Black and blue Vivienne Westwood blouseSearching for an outfit worthy to be photographed, I looked through my album “outfits still to do” as I photograph outfits I have come up with and which still have to go on the blog. Handy.

So I trot out the jeans again, my favourite item of clothing. I combined this wide leg pair with a black and blue Vivienne Westwood blouse.

Initially I combined the blouse with dark blue straight jeans (see below):

Outfit still to do

But…this was a photo from 2021. I gave away the boots as they were too high for my current lifestyle and perhaps I gained weight? Or the photo above is a flattering photo (they usually are when they are not that sharp haha). When I put those jeans and the blouse on, it wasn’t favourable, so I opted for wide jeans.

Below: Marita was my photographer and we met at Spaarne 66, a restaurant with a terrace at the canal called Spaarne in Haarlem. Such a good spot, especially because it was warm and sunny that day. End of October!

Marita at Spaarne 66

Below: I actually needed my sunglasses.

Black and blue Vivienne Westwood blouse

Below: See how the clouds are shaped as the curve of the canal? As if they want to mirror the water.

Spaarne Haarlem

Below: While enjoying our drinks, the old swing bridge in front of us, opened to let a ship go through. Such a great sight. Near the end you can see the white drawbridge further down the canal in upright (open) position. Marita and I were talking in Dutch (obviously). I was waiting for the bridge to close but another ship was approaching from the right and it took too long.


Below: These boats didn’t need the bridge to open.

Spaarne Haarlem

Below: View to the other side from our terrace spot.

Spaarne Haarlem

Below: We started the photo shoot and Marita directed me to the (now closed) swing bridge. Wearing my bag the wrong way round…sigh. I never learn.

Black and blue Vivienne Westwood blouse

Below: I wore a black blazer (brand Joseph). It is the first item of the ’10 items a year’ challenge. Bought it at LAB Women’s Clothing. It is an investment piece that will last me a long time. (Link to original post on the blog.)

Black and blue Vivienne Westwood blouse

Below: In front of a house which used to be a grocery store in the old days. They kept the signage.

Black and blue Vivienne Westwood blouse

Below: Showing the blue sparkly stars in the black blouse. It is a sheer blouse which is THE trend at the moment. No way I will be wearing it with no bra and no tank top, as they do on the runways. Have you ever seen a woman in the street like that? I never have.
My friend Katrien (see her in this post) gave me this designer blouse. Sweet! (Link to another blog post with this blouse and a pencil skirt.)

Black and blue Vivienne Westwood blouse

Below: The bright blue earrings. They are Lara Design but she only had this one pair.

Black and blue Vivienne Westwood blouse

Below: Time to take a photo of Marita. Always so well-dressed. Colour coordinated too, like me.


Below: One last, totally superfluous photo of my outfit. The chartreuse bag was on the blog in this post.

Black and blue Vivienne Westwood blouse

Below: Oh, beautiful kitty. Looking grumpy but I bet that is just her ‘resting bitch face’. That is the way I look too when I don’t smile.

Sweet cat

Below: Houses and terraces at Spaarne, photographed from the other side of the canal.

Spaarne Haarlem

Below: Oh glorious day.

Spaarne Haarlem

Below: On my way home, I stopped at kpa.haarlem and…found Anke in a dressing room. “You are just in time”, she said, “help me choose the size of this dress. Do I need a Small or a Medium?” Always happy to help, although she decided on the size herself haha (Small).


What a happy day it was. Friends, sunshine, views, coffee, chatting…my kind of day.

What happened in my life this week

Sunny Saturday I had coffee and lunch with Yvonne (below) in a former railway station, now restaurant at Overveen. The train still stops at this station but the station building is now a privately owned restaurant, called Klein Centraal (Little Central). The enamel nameplates you see on the wall behind us come from a church which interior was sold. They used to be on the pew places people bought.

Yvonne and me

Gorgeous weather, so much better than the day before. Cloudy and cold it was on that Friday before, so perfect weather to clear out a closet and give stuff away for free through the Dutch equivalent of eBay. Always a bit of a hassle when people start sending you messages “Is it still available?”, “Can I come and get it?”. Understandable of course, that’s why you put it online. Gone in a day.

In the evening we took Ron’s brother and his wife out to dinner for his brother’s birthday. Ron was feeling nearly his old self again and we had a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Forgot to take a photo.

Sunday Ron surprised me with his offer of a photo shoot in the dunes. That went well and Watson got to play and hunt rabbits (which he never catches).

Monday I had my 3-monthly check-up to see whether the cancer cells from my kidney operations were not planning a come-back. Luckily they weren’t, so the next check-up will be in three months and then the periods between check-ups will become longer.

On Tuesday my friend Marjolein took blog photos for about half an hour. After that we sat in a restaurant for 2 1/2 hours, chatting and laughing.

Marjolein close-up

Wednesday I created a good outfit. By accident, I should add. The styling started off totally wrong and then, all of a sudden, I saw a particular dress hanging in my wardrobe and bingo, that dress was the styling answer.
In the afternoon, Marcella (of Lara Design) came round and we created feedback for her agency on the first design of her new website. To be finished on Friday.

Thursday the dentist took another look at the molar as the problems hadn’t disappeared. He will remove the molar in 14 days. Too bad, but it prevents further problems.
Babysitting granddaughter after the dentist visit.

Friday my doctor removed ‘lumps and bumps’ on my body with nitrogen. Gross, the way these things grow and seem to multiply when you get older. I cannot stand them and now they are gone. Very satisfying. It didn’t hurt, just some slight stinging.
Marcella came round again and we finished working on the feedback for her website builder.
Below: Marcella at work, shipping an order in between what we were doing.


It has become cold in the Netherlands. Gloves and hats weather. A new phase.


No Fear of Fashion


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