There is a saying in the Netherlands ‘Wat je van ver haalt, is lekker’, meaning ‘What you bring (fetch) from far away must be good’. It is a nonsense phrase of course as you can get beautiful things nearby too. In the case of this green and yellow silk blouse however, it is certainly true. I discovered it on Yvonne’s blog Funky Forty when she did a post about staying positive during COVID 19. Yvonne had purchased this blouse at a shop called Golden Carrot in Zürich, Switzerland. So I asked Yvonne for the brand (Attic and Barn) and trawled the internet. Nix, nothing, nada, zilch. I turned to Yvonne again and she arranged that the shop owner of Golden Carrot (Cristina) sent the blouse in my size to the Netherlands. I had a great telephone conversation with Cristina about size and how to send it. She was so helpful and seems a really nice person. And sure enough a couple of days later it slipped through my letterbox. I am soooo pleased with it.
This photo shoot was made by Kitty (at a distance) and she delivered so many good photos that I might overdo it again with the number of pictures. But take the first photo above, isn’t that mural fantastic with the blouse? It looks as if I am bathing in sunrays.
As for the length of my posts, you were unanimous it should stay this way. That pleases me no end.
Below: We started on a bridge with part of the mural behind me. From afar you can see the mural shows a boot, a quay and people. My soft pink spring coat is by Filippa K and a couple of years old.
Below: When you are close to the blue background it seems to be only blocks of blue. The silver belt is by Essentiel Antwerp, the silver pumps by Dune, the bag by Coach and the jeans by G-Star Raw.
Below: Another really good head to toe shot, this time with the green mural behind me.
The Botermarkt in the centre of town was our destination, not in the least because there was a café there which sold good coffee to takeaway.
Below: The old pharmacy called Van der Pigge, which now sells herbs, vitamins, food supplements and stuff like that. They are renowned for their knowledge. The history of this family business since 1849 is very interesting, but unfortunately only in Dutch. Perhaps if you use Google Translate?
Below: Of course, the shop is closed due to Corona which is a shame as they have such a lovely interior. The dolls with their mouth open in the window were signs in the old days to indicate a pharmacy. The mouth is open to take medicines. This was only used in the Netherlands and part of Belgium.
Below: Showing off the bell sleeves. My mouth is a line because I am concentrating standing on one (high heeled) leg. Every time I brush my teeth I, stand on one leg to exercise balance.
Below: The blouse is left long at the back and tucked in at the front.
Below: Close-up of the silver pumps
Below: Close-up of the Coach bag. The little purses at the side do open.
Below: OK girls, one last shot with a close-up of the blouse. If you want this blouse as well, there is one left in size S but there are also blouses of the same material with short sleeves. Contact Cristina of Golden Carrot if you are interested.
Below: We cycled across the market square to get coffee. I absolutely do not like wind blowing my fringe back. But this is reality my dears.
Below: Café Mogador, where we got an excellent takeaway cappuccino and latte to go. (Gloves for Corona protection.)
Below: Kitty enjoying her latte outside (according to Corona rules).
Honestly, I held back in showing you photos of this outfit. Kitty had shot so many good ones.
What happened in my life this week
Saturday was Ron’s birthday. Our birthdays are only two days apart, both being Aries. As you will understand we had a quiet day. Wore this red tiger trouser suit, which I adore. Link to the post about this tiger suit. It was the first photo shoot Kitty did with me and it was fabulous.
Sunday was quiet with walking the dog. We saw these two trees intertwined: an oak and a beech tree. See? Real love overcomes differences haha.
Below: A bench made from a tree.
Below: Ron always teases me when we go through a park or a forest and the tops of the trees reach one another. I told him I love this sight when we had just met.
No outfit photo but instead three stages of the peonies I bought. See from left to right. They go from bright pink to yellow/white.
Monday: No big stories to tell about Monday, so just the outfit. Link to the post about King’s Day 2018
Tuesday: Wore this outfit. A checked silk shirt, new boyfriend jeans by G-Star Raw and my Marks & Spencer yellow suede pumps. Yellow clip-on earrings.
