Enjoying the last sunny days of fall

Enjoying the last sunny days of fall

Unbelievably warm for the Netherlands in October. These khaki trousers are supposed to be for spring and autumn yet I was quite warm wearing them. Ron (husband) and I decided to hit a terrace in Haarlem for cappuccino on this lovely and warm Saturday morning. We chose...
Leopard print top with cream pleated skirt

Leopard print top with cream pleated skirt

This leopard print top is exactly right for the fall weather. Not too warm and not too cold. Usually in the Netherlands, this in-between-weather lasts for about a week, almost 2 weeks. Then we plunge into the cold. There are many in-between-clothes in my wardrobe and...
Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

We intended to make our shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat, another event for the Shopping Saturday girls. Unfortunately Anke was feeling too poorly to join us and cancelled that morning. Sabine and I were already on our way and decided to go through with...
Bright yellow top with bell sleeves

Bright yellow top with bell sleeves

Absolutely not everybody’s taste, this bright yellow top with bell sleeves. When you enter a room, dressed like this, you definitely stand out. For me that is a bonus. I don’t want to be invisible, quite the contrary. At my work we were psychologially...
Bloggers get-together in Haarlem

Bloggers get-together in Haarlem

It doesn’t happen often, but we were able to arrange a mini bloggers get-together in Haarlem. Misja (MisjaB), Anja (Curly Traveller) and I live in Haarlem and Sylvia (40+Style), although Singapore based, almost always spends some time in Haarlem in the summer....
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