reading this, go and have a look.
Below: I knew that was a lot of work, so I went up to her shop with a cake and a candle to celebrate. We shared the cake (it was delicious) and had coffee.
And that was my week dear readers.
Hi Greetje, from Aotearoa/New Zealand – I would love love love to see a pic of you in the dress if you do go ahead and shorten the sleeves and hemline. I don’t have good styling ideas myself, but as soon as it was suggested, I could see it working brilliantly. Hope you had a good Christmas. We had a very hot one here (it’s the middle of summer).
Nga mihi, Vicki
Thanks for the good wishes Vicki. In Maori no less (hurray for Google translate).
It is such a crazy idea to know that Australia and South Africa are in the middle of summer, while we are freezing here. But that is how the world turns (literally). I will have to take a look at that hemline this week. It is amazing how quickly the days fly by and I don’t even work! It won’t be necessary to shorten the sleeves as I can just pull them up. But the hemline does need some work.
Just catching up on your blog. The dress is really special—in a good way. Maybe you could try a black belt, wide but not as wide as the brown. The brown looks a little “sporty”. Deep pink or violet could work. I can’t tell if the dress is lined? If not perhaps your seamstress could add something into the top that wouldn’t bunch up bu would be warmer. About your décolleté, who will be close enough to really see the wrinkles?
Also, our decorations have been up since the 3d week in November. My husband would leave them up all year if he could. Merry Christmas!
If the clear daylight hits me hard, then you can see the wrinkles from miles, believe me. On the other hand, so what? Will people turn their head away in disgust? Probably not. I do have a beautiful black belt which is not as wide as the brown one. I will try.
My husband isn’t into Christmas at all, so he surprised me a lot this year.
I agree when you say that “it is a lot of dress”, but the colours are very nice on you. It’s not my favourite shape of dress on you, but who cares what we think?
I love your gold deer, and your tree looks lovely. I only have a very small tree that fits on my coffee table, which I am perfectly happy with.
I think we are going a bit overboard with Christmas decorations haha. The dress is still a “thing”. I will take it to the seamstress. See how it looks when I chop 15 centimetres off.
I adore that dress, Greetje but I know what you mean about it having lots of fabric. I bought a dress in a similar style this year too and I haven’t worn it out yet! I also want to wear a top underneath it because it’s not warm enough at the moment. I think I’m going to wear a brightly coloured polo neck. Is that not an idea for you?
Suzy xx
Thanks for the tip, but polo necks and I do not agree. I am thinking of shortening the dress and pulling the sleeves up a bit. I’ll pin it to see how it looks.
WELL, so many comments on the dress. YOU CAN CARRY IT!! a different color and wider belt (neutral) seems to center the dress. Don’t worry about being short torso!!! shorten the dress by 15-20 cm. I would also shorten the sleeves at elbow or above level to lighten it upstairs. Its more chic. And Voila you can have a really nice dress that is fun and turns you in the summer into a “coquette”. the boots are OK!
Loes looks cool and trendy with her new glasses and outfit!!
As for the virus isolation, as a scientist i think that the whole thing by now is becoming a travesty!! this pandemic is turning into an epidemic just like the flu and we must just get over it!! Take the vaccine and grin and bear it. The more people get the virus the easier its going to be for the future. the mask scheme is just BS, as viruses are so small they pass through most anything,and if you cough or sneeze do it against your bent arm!! And one should be responsible for ones health by paying attention to ones weight (40% of Americans are considered OBESE) with its underlying consequences, i.e. diabetes, high cholesterol, heart dysfunctions, etc.. all of which weaken ones immune system!!! the indoor mask requirement is nothing but FAUX Security!!
Hope you stay healthy and happy for the new year.
Yes, the dress knows lovers and haters; nothing in between. I think I will take your advice and shorten it. That seems to be a solution. Shortening the sleeves is easy as I can pull them up. When I first read your comment, I thought you did NOT liked the dress haha.
As for the virus, that subject is too hot to handle, like politics and religion. I will stay away from a discussion. Well, at least on the blog. Today I tried to get an appointment for a booster vaccination and I got one. Only to find out that I booked a test haha. It is not yet my turn they said. Fortunately they are speeding, so it won’t be long until it is my turn. I could book an appointment for my mother though. She is born in 1928 and hadn’t received an invitation for the booster yet. Mum joked about it and said: “They probably think, let’s just wait to see whether she dies before we give her a booster”. Black humor.
I am a regular reader of your blog and enjoy it very much, thank you. Normally I do not talk about dresses and how well it suits everybody. For me it is how you feel in it. Forget the signs of age, we all have it. Look at your giggles photo. For me it is the best photo of this shooting. And by the way, Loes new glasses are perfect for her. Well chosen. She looks stunning. In the future there are two models in one shot, don´t you think?
Have good time.