In the afternoon I went to the cobbler and drove by friend Marianne’s house. We sat in her garden at the required distance. I am afraid I must work on my welfies.
Wednesday. Had a long and lovely chat with neighbour and friend Anja in her garden. Another lousy welfie.
Nothing interesting to say about that day, so here is the outfit I wore. Link to original post. In Wednesday’s outfit I have changed the belt, the bag and the earrings.
Thursday: Another visit to my mother, sitting in her garden at the required distance. Did some shopping for her. My outfit was the same as Wednesday’s as I had only worn it for a couple of hours. The weather is still so warm that I lay in bikini in the garden every day from 15.00-17.00 hours.
Friday. Fitness, cycling and going to the seamstress. Sunbathing in the afternoon. All very boring which is why I didn’t really bother dressing up. I AM SLIPPING. Help. I just put on an old (but still rather nice) sweater from the Max Mara outlet and some old jeans and ballerinas. On my way back from cycling I crossed town and stopped at the shoe shop. A month in confinement made me buy three pairs. I really need some new summer shoes and they happen to have just exactly what I wanted. Only, now that I am retired, I have to watch my spending a lot closer. How will I adjust?
Great, interesting post Grettje – oh and entertaining too as ever! Love that red tiger suit, I have seen it before and its amazing! We are following very strict rules in lockdown here in the UK. We are all very bored with the situation but having to accept it! No shops (apart from supermarkets) are open so no take away coffees for us and we arent supposed to go out apart from shopping and exercise!
We aren’t supposed to go out apart from grocery shopping and exercise either. STAY AT HOME is what we are asked. My stepdaughter reads my blog as well and she is quite cross/concerned with our behaviour. As Ron and I go out in the street and talk to neighbours. And I go into shops to get new shoes (aiii) or hold-ups. But I do keep my distance and wash my hands all the time.
Shops have begun to re-open, usually from 12-17.00 hrs. Even clothes shops. When Ikea re-opened it was madness again, far too many people together. NOT the way to go!
I haven’t shopped for clothes “old school”, but that is also because my retirement money doesn’t stretch as far as my salary did. It is generous, but I have to watch my spending far more.
That blouse is amazing on you. I just looked at the Golden Carrot website and there are so many clothes and shoes on there, that I’d like… but no prices. I hate having to enquire. You should consider taking up interior design in your ‘retirement’ – I love seeing the photos of your gorgeous home. x
Ah, well Gill, I have to admit that the stuff Golden Carrot is selling, isn’t cheap but it is great quality, which lasts longer. My blouse was 297 euro’s (CHF 299) and I know that Cristina sells a lot of Chie Miharra shoes and they aren’t cheap either. Have a look at her Instagram account. She often (but not always) puts prices with the outfits she shows. Like with this one (CHF 389) for the off-white jacket:
Cristina is a very warm person. I am sure she doesn’t mind at all if you email her to ask for a price. And she does understand it when it is too steep for you.
As for interior design hahaha.. no dear, I stink at that. We have had three changes of sofa and chairs, all bad, before we created this living room. And with “we” I have to say we had a big say in it, but we did need the help of professionals. If you haven’t seen the room before in details, type in the search box: colourful living room.
I’m a long-time reader of your blog who has never commented before. I just wanted to say how much I look forward to your posts every Sunday. Even more so in these strange times. Your blog is fun, grounding, and uplifting. Thank you for injecting some literal, and metaphorical colour into Sunday evenings. Oh, and, what a stunning blouse that is!
I am so pleased with your comment Rozanne. And I am honoured, both by your long-time readership and by you making the effort to comment. That is so nice for a blogger. It is the fuel that keeps me going. I am not that interested in the quantity of readers (at the moment about 5,000 unique visitors every month), but I do love loyal readers.
I agree with you that the blouse is stunning. I adore it. It is so me.
I simply love that green and yellow blouse on you Greetje.
Have a wonderful week ahead!
xoxo Yvonne
And I love the blouse on you haha. Thanks again for your help to buy this beauty.
