Another photo shoot by my husband Ron’s hand in his allotment garden. I am wearing a very bright yellow jacket, which will probably not be everybody’s taste. Bright colours however suit my complexion best and I do not mind the attention it draws; actually I never notice it. Once I had a dress in this colour and that was quite the entrance. I used to yell “Here I am, Happy Egg” as in Dutch this phrase rhymes and made everybody smile or laugh.
All kidding aside I love this bright yellow jacket and especially the shape. It is perfect for my figure and I have been searching for it for a long, long time. All jackets were either too boxy, too wide, too long, too short or double breasted…a lot of things that do not flatter me. This one by Essentiel Antwerp is perfect. They also have it in white and bright pink. The bright pink one is going fast in the larger sizes. This brand is so utterly my taste.
And now I have to be careful. One of my blogging friends quoted a blog guideline, which I know: “Don’t post too many pictures of one and the same outfit” and I immediately thought… “hmm, I think I do that all the time”. It is so hard to kill your darlings. But I suppose it is correct. As soon as you start showing too many of the same, it is as if you love yourself A LOT, bordering on narcissism.
Below: We first went to the dunes. I get Ron’s idea that the iron statue (not in the picture) would have been a lovely background, but the sun was too bright and the wind too fierce. Not really a pretty picture.
Below: One last head to toe shot. As you can guess when you are a regular reader, I would have preferred high heels with this outfit, but that is not a good idea when you are walking around in a garden. Plus, these sneakers by AMA Brand don’t get too many outings anyway. The jeans are by G-Star Raw, the striped top by Jolene Jolink, the Marcie mini bag by Chloé. The sneakers you have seen before in this post.
Below: We shot some photos inside Ron’s little shed…oops… sorry…little house. For this shot Ron was standing outside, taking the photo through the window.
Below: A close-up of his cabinet with vintage items.
Below: And a close-up of his favourite chair. He would love to have this chair in our house too, but it is too deep, taking up too much space. The drum is his side table.
Below: I cannot help it. I cannot kill this darling.
Below: Or this one. That is six photos of me in the yellow jacket. Tell me honestly: is this an overkill?
What happened in my life this week
Saturday: I wore a new jumper (sweater) with my grey summer trousers. As happened before, the jumper hasn’t been featured in a post yet, so I am saving it. I did wear high heels that day and my neighbours were quite shocked haha. What I can show are some new clip-on earrings. So far I can keep them on for about 4 hours which isn’t bad. I decided to order a few cheap ones to bridge the time until I can have my earlobes pierced again (July??). They are green but the colour isn’t right in this photo.
In the morning I visited Anja, obeying all restrictions. She opened the front door and retreated high up her stairs, I walked through her house not touching anything, into the garden where there were chairs she hadn’t touched for a month. Of course I brought my own coffee and water. We had a great chat in the sun for about an hour. Then the water I drank forced me to go home, if you catch my drift.
Coming back from Anja I put a couple of folding director’s chairs outside in front of the house. As soon as the chairs were unfolded, the neighbours gathered. Four women chatting happily, all the required distance apart, sitting in the sun. It was lovely to catch up.
Sunday the weather changed and it was a lot colder. In the morning I cycled for half an hour and then washed my hair. I decided not to spray “camouflage” on the outgrow as I was going to dye it on Wednesday. In the afternoon I Skyped with my friend Jeanne and Facetimed with Susan of Une femme d’un certain âge. It is not the same as being together in Paris as Susan and I had planned for this day, but it is some compensation. Did some blogging, some laundry and poof…this day had gone as well. I really wore this green dress and those high heeled boots that day. The boots are getting better to walk on. Link to the post with this Essentiel dress.
Monday: Even colder… brrrr. I did all my exercises except cycling, but I already did that on Sunday. My friend Helga and I went for a walk of an hour, keeping our distance and it was bloody freezing. Here is Helga, only her coat was cream with black and sand coloured spots and it looks pink in this photo. Sorry, I couldn’t get it right.
