• Blue skirtAlthough just a simple blue skirt, it has been on my wish list for ages. Last week, as I was going to fetch that lettuce, I strolled into the shop of Bellamy Gallery. I have been a fan of their clothes since they started. Perfect basics which sometimes don’t look exciting on the website or on the hanger, but they do look good on a person. It is because they are so well-made I think. And sustainable. The white shirt came with me as well.

I wore it immediately the next day when 4 of the 6 BVA friends were to meet. The fifth friend had a sick husband and the sixth friend was in Spain. Difficult to get them all together these days.

Below: Claudia was the hostess of the day so we all went to her house. She spends a lot of time on the water and tans easily as you can see. Unbelievable that she is 51.


Below: Marianne was present as well, cheerful as always. Claudia’s garden is beautiful.


Below: And here is Jilske, goofing around with Marianne.

Jilske and Marianne

Below: Jilske was kind enough to take some outfit photos.

Blue skirt

Below: Indoors against a red background.

Blue skirt

Below: Claudia’s garden borders a canal. I am joking with the neighbour across the water, pretending to take a dive. I am wearing much of my scarf knotted at the back. (Ron asked me whether I had a sore throat which isn’t helping me when trying to wear scarves more often.)

Blue skirt

Below: The colours in this photo are terrible but you can see the gold-plated earrings. They are very different from my usual style, but also by Lara Design. They match the pattern of my scarf and that is not by accident.

Lara Design earrings gold-plated

We had a delicious lunch in Claudia’s garden and went on our usual shopping spree, this time in the old and pretty town of Zwolle.

Below: Claudia on an old bridge.


Below: I shot all of the scenery when we went back home.


Below: View to the left.


Below: Zwolle is so beautiful. I am showing you some randomly taken photos of the old town.


Below: Yes, built in 1685 and still standing.


Below: The old gate through which you got into the town in the old days, if you passed the guards. Usually the town was surrounded by water.


Below: I love terraces on squares with big trees and old buildings.


Below: We always use the net at the back of Marianne’s wheelchair, to put all our stuff in, like coats and purchases. Jilske (on the left) is striking a pose for me.

The BVA gang in Zwolle

Below: One of the awesome buildings is this church, which has been converted into a café.

Book shop in a church in Zwolle

Below: And also converted into a bookstore.

Book shop in a church in Zwolle

Below: The organ is still there. Oh, that ceiling! Isn’t it magnificent?

Book shop in a church in Zwolle

Below: Different sections of books on different levels. At the top level is another café, called Reading heaven.

Book shop in a church in Zwolle

Below: Claudia and Jilske contemplating a dress.

Claudia and Jilske

Below: Yes, she bought it. It was too good on her to leave it in the shop. What a body. I wisely didn’t buy anything after my spending the day before and last week.


Below: Two more beautiful buildings.



Below: We finished the day with a dinner on a terrace.

4 of the 6 BVA friends

Below: A matching cardigan (also from Bellamy Gallery) for the evening. As Jilske took this photo, people were having dinner on the left and right side of the road. We had quite an audience haha.

Blue skirt

As always it was a very enjoyable day. Laughter and friends, it doesn’t get much better.

What happened in my life this week

Saturday was a nice day. Sunshine, easy living, some coffee and a chat in town with Karlijn.

Did I tell you, I didn’t buy two but three pairs from EIJK that Friday in Rotterdam? On the left, the champagne-coloured boots which I also bought. They arrived on Monday. Ron took the package from the DHL man and only raised one eyebrow.

Shoes and boots from EIJK

Below: I saw this lady, looking like Frida Kahlo, in town and was in awe. How beautiful is she? She gave me permission to take her photo and post it on the blog. Beautiful, colourful people like this you don’t see every day and certainly not in Haarlem.

Frida Kahlo look-a-like

As I walked home I passed a girl on a terrace who was wearing the sandals I was looking for all summer. At first I walked on, but decided to ask her where she bought them anyway. She was very enthusiastic about them and gave me all the information plus the fact they were in the sale now. I felt terrible even thinking of ordering them because I had already bought so many shoes and boots. Then I decided to ignore the feeling and order them. After all (this is my excuse, one of thousands) the black pumps and champagne/golden boots were for autumn and winter.

Sunday Ron was walking the dog on the beach and called me to say he met our friends and neighbours, Froukje and Petro, walking along the shore. They were heading to the restaurant Beach Inn. “Would I like to join them?” I was in my car like a shot and had a very enjoyable lunch with them.

Monday my neighbour Monique and I went to the Rijksmuseum, preceded by lunch at Hans and Grietje. It is getting boring, isn’t it? Wonderful sunny day (it rained while we were in the museum). Those bread rolls were the best and crispiest I have ever eaten.

Lunch at Hans and Grietje

Below: There were so many wonderful things to see in the Rijksmuseum, but I won’t show them all. If you are interested, check out this blog post about the “yellow skirt” in the Rijksmuseum.
Monique and I both loved this painting called Forest View near Barbizon by Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch.

Painting Rijksmuseum

Below: As we ordered coffee during a little break, we couldn’t resist ordering meringue with whipped cream and strawberries. Monique didn’t finish hers but I did. And the scales prove it.


While in the morning the champagne coloured boots had arrived, in the evening the summer sandals came. Again, Ron opened the door to accept the package. After that he put a note on the little window in the front door. It says: “Please no more shoes today!”. Ha ha ha.

Joke by Ron

Tuesday started with a photo shoot with Loes. So glad she is back. (I felt really guilty having to ask Kitty so many times.) We did it quite quickly and you will see the result of our cooperation next week. After the shoot we headed to a terrace for coffee. We were glad that they had thick screens out as some heavy rain was coming down. No problem underneath the screens. We waited out the sun and strolled home.
In the afternoon I went to visit Helga and we talked about her new house (moving somewhere in the beginning of next year) and her decoration plans.  Always nice to see her.

Wednesday Marcella arrived quite early and we created a video of her while demonstrating three pairs of tortoise print earrings. We had a lot of fun (and struggle) to get it on IGTV but we did it. We will be creating more of them, so I have to develop some new skills. In video creating, video editing and Instagram. Keeps the mind young.
In the afternoon I started this blog post, which is rather late for me.

Thursday I visited Katrien in Leiden and we went to Museum De Lakenhal. I have never been to museums as often as this summer. I find it very educational and it doesn’t cost me anything as I have a year subscription.
Apart from having lunch in a café (a girl has got to eat) and the museum visit, we just chatted. OK, we did see her friend Antoinette in her vintage shop. I took photos with my iPhone 12 and the colours are pretty ugly. Nevertheless, you might find yourself seeing them in a blog post in two weeks.

Friday morning was busy with gardening and all sorts of things. At noon, Ron’s brother and his wife visited us and (you guessed it…) we went out for lunch. All lovely weather and sunshine until half an hour after we were seated. When we finished our lunch, Ron walked home when it was a little bit dryer and fetched the car to get us home without getting wet. Such a chivalrous man.

That’s it for this week. Really busy. Next week I am trying to slow down a bit as I have to learn my Photoshop Elements program. Oops, already three days with appointments.


No Fear of Fashion

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