London in April. Let’s start with the obligatory photo of two people on a terrace haha. There are always people willing to take a picture of the two of you (or more). Although this doesn’t do much for the artistic side of things, at least you have documented a happy occasion. In this case my meet-up with blogger Jacqueline of Petite Silver Vixen. And petite she is. With me being rather tall, the difference in size between us was magnified. That is only the outside. Inside we are much more alike. I met Jacqueline in May last year at the 3040 Blogger Meet, and I wanted to meet her again, if only for coffee.
I had been walking through Regent Street, Oxford Street and Covent Garden. The latter being by far the nicest area. As public transport in London is great and certainly the underground, you have no problem getting from one end of town to the other. I met Jacqueline in the hall of Liverpool Street Station.
Below: Jacqueline at the station, arriving from work. Trailing a trolley with work related stuff. Bit of a bad photo but it was really dark there, so forgive me.
Below: this is a proper photo of her. A bubbling, cheerful person, honest, funny and upbeat with terrific skin genes.
In the photo at the top I am wearing a new blouse which I had just bought at COS. Ridiculous really. There are enough COS stores in The Netherlands, so why buy something in this shop when you are in London? Cannot help it, they had lovely things. I could have bought 5 things, easy. Didn’t do that. I wasn’t that bad. Perhaps because I had the hand luggage to think of?
Below: Covent Garden. COS was right nextdoor to Eileen Fisher and I adore the simple lines and excellent quality of Eileen Fisher. I went in there first as this brand has no stores in The Netherlands. Alas, most of the colours were neutrals with only a bit of lime/yellow and I wanted lots of red and green, no yellow.
Below: at the end of the passage above, is a pretty square with Jamie’s Italian restaurant in a corner. The food there was very tasteful and inexpensive. Nice staff and a very popular place.
Below: street artist. Underneath his head is a piece of wood with nails sticking up. Very flexible guy.
Below: on Long Acre from Leicester Square Station to Covent Garden Station. A nice green area with lovely shops. There is T K Maxx, where I was very tempted by an orange bag (Lancet), at a discount price. Only one street away from Long Acre are the expensive shops like Burberry in Kings Street.
I fell in love with mini bags displayed in the shop windows. Only the prices of the mini bags weren’t that mini. Which lead me to Zara when I got back home. They have loads of cute mini bags looking like a million dollar and costing little. I stacked them.
Below: the more expensive bags. Very cute I will admit that.
Below: Regent Street. The Café Royal to be precise. I saw a lovely door with a doorman. I had to ask what was so important that he needed to be there. “Well, madam, this is a 5 star hotel. Would you like to see it?” Of course I would. He passed me on to a charming lady who showed me the original Café Royal from the old days. Now that is glitter and glamour.
When I told her that booking a room in a 5 star hotel was out of my league, she said: “Oh but you can also have lunch here or just drink a coffee.” She led me to the coffee salon.
Below: real flowers and artificial flowers in the windows of the café, making a pretty picture. Can you spot the guy in the bottom left corner of the first picture? He was such a good looker and sooo well dressed. His friend was even nicer. Less slick and no, they were not gay (I think). I had a very good view in all directions haha. The waitress agreed with my assessment.
The cappuccino in the café was very good. Only it cost 6 pounds 75, which is € 8. For one cappuccino. I went back to the nice lady who had shown me around and said I was very glad I only had a cappuccino and not lunch. We had a good laugh. It was a good thing I was on my own. So many of my friends (and Ron) would have been sooooo embarrassed.
Below: lovely pub. I waited forever to get a picture without people in it.
Below: lunch in a vegetarian restaurant where you had to assemble the food for your plate. Of course I never noticed the restaurant was vegetarian and inquired about a dish: “Is this meat or fish?”. Yeah right. You better think twice before going out with me. I do tend to embarrass a lot.
Below: in a street near Oxford Street I saw this beautiful building.