I read that day, blogged some and admired Ron’s paintwork of the shed. This is what I wore and here is the blogpost of 2015. The trousers and top are green, not black.
In the afternoon when I went out for my walk with Helga, I changed the shoes (the spot on my leg is a spot on the mirror….). Mind you, in the evening I had to switch this summer jacket for a sweater.
Tuesday: At 11 o’clock Kitty and I went for a short walk and bought a cappuccino and latte to go, keeping our distance of course. Facetimed with Yvonne of Funky Forty in the afternoon, did some blogging and bought a power plug for Ron. Followed by some more blogging and the day was over. Gosh the days go quickly. Wearing a white sweater (Marc by Marc Jacobs), a pair of green coated trousers by Hugo Boss and brown boots by our famous Dutch shoe designer Jan Jansen (see more designs on this Pinterest account). The belt and bracelet are second-hand. The original post of trousers and sweater is here. And here is the post with a better view of the brown boots.
Of course when I went walking with Kitty I switched the high heeled boots for my sneakers again.
Wednesday. A big day, the day to dye my hair. Just as I was to start, Ron came in and said: “I will listen to your instructions, I will not get angry and do it the way you want it. Let me do it for you.” Knowing how we can get into a fight, I had dismissed his help earlier as I want to keep my marriage safe. He was so good, did it in no time, exactly how I wanted it and SUCCEEDED. My hair is without grey outgrow. I used the dye and hydrogen peroxide of the hairdresser and did it the way I had seen them do it so many times.
That day Ron also planted two trees in our garden for which he had to do a lot of digging. There were very large stones in the ground which made things difficult. He is my hero. In return I cooked dinner and walked the dog in the afternoon (saying all sorts of nasty things to myself while the dog was pulling like mad).
Thursday was my birthday. We had coffee with the “neighbours” of Ron’s allotment garden. I am really a retired person now. HELP. Then again, it was sunny, it was friendly, it was relaxing. I should not complain. Below a photo of Ron’s allotment garden (well, part of it as it is 300 square metres).
Lots of messages and telephone calls of people congratulating me that day. In the afternoon ‘bikini and stretcher in our own garden’ was on the agenda again. No outfit photo as I wore a new outfit. Yes…. again.
Friday. My car was at the garage for new tires and some adjustment and the day was filled again with exercise, sunbathing and reading. It is getting really boring for you to read. Which brings me to a question: do you think my blog posts have become too long? Should I shorten them?
Happy Birthday!
I have been reading your blog for a year now, and I enjoy it tremendously. Don’t shorten your posts, please.
Be safe and healthy!
So nice to hear you have been reading my blog for a year! I am so pleased with your compliments. And no I will not shorten them. Today (Sunday) I will publish a post I really like. I like some more than others, but my readers sometimes think differently.
I will keep you entertained.
I never notice how many of the same outfit photos I or anyone else posts, so long as it’s worth looking at. My favourite piece from your post has to be Hugo Boss trousers and that fabulous belt – omg, I would love these, although my hefty thighs would never fit in them, hahaha!
How wonderful that Ron managed to do your hair for you. I had to cut my husband’s hair at the weekend and it was such a challenge – not short enough on the top, no – don’t shape it like that – I then had to chop some more off the front the next day. Groan! As for me, I’ll just let the grey grow in and snip some bits off the fringe when I need to.
Enjoy your retirement – well, it does look like you are anyway xxx
The belt was a second-hand one, although still not that cheap, but it is such a good one right? the Hugo Boss trousers were so good that I also bought them in burgundy. Years ago, but I feel they still are in style. Fortunately these days so many styles go. In my youth if it was mini, then mini was all you could get AND wear if you didn’t want to be awkward.
I have ordered a special fringe knife (holder), but now they have run out of blades haha. My husband is easy. As long as I trim the hair in his neck and around his ears, he is happy. I cannot cut my hair at all, so I let it just grow. Pleased with the dye though.
Happy birthday, Greetje!
