Wide black trousers with the soft yellow jumperYou have seen part of this outfit combination when it was featured on the blog for the first time. For today’s blog post I combined the wide black trousers with the soft yellow jumper differently. I changed the black boots for white trainers, used a different necklace and thought the striped earrings with the red button were a perfect excuse to add a red bag. That’s the reasoning behind the styling and everything was already in my wardrobe.

Below: As I wrote last week, it began to rain minutes after Ron and I started the photo shoot in an almshouse courtyard. I only have two photos of the first minutes.

Wide black trousers with the soft yellow jumper

Below: I expected the absence of wind in the courtyard. Not really. Wind and rain upset my hair so it upsets me.

Wide black trousers with the soft yellow jumper

Below: The entrance to the almshouse courtyard.

The entrance of an almshouse courtyard

Below: A few metres before the courtyard entrance, I spotted another one, but I have no idea where this leads to and whether it is accessible for random people to walk through.

Beautiful old entrance in old Haarlem

Below: In preparation of the post, I envisioned the outfit to look like this. I tugged the jumper down while in real life it rides up a bit. I held my belly in, straightened my back and stood wide legged to emphasise the shape of the trousers. (The colour of the jumper in this photo is the right colour in real life.)

Wide black trousers with the soft yellow jumper

Below: And off we went to restaurant De Dakkas, which is sort of a greenhouse on top of a 6 stories high car park. Big windows, high up which means a lot of natural light, no wind, a WC to check the hair and a nice cappuccino.

Wide black trousers with the soft yellow jumper

Below: Artistic photo by Ron.


Below: Soft yellow and a soft (hint of a) smile. I love the repetition of the stripes in the necklace and the earrings (the latter by Lara Design). The black and white necklace with two tiny yellow beads is by Angela Caputi. I love her statement necklaces. I tried about five other necklaces and as soon as I put this one on, I knew it was perfect for the outfit. It is that moment when you look in the mirror and immediately think YES.

Wide black trousers with the soft yellow jumper

Below: The leather trainers are Ama-Brand. Ron orchestrated this sitting pose.

Wide black trousers with the soft yellow jumper

Below: And this one.

Wide black trousers with the soft yellow jumper

There weren’t many opportunities for different backgrounds. Winter photo shoots are hard for an amateur with no money.

What happened in my life this week

Poor dog Watson had a set-back and is scared again at night. He doesn’t want to go outside for a pee after 6 PM. So sad and worrying.

Saturday I had an appointment with a wig and hairpiece shop, Jennifer Hoeve. I went to get information but they were so good, showing me the right hairpiece (hair topper) in the right colour, that I bought it on the spot. It is made with real hair and cost a pretty penny. Fortunately, I knew the price of such a thing, so I was prepared.

Below: This is what my own hair often looks like. Of course I “fluff it up” by backcombing the hair at the top, but the slightest whiff of wind will destroy the result immediately. Which is why I have to “do” my hair several times during a photo shoot as I want to look as nice as possible.

Flat hair

Below: This is the hairpiece I bought. On the left you see the inside, the gauze with six little combs which you click onto your own hair. It looks like a giant spider. On the right the hairpiece sitting on my hand. It is cut and styled after my own hair. I have a simple hairstyle and a fringe makes things easier too.


Below: This is what I looked like when I got home that Saturday morning with the hairpiece on. Can you see how happy I look?
I have to say that I still need a bit of practice to get used to it and have it styled immaculately, but that is a matter of time.

Hair with hairpiece

A few days later I cut the fringe a little more. The hairdresser in the shop didn’t dare cutting it any further after several warnings by me not to cut the fringe too short haha. After all it is a hairpiece, the hair doesn’t grow anymore.

Apparently, I can wear it all day, every day without damaging my hair but I won’t do that. I bet bald women don’t wear their wig at home either. It is not that the hairpiece hurts or anything. It is like having a ponytail or wearing a couple of hairclips (which is what it is, after all). Most of the time I don’t even feel it. We will see how I’ll get on with my extra hair and whether it is indeed not hot in summer, as they claim it isn’t. But you can be sure that I’ll be wearing it every photo shoot from now on. No more whimpering “My hair! My hair!”

Sunday was a day of blogging and practicing getting the hairpiece on and off.

Monday my doctor looked at my pinky, which has become a trigger finger again. We decided that injections were not going to solve it, so I now have an appointment for an operation with an excellent surgeon who operated on Ron’s hand too. He specializes in hands.

In the early afternoon Loes and I had a photo shoot. She immediately saw there was something different about my hair. After a short shoot (it was freezing cold) we had coffee/tea and cakes.

Later that afternoon I met Helga for a drink in restaurant De Roemer.

Below: Helga. My goodness, this woman looks good. She is 69 but if you say 40 or even less, you’d believe it too. Helga also immediately saw there was something different about my hair. I told her about the hairpiece, something she doesn’t need at all. She has thick, wavy hair. We always have such good laughs and that Monday afternoon was no different.


Below: Wearing the same jumper on Tuesday as is featured in this post, but with wide jeans, bright yellow shoes and a green necklace with a blue lapis lazuli pendant. In this photo I don’t wear the hairpiece but I backcombed my hair. Plus, no wind in the bedroom.

Jeans outfit with soft yellow jumper and bright yellow shoes

Wednesday the electrician came to check on our light spots in the bathroom. We have had them since 1995, which is remarkably long and now one of them broke down. We thought, we’d better change them all as they were apparently at the end of their lifecycle. The electrician gave the broken-down spot a gentle touch and it worked again! Amazing. That was quick and cheap.

Just think, when there would be no craftsmen anymore, no advice and no service, just the internet and online ordering…how expensive would that be?

Another advice matter happened with buying batteries for our landline telephones (we still have one for emergencies). They needed new rechargeable batteries so I went to the hardware store and picked up a couple of packages. As I was about to pay, the guy behind the counter (whom I have known since 1995) said: “Did I hear you mention they are for a telephone?” When I agreed, he changed the batteries for a different kind and said: “You had the wrong ones. They are rechargeable but they are not suitable for telephones.”

Had I ordered them online, it would have taken me so much time and effort to find out that there are different types of these batteries. I dread the day normal shops are gone because internet pushed them out of business.

Thursday I had my first Mensendieck appointment to get me sitting, standing and walking straight. Got instructions for the first sets of exercises. Alas, he doesn’t guarantee a smashing result.

Later that morning I saw Misja (blog MisjaB) for coffee in town. And yes, there were cakes. Life of a pensionada (me) is pretty good.

Below: Misja. She had shortened her trousers to make them into a fashionable cropped style. Wearing Dries van Noten booties.


Below: I was wearing this outfit. (Link to original post with this outfit.)

Black leather jogging trousers with white blazer and colourful necklace

Friday I visited Selma in The Hague. We chatted the whole afternoon and visited some shops but didn’t buy anything. Totally good afternoon.

Below: Selma in her gorgeous coat.



No Fear of Fashion


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