It is so nice of you to comment. And to read my posts of course. Makes my life as a blogger very worthwhile. Especially when the comment is as positive as yours.
I will make sure Loes gets your compliments as well. When she is my photographer, she will be in the post. As she is les of an ‘exhibitionist’ like me (haha), she is less keen on being on the internet. But her posing is improving with every new post.
Hi Greetje, this is my first time commenting but I’ve been reading your blog for over a year. I love your style – not just your clothes, but reading how confident and joyous you are. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of your world! Especially how you can start a conversation with anyone, even chickens. I love it!
I like the dress, it looks great. I don’t think you need to cover up anything as you look fab, but as an idea, I like to wear these mesh tops to cover my upper arms when I wear sleeveless tops to work. It’s the best of both worlds – a hint of skin and some light coverage too. You can get a good selection of colours.
It is true, I can (and will) start a conversation with anyone haha. I just love interacting with people. Thanks for your link to the mesh tops. I actually have a pair of mesh sleeves, but hardly ever use them.
I will look into the ones Dance Elite is offering. Perhaps they are better.
And thank you even more for following my blog, for commenting and for your kind words. These things give so much joy to this blog hobby of mine.
Oh Greetje, the dress is lovely! You look so pretty. And I love your hairstyle. Perfecto. Always nice to see your friends and your Mom.
p.s. Very pretty Christmas tree
p.s.s. Watch out climbing ladders!
Ah, another fan of the dress. Apparently you either love it or hate it. I think I will look at another styling of the dress to see whether it helps to get the ‘twang’ out of my belly.
You are right about climbing ladders. While decorating the tree, I once missed the last step and that could have been very bad. I don’t know how many years I can still do this.
I love this boho air dress. A lovely print. As for your wrinkled cleavage, what to say? In my opinion, it is YOUR cleavage and that is part of you, of your whole body, which, as a whole, is a mature and beautiful body. Wrinkles don’t bother me, I think they are our reality, our life and that is wonderful. By the way, climbing the ladder you look … very attractive! LOL
I was really curious about your opinion, knowing you are always honest. And I will say: your comment lifts my spirits. If men aren’t bothered about my wrinkles (my husband neither), why should I care? Thanks very much my friend.
Hi Greetje, Love you laughing in that photo. Wish I knew you personally as I bet you are a lot of fun to be around. You have an amazing figure and the paisley dress hid it entirely! I, too have been tempted on this kind of dress and even though I am tall I am not rail thin, I am average so it would not look good on me I am sure. Your Mom is adorable and that blue looks terrific on her. Love the deer, the tree and the boots you are wearing climbing the tree. Loes looks smashing in her outfit and her new glasses.
I know some clothes don’t show off your best features, but I am totally OK with that. It is just that I don’t know whether I ‘drown’ in the amount of print and fabric. I still am not too sure. I will try styling it differently.
The boots I am wearing climbing the ladder, were a present from my friend Marjolein. We have been exchanging clothes and shoes since we were 21.
What are all these people on about? The dress looks wonderful on you! Haha! Now you’re extra confused right?
Yes, I am extra confused, but I am glad you like it. On Instagram everybody is enthusiastic about the dress (but how honest are people on IG?). And I have friends (always honest ones) who really like it and don’t like it.
I think I will try some different styling until I (as in ‘me’!) am not uncertain anymore.
I love the print of the dress, but it is a lot of dress. If you don’t love it, I say send it back. I love the idea of maxi dresses, but I struggle with styling them. My décolletage is like a road atlas, so I certainly relate to the problem with a deep V-neck.
Your tree is lovely, and I share your interest in communicating with the chickens, being myself somewhat adept at clucking.😉
I cannot send it back anymore Sarah as I took the labels off. I had to laugh when you described you décolletage haha.
From one clucker to another…cluck cluck. (Oh, what a terribly bad joke.)
I love this dress! I will agree with others, though, that it might be better with different styling…metallic accessories or maybe a bright yellow? Could you take it to Karlijn for advice, even if you didn’t purchase it from her shop? I’d also try pinning up the hem a few inches and try even shorter, too. Can you tell I really love this dress?! I want it to work on you!
Thanks for your honesty and useful tips Wendy. Karlijn would certainly help me style it. I have to brood on a solution for a while. Will be keeping all your tips in mind.
I love the dress on you, Greetje, but I feel it needs a bit more styling, like an equestrian type of jacket over it, with a brown belt under it. Or go colourful with a yellow belt and heels. Pink would also work well.
Great-looking tree! I love Loes’ glasses – very nice. Heh, your mum is like mine: will only wear certain colours and has a lot of them!
Belts and me are difficult because my upper body is short. Perhaps a long vest? As different styling might help.
Yellow heels I am still searching for.
As a matter of fact my mum likes a lot of colours. It just was coincidence that she was wearing blue again. Usually her tops have a pattern. Two blue jumpers with no pattern is a first.
