Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis SchuytstraatWe intended to make our shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat, another event for the Shopping Saturday girls. Unfortunately Anke was feeling too poorly to join us and cancelled that morning. Sabine and I were already on our way and decided to go through with it. The shops and fall collection were beckoning. Sabine drove me and Knee to the street itself and I only had to cross the street or move from door to door. Knee was very cooperative. As you can see in above picture I was wearing my favourite G-Star Raw boyfriend jeans, my Vic Matié sneakers, an old black summer jacket and a white belt. The cream top is by Filippa K, a sales score.

Of course we started with cappuccino. There is no better way to start a day.

Below: Sabine, such a lovely person to photograph.


Below: How Italian is this picture? We don’t have to go far in The Netherlands to get that relaxed feeling. Sabine was wearing the jeans she scored on our last Shopping Saturday trip in Haarlem. Plus a cuddly ochre yellow sweater, her LV bag (birthday gift) and floral sneakers.


Below: Close-up of the sneakers.

Floral sneakers

We started at Wynia, a shop with nice clothes, not so obvious brands and an owner (Nynke) who is a stylist. The shop is on the corner of Cornelis Schuytstraat and Willemsparkweg. Really worth a visit.

Below: Our attention was drawn immediately to this golden coat. Sabine tried it on but she was too petite for it. I sat on the chair most of the time as to be kind to Knee.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: Sabine pulled things from the rack so I could see the clothes as well.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: She bought this marvellous blue hat with a fun application on the side. The coat was nice but a bit too big.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: As I love these kind of hats, I tried one too. Nope… not the same. Not at all. It tips at the back (not straight on my head) making the hat look old fashioned. My head isn’t shaped the right way. If I put the hat on straight, you cannot see my eyes anymore. So I said goodbye in my mind to lovely hats like this.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: Nynke, the owner of the shop had this red jacket on.  I had seen it on the rack, but it didn’t appeal to me. When Nynke was wearing it, I suddenly loved it. This happens a lot to people. Are we so unimaginative?

Below: I tried on size small but needed medium. Only small and large were available. Nynke will try and get a medium for me.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: Close-up of the belt I am wearing. Found this at Wynia a couple of weeks ago.

White belt with metal

Below: In addition to the hat, Sabine also found a belt at Wynia.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: Time for lunch next door, with two coupons for cappuccino as a gift from Nynke. It was lovely weather last Saturday, so we chose the terrace.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: This is what I look like when I am assessing a piece of clothing…. Not my usual cheery face. Four photos. The first one is rather scary.

Below: Yep, came home with me. You will see all of it another day, when I have styled it.

Below: There is a lovely shoe shop in Cornelis Schuytstraat, called Manwood. One of the sales ladies was demonstrating to a client that these cute high heeled boots look very good underneath a dress. She won me over. Nevertheless I have decided not to buy anymore high heels until Knee is totally healed (if ever). Still have four unworn pairs. But boy oh boy did they have tempting stock.

Black high heeled boots

Below: Sabine was totally in love with this dress of which only size L was left. She is still chasing her size S on the internet. Even after seeing my horrifying example. Needless to say my figure is totally wrong for this kind of dress. She knows though that her figure will do it justice. I cannot remember which shop this is.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: Another attempt at a French Connection shop.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: At first I really liked the wide shirt. Then I looked at the photos Sabine took and decided against it. Too wide. Probably with less bosom it will look nicer. It stayed in the shop.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: This is a side street of Cornelis Schuytstraat. Sooo pretty.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: This little dog however, looks as if to say: “wouldn’t mind a bit more space to do my thing, you know”.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: Close-up of my new purse. Or better said, my second-hand purse. The flower is a cut-out. From Today’s Vintage. More about that later.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: Me trying to photograph Sabine ………

…. and her sabotising it….

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: Better… she is wearing the white sweater, again bought on our last expedition.

Shopping in Amsterdam, Cornelis Schuytstraat

Below: While we were ending the day with a drink, a last close-up of the jewellery. You can see the Filippa K top better now. It has pleats at the front…


Below: … and some at the back. Now the only thing I need is to learn how to walk more upright. Always slightly slouching. I have tried it least 30 times. Failed every time. I just forget.

Cream top

What happened in my life this week?

In my little holiday I went over to Misja’s house for coffee and a chat. About her photography business and about my camera (skills). She taught me a thing or two. Again, one step further in mastering photography. It is not as easy as it looks. Not at all.

Below: This photo was a trial and I crudely photo shopped it to protect the privacy of her house. So why include it? Only to prove to certain people that I do wear outfits more than once.  😆

Friday morning was excellent to visit Today’s Vintage in Hoofddorp again. I told you about this second-hand shop before. (Misja did a great blog post about them.). They had just reopened the shop after a summer break. And Anouk (one of the two owners), was sorting through some newly arrived merchandise. She was just as excited as I was. Opening treasure troves. There were terrific belts, really expensive ones, never used. I bought 2.

Today's Vintage

Below: And I bought that cute ochre leather purse at Today’s Vintage. Etc. Went wild.

Ochre leather purse Today's Vintage

Below: The owners Anouk (left) and Gaby (right) in their shop. Anouk had just snatched the red sweater from the racks to combine with her red leather trousers. They are good customers of their own shop haha. I love their stuff. They also advise you honestly. If something doesn’t suit you, they will tell you and advise against it. That is the way it should always be.

Today's Vintage

Below: I met another entrepreneur when I was at Today’s Vintage: this young woman sells shoes you can customize AND you can buy a different size for each foot. The company is called HielZ.

Below: The idea is wearing a different shoe on each foot.

Below: Friday afternoon my friend and neighbour Froukje and I sat in the sun at the beach. And chatted. And talked. Had tea and iced coffee and wine. Solved world problems.

Beach Bloemendaal

Our husbands joined us at the end of the afternoon. We had a lovely dinner looking at the sun sinking into the sea.

Below: Look at Ron being colour coordinated! Purple polo and lilac Converse sneakers.

Of course I intended to write more about what happened than showing photos. So this is not developing the right way. Hmm..

Anyway, it was a lovely break. With lots of laughs, friends and relaxed dinners. Oh and shopping. How could I forget!

When I came back in the office on Monday, my cancelled project was revitalized. With even more challenging deadlines. What’s new? Just another manic week.


No Fear of Fashion


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