Shopping in Antwerp

Shopping in Antwerp

These are my colleagues and friends Sabine (on the left) and Anke (in the middle) with whom I form a (whatsapp) group called Shopping Saturday. Because we love to go shopping and as we are fulltime working girls, a Saturday is the day to do so. We have already been to...
Bloggers get together

Bloggers get together

It is getting quite busy here in The Netherlands with bloggers coming and going from all over the world. OK,OK that is a bit exaggerated. Still, in July blogger Dan from The Pretty Cute was over from Italy and now Suzanne from Suzanne Style Files (Canada) is staying...
Shopping in Amsterdam… at the Albert Cuyp market

Shopping in Amsterdam… at the Albert Cuyp market

Of course markets are alike all over the world. Still …shopping in Amsterdam at the Albert Cuyp market is a nice experience and worth reporting on.  Lots of food for very low prices. (I mean strawberries for € 1.50 in February? That is cheap.) Lots of flowers,...
Shopping in Amsterdam the Nine Streets area – part 2

Shopping in Amsterdam the Nine Streets area – part 2

Same shopping tour, same clothes, different steps, different street, no scarf.  Great to link the two posts about the Nine Streets by two similar photos. By accident fooks, this was not a deliberate strategy, not a plan. As you have seen in my previous post about the...
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