Below: Oxford Street itself was terrible. Touristy (in a very bad way), cheap shops, souvenir shops (tasteless ones), phone shops and an enormous amount of building activities. The only decent building I found in Oxford Street, as in good looking and modern, was Zara!! Looked very classy.
Below: from Oxford Street I walked through a short street (Soho Street) to find a lovely little park. Big contrast.
Below: back to Covent Garden. From there I went to Liverpool Street Station. As I was looking at my map, a gentleman (my age) offered to guide me to the station. We had a nice chat while walking. Upon arriving at the station, he said: “I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but I find you very scrumptious. Do you know what scrumptious means?” Oh hell yes, I know what that means. I thanked him, mubbled something and ran off haha. I have only been picked out by a man because of my looks four times in my life. This was the fourth time. It made me giggle. Never too old.
Over to Saturday morning. As I said in my post of the UK Blog Awards, the photos of the girls and me having brunch are too aweful to show. After brunch Annette (The Lady of Style) and I went to Notting Hill Gardens to wander around and have lunch. Brunch, lunch.. you have to eat right?
Below: Notting Hill Gardens is a beautiful and posh neighbourhood, as you can see below. Look at that building in the middle with the lavender blue wisteria….
Below: that is this house. Poor people who live there. Although I suppose they know what they are doing. Every tourist walking through that street did what Annette and I did…
Below: … posing in front of the house to take a photo. Lovely Annette.
Below: and at the side of the house hahaha. When I packed I thought the necklace would add a bit of pizazz to the outfit. Totally forgetting I was wearing sneakers. Sneakers and a statement necklace… hmm not that good.
Below: but the necklace itself is pretty. A friend of mine made it. I have about 15 different ones. See this post Chunky Necklaces.
Below: had to take a photo of this fun car.
Below: and this post ends the way it started… with a photo of two friends at a table haha. Having lunch this time. Have a look at Annette’s blog: The Lady of Style. She not only reports on this beautiful area but also gives tips about other areas to visit and places to eat.
Head over to Adrienne’s and Jill’s How I wear my… ladylike elegance, this month. Amazing how much beauty there is to see. When we want to, we can look very, very good. Adrienne’s How I wear my.. shows different outfits than Jill’s How I wear my.. So be sure to visit them both.
Thanks for my mini-vacay in London with you! I feel like i was with you on your adventures…all while drinking my morning cappuccino . NYC in August? Give a holler, we can walk together.
NYC in August is something I don’t think I can make. So far the preparations haven’t gone well and I see myself spending too much money (which I don’t have anymore) on such a trip. You will have to do with my little trips in Europe.
Glad you enjoyed London. It does have some stunning architecture. I often walk around with my head in the air looking at some of the stunning buildings.
That is a very good way of looking at cities. There are so many beautiful things on buildings/houses high up in the air. Just be careful in traffic haha.
Beautiful pictures! And I like your casual look, with your jeans, blazer and sneakers. And I love seeing you next to Annette, who is a woman with a lot of style, elegance and personality. I’m sure you shared a lot of things and had a really good time.
Actually we didn’t even share that much. Just chatted as if we knew each other for a long time. Which, in a way, we do. As we follow each other’s blog for 4 years now.
Great pics Greetje! Always a pleasure following along as you travel and meet people.
I have to say, I really like the top from COS that you bought! The neckline is so pretty!
They had dresses in the design of the top as well, but I chose the blouse.
Glad you still like my reports.
Lovely photos and there is so much to see and in London. Good to see my friend Jacqui getting out and about too. A lovely lady, I’m sure you have had some fun in London Greetje xx
Times haven’t been easy on Jacqueline this past year. But she keeps her positive take on the world. It was lovely to meet her again.
You ARE scrumptious! I love that you were hit on – what did Ron say when you told him? Wonderful pictures of London – I want to go back!
Ron couldn’t care less. I make him feel very secure, very confident that I will not leave him. Usually it is wise to leave a little percentage of doubt. Just to make sure the man keeps on courting you, but in the case of Ron that is not a good idea. And me being scrumptious just makes me laugh. Pretty hard too. Never mind, I will accept the compliment haha.
