My grey boyfriend jacket styled by The Style Confessions

My grey boyfriend jacket styled by The Style Confessions

As many of you know, this grey boyfriend jacket is a problem for me, because of the colour and the shape. I have shown you many outfits with this jacket (part 1, part 2 and part 3). Then Heather Fonseca of The Style Confessions offered everybody to style an outfit and...
Last article on my grey boyfriend jacket

Last article on my grey boyfriend jacket

Here are my last combinations with my grey boyfriend jacket. I think these combinations are the nicest. Although… perhaps I can make it even more interesting with my new black modern shoes…..As Nanne suggested: I am scrunching up the arms of the jacket to...
My grey boyfriend jacket problem part 2

My grey boyfriend jacket problem part 2

As I have said before you are going to see a lot of my grey boyfriend jacket. Because it took me so long to come up with a good combination for the jacket.Here are 7 more photos of trying out different things. With jeans, with white trousers, with other tops, with...
My grey boyfriend jacket… problem part 1

My grey boyfriend jacket… problem part 1

When I saw this jacket on the sales assistant I thought it was sóó cute. Of course it was. She was 5 ft 4 (1 meter 65) and I am 5 ft 74 (1 meter 75). Oversized stuff always looks cute on small girls. So why didn’t I realize that it would not necessarily look...
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