Your photographer really outdid herself on this post. The clothing and the backgrounds are so painterly. Love it Love it.
I too am envious that you can go out so easily. We here in California are wearing masks and we are supposed to limit any shopping to once every two weeks at grocery store. Otherwise it is home delivery and take out. Very boring. I can’t wait to shop at the Coach outlet nearby and check out a colorful bag like yours, or to to look at a beautiful silk blouse. Your idea to dress every day in another cute outfit is genius. Love this blog.
Home delivery of groceries isn’t that simple. We are a country with everything very close together, so most people always got their groceries in the shop. The network of home delivery isn’t prepared for this much demand. If I want to book a delivery, the supermarket gives me either no available dates or a date three weeks from now. It doesn’t mean I like supermarket shopping. It doesn’t feel safe but so far so good. I use gloves and am extremely careful. We have run out of masks in the Netherlands and I haven’t made one myself.
The problem with America is that the health system isn’t as social as it is in my country. People in my country are all certain they will get medical treatment without it costing them an arm and a leg. Which leads to less spreading.
But I agree that being able to take walks or ride my bike (for exercise) is very nice. Also we have little chats with the neighbours at a safe distance. That all makes it more bearable.
Yesterday I wore a very fancy high heeled outfit all day and felt terrific.
Thank you very much for your compliments about my blog. I am so pleased you like it that much.
So many lovely things here in your post: your gorgeous blouse, the “touching” trees (I love that too), lush peonies, your tiger suit, your old max mara sweater. Stay healthy, happy, and vibrant. 🙂
p.s. you might like this tree story
Greetje, I cannot resist and must send you this one too 🙂
Thank you very much for the links. I read them and I love it. Especially the sentence “each tree forces its neighbors into a pattern that maximizes resource collection and minimizes harmful competition”. Now that is cooperation, that is working together and that is what we should do. We would all benefit. I so hope this virus will force us back into such togetherness. It is of course not in the interest of the rich and the rulers.
Love the green and yellow blouse. Perhaps your Dutch saying means that whatever you buy from a long way away has to be good to make it worth going the distance and means you can get as good close by, do you think.
No, there is some sarcasm in the saying. It isn’t meant really mean, but it isn’t very complimentary either. It is a strange saying.
Love the blouse! I think I may be about to take a look at the Golden Carrot’s website – oops. I also love the photos of the trees and outdoor bench. When I visited Tilburg last May I was impressed by the amount of trees and greenery in the city – well, at least near the university which I was visiting.
Hope you have a lovely week!
The shop owner of Golden Carrot is very helpful. If you want another photograph of something, she will send it to you. Have a look at her Instagram postings as well.
We usually have quite a lot of greenery in our cities. Actually I think a city without greenery is a dead city. I once went to Dallas and thought it was like a mausoleum. I need trees.
Sounds like you can still have a bit of a ‘normal’ life there. Here literally everything is closed. I get out once a day for a walk and that’s it. Ticket is booked for Europe though. Couldn’t get to The Netherlands, so we have to go via Frankfurt. Expect me in Haarlem at the end of May. Of course we’ll have to quarantine ourselves…. so may not be able to see you for a while.
Alls great looks and fabulous blouse!
Well, I am surprised you could book. Do they let you in? Do you have to go into quarantine for a fortnight once you come off the plane? Well, dear, I will be here as I don’t think that our week’s holiday in Spain beginning June 2. is going to happen.
Another collection of lovely outfits and photos. While I love your new blouse, I think you look amazing in the red top/white jeans outfit. Your legs look miles long!
Making my legs look miles long has become a sport Cynthia. It works very well with flared trousers and high heels too haha.
The red top is also a classic for me. Never any need to get rid of it.
Oh that blouse is absolute perfection! I can see why you had to have it. I really like the yellow bag with it too. Very cool that you were able to take good shots from a distance. (Am filing that one away for future reference.)
Do you keep your heels on all day at home? I’ve been trying to avoid wearing street shoes indoors, but I MISS MY SHOES!!!