Another vote for not shortening your blog posts. I’m kind of disappointed when they’re on the short side. You’re always a good read and love your outfits. Very inspiring. Cheers!
That is so good to hear Pat. Especially because English is not my native language. You make me feel very proud.
Love your blog! I don’t think it is too long! I wait all week for it! Love those shoes
Sue, I am very flattered. Thank you. To think somebody waits all week for my blog post! Awesome. I will continue to keep you entertained.
Hahaha, thanks Elizabeth. I got some good advice from Sheila (of Ephemera) who said I could have varied by showing the back of the jacket and showing it done up. Lauren also softly said that three photos in a chair might be a bit much of the same. All good constructive remarks which I will keep in mind next time we do a shoot.
Frankly, I think your posts should be how YOU want them, and not as long or with as many pictures as others say you “should” have them. I personally would have liked a shot of the back of the yellow jacket, and one with it done up – I like all those kinds of details. The colour is spectacular, and you know I would just steal that off your back, Greetje! How do I not have a bright egg-yolk yellow blazer like this?? I wish we had Essentiel Antwerp stores here – but that would be very dangerous for me!
Your new clip-ons are lovely! They look great on you. I actually prefer clip-ons for bigger earrings, as they are far easier on my old lobes. I also love your green coated jeans – they look amazingly badass on you!
Ron is indeed a hero, for his gardening, hair-colouring (wow, I would never get L to do that!), and photography of you in your outfits! Way to go,Ron! The least you can do is walk the damned dog, Greetje, lol!
I’m glad you got to do some “distanced” meetings in person with your friends. It’s great to Zoom/Skype, but it’s not the same as seeing people in person.
And finally, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!. I hope you had a wonderful day, and all the best to you for a great year ahead!
I am glad you commented as lengthy as was my post haha. You know a thing or two about lengthy posts as well and I always love them. So much to see.
Of course you right that it is how I want them to be, but on the other hand, you publish for a reason. In my case: to entertain people. So I want to know what my “audience” wants/needs/expects after which I can decide whether I want to give that. Marketing research.
Thank you for you suggestions about the back of the jacket and it being done up. Very helpful and very right. I will keep this in mind.
Ron is indeed a gem, but so is L. He just does other things for you. Like playing along in your games.
Happy Birthday. thank you for the gift of your blog every week.
Ah Sharon, what a sweet way of paying a compliment. Thank you very much.
Your blog is not overkill. I enjoy it very much. Why change it? It’s fun. It’s good.
Well, thank you very much Linda. That is good to know. As it seems to be everybody’s opinion, I will keep the posts as they were.
I look forward to Monday mornings when you appear in my inbox. Your exuberant style is such a tonic, and I love your honesty.
I also very much enjoy the photos of beautiful places you visit in the neighbourhood, and I would love to stroll around Ron’s allotment.
Keep doing what you’re doing, for as long as you enjoy it, you’re always welcome around here.
Thank you Julie/Jules for your heartwarming comment. I feel very flattered. I love creating my blog, it is my hobby as dressing up is my passion. So I will continue to try and entertain you.
I so enjoy your posts…you make me smile and sometimes laugh. You have such a unique voice. Keep it up, please!
My blog started because of my passion for dressing up. Creating a blog provided me with a hobby, something which I never had and craved for.
Over time my blog has become my means to entertain people. Outfits will always be the basis, but entertaining is my real goal. So I am very pleased with your comment and will continue.
As my daughter always says, “You do you.” So keep your blog just the way you want it to be. I always look forward to reading it on Sunday night! You were worried about retirement, and look how busy you’ve been. Love the yellow blazer. I had a blouse that color in high school and I loved it…it was 1970 after all…but I guess it was the wrong color for me. I used to get “side-eyes” from my classmates in their tie-dyes and hippie bell bottoms. Love Ron’s shed. Very eclectic and creative. And, Happy Belated Birthday! Carol in VT
Perhaps you only thought you got “side-eyes” or perhaps they all loved your blouse and were a bit envious. Remember it is good to stand out and not wear the same as everybody else. We human beings always strive to be unique. Whether it is the right or the wrong colour for you I don’t know of course, but it certainly isn’t wrong based on your arguments.