When was the last time you were in London?
So you entertained me through my breakfast! I love your stories and as a hooked on England person, I loved this post!
Aha, another England lover. I could emigrate to that country. Very hooked on programs like Escape to the country.
Your trip to London was highly entertaining Greetje. Although you often apologize for poor the occasional poor photo quality I rely find ALL of you photos to be part of the charm of your blog. I also think it’s delightful that you engage folks in conversation. I think it adds to the richness of the experience and because of you friendly, fun, flirtatious nature you reveal your scrumptiousness!
I am just the same way and I think we need to interact with and enjoy people more!! Even more so when traveling!!!
Your new blouse at the beginning of this post was very cute and I also liked the eclectic contrast of the chunky necklace, classic blazer, and sporty sneakers.
My favorite scenic moment was the wisteria house!!! Your blogging friend in her orange (?) top looked great against the lavender flowers.
A satisfying post of your journey. It would be fun to giggle with you over coffee sometime.
Ah the drawback of blogging: lovely people being so far away. As yes, it would indeed be fun to giggle over coffee. You did so with Suzanne and Diane. But you will have to come over to Amsterdam to do that with me. When Suzanne was visiting she said: “My goodness, you are like my father. You talk to everybody anywhere all the time”. Haha. And yes I enjoy that tremendously.
Great blog today! Reading and admiring the photos made me want to plan a trip to London again. It’s been too long. And you looked so attractive it’s no wonder you had an admirer approach you. Funny.
It rarely happens that a man finds me attractive on first sight. Or I have never noticed. I am not a pretty woman. Just average. But I am a bit of a smooth talker haha. A flirt. That is how I did it.
It was so nice having you play with us in London! I hope you come back soon. It is fun to see your take on ‘my’ city! xx
Hah!! Well I think I will wait for you to come my way now. I have been to London twice now. As it is a grand city I don’t really mind though.
As you know Greetje I am defo up for a trip to see you! Let’s see if we can get the rest of the girl gang there too 😉
Ooohhh that would be nice !!!! (Understatement of the year.)
I love your posts. They’re like little travelogues, giving us a taste of cool places. Both the photos and prose are fun.
Thanks Ally, always so nice to hear I am still on the right track. It is the easiest way for me to blog. I love everything in the process. From buying clothes (hahaha.. obvious) to creating an outfit, photographing it, selecting the right photos, writing the post and editing it three times. A lot of work, but it is a cherished hobby.
Indeed you have a very charming personality. I think it helps you loads in life : ) and maybe gets you into a bit of trouble as well ; P
Loved your pictorial scrapbook of your recent travels.
Looks like you had a great time.
Oh yes, my easy way of communicating with people has brought me in awkward predicaments. All things have a good and a bad side. But I agree, usually this part of my character helps me a lot.
On the contrary, hanging out with someone that asks brilliantly timed questions must be a hoot, and the perfect antidote for the current seriousness! It’s a gift 🙂
Well, some people, like my mother, bury their head in shame, when I get really going haha. I take after my father in that respect. I do hesitate about your perception of me asking “brilliantly timed questions” haha. I shoot from the hip. Don’t think too much about what I say or ask.
I swear you travel more than I brush my teeth, Greetje!! LOL
But what a fun way to meet other bloggers and see the sights at the same time!
Do you take all of these photos with your “real” camera or your iphone? I know when we travel, the last thing I want to do is lug around my big camera!
I lug around by big camera all the time: on the plane, walking to the hotel and every day when I was in London. As I did in Paris, Rome, Milan etc. When I want to make photos for the blog, I take my camera with me. Heavy? YES!! The things I won’t do for you lot.
To tell you the truth, I am not much of a traveller. I hardly go on vacation, but with this blogging I find myself travelling a lot, you are right. It is getting a bit of a money issue too. I was planning to go to New York in August but the money well dried up.
Hi Greetje, It is Elle
sorry for hi-jacking this comment.
You site is not publishing my comments and I wanted to let you know.