I love the reindeer! and your tree is beautiful. we have a fake tree also. we decorated it and will leave it that way and just shove it into the closet. then just pull it out next year!
Oh what a wonderful, easy way. Shoving the tree into a closet, lights and ornaments and all. We have quite a small house and certainly no spare closet to do the same. Otherwise I would gladly do that.
I have to agree with other’s comments here. It too much fabric, even for a person of your build, who could carry it off. In thinking about it, I wonder if shortening it a few inches would help. Or, making it into a skirt instead. I can’t see anyone else being able to carry it off as well as you can. What does Ron think?
Otherwise, a delightful post. Sorry you had to cancel getting together with friends. But, we are all doing that now or will in the near future.
You know, I don’t really know what Ron thinks. I think he liked it, but I am not sure whether I have asked him.
There are friends who like the dress a lot and there are friends who don’t like it at all. Same here on the blog. On Instagram it 95% in favour of the dress but I am not so sure whether they are honest on IG.
Anyway, as long as you like the post, that is what is most important, and you did.
Hello, you!
Your Mum looks good, Loes’ new glasses look good and you look good in your black coat and also up that stepladder, but…
you need to ditch that dress!
Love the deer though!
Have a good week and stay safe x
I love people being honest so thank you for your heartfelt comment haha. I am going to try some different styling with the dress first (I cannot send it back anymore.) If everything fails, somebody will be very pleased when I give the dress away.
But I must say, there are also friends who think the dress is great. Very confusing.
Hmm, the print on the dress is really lovely, and you’re certainly tall enough to carry it, but somehow it feels a little too…Bohemian maybe? Could a tailor adjust the skirt to remove some of the fullness? What about a bright belt in one of the colors in the print?
Your tree is quite pretty and festive, and I love the little golden reindeer!
Absolutely loved you in this dress and the way it was styled.
Oh.. lookie here, there are also women who like the dress. Thank you. Most of the people on the blog don’t. Half of my friends like it and the other half not at all. Difficult dress.
That could be it Susan. I have fallen for Bohemian before and I know it isn’t me. I will try some different styling of the dress to see what I can do with it. A bright belt isn’t going to help as my upper body is too short for that. You can see that in the photo with the tan belt.
I am happy to be so early with the Christmas decorations.
>>There were chickens. I can do animal sounds quite well and imitated hens. They understood me well and replied.
LOL! This is a very good skill to have. 😉
Hahaha.. you should hear me around small dogs; you know the ones that bark at you through fences? I bark back and if I do, my husband goes back home haha. He hates me doing it.
One time when I was still single, I barked at little dogs on the balcony of the appartment above me. All of a sudden I heard a deep and loud bark of a big dog. It turned out to be the next-door neighbour haha. Two people and two little dogs.
It sounds like that dress is not for you. I think it looks fine, but you know what you’re comfortable in, and I sense this dress is not it. Beautiful colors though.
Love the deer with their fur collars – they made me laugh. Also love Loes’ new glasses. I’m looking for new ones myself, and I think I’m going to go with cobalt blue frames.
If you like dog videos, here’s a series I think is so funny:
I might have to style the dress differently; I don’t know. The fur collars of the deer make them less serious, don’t they? Good for you, to choose blue frames for your glasses. I love colour in anything.
I had a look at the dog videos, they are funny. They remind me of Stella, a similar dog with an account on Instagram. I follow her. Oh and sausage dog accounts. And cat.Billy.
Thanks. Billy the cat looks just like my late cat Rascal.
Have a good week!
I think I like cat videos even more than dog videos. Do you know Maru? The Japanese cat? He tries to squeeze his body into very narrow boxes.
I thought your butt looked very good when you were on the ladder. Only mention that as you say you don’t like it and it doesn’t look good in this or that outfit.
Happy Holidays, and stay safe.
Hahaha… thanks Linda. I appreciate this comment very much. Yes, my butt in jeans isn’t too bad, I will admit that.
Such a pretty dress! I also fell in love with it on Midlife Chic, but as I am so short, there is no way I could wear it. Your tree is so pretty!
The tree is also very handy in the plantpot. Just today Watson’s big tail swept a glass from the table. I am so happy that the tree and all its lovely ornaments is way up high.
The dress remains a “I don’t know”.
Dear friend, I love the Christmas tree; good job! I agree on what you said about the dress , I also think it is too much dress. Not my favorite one for you; sorry. The boots and belt combination is very nice, but the belt is not for you to spice it up. You know your body very well. It is a boring time now, but I do hope this all will come to an end soon. See you soon.
Thanks for the compliment and for your honest comment. You know how I appreciate honesty. Apparently this dress has haters and lovers. Especially on Instagram 95 % are lovers. On the blog there are more against it.
I have no idea anymore. Perhaps a bit of different styling might help.