My retirement is indeed working out well, but I don’t know how I will feel in the long term. Of course these days aren’t normal so I will reserve my opinion for later in the year. What surprised both Ron and me, is how well we get on. We were both a bit apprehensive about both being home.
Ron is a very creative person with great ideas. He has a unique way of looking at the world, at problems that need to be solved. Thank you very much for your comment and your birthday wishes.
No don’t shorten your posts, I always enjoy reading them – also the bloggers I will continue to read and follow are the ones who are still posting as usual and with plenty of content. The bloggers who are not bothering will be the ones I will be deleting! Thanks Greetje.
May I just add that for a lot of us who are confined to barracks our blogger friends are a bit of pleasant “visiting” for us, gives us an idea of what others are doing to cope.
Well Anne, that is very good to hear. Thank you for your lovely comment. So far everybody is of the opinion I shouldn’t change the length of my posts. That warms my heart. I will continue to entertain you all with my chit chat.
I love to read your blog and see your fashion posts. As long as you enjoy putting it together, please continue to do so. Glad you are keeping busy and finding fun things to do during retirement and the restrictions of the moment. Stay safe!
My blog is my hobby (I finally found one, yay) and dressing up is my passion since I was a child. Thank you very much for your comment and your compliments. I will continue in the way I have so far.
Don’t change a thing! Love your blog, pictures, your friends, how you spent your week. And Ron of course!!!
That is so good to hear Kathleen. And Ron is very pleased as well haha. I won’t change anything. My readers are unanimous (so far).
Please don’t shorten your blog posts I love them – in fact I’d be happy with more blog posts of a similar length. Maybe some beauty products?
That is very good to hear Lesly, thanks for commenting. More blog posts isn’t possible as it takes me a lot of time to create one and I want this to stay a fun hobby. If I have to do more posts it will feel like work. And working I like to do with people, not so much with a computer being on my own.
Beauty products is a no no as well. You might find it strange, but I have absolutely no interest in beauty products haha.
Greetje – Please don’t shorten your blog posts. My Sundays are always better with your blog. Your writing style and photos of outfits are very entertaining, and I really enjoy hearing and seeing what’s going on in your life, especially now when we’re all staying home. I also like seeing how you and your friends put outfits and colors together. My wardrobe is much more subdued, and it’s good for me to get some inspiration – thanks!
That is very good to hear Anne, it pleases me very much. So far all readers who comment have the same opinion: “don’t shorten your posts”. YAY.
You will have to wait a bit for me and friends as that is not possible at the moment, but I try to maintain contact with them. For my mental sanity.
I don’t know- 3 sitting in chairs shots with the yellow jacket might be a bit much… but I LOVE the long blog posts so it’s hard to say! You look great in bright colors- though I love last week and this weeks green and white outfits too!
Hi Lauren, you are right: 3 sitting in chairs shots is a bit much. I will restrain myself even further next time. I like that you are very honest with me, you give your honest opinion and usually I think “hmm she is right”. It doesn’t happen much on blogs that people give honest comments. I love to hear compliments (who doesn’t?) but I am a very direct and honest person myself and can appreciate constructive criticism.
As for the colours, yes bright colours are my favourite as they make me shine, but sometimes you just want something else. I like the white sweater outfit too and surprisingly I like it best with sneakers.
I literally was checking back on my comment because I was worried it sounded too critical- so glad you didn’t take it as that! I love your blog and it always is such an inspiration to me!
Darling, you will have to be a lot (and I mean a LOT) more critical before I think it is too much haha. You are talking to a Dutch person. We are rude in the eyes of the rest of the world in our directness. It is quite the contrary, I like your constructive remarks. You are usually right. That helps me. So thank you for being honest.