I sure an enjoying them though and am following you, too in IG so I don’t miss out.
Kisses, Elle
How utterly strange. It is showing this comment. Do you receive this reply in your mail? I did see a broken link warning on one of your comments. I just dismissed it as I thought it didn’t matter that your site address wasn’t correctly filled in. Perhaps I was wrong?
You are “scrumptious”, the gentleman was right. ? Thank you for sharing your pictures, always enjoy to hear about your travels. I am not a traveler so I always enjoy when you share!
I am not a traveller either. Honestly. Because of all my blogging contacts I suddenly start travelling. As long as it is not too long I am fine.
Me being scrumptious hahaha.. don’t think so but I gladly accept the compliment.
I know every single area where you went 😛 I go to most of these places but I don’t know the restaurant, what is it called?
Also, scrumptious. What a fantastic word. You don’t hear that often
I agree, you don’t hear that word often and it is nice. I am quite smitten (another word I love) with the fact that I knew what it meant haha. Being Dutch.
I had to look at the statement of my credit card haha. It is called Ethos and my meal was not expensive.
Thanks. I’ll check it out
It’s so nice that she visited you. She seems to be a very nice and friendly person from the email contacts I had with her in the past. When will you visit me? So far only Chrissy at Granola and Grace made it up here.
No Nicole, Jacqueline did not visit me, I went to London and had tea and coffee with her.
When I will be in Alaska? I am afraid that is a never. So sorry, but I am not much of a traveller anyway. Three or four days being in a big city I can handle. But travelling up north to Alaska… I am afraid we are very different in that. I was sort of hoping you would come to Amsterdam….
The Cos top is very you ….I’ve never heard of them or Eileen Fisher but then I’m an unsophisticated country bumpkin! The Café Royal is stupendous, I’m glad you got a guided tour, it’s nice to hear that our tourists are looked after, probably because they want you to shell out six quid for a coffee! Although I just paid €4.80 at Nantes airport which I thought was expensive and it came in a paper cup!
Go Greetje… how flattering to be ‘hit on’ by a chap, I’m not surprised at all, I’m sure he was charmed by your style and enthusiasm for life. What did Ron say?
London, Nantes.. there are expensive places everywhere around the world. (But seriously.. at an airport? They must have figured out you haven’t much choice.)
As for the “hit-on”, Ron doesn’t mind at all. He is not jealous and I also give him no reason to be. I would never cheat on him and he knows. They can look and admire, but they won’t get me.
London is a very interesting city with a wide range of shops from cheap to very high quality ones ( and many occasions to spend a lot of money too!! )
A great place where meet friends as well…
I know for sure that…it can turn out be very “dangerous” going out with you!! 🙂
Hahaha… tell me Dan, how many times did I embarrass you? You have always been too polite by not telling me when I did.
Sometimes you act in a funny way but everything you do is OK for me…
( and the sign of your explosive personality!)
I wish I knew what I did haha
I loved your recap of your London adventures! A cappuccino sounds perfect in such a fancy hotel! And how funny that you asked about the “meat” in the vegetarian restaurant! I think it would be lots of fun to travel with you! Glad you got to meet up with some fellow bloggers, too!
Fortunately I can laugh over my own stupid mistakes. I take after my father in that respect. We just have no shame haha.
We (my mother, father, Ron and I) did an coffee and tea once in the Amstel Hotel in Amsterdam. Mooring with the boat, looking like bums. The Amstel Hotel is very posh but I said: “it can never be that much for tea and coffee”. Which it wasn’t. I decided to play tourist anyway and started shooting photos of us all. A very, very, very posh lady got up and said: “if you give me the camera, I will take a picture of the four of you”. She was so nice. Waved at us as we left.
Oh, how lovely that you met Jacqueline again. Pulling her case, she looks like an international woman coming back from jetsetting. And then there you are, doing what? Shopping! Hahaha. Well done. I love your views of the city and its side streets and attractions. And a man tried to pick you up. Excellent! Of course, because you look smashing.
