Orange snake print shirt

Orange snake print shirt

Personally I would call this orange snake print shirt, a python (print) shirt. But not everybody knows which snake they are after. And perhaps I am wrong thinking it is python. No doubt my friend Lisa (The Sequinist) will set me right as she knows these things. You...
Long green skirt

Long green skirt

Entering modern times with another midi skirt. Since I have big jumpers and know how to use them on skirts, I am less afraid of buying long skirts. This long green skirt was in the sale for € 60 which I thought was a very reasonable price. I bought it after having had...
Floral tights and a red skirt

Floral tights and a red skirt

All items of this outfit are from my own closet; the only new item are the floral tights. To document it all for you ( 😎 ), my photographer Loes and I went to the Music Building in Amsterdam, called Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ. It is a beautiful building with...
Styling failure of a coral wrap

Styling failure of a coral wrap

This coral wrap doesn’t look that bad, right? Still, it is a styling failure as far as I am concerned. I tried to make this lovely piece of Irish lambswool suit my style. But whatever I tried, it didn’t feel like me. Only when I was snuggled up on the...
Green print T-shirt dress (thrifted)

Green print T-shirt dress (thrifted)

Grinning like an idiot. That’s me most of the times. Suffering severe cold temperatures in this green print T-shirt dress. Yes, T-shirt dress. Nothing warm about it. Standing in this wind-free corner it wasn’t too bad, but there were other moments when the...
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