A cream jumper, a city beach and a city market

A cream jumper, a city beach and a city market

Loes and I set off to a city beach in Haarlem, called Oerkap on a sunny day to document this cream jumper. It was just the right temperature for it. Apparently I am a woman of contradictions as I like this cream jumper just as much as I liked last week’s...
Green and yellow silk blouse, so pretty.

Green and yellow silk blouse, so pretty.

There is a saying in the Netherlands ‘Wat je van ver haalt, is lekker’, meaning ‘What you bring (fetch) from far away must be good’. It is a nonsense phrase of course as you can get beautiful things nearby too. In the case of this green and...
Again, orange clothes. And my friend Marjolein

Again, orange clothes. And my friend Marjolein

Yes, I have been at it again. Not going on holiday to Spain with my BVA girlfriends left me sad and needy. (I know, it is pathetic and a very first world “problem”). After having worked the Monday when I was supposed to be on holiday, I decided against...
Bloggers get-together in Haarlem

Bloggers get-together in Haarlem

It doesn’t happen often, but we were able to arrange a mini bloggers get-together in Haarlem. Misja (MisjaB), Anja (Curly Traveller) and I live in Haarlem and Sylvia (40+Style), although Singapore based, almost always spends some time in Haarlem in the summer. We all...
Blue cardigan jacket and my BVA friends

Blue cardigan jacket and my BVA friends

Right.. 2018.. first blogpost. Back to normal. I wore this blue cardigan jacket with the striped leggings when visiting Marianna. She is one of the members of the BVA friends group which you have seen many times. Marianna decided to move to the east of the country,...
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