I think the chunky necklace looks fine with the sneakers, but I’m not you. Heh. Great necklace. And Annette, she always look so put together. Such admirable posture!
Final note, nobody can out-embarrass me. We would be an excellent duo running around the city. Hahaha.
Oh yes, you wouldn’t be embarrassed at all. We would indeed be an excellent duo. Probably inspiring each other to go an extra mile haha. I believe your friend Sandra is a bit like you too. Right?
Thanks for sharing your trip to London. Your stories are so funny and the photos are really nice. It is such a beautiful city. I need to go back soon! I also love your COS top and the chunky necklace your friend made. Sort of a tribal feel with the classic cameo and pearls mixed in. Very creative. Would love to see more of your collection!
Darling Elaine, there is a link in my post, just above the photo of the necklace my friend made. And that link brings you to a post with 14 more necklaces she made for me.
I hope you get to see London soon. I agree, it is a lovely city.
I like all your pics, which show London, the beautyfull city. Haven’t been there for almost 24 years. Much too long. Have a good time
I would say: why not book another visit?
It’s so nice that she visited you. She seems to be a very nice and friendly person from the email contacts I had with her in the past. When will you visit me? So far only Chrissy at Granola and Grace made it up here.
No Nicole, Jacqueline did not visit me, I went to London and had tea and coffee with her.
When I will be in Alaska? I am afraid that is a never. So sorry, but I am not much of a traveller anyway. Three or four days being in a big city I can handle. But travelling up north to Alaska… I am afraid we are very different in that. I was sort of hoping you would come to Amsterdam….
Oh, how lovely that you met Jacqueline again. Pulling her case, she looks like an international woman coming back from jetsetting. And then there you are, doing what? Shopping! Hahaha. Well done. I love your views of the city and its side streets and attractions. And a man tried to pick you up. Excellent! Of course, because you look smashing.
I think the chunky necklace looks fine with the sneakers, but I’m not you. Heh. Great necklace. And Annette, she always look so put together. Such admirable posture!
Final note, nobody can out-embarrass me. We would be an excellent duo running around the city. Hahaha.
Oh yes, you wouldn’t be embarrassed at all. We would indeed be an excellent duo. Probably inspiring each other to go an extra mile haha. I believe your friend Sandra is a bit like you too. Right?
I like all your pics, which show London, the beautyfull city. Haven’t been there for almost 24 years. Much too long. Have a good time
I would say: why not book another visit?
I loved your recap of your London adventures! A cappuccino sounds perfect in such a fancy hotel! And how funny that you asked about the “meat” in the vegetarian restaurant! I think it would be lots of fun to travel with you! Glad you got to meet up with some fellow bloggers, too!
Fortunately I can laugh over my own stupid mistakes. I take after my father in that respect. We just have no shame haha.
We (my mother, father, Ron and I) did an coffee and tea once in the Amstel Hotel in Amsterdam. Mooring with the boat, looking like bums. The Amstel Hotel is very posh but I said: “it can never be that much for tea and coffee”. Which it wasn’t. I decided to play tourist anyway and started shooting photos of us all. A very, very, very posh lady got up and said: “if you give me the camera, I will take a picture of the four of you”. She was so nice. Waved at us as we left.
London is a very interesting city with a wide range of shops from cheap to very high quality ones ( and many occasions to spend a lot of money too!! )
A great place where meet friends as well…
I know for sure that…it can turn out be very “dangerous” going out with you!! 🙂
Hahaha… tell me Dan, how many times did I embarrass you? You have always been too polite by not telling me when I did.
Sometimes you act in a funny way but everything you do is OK for me…
( and the sign of your explosive personality!)
I wish I knew what I did haha
Thanks for sharing your trip to London. Your stories are so funny and the photos are really nice. It is such a beautiful city. I need to go back soon! I also love your COS top and the chunky necklace your friend made. Sort of a tribal feel with the classic cameo and pearls mixed in. Very creative. Would love to see more of your collection!