A photographer has to be at a distance of at least 1 1/2 metres anyway, so no problem. Only if Loes would be my photographer we have a problem. Because I am the one who will set the camera and she takes the photos. So we switch the camera regularly between us which is now a no-no. So I solely rely on Kitty. And of course on Ron.
You have adopted the Japanese way, have you? No shoes indoors. It makes great sense. So much cleaner. But I am afraid we are still barbarians and wear shoes indoors. Usually all day except for the evening.
I love your hair! It looks so healthy, and the style is flattering. Do you wash and style your own hair or go to the salon on a regular basis? What does it take to keep it looking so good? Please share.
Oh Meg, everytime somebody compliments me with my hair, I burst out laughing. My hair is thin, straight and there is very little of it. However, I have a very good hairdresser who cuts it in a way it looks thick and lovely. I can blowdry it into shape myself fortunately (twice a week). I go to the hairdresser every six weeks and pay a lot of money. Worth every penny. However, when the wind blows I scream “MY HAIR”!!
That blouse is perfection on you! The shape and colors are very flattering. It was definitely worth the hard work to find it.
I’m curious…do you see many people wearing masks in your neighborhood or town? Here in California, most people wear them when they leave the house. I guess it is more when they go into a shop than when they’re outdoors, as in your photos.
Thanks for the lovely, sunshiny post. Your posts are often the best part of my Sunday.
Thanks for the compliments Wendy. No there are very few people wearing masks in the Netherlands. But I have been wanting one for going into the supermarket. Only there aren’t any for sale anymore. I will have to make them myself. And I am glad I can entertain you on Sundays.
You are doing excellently with your dressing up during COVID, Greetje! Well done! I’m in love with your new blouse, and dang, girl, you look so good in jeans! Legs a mile long, I tell ya! A very Happy Birthday to you and Ron!!
I’m jealous of your shopping – I’m SO tempted right now to book a shopping trip at my local consignment shop. This is the longest I’ve gone without shopping in decades!
Good to see you – you are looking gorgeous. Retirement agrees with you!
I have really made a point of dressing up even though we are locked in the house. Sometimes I have to give up. If the day consists of exercises, lunch, laying in the garden and nothing else, then there is no point.
The street where I live is my catwalk now. I go to the garbage container more often haha.
And yes I do have long, good looking legs. Which is why the focus is on them.
You on the other hand have a fantastic bottom and a beautiful hourglass figure. We all have something.
I can understand that no going to your local consignment shop is like kicking off of drugs for you. Poor thing.
I love your new blouse, the red blouse and the beautiful peonies.
Could you sell some of your less loved items/shoes to help fund future new purchases Greetje?
I never sell clothes or shoes that I don’t want anymore. I always give them to someone. I am afraid I get jynxed if I sell my second-hand stuff haha.
Greetje, I always look forward to your blog. The background, the history and other information about Amsterdam and other locations is so interesting. I have been to Amsterdam twice, both now years ago. I love your love of bright colors and the care in putting so many outfits together. By the way, I think you look good in flat shoes. I have many pairs of high heels and a shoe fetish like you, but no longer wear them often as I am retired. Thank you for your blogs. I look forward to hearing about Watson and Ron. I also love your living room decor. All in all, a well done, cheerful and informative blog, Greetje. Thank you.
I am so scared I might not wear my high heels anymore now that I am retired. I love my heels. Even if it takes another job, I must wear my heels.
Flat shoes are doable but much more difficult for me with flat feet and a very low instep. Your compliments are highly appreciated. Thank you very much and I will keep on entertaining you (I hope).
Such a pretty blouse, and you look radiant. I really like all you other outfits too! You do have some great clothes.
My wardrobe is a carefully selected treasure trove, I will admit. Years of passion and dedication haha.
Haha ! My husband and I are aries too and our birthdays are a day apart. Enjoying your blog posts every Sunday which are like a ray of sunshine to start the week !
We Aries are a fierce bunch haha. I love your comment. And how apt that the first photo in this post is a ray of sunshine as well.