by Greetje | Aug 19, 2018
The Haarlem Bloggers got together one last time this summer and I decided to wear my bright pink sweater. I bought it from South of the River and I love the impact of the colour. Yes, it leaps out at you. Fine by me. Sylvia of 40PlusStyle has left for New York, Anja...
by Greetje | Apr 29, 2018
As I have stated in previous years, you don’t need to look like a fool on King’s Day. Traditionally the day when everybody goes mad in The Netherlands. We celebrate the King’s birthday (April 27) with flea markets everywhere (the Dutch love to make a...
by Greetje | Feb 18, 2018
This outfit with the purple velvet jacket was put together by me and myself. Shopping your closet is always a good idea, but never really my favourite pastime. I know, I know, many of you are frowning now. Not very sustainable. But look at if from another point of...