Darling Elaine, there is a link in my post, just above the photo of the necklace my friend made. And that link brings you to a post with 14 more necklaces she made for me.
I hope you get to see London soon. I agree, it is a lovely city.
The Cos top is very you ….I’ve never heard of them or Eileen Fisher but then I’m an unsophisticated country bumpkin! The Café Royal is stupendous, I’m glad you got a guided tour, it’s nice to hear that our tourists are looked after, probably because they want you to shell out six quid for a coffee! Although I just paid €4.80 at Nantes airport which I thought was expensive and it came in a paper cup!
Go Greetje… how flattering to be ‘hit on’ by a chap, I’m not surprised at all, I’m sure he was charmed by your style and enthusiasm for life. What did Ron say?
London, Nantes.. there are expensive places everywhere around the world. (But seriously.. at an airport? They must have figured out you haven’t much choice.)
As for the “hit-on”, Ron doesn’t mind at all. He is not jealous and I also give him no reason to be. I would never cheat on him and he knows. They can look and admire, but they won’t get me.
I know every single area where you went 😛 I go to most of these places but I don’t know the restaurant, what is it called?
Also, scrumptious. What a fantastic word. You don’t hear that often
I agree, you don’t hear that word often and it is nice. I am quite smitten (another word I love) with the fact that I knew what it meant haha. Being Dutch.
I had to look at the statement of my credit card haha. It is called Ethos and my meal was not expensive.
Thanks. I’ll check it out
Thanks for my mini-vacay in London with you! I feel like i was with you on your adventures…all while drinking my morning cappuccino . NYC in August? Give a holler, we can walk together.
NYC in August is something I don’t think I can make. So far the preparations haven’t gone well and I see myself spending too much money (which I don’t have anymore) on such a trip. You will have to do with my little trips in Europe.
Beautiful pictures! And I like your casual look, with your jeans, blazer and sneakers. And I love seeing you next to Annette, who is a woman with a lot of style, elegance and personality. I’m sure you shared a lot of things and had a really good time.
Actually we didn’t even share that much. Just chatted as if we knew each other for a long time. Which, in a way, we do. As we follow each other’s blog for 4 years now.
Glad you enjoyed London. It does have some stunning architecture. I often walk around with my head in the air looking at some of the stunning buildings.
That is a very good way of looking at cities. There are so many beautiful things on buildings/houses high up in the air. Just be careful in traffic haha.
On the contrary, hanging out with someone that asks brilliantly timed questions must be a hoot, and the perfect antidote for the current seriousness! It’s a gift 🙂
Well, some people, like my mother, bury their head in shame, when I get really going haha. I take after my father in that respect. I do hesitate about your perception of me asking “brilliantly timed questions” haha. I shoot from the hip. Don’t think too much about what I say or ask.
So you entertained me through my breakfast! I love your stories and as a hooked on England person, I loved this post!
Aha, another England lover. I could emigrate to that country. Very hooked on programs like Escape to the country.
I love your posts. They’re like little travelogues, giving us a taste of cool places. Both the photos and prose are fun.
Thanks Ally, always so nice to hear I am still on the right track. It is the easiest way for me to blog. I love everything in the process. From buying clothes (hahaha.. obvious) to creating an outfit, photographing it, selecting the right photos, writing the post and editing it three times. A lot of work, but it is a cherished hobby.
Your trip to London was highly entertaining Greetje. Although you often apologize for poor the occasional poor photo quality I rely find ALL of you photos to be part of the charm of your blog. I also think it’s delightful that you engage folks in conversation. I think it adds to the richness of the experience and because of you friendly, fun, flirtatious nature you reveal your scrumptiousness!
I am just the same way and I think we need to interact with and enjoy people more!! Even more so when traveling!!!
Your new blouse at the beginning of this post was very cute and I also liked the eclectic contrast of the chunky necklace, classic blazer, and sporty sneakers.
My favorite scenic moment was the wisteria house!!! Your blogging friend in her orange (?) top looked great against the lavender flowers.
A satisfying post of your journey. It would be fun to giggle with you over coffee sometime.
Ah the drawback of blogging: lovely people being so far away. As yes, it would indeed be fun to giggle over coffee. You did so with Suzanne and Diane. But you will have to come over to Amsterdam to do that with me. When Suzanne was visiting she said: “My goodness, you are like my father. You talk to everybody anywhere all the time”. Haha. And yes I enjoy that tremendously.
You ARE scrumptious! I love that you were hit on – what did Ron say when you told him? Wonderful pictures of London – I want to go back!
Ron couldn’t care less. I make him feel very secure, very confident that I will not leave him. Usually it is wise to leave a little percentage of doubt. Just to make sure the man keeps on courting you, but in the case of Ron that is not a good idea. And me being scrumptious just makes me laugh. Pretty hard too. Never mind, I will accept the compliment haha.
When was the last time you were in London?
Indeed you have a very charming personality. I think it helps you loads in life : ) and maybe gets you into a bit of trouble as well ; P
Loved your pictorial scrapbook of your recent travels.
Looks like you had a great time.
Oh yes, my easy way of communicating with people has brought me in awkward predicaments. All things have a good and a bad side. But I agree, usually this part of my character helps me a lot.
You are “scrumptious”, the gentleman was right. ? Thank you for sharing your pictures, always enjoy to hear about your travels. I am not a traveler so I always enjoy when you share!
I am not a traveller either. Honestly. Because of all my blogging contacts I suddenly start travelling. As long as it is not too long I am fine.
Me being scrumptious hahaha.. don’t think so but I gladly accept the compliment.
Great blog today! Reading and admiring the photos made me want to plan a trip to London again. It’s been too long. And you looked so attractive it’s no wonder you had an admirer approach you. Funny.
It rarely happens that a man finds me attractive on first sight. Or I have never noticed. I am not a pretty woman. Just average. But I am a bit of a smooth talker haha. A flirt. That is how I did it.
Great pics Greetje! Always a pleasure following along as you travel and meet people.
I have to say, I really like the top from COS that you bought! The neckline is so pretty!
They had dresses in the design of the top as well, but I chose the blouse.
Glad you still like my reports.
Lovely photos and there is so much to see and in London. Good to see my friend Jacqui getting out and about too. A lovely lady, I’m sure you have had some fun in London Greetje xx
Times haven’t been easy on Jacqueline this past year. But she keeps her positive take on the world. It was lovely to meet her again.
It was so nice having you play with us in London! I hope you come back soon. It is fun to see your take on ‘my’ city! xx
Hah!! Well I think I will wait for you to come my way now. I have been to London twice now. As it is a grand city I don’t really mind though.
As you know Greetje I am defo up for a trip to see you! Let’s see if we can get the rest of the girl gang there too 😉
Ooohhh that would be nice !!!! (Understatement of the year.)
I swear you travel more than I brush my teeth, Greetje!! LOL
But what a fun way to meet other bloggers and see the sights at the same time!
Do you take all of these photos with your “real” camera or your iphone? I know when we travel, the last thing I want to do is lug around my big camera!
I lug around by big camera all the time: on the plane, walking to the hotel and every day when I was in London. As I did in Paris, Rome, Milan etc. When I want to make photos for the blog, I take my camera with me. Heavy? YES!! The things I won’t do for you lot.
To tell you the truth, I am not much of a traveller. I hardly go on vacation, but with this blogging I find myself travelling a lot, you are right. It is getting a bit of a money issue too. I was planning to go to New York in August but the money well dried up.
Hi Greetje, It is Elle
sorry for hi-jacking this comment.
You site is not publishing my comments and I wanted to let you know.
I sure an enjoying them though and am following you, too in IG so I don’t miss out.
Kisses, Elle
How utterly strange. It is showing this comment. Do you receive this reply in your mail? I did see a broken link warning on one of your comments. I just dismissed it as I thought it didn’t matter that your site address wasn’t correctly filled in. Perhaps I was wrong?