Hi Greetje,
Your blogs aren’t getting too long. Have been enjoying your blog for a few years now. Love your yellow jacket – not many people can pull off that color. ☺️
Thanks a lot Paula. You are not the only one who wants to keep my posts this size (YAY). Bright yellow suits me very well but it surprised me when I changed hair colour. I used to be a brunette and yellow was one of my preferred colours. Then I turned blond to minimize showing the outgrow and I thought my “yellow days” were over, but no, it still suits me. Soft yellow or any pastels for that matter, are horrible on me.
Include my vote as well …. do not shorten your posts (I do enjoy reading about your week)
It has been over 2 years since I had the pleasure of walking in the Netherlands while visiting family ….. so I always look forward to hearing about your walks/adventures. I can pretend I am there😉
Also like your photos of your yellow jacket …. each photo shows your lovely look at a different angle so we can appreciate what clothes you have put together.
Thanks Wendy, I won’t shorten my posts. All my readers are unanimous in this (so far). I presume you had nice weather when you were in the Netherlands otherwise you would probably not look back in such a fond way haha.
I appreciate your opinion on the number of outfit photos I post, but I will be careful about it. I usually want to show the whole outfit and the details. I hate fashion magazines that give you a picture of an outfit only showing you three centimetres of a blouse and in the subtitels tell you about the shoes which are not even in the photo.
Please don’t shorten your posts, Greetje, I like hearing about your week. Even during lockdown it sounds filled with chat and laughter.
What a blessing Ron sounds.
I especially liked your white jumper outfit.
Thank you for your comment. I won’t shorten my posts as the reactions are pretty unanimous and pleases me very much.
My days fly by so quickly and it is easy to just sink into a chair and read and not move at all. I force myself to do exercises and to arrange virtual or real meetings. I think that is so much better for my physical and mental health. For laughter I have my husband who has the best sense of humour. We were both a bit apprehensive about both being home all day, but to our surprise and delight we get on very well.
As for the white jumper outfit, I like it too and I even like it better with sneakers than with high heels. Very unusual for me.
Happy belated birthday – not do not shorten your blog posts – particularly at the moment we have so much more time to read and enjoy.
That is true, we do have more time to read. Perhaps I will ask the same question again in a year or in half a year’s time. For the time being I will continue Jane and thank you for your birthday wishes.
Love the happiness of your yellow blazer, especially during this time of social distancing. I think your blog is great. I like hearing about the way your days are filled since I am a fellow retiree but in a different country.
Everybody is so positive about the length of my posts! I must have different readers than other bloggers. From what I had read on other blogs most people wanted short posts. So Sheila, you made me very happy and I will continue.
Your blog posts are perfect in length! Please don’t change. A nice balance of fashion and chat. Have fun and stay well.
Ì am overwhelmed by all the positive comments on the length of my posts. I never expected that and it pleases me no end. Thank you very much for your comment.
A Belated Happy Birthday, Greetje!
I love that yellow jacket, It’s a great fit and suits you well. And Ron did a great job as photographer. I enjoyed seeing his collection of vintage items you told me about.
And I’m coveting Helga’s coat. Our “coat season” is a short one, so it doesn’t make sense to buy any more of them, but they’re always the pieces I’m drawn to.
As far as I know you have a lovely leopard coat yourself. And aren’t we always most drawn to things we cannot have haha?
Please don’t shorten your blog posts! I love reading them, and I love all the photos. You look amazing in that yellow jacket — such a happy color.
Thank you Cynthia for your “vote” not to shorten my posts. ‘Happy’ is exactly how I describe this colour. It either blinds you or make you happy when you see me in this bright yellow haha.
No love your blog so dont shorten it! Nice to see how someone else fills their days in lockdown! I have been retired for 5 years and am still finding it difficult not being able to go out easily and meet my friends. We meet and chat at a distance but how good was freedom???
Ah… Joni Mitchell: “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”. Freedom is what we all want. Well… except for Janis Joplin (“freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose”) but she was heartbroken at the time and then you don’t really know what you are saying haha.
Thanks Linda for your vote not to